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Open-File Report 02-107

Shear-Wave Velocity Compilation for Northridge Strong-Motion Recording Sites

By Roger D. Borcherdt and Thomas E. Fumal

GIS map showing strong-motion recording sites and inferred shear velocity superimposed on base geologic mapAbstract

Borehole and other geotechnical information collected at the strong-motion recording sites of the Northridge earthquake of January 17,1994 provide an important new basis for the characterization of local site conditions. These geotechnical data, when combined with analysis of strong-motion recordings, provide an empirical basis to evaluate site coefficients used in current versions of US building codes. Shear-wave-velocity estimates to a depth of 30 meters are derived for 176 strong-motion recording sites. The estimates are based on borehole shear-velocity logs, physical property logs, correlations with physical properties and digital geologic maps. Surface-wave velocity measurements and standard penetration data are compiled as additional constraints. These data as compiled from a variety of databases are presented via GIS maps and corresponding tables to facilitate use by other investigators.

First posted March 7, 2002

  • Figure 1 PDF (2.3 MB)
    GIS map showing strong-motion recording sites and inferred shear velocity superimposed on base geologic map of Tinsley and Fumal (1985).
  • Figure 2 PDF (240 kB)
    GIS map showing strong-motion recording sites and inferred shear velocity superimposed on base geologic map of Jennings et al. (1977)

For additional information, contact:
Earthquake Science Center, Menlo Park
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road MS 977
Menlo Park, California 94025

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Suggested citation:

Borcherdt, Roger D., Fumal, Thomas E., 2002, Shear-Wave Velocity Compilation for Northridge Strong-Motion Recording Sites: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-107, 16 pp.,


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