The naming convention for NetCDF data files is as follows:


4801A Traditional data identifier Data Record Identifier. First three digits identify moorings chronologically. Fourth digit identifies data loggers sequentially from top.Capital letter suffix (optional) identifies data subsets.

spd or s (velocities corrected for speed of sound)
v (velocities-averaged or basic time step)
tct (temperature, conductivity, transmission)
p (pressure [averaged or basic time step])
psd (pressure standard deviation)
var (variances and covariances of velocity)
ox (oxygen)
cst (conductivity, salinity, temperature)
t (temperature)
tc (temperature, conductivity)
tcp (temperature, conductivity, pressure)
att or ats (transmission and attenuation)
pct (pressure, conductivity [salinity], transmission)
adc (all ADCP variables)
vm (all VMCM variables)
sc (all SEACAT variables)
mc (all MicroCAT variables)
(none) (all data from this data logger)

-alh-a (best basic version)
-alh (hour averaged best basic version)
-alp (low-pass filtered best basic version)
-m (merged basic versions)
-mlh (merged then hour averaged)
File Version
(optional) depth identifiers used when a single data logger records the same variables at different depths (requiring separate EPIC "time series" data files)
.nc.dat (ASCII file)
.mat (Matlab file)
.nc (netCDF file)
File Extension

[an error occurred while processing this directive]