List of digital files associated with this report Text, figures and table of this report in PDF format * of02-126.pdf Open-file report in PDF format. ArcView shapefile and legend files for surficial geologic map unit polygons from plates 1-8 of this report * srgeounits.shp/.sbx/.sbn/.shx/.dbf ArcView shapefile * srgeounits.avl ArcView legend file Table 1 from this report in Dbase4 format * srsedchem.dbf geochemical data Metadata for srgeounits.shp and for srsedchem.dbf * srgeounits.met see Appendix B * srsedchem.met see Appendix C Obtaining Digital Data The above digital files can be downloaded from the US Geological Survey public access World Wide Web site on the Internet: URL =