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Open-File Report 2002-002

Prepared in cooperation with with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002

Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:

A Digital Data Release

AT-88-1 Cruise Report


Skip Table of Contents group; go to cruise reportOFR02-002 Home: return to OFR02-002 homepageINTRODUCTION: go to introductionSEISMIC DATA: Go to seismic data discussionCORE DATA: Go to core data discussion
 CERC cores
 1984 MMS cores
 1988 MMS cores
 Summary Report
  Cruise Report
 Core Descriptions
 Core Photographs
 Core Locations  PHOTO GALLERY: view photos of cruise activities and equipmentDATA CATALOG: Go to data catalog and browse available dataREFERENCES: view suggested referencesRELATED WEBSITES: go to a list of Long Island Sound related websitesACKNOWLEDGMENTS: view acknowledgmentsCONTACTS: view contact informationDISCLAIMER: view disclaimer informationREADME: view readme information




Alternate Leg or Cruise Number:


R/V Atlantic Twin

Submersible (if any):

Owner-Operator: Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc.
Captain: Glenn Kern, Captain
Center Principal and Affiliate Principal:
(if any)
Area of Operations: Long Island Sound
Bounding Coordinates:
North: 41.380000
South: 41.023331
West: -73.308334
East: -71.210000
Start and End Dates: 15 September, 1988 to 23 September, 1988
Start and End Ports: Staten Island, NY to  Woods Hole, MA

Pier 4, Charlestown, Boston, MA
(start Boston Harbor Leg - 9/26/88)

Number of Days at Sea:
Cruise Objectives: The objective of the cruise was to collect eight vibracores from specific sites in Long Island Sound. The location of these sites was determined from seismic lines that were collected as part of the USGS/Connecticut Cooperative. The cores will be split, photographed and examined. The core data will be used to help figure out the stratigraphic history of Long Island Sound. Cores will be stored at Woods Hole
Scientific Party (USGS):
Scientific Party (affiliate): Ralph Lewis - Chief Scientist (CT Geological Survey)
Nancy Neff (CT Geological Survey)
Glenn Kern, Captain, R/V Atlantic Twin
Scientific Equipment:
  • Alpine Geophysical Pneumatic Vibracorer
  • Geopulse Seismic System
Navigation techniques used: The ship was navigated using Loran C positioning (with a Northstar 6000 receiver). Short, seismic reflection lines were run to verify the Loran C coordinates for each target area.
Funding Agency: Connecticut Geological Survey
U.S. Minerals Management Service
Funding Amount:
Project Title:
Remarks: For further information see attachments and/or contact Ralph Lewis, Long Island Sound resource Center, University of Connecticut, Avery Point, Groton, Ct. 06340 or at the Connecticut DEP, NRC, Street Level, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Tabulated Information:
Days at Sea:
Continuous Data (in Km):
Number of Stations Occupied:
Number of Submersible Dives:
Station Descriptions:
Track Plot:
Related Web Sites: Long Island Sound Studies

Long Island Sound Interactive Mapping

Submitted by: Sally Wood Needell

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

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