CITATION AUTHORS "Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Manheim, F.T., Mecray, E.L. , Hastings, M.E., and Currence, J.M., along with Farrington, J.W., Fredette, T.J., Jones, S.H., Liebman, M.L., Larsen, P.F., Smith Leo, W., Tripp, B.W., Wallace, Jr., G.T., and Ward, L.G." TITLE "Contaminated sediments database for the Gulf of Maine, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report No. 02-403." YEAR 2002 ONLINE GULF OF MAINE CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS DATABASE (OFR 02-403) TABLE OF INORGANIC DATA USGS Row # 1 2 32 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 Full Length Field Name Local Row or ID Number Unique Sample Identifier (US#) Source of Information or Reference Inorganics Testing Lab Laboratory's sample ID number Laboratory's JOB number Analytical technique Analytical comments1 (metals) Analytical comments2 (other inorganics) Replicate no ___ of n (metals) Total replicates n (metals) Testing Date Test month Test day Test year Ag (silver) µg/g Ag qualifier Ag det. lim. Al (aluminum) µg/g Al qualifier Al det. lim. Al original units "Al value in original units, if not µg/g " As (arsenic) µg/g As qualifier As det. lim. Au (gold) µg/g Au qualifier Au det. lim. B (Boron) µg/g B qualifier B det. lim. Ba (barium) µg/g Ba qualifier Ba det. lim. Ba original units Ba value in original units Be (beryllium) µg/g Be qualifier Be det. lim. Ca (calcium) µg/g Ca qualifier Ca det. lim. Ca original units "Ca value in original units, if not µg/g " Cd (cadmium) µg/g Cd qualifier Cd det. lim. Cl (chloride) µg/g Cl qualifier Cl det. lim. Cl original units "Cl value in original units, if not µg/g " Co (cobalt) µg/g Co qualifier Co det. lim. Cr (chromium) µg/g Cr qualifier Cr det. lim. Cu (copper) µg/g Cu qualifier Cu det. lim. Fe (iron) µg/g Fe qualifier Fe det. lim. Fe original units "Fe value in original units, if not µg/g " Hg (mercury) µg/g Hg qualifier Hg det. lim. Hg original units Hg value in original units K (potassium) µg/g K qualifier K det. lim. K original units "K value in original units, if not µg/g " Li (Lithium) µg/g Li qualifier Li det. lim. Mg (magnesium) µg/g Mg qualifier Mg det. lim. Mg original units "Mg value in original units, if not µg/g " Mn (manganese) µg/g Mn qualifier Mn det. lim. Mn original units "Mn value in original units, if not µg/g " Mo (molybdenum) µg/g Mo qualifier Mo det. lim. Na (sodium) µg/g Na qualifier Na det. lim. Na original units "Na value in original units, if not µg/g " Ni (nickel) µg/g Ni qualifier Ni det. lim. P (phosphorus) µg/g P qualifier P det. lim. P original units "P value in original units, if not µg/g " Pb (lead ) µg/g Pb qualifier Pb det. lim. Ra (radium) µg/g Ra qualifier Ra det. lim. Sb (antimony) µg/g Sb qualifier Sb det. lim. Se (selenium) µg/g Se qualifier Se det. lim. Si (silicon) µg/g Si qualifier Si det. lim. Si original units "Si value in original units, if not µg/g " Sn (tin) µg/g Sn qualifier Sn det. lim. Ti (titanium) µg/g Ti qualifier Ti det. lim. Ti original units "Ti value in original units, if not µg/g " Tl (Thallium) µg/g Tl qualifier Tl det. lim. Th (thorium) µg/g Th qualifier Th det. lim. U (uranium) µg/g U qualifier U det. lim. V (vanadium) µg/g V qualifier V det. lim. Zn (zinc) µg/g Zn qualifier Zn det. lim. Carbon (inorganic) (%C/dry wt sed.) Carbon (inorganic) qualifier Carbon (inorganic) det. lim. Carbon (inorganic) original units "Carbon (inorganic) value in original units, if not %C/dry wt. sed." Carbon (organic) (%C/dry wt sed.) Carbon (organic) qualifier Carbon (organic) det. lim. Carbon (organic) original units Carbon (organic) value in original units Carbon (Total) (%C/dry wt sed.) Carbon (Total) qualifier Carbon (total) det. lim. Carbon (total) original units Carbon (total) value in original units Volatilization (% wt. loss) Volatilization qualifier