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Open-File Report 02–461

An Intelligent Systems Approach to Automated Object Recognition: A Preliminary Study

By Brian G. Maddox, Casey L. Swadley

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (1.2 MB)Abstract

Attempts at fully automated object recognition systems have met with varying levels of success over the years. However, none of the systems have achieved high enough accuracy rates to be run unattended. One of the reasons for this may be that they are designed from the computer’s point of view and rely mainly on image-processing methods. A better solution to this problem may be to make use of modern advances in computational intelligence and distributed processing to try to mimic how the human brain is thought to recognize objects. As humans combine cognitive processes with detection techniques, such a system would combine traditional image-processing techniques with computer-based intelligence to determine the identity of various objects in a scene.

First posted 2002

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Suggested citation:

Maddox, B.G., Swadley, C.L., 2002, An intelligent systems approach to automated object recognition—A preliminary study: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02–461, 15 p., available only online at

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