1_README.TXT Chromite_Olivine_Pairs This directory contains analyses of chromite grains and their olivine hosts made in G.K. Czamanske and Lewis Calk in 1996 on the USGS JEOL microprobe in Menlo Park, California. Calculated analyses for the primary standards employed are included in the datasets. Due to circumstances beyond our control, an evaluation of the significance of these data was never carried out. Analyses of chromite-olivine pairs were made for each of the samples of the ore-bearing intrusions in which chromite was recognized. Standard setups as follows ÐÐ for chromite: Mg and Al, synthetic MgAl2O4; Si, Cpx-1; Fe, Mn, Ti, Ni, and V, synthetic oxides; Cr, Tiebaghi chromite (Cr2O3, 60.5 wt%). For olivine: Si and Mg, San Carlos olivine (SiO2, 40.81 and MgO, 49.42 wt%); Fe, synthetic fayalite; Ca, Cpx-1; Mn and Ni, synthetic oxides. No correction of the V concentrations has been made for the presence of Ti. This correction has been found to be; V corrected = V measured Ð (0.00484 x wt% TiO2 measured). Photomicrographic documentation and back-scattered electron images of all samples are available to anyone who elects to utilize these data. The full cooperation of Dr. Czamanske will be offered to such an individual. Email: czamrandg@earthlink.net