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Open-File Report 02-274

Digital Version of "Open-File Report 92–179: Geologic Map of the Cow Cove Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California"

By Howard G. Wilshire, David R. Bedford, Teresa Coleman

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (3 MB)Introduction

This is a digital map database version of a previous printed geologic map, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92–179. The original paper map has been faithfully reproduced as a geologic map database for use in a GIS, and thus does not contain updated geologic information for the map area. This publication consists of three parts:

  1. Documentation in the form of a this publication's Open File text, or readme, describing the digital data, how to obtain it, as well as the original map explanation pamphlet. The documentation also consists of FGDC metadata, and a file describing any revisions to the data in this report. All of the documentaion components are available in a variety of file formats.
  2. Three Arc/Info (ESRI) formatted coverages of the geologic database, distributed in Arc Interchange (e00) format. The spatial databases in this component of the report consist vector-based GIS datasets that represent geologic contacts, faults, map units, and volcanic vents in the study area, as well as localities of K/Ar samples discussed in the original report, and geologic structure measurements.
  3. Plottable map representations of the database at 1:24,000 scale in PostScript and Adobe PDF formats. The plottable files consist of a color geologic map derived from the spatial database, composited with a topographic base map in the form of the USGS Digital Raster Graphic for the map area. Color symbology from each of these datasets is maintained, which can cause plot file sizes to be large.

First posted April 30, 2002

Version history

Spatial data

  • Data E00 (763 kB)
    Arc Export (e00) file of geologic contacts, faults, and map units and volcanic-vent identifiers
  • Data TAR (900 kB)
    Archive (tar) file of all three Arc Export files, metadata (text), and Arc/Info aml to import coverages

Plottable map files

  • Map PDF (3 MB)
    22 x 32 inch image of the geologic map, at a scale of 1:24,000
  • Map EPS.GZ (2.9 MB)
    22 x 32 inch image of the geologic map, at a scale of 1:24,000 (PostScript, Gzip compressed)

The National Geologic Map Database has additional data about this publication

For additional information, contact:
Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road, MS 901
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3591

Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF). For best results viewing and printing PDF documents, it is recommended that you download the documents to your computer and open them with Adobe Reader. PDF documents opened from your browser may not display or print as intended. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge.

Suggested citation:

Wilshire, Howard G., Bedford, David R., Coleman, Teresa, 2002, Digital Version of "Open-File Report 92–179: Geologic Map of the Cow Cove Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-274, 27 pp.,


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