These data were transcribed from printed well log descriptions acquired from the New York Department of Conservation (Suter, 1949). These information were gathered during completetion of an MS Degree. See Lotto, L.L., 2000, Seismic stratigraphy and Quaternary evolution of the New York Bight inner continental shelf: Texas A&M University, unpublished M.S. Thesis, College Station, TX, 79p.
These data were transcribed from printed well log descriptions acquired from various government agencies throughout Long Island, NY. These information were gathered during completetion of an MS Degree. See Lotto, L.L., 2000, Seismic stratigraphy and Quaternary evolution of the New York Bight inner continental shelf: Texas A&M University, unpublished M.S. Thesis, College Station, TX, 79p.