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Coastal and Marine Geology Program
Woods Hole Field Center

Geochemical Sediment Analysis Procedures, Open-File Report 02-371


Materials Required:
  • Heated shaker bath
  • Teflon tubes containing sediment and 2M Na2CO3
  • Vortex Mixer
Preparations for shaker bath procedure; link to larger image

Fill shaker bath with water to the height of the top of the tube rack and preheat to 95 degrees C.

Vortex each Teflon tube until sediment is suspended.

Preheat to 95 degrees

Place tubes in shaker bath at shaking frequency 50 and 95 degrees C for 5 hours.

*Label and fill each specimen container with 30mL of Milli-Q water using 10mL pipet while shaker bath is operating.

Proceed to Centrifuge Step 2.

Place tubes in rack

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