Open-File Report 2002-002
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002
Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:
A Digital Data Release
Visual Core Description: AT88-14
SHIP: | R/V Atlantic Twin |
CRUISE: | AT-88 |
CORE: | AT88-14 |
LENGTH: | 379 cm |
DATE OF CORE: | 9/88 |
LOCATION: | Southeast of Narragansett Bay, R.I., Rhode Island Sound |
LATITUDE: | 41o 21.0' N |
LONGITUDE: | 71o 12.6' W |
LORAN: | 14369.8, 43928.7 |
WATER DEPTH (m): | 31 |
DATE SPLIT: | 3/89 |
0 - 47 cm - | Yellowish brown, 10YR 5/6, firm, medium sand grading down - section to sandy gravel. Large 7 - cm subrounded clast at 35 cm; shell fragments. Sharp horizontal lower contact. |
47 - 260 cm - | Light yellowish brown, 10YR 6/4, hard sand with a few scattered gravel clasts. 143 - 240 cm: irregular (not evenly - spaced) convex up laminations; dark: yellowish red; light: light yellowish brown; dark laminae are less than 1 cm to 2 cm thick. Gradational lower contact. |
260 - 360 cm - | Light yellowish brown, 2.5Y 6/4, hard, medium to fine sand. Faint, parallel, very thin laminae of dark gray to black material (organic matter/) throughout. 296 cm: dark brown, discontinuous organic ( - ) Layer. 315 - 332 cm: laminated zone of different color; matrix sand: 10 YR 5/8, yellowisg brown. Gradational lower contact. |
360 - 379 cm - | Gray, 5Y 5/1, hard fine sand. Wavy, irregular, slightly inclined laminations of alternating fine sand and silt. |