U.S. Geological Survey, 2000, Sidescan-Sonar imagery collected within New York Bight 1995 - 1998:.This is part of the following larger work.
Schwab, William C., Denny, Jane F., Foster, David S., Lotto, Linda L., Allison, Mead A., Uchupi, Elazar, Swift, B. Ann, Danforth, William W., Thieler, Robert E., and Butman, Bradford, 2002, High-Resolution Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the New York Bight Continental Shelf: Open-File Report OFR02-152, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA.
Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 500000
Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 400000
Planar coordinates are specified in Meters
Jane F. Denny
US Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508-457-2311 (voice)
508-457-2310 (FAX)
In 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), began a program to generate reconnaissance maps of the sea floor offshore of the New York - New Jersey metropolitan area and within the southern Long Island nearshoe area. Our methods include high-resolution sidescan sonar and subbottom profiling techniques, along with surface grab and vibracore sampling to verify the geophysical interpretations. The goal of the investigation is to provide a regional synthesis of the sea-floor environment, to determine regional-scale availability of sand as a resource for beach nourishment programs, and to investigate the role that inner-shelf morphology and geologic framework have in the evolution of the coastal region within the New York Bight Apex and southern Long Island. Maps derived from interpretation of the subbottom profiles show information on the geometry and distribution of the Quaternary sediments and the underlying coastal-plain unconformity. This seismic stratigraphy yields a regional framework on which explanations of present (and past) sediment movement, dispersal, and erosion processes are based.
Denny, Jane F , and Schwab, William C. , 1999, Archive of sidescan-sonar data and Differential Geographic Positioning System navigation data collected during USGS cruise Seax95007, 8 May - 24 May 1995.: USGS Open-File Report 99-356, USGS, Reston, VA.This is part of the following larger work.
Schwab, William C., Denny, Jane F., Foster, David S., Lotto, Linda L., Allison, Mead A., Uchupi, Elazar, Swift, B. Ann, Danforth, William W., Thieler, Robert E., and Butman, Bradford, 2002, High-Resolution Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the New York Bight Continental Shelf: Open-File Report OFR02-152, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA.
Denny, Jane F , Schwab, William C. , Danforth, William W. , O'Brien, Thomas F. , Nichols, Dave S. , and Irwin, Barry, 2000, Archive of sidescan-sonar data and Differential Geographic Positioning System navigation data collected during USGS cruise ALPH98013, September10-23, 1998.: USGS Open-File Report 98-590, USGS, Reston, VA.This is part of the following larger work.
Schwab, William C., Denny, Jane F., Foster, David S., Lotto, Linda L., Allison, Mead A., Uchupi, Elazar, Swift, B. Ann, Danforth, William W., Thieler, Robert E., and Butman, Bradford, 2002, High-Resolution Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the New York Bight Continental Shelf: Open-File Report OFR02-152, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA.
Hammar-Klose, Erika, Hill, Jenna, and Schwab, William C. , 2002, Archive of sidescan-sonar data and Differential Geographic Positioning System navigation data collected during USGS cruise DIAN97032, September 25 - October 19, 1997.: USGS Open-File Report 99-356, USGS, Reston, VA.This is part of the following larger work.
Schwab, William C., Denny, Jane F., Foster, David S., Lotto, Linda L., Allison, Mead A., Uchupi, Elazar, Swift, B. Ann, Danforth, William W., Thieler, Robert E., and Butman, Bradford, 2002, High-Resolution Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the New York Bight Continental Shelf: Open-File Report OFR02-152, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA.
Hill, Jenna, Schwab, William C. , and Danforth, William, 2000, Archive of sidescan-sonar data and Differential Geographic Positioning System navigation data collected during USGS cruise Seax96004, New York Bight, 1 May - 9 June 1996.: USGS Open-File Report 00-153, USGS, Reston, VA.This is part of the following larger work.
Schwab, William C., Denny, Jane F., Foster, David S., Lotto, Linda L., Allison, Mead A., Uchupi, Elazar, Swift, B. Ann, Danforth, William W., Thieler, Robert E., and Butman, Bradford, 2002, High-Resolution Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the New York Bight Continental Shelf: Open-File Report OFR02-152, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA.
All sidescan-sonar data were logged digitally at a sample rate resulting in a 0.18-m pixel size in the across-track direction and approximately 0.14-m in the along-track direction following the methodology outlined in Danforth and others (1991). A median filtering routine (Malinverno and others, 1990) was applied to the sidescan-sonar data to remove speckle noise, resulting in a 0.73-m pixel size. The data for each survey were further processed and digitally mosaicked using PCI Geomatica Software and procedures described in Danforth and others (1991), Danforth (1997), and Paskevich (1992) resulting in an enhanced, geographically correct, sidescan-sonar mosaic with 4 meters/pixel resolution. The seven individual images were then mosaicked to form one composite sidescan-sonar image for the New York Bight region. The composite mosaic has a resolution of 16 meters/pixel. The composite mosaic was exported as a TIFF image, with an associated ESRI world file.
Person who carried out this activity:
Jane F. DennyData sources used in this process:
US Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508-457-2311 (voice)
508-457-2310 (FAX)
Person who carried out this activity:
Jane F. Denny
US Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508-457-2311 (voice)
508-457-2310 (FAX)
Person who carried out this activity:
Jane F. Denny
US Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508-457-2311 (voice)
508-457-2310 (FAX)
These data are internally consistent and accurate.
DGPS is assumed to be accurate within 1-2 meters. Standard GPS is assumed accurate within 5-10 meters. 99% of the positional data is DGPS. Unless noted, all GPS/DGPS data is referenced to WGS84 (NAD83). Slant-range distance is recorded between the sidescan-sonar tow vehicle and a sidemount rigged with an acoustic transponder. Offset between the sidemount and GPS antennae is measured. Basic trigonomic calculations use the slant-range offset to calculate a 'fish' (tow-vehicle) navigation. An assumption in these calculations is that the tow-vehicle is traveling directly behind the vessel; movement to port or starboard is not accounted for within 'fish' navigation. Thus, the horizontal accuarcy of the sidescan-sonar tow-vehicle is +/- 15 meters.
These data are complete.
These data are logically consistent; they were acquired with a Datasoncis SIS-1000 sidescan-sonar system, and processed following an identical procedure.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?
- Access_Constraints:
- None
- Use_Constraints:
- Please recognize the USGS as the source of these data.
Jane F. Denny
US Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508-457-2311 (voice)
508-457-2310 (FAX)
Altough this data set and its lineage have been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data and/or it's related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of these data or related items. Users must assume responsibility for the proper use of this data. This data should not be used at resolutions for which it is not intended. This data has no been reviewed for conformity with US Geological Survey editorial standards, or the North American Strigraphic code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government.
Jane F. Denny
US Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508-457-2311 (voice)
508-457-2310 (FAX)