Hydrogen % Nitrogen % Nitrogen qualifier Nitrogen original units (if not in %N) Nitrogen original value (if not in %totalN) Ammonia (NH3) moles/kg NH3 qualifier Nitrate (NO3) moles/kg NO3 qualifier Nitrite (NO2) moles/kg NO2 qualifier Oxygen (O2) moles/kg O2 qualifier Sulfide (SO2) moles/kg SO2 qualifier Sulfite (SO3) moles/kg SO3 qualifier Sulfate (SO4) moles/kg SO4 qualifier Acid Volatile Sulfides (AVS) mole-S/g AVS qualifier Chem Oxygen Demand (COD) µg/g COD qualifier Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) moles/kg CEC qualifier Surface area m2/g Surface area qualifier Total sample weight g Total sample weight qualifier Total Solids weight% Total Solids qualifier Water weight% "Porosity, volume %" Water qualifier Resistivity mohms Specific Conductance mmhos Specific Conductance or Resistivity qualifier Salinity parts per thousand Salinity qualifier Alkalinity milliequivalents/kg Alkalinity qualifier pH Temperature _C Temperature qualifier Total Radioactivity mR/hr Gross alpha radioactivity pCi/g Gross beta radioactivity pCi/g Bulk Radioactivity qualifier Pb210 dpm/g Pb210 qualifier Th228 dpm/g Th228 qualifier Th234 dpm/g Th234 qualifier Ra226 dpm/g Ra226 qualifier Th230 dpm/g Th230 qualifier Cs137 dpm/g Cs137 qualifier "Pu239,240 dpm/g" "Pu239,240 qualifier" Sr90 dpm/g Sr90 qualifier Carbon 14 %-Delta-14C Carbon 14 qualifier Carbon 13 %-delta-13C Carbon 13 qualifier Other radioactivity dpm/g Other Radioactivity qualifier Short Field Name LOCAL_ID UNIQUE_ID SRCE_OR_RF LAB_INORG LAB_ID_NO LAB_JOB ANAL_TECH COMMENT1 COMMENT2 REPL_NO TOT_REPL TEST_DATE TEST_MO TEST_DAY TEST_YR AG_UG_G AG_Q AG_DL AL_UG_G AL_Q AL_DL AL_OU AL_VALUE AS_UG_G AS_Q AS_DL AU_UG_G AU_Q AU_DL B_UG_G B_Q B_DL BA_UG_G BA_Q BA_DL BA_OU BA_VALUE BE_UG_G BE_Q BE_DL CA_UG_G CA_Q CA_DL CA_OU CA_VALUE CD_UG_G CD_Q CD_DL CL_UG_G CL_Q CL_DL CL_OU CL_VALUE CO_UG_G CO_Q CO_DL CR_UG_G CR_Q CR_DL CU_UG_G CU_Q CU_DL FE_UG_G FE_Q FE_DL FE_OU FE_VALUE HG_UG_G HG_Q HG_DL HG_OU HG_VALUE K_UG_G K_Q K_DL K_OU K_VALUE LI_UG_G LI_Q LI_DL MG_UG_G MG_Q MG_DL MG_OU MG_VALUE MN_UG_G MN_Q MN_DL MN_OU MN_VALUE MO_UG_G MO_Q MO_DL NA_UG_G NA_Q NA_DL NA_OU NA_VALUE NI_UG_G NI_Q NI_DL P_UG_G P_Q P_DL P_OU P_VALUE PB_UG_G PB_Q PB_DL RA_UG_G RA_Q RA_DL SB_UG_G SB_Q SB_DL SE_UG_G SE_Q SE_DL SI_UG_G SI_Q SI_DL SI_OU SI_VALUE SN_UG_G SN_Q SN_DL TI_UG_G TI_Q TI_DL TI_OU TI_VALUE TL_UG_G TL_Q TL_DL TH_UG_G TH_Q TH_DL U_UG_G U_Q U_DL V_UG_G V_Q V_DL ZN_UG_G ZN_Q ZN_DL C_INOR_PCT C_INOR_Q C_INOR_DL C_INOR_OU C_INOR_VAL C_ORG_PCT C_ORG_Q C_ORG_DL C_ORG_OU C_ORG_VAL C_TOT_PCT C_TOT_Q C_TOT_DL C_TOT_OU C_TOT_VAL VOLAT_PCT VOLAT_Q HYDROG_PCT NITROG_PCT N_Q N_OU N_VALUE NH3_MOL_KG NH3_Q NO3_MOL_KG NO3_Q NO2_MOL_KG NO2_Q O2_MOL_KG O2_Q SO2_MOL_KG SO2_Q SO3_MOL_KG SO3_Q SO4_MOL_KG SO4_Q AVS_MOL_G AVS_Q COD_UG_G COD_Q CEC_MOL_KG CEC_Q SURF_M2_G SURF_AR_Q TOTSAMP_G TOTSAMP_Q TSOL_WTPCT TOTSOL_Q WATER_WPCT POROS_VPCT WATER_Q R_MOHMS SP_C_MOHMS SPC_OR_R_Q SALIN_PPT SALIN_Q ALK_MEQ_KG ALK_Q PH TEMP_C TEMP_Q TOTR_MR_HR ALPHA_PC_G BETA_PC_G BULK_RAD_Q PB210_D_G PB210_Q TH228_D_G TH228_Q TH234_D_G TH234_Q RA226_D_G RA226_Q TH230_D_G TH230_Q CS137_D_G CS137_Q PU239_D_G PU239_Q SR90_D_G SR90_Q C14_DEL C14_Q C13_DEL C13_Q O_RAD_D_G O_RAD_D_G 732 US00001 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" 1 1 0 10X all others reported). 1 1 0 "10X all others reported). Zn of 86250 is hig" 1 1 8 LYCO 485 "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Cd, Zn, Pb, Hg" 2.4 250 1960 "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Cd, Zn, Pb, Hg. Hg in upper 0.01% for values in database." 36 1100 "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Cd, Zn, Pb, Hg" 100 86250 "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Cd, Zn, Pb, Hg. Zn is unreasonably high (8x> all data)" 736 US00005 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" SAMPLE A 1 1 737 US00006 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" LYCO SAMPLE B c:Hg in upper 0.01% for values in database (5 samples in ref. are >10X all others reported). 