USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 02-29 Figures and Tables

Figures and Tables for Open-File Report 02-29

PIC files of each of the 47 figures in this publication. These are also embedded in the main-document PDF but are provided here as separate graphic files for those who find them useful.
fig01 fig02 fig03a fig03b fig03c fig03d fig04
fig05 fig06a fig06b fig06c fig06d fig06e fig06f
fig07a fig07b fig07c fig07d fig07e fig07f fig08a
fig08b fig08c fig09 fig10a fig10b fig10c fig11
fig12a fig12b fig12c fig13a fig13b fig13c fig13d
fig13e fig13f fig14a fig14b fig14c fig15 fig16
fig17 fig18a fig18b fig18c fig19    


Eight tables used in this publication. Each table is provided in three formats: PDF, comma-separated values (CSV), and Microsoft Excel (XLS).
2_Sb_statistics 2_Sb_statistics 2_Sb_statistics
3_Baux_Al2O3_Al_statistics 3_Baux_Al2O3_Al_statistics 3_Baux_Al2O3_Al_statistics
4_Cu_statistics 4_Cu_statistics 4_Cu_statistics
5_Pb_statistics 5_Pb_statistics 5_Pb_statistics
6_Zn_statistics 6_Zn_statistics 6_Zn_statistics
7_Sn_statistics 7_Sn_statistics 7_Sn_statistics
8_Ti_statistics 8_Ti_statistics 8_Ti_statistics


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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2016 19:22:11 EST