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Open-File Report 2002-002

Prepared in cooperation with with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002

Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:

A Digital Data Release

Visual Core Description: LISAT-11

SHIP: R/V Atlantic Twin
LOCATION: Horton Point (L.I.N.Y.), eastern Long Island Sound
LATITUDE: 41o 07.48' N
LONGITUDE: 72o 28.77' W
LORAN: 26329.2, 43947.1
COMMENTS: Seismic line for this core is Line AT#10 (sparker). This lines runs from 0939-0957. hrs. Core at 0952 on record. Core did not reach intended target, vibrator quit at about 15' penetration. Target site was I-1 on uniboom record line 30, at 1646, AST 82-3, at 1335 on 2/85). Another core (LISAT-12 was completed at the site. Section 1 contains black clay into gray clay, with shells throughout. Section 3 has a 13 cm void on top, layers of large oyster shells, lots of organic mud, shells made it difficult to cut, mud/sand contact near bottom.
PENTROMETER RECORD: Rapid 0-10'; moderate 11' to end
0-126 cm (Section 1) - 0-47.5 cm: olive, 5Y 4/3, to black, 5Y 2.5/1, with depth, sand between 0-18 cm; olive gray, 5Y 4/2, sand between 19-29.5, 33-39.5, and 41-44 cm, some silt. Charcoal black 7.5YR N2/0 clay layers in the intervals 18-19 and 29.5-30.5; shell layers between 32-33, 39.5-41, and 44-47.5 cm (6-12 cm: 95% sand, 3% silt, 2% clay). 47.5-126 cm: dark olive gray, 5Y 3/2, sand, silty, slight H2S odor, some small shell fragments, sharp contact with overlying sediments (81-88 cm: 52% sand, 41% silt, 7% clay)
126-279 cm (Section 2) - Dark olive gray 5Y 3/2, clayey silt, scattered shells and some shell fragments, one larger zone of shell at 181-184, no layering.
279-413 cm (Section 3) - 279-413 cm: dark olive gray, 5Y 3/2 sand, fine, silty, poorly sorted, some slight variations in texture; oyster shell in the intervals 299-303, 329-336, 351-360, and 384-390 cm; voids in the intervals 279-290, 364-364.5, and 390-395 cm; rounded quartz pebble at 383 cm (399-405 cm: 76% sand, 20% silt, 4% clay).

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