1 1 3 LYCO 22.5 1.9 260 3160 c: Hg in upper 0.01% for values in datbase 47 400 205 29.5 738 US00007 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" SAMPLE C 1 1 739 US00008 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" LYCO SAMPLE D "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Zn, Pb, Hg & very low Cr. Hg in upper 0.01% for values in database (5 samples in ref. are >10X all others reported)." 1 1 1.3 LYCO 0.5 0.83 "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Zn, Pb, Hg & very low Cr." 80 5760 "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Zn, Pb, Hg & very low Cr. Hg in upper 0.01% for values in database" 35.5 1200 "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Zn, Pb, Hg & very low Cr." 32.5 465 "c: sample is atypical for sediments: very high Zn, Pb, Hg & very low Cr." 740 US00009 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" LYCO SAMPLE E Database comment: sample is atypical for sediments: both very low and very high values for elements. Sample is from Boston Inner Harbor. Hg in upper 0.01% for values in database (5 samples in ref. are >10X all others reported) 1 1 1.1 LYCO 75 c: sample is atypical for sediments: both very low and very high values for elements. 1.4 47 1140 c: Hg in upper 0.01% for values in database. 16.5 450 22.5 175 741 US00010 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" C 1 1 742 US00011 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" B 1 1 743 US00012 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" 1 1 1.6 7 170 137 1.3 27 191 49 166 744 US00013 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" 1 1 1.1 11 343 228 1.7 42 266 90 259 745 US00014 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" 1 1 22 8.8 255 208 1.5 38 220 65 202 746 US00015-1 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" 1 1 3 24 0.26 33.95 72.75 747 US00015-2 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" 2 2 3 20 0.94 73.99 191.2 748 US00015-3 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" 3 3 3 0.47 30.14 104.7 749 US00016 "Metcalf & Eddy, 1984, Original source unknown" 1 1 0.35 14 25 0 all data. Values reported as ""ND= not detected at detection limit"" with MDL reported are recorded as all data, Tl/Zn > all data)" 40 59 1 220 1 49.6 2700 US00335 "ACE_NED Permit File #83-1064, Old Colony RR, Neponset River Bridge" GHR Analytical 2650-05 38-822 "EPA method 6010 (in EPA, 1984. Test Methods for Solid Waste, Physical and Chemical Methods, SW-846)" "c: Some reported concentrations and units are atypical for sediments. Ti and Ti/Zn 10x < all data, K and K/Zn 10x< all data, Tl and Tl/Zn 10x> all data. Values reported as ""ND= not detected at detection limit"" with MDL reported are recorded as all data. 2 17000 10 530 0.5 3.9 2 6200 50 14 4 872 Phosphate as P 160 5 0 all data. " 3 570 c: Ti and Ti/Zn 10x < all data. 0.5 190 "c: One of 5 samples from this ref that comprise high 2% of Tl values (Tl 10x> all data, Tl/Zn > all data)" 40 29 1 140 1 0.166 total Kjeldahl N mg/kg 1660 13.6 Ammonia as N mg/kg (ppm) dry wt. 102000 68.3 2701 US00336 "ACE_NED Permit File #83-1064, Old Colony RR, Neponset River Bridge" GHR Analytical 38-822 EPA Method 6011 2702 US00337 "ACE_NED Permit File #83-1064, Old Colony RR, Neponset River Bridge" GHR Analytical 2650-04 38-822 "EPA method 6010 (in EPA, 1984. Test Methods for Solid Waste, Physical and Chemical Methods, SW-846)" "c: Some reported concentrations and units are atypical for sediments. Ti and Ti/Zn 10x < all data, K and K/Zn 10x< all data, Tl and Tl/Zn 10x> all data. Values reported as ""ND= not detected at detection limit"" with MDL reported