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Open-File Report 2002-002

Prepared in cooperation with with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002

Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:

A Digital Data Release

Visual Core Description: LISAT-9

SHIP: R/V Atlantic Twin
LOCATION: central Long Island Sound
LATITUDE: 41o 10.43' N
LONGITUDE: 72o 53.15' W
LORAN: 26549.9, 44010.4
COMMENTS: Seismic line for this core is Line AT#8 (sparker). This lines runs from 1552-1600. hrs. Core at 1558 on record. Core into beach? (site II-3 on uniboom record line 5, at 1104, AST 83-2). Section 4 contains contact between clay and sand; section 5 contains color change about 6 inches into the top.
PENTROMETER RECORD: Very rapid 0-15'; rapid 16-25', moderate 26,27,28'; slow to end
0-138 cm (Section 1) - Dark olive gray, 5Y 3/2, silty clay with some shell fragments, more shells above 7 cm. Silt appears homogeneous except for a mica lens at 126-127 cm, (25-34 cm: 5% sand, 79% silt, 16% clay).
138-290 cm (Section 2) - 138-140 void. 140-290 cm: dark olive gray, 5Y 3/2 silty clay to clay, some zones of shells and shell hash.
290-443 cm (Section 3) - Dark olive gray, 5Y 3/2 clayey silt with occasional fine sand, slightly coarser than overlying sections, within the clayey silt are areas that are predominantly silt and sand (burrows?), some fragments of shell, (328-336 cm: 16% sand, 66% silt, 18% clay).
443-496 cm (Section 4) - 445-571 cm: dark olive gray, 5Y3/2, silty clay with some fine sand and shell hash, sandy zones are probably burrows. Contact at 571 cm is sharp in color and texture. 571-596 cm: dark brown 10YR 3/3 fine sand with silt and medium sand, no shells; no clay; homogeneous.
596-686 cm (Section 5) - Dark brown, 10YR 3/3, sand, moderately well sorted, void at 659-663 cm, no sign of organic material; no changes in texture (625-633 cm

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