Moored Array
Measurements were made at 6 stations, four along the axis of the valley (Stations A, B, C and F), and two on the shelf to the east and west (Stations D and E). The moored array was deployed from the RV Oceanus between December 3-7, 1999, and recovered on RV Endeavor between April 14-18, 2000.
Conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiles were obtained on the moored array deployment cruise on RV Oceanus between December 5-7 1999, and on the instrument ecovery cruise on the RV Endeavor on April 15, 2000. Measurements were made with a Sea Bird SBE11 profiling conductivity-temperature-depth sensor. On the RV Oceanus cruise, profiles of light transmission and optical backscatter were also obtained and on the RV Endeavor cruise, profiles of light transmission and flourescence were obtained. Water samples were obtained at selected stations and depths and filtered through pre-weighed 0.4 micron Millipore filters to determine suspended matter concentration. The measured concentrations were used to determine calibrations for the OBS and transmission sensors.
Data Processing
Data processing was conducted using the WHOI-USGS Oceanographic Data //, and keeps data in EPIC // The ABS data were processed using Matlab.
After data were decoded and calibrated, they were carefully checked for instrument malfunctions and then edited. The beginning and end of each data series were truncated and wild points deleted. Short data gaps (less than about 8 data values, which is half an hour for Seacats and tripods) were filled by linear interpolation. The data were carefully checked at each stage of processing. After editing, the basic version of the data file includes all variables recorded at the basic sampling interval. An hour-averaged data file and a low-pass filtered data file were created from the basic version. The low-pass filter essentially removes all fluctuations having periods shorter than 33 hours (Flagg et al., 1976). Low-pass filtered data was subsampled every 6 hours.
Flagg, C.N., Vermersch, J.A., and Beardsley, R.C., 1976, 1974 M.I.T. New England Shelf The moored array: M.I.T. Report 76-1, Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.