are recorded as all data, Tl/Zn > all data)" 40 49 1 200 1 54.1 Reporting limit based on 100% solid. Analytical Method 7471 2703 US00338 "ACE_NED Permit File #83-1064, Old Colony RR, Neponset River Bridge" GHR Analytical 2650-03 38-822 "EPA method 6010 (in EPA, 1984. Test Methods for Solid Waste, Physical and Chemical Methods, SW-846)" "c: Some reported concentrations and units are atypical for sediments. Ti and Ti/Zn 10x < all data, K and K/Zn 10x< all data, Tl and Tl/Zn 10x> all data. Values reported as ""ND= not detected at detection limit"" with MDL reported are recorded as all data, Tl/Zn > all data)" 40 34 1 95 1 59.9 Reporting limit based on 100% solid. Analytical Method 7471 56 2704 US00339 "ACE_NED Permit File #83-1064, Old Colony RR, Neponset River Bridge" GHR Analytical 38-822 EPA Method 6012 2705 US00340 "ACE_NED Permit File #83-1064, Old Colony RR, Neponset River Bridge" GHR Analytical 2650-02 38-822 "EPA method 6010 (in EPA, 1984. Test Methods for Solid Waste, Physical and Chemical Methods, SW-846)" "c: Some reported concentrations and units are atypical for sediments. Ti and Ti/Zn 10x < all data, K and K/Zn 10x< all data, Tl and Tl/Zn 10x> all data. Values reported as ""ND= not detected at detection limit"" with MDL reported are recorded as all data, Tl/Zn > all data)" 40 32 1 62 1 0.164 total Kjeldahl N mg/kg 1640 75.7 Ammonia as N mg/kg (ppm) dry wt. 88600 65.2 Reporting limit based on 100% solid. Analytical Method 7471 2706 US00341 "ACE_NED Permit File #83-1064, Old Colony RR, Neponset River Bridge" GHR Analytical 2650-01 38-822 No metals for this sample 2707 US00342 "ACE_NED Permit File #83-1064, Old Colony RR, Neponset River Bridge" GHR Analytical 2711-01 38-822 "EPA method 6010 (in EPA, 1984. Test Methods for Solid Waste, Physical and Chemical Methods, SW-846)" "c: Some reported concentrations and units are atypical for sediments. Ti and Ti/Zn 10x < all data, K and K/Zn 10x< all data. Values reported as ""ND= not detected at detection limit"" with MDL reported are recorded as 4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1.9 1267 US00757 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1268 US00758 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1269 US00759 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1270 US00760 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1271 US00761 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1.32 1272 US00762 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1273 US00763 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1274 US00764 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1275 US00765 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 6.3" 1276 US00766 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 32.7" 4 1277 US00767 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 32.7" 1278 US00768 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 32.7" 1279 US00769 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 32.7" 1280 US00770 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 32.7" 1281 US00771 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 58" 5.3 1282 US00772 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 58" 1283 US00773 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 58" 1284 US00774 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 58" 1285 US00775 "Boehm, P.D., 1983" Is this sample a seived fine fraction? No metals and just a few Corg reported as analyzed. PAH's tested in surface samples. "* >4 phi, ** CaCo3 free; % silt/clay = 58" US00776 "USGS Geochemical Database, unpublished" USGS Chem lab W-256775 CJ14 "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA, total C, H, and N by CHN with GC (for CO2, H2O, and N2), carbonate carbon as CO2 by coulometric titration, organic carbon calculated by dif" 0.17 DL for lab 0.02-0.1 54600 %Al 5.46 320 10 0.22 0.1 71 11 22300 % 2.23 0.1 470 23200 % 2.32 15 38 55 0.01 0.84 Calculated by difference from TotalC-Cinorg 0.85 0.26 US00777 "USGS Geochemical Database, unpublished" USGS Chem lab W-256776 CJ14 "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA, total C, H, and N by CHN with GC (for CO2, H2O, and N2), carbonate carbon as CO2 by coulometric titration, organic carbon calculated by dif" 0.09 DL for lab 0.02-0.1 49700 %Al 4.97 320 10 0 unspecified DL. 0.2 all data). 2 2 2960 c: Ni atypical for sediment (is one of 2 samples where Ni 3x> all data) 713 US02021-1 "MA DEQE, 1975" 4 Database comment: sample is atypical for sediments: both very low and very high values for elements. 1 2 0 ND 0.05 11.63 "As, Hg low, other elements fluctuate" 244.19 "As, Hg low, other elements fluctuate" 767 "As, Hg low, other elements fluctuate" 47210 "As, Hg low, other elements fluctuate" 0 " all data) but above DL for study 37 c: Tl and Tl/Zn atypically high. Tl in upper 4% of values for 3 samples from ref. 45 US02093 "NET Atlantic, 1991" F1A-S-1 "cited in NET Atlantic's paper to the City of Gloucester entitled ""Engineering Services for a 301(h) Effluent Monitoring Program for the City of Gloucester, Vol. I: Technical and Cost Proposal""" "QA/QC includes method blanks, field equipment blanks (for metal contamination), matrix spikes, and percent recovery calculations" "8 grab sampling stations, 5 grabs per station, run for organics, grain size, and metals." 5/8/1990 5 8 1990 0 all data) but above DL for study 39 c: Tl and Tl/Zn atypically high. Tl in upper 4% of values for 3 samples from ref. 45 US02099 "NET Atlantic, 1991" F2-S-1 "cited in NET Atlantic's paper to the City of Gloucester entitled ""Engineering Services for a 301(h) Effluent Monitoring Program for the City of Gloucester, Vol. I: Technical and Cost Proposal""" "QA/QC includes method blanks, field equipment blanks (for metal contamination), matrix spikes, and percent recovery calculations" "8 grab sampling stations, 5 grabs per station, run for organics, grain size, and metals." 5/8/1990 5 8 1990 0 all data) but above DL for study 33 c: Tl and Tl/Zn atypically high. Tl in upper 4% of values for 3 samples from ref. 27 US02103 "NET Atlantic, 1991" S3A-S-2 "cited in NET Atlantic's paper to the City of Gloucester entitled ""Engineering Services for a 301(h) Effluent Monitoring Program for the City of Gloucester, Vol. I: Technical and Cost Proposal""" "QA/QC includes method blanks, field equipment blanks (for metal contamination), matrix spikes, and percent recovery calculations" "8 grab sampling stations, 5 grabs per station, run for organics, grain size, and metals." 5/8/1990 5 8 1990 0 than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 5 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 5 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 220 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 11.1 6 70 116 1.3 27 137 414 224 1475 US02457 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" A(PE-6-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 5 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 5 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 100 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 13.4 12 66 30 0.7 37 111 100 247 1476 US02458 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" B(GE-13-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 5 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 5 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 250 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 22 3 183 136 1.7 58 119 100 198 1477 US02459 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" C(GE-14-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 5 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 5 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 250 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 31 3 158 136 0.9 40 108 10 154 1478 US02460 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" D(GE-12-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 5 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 5 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 215 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 16 2 153 108 0.8 28 77 50 122 1479 US02461 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" A(PE-4-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 6 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 6 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 118 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 16 2 275 32 0.6 42 45 40 127 1480 US02462 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" A(PE-4-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 6 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 6 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 100 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 12 9 182 12 0.5 28 56 40 167 1481 US02463 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" B(PE-5-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 6 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 6 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 150 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 8.5 3 175 43 1 47 70 40 130 1482 US02464 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" B(PE-5-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 6 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 6 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 100 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 9.6 7 32 33 0.4 38 26 40 90 1483 US02465 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" C(GE-10-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 6 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 6 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 195 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 6.2 1 219 75 1 32 103 50 238 1484 US02466 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" D(GE-11-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 6 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 6 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 100 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 4.4 1.5 61 20 0.8 10 28 40 72 1485 US02467 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" A(PE-15-76) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "PCBs an average of 4 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 4 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 1.3 6.1 335 200 1.37 56 178 71 306 1486 US02468 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" B(GE-7-80) NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 4 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 4 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 150 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 8.4 4 111 26 0.7 9 25 40 60 1487 US02469 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" GE-8-80 NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 4 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 4 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 285 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 7.6 4 257 64 1.5 22 4.3 40 117 1488 US02470 "U.S. ACOE, 1981" C NO METHODS or QA/QC reported in data tables provided for compilation. "c: Ag values suspect. Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. Data from inner Boston Harbor, no QA/QC. " "PCBs an average of 4 samples (ppb): Mystic R.-200, President Rds.-1200, Chelsea R.-560. DDT an avg. of 4 smps. (ppb): Mystic R.-1, President Rds.-1, Chelsea R.-6." 225 c: Ag atypical for sediment: Ag values in top 1.4% of samples. Ag and Ag/Zn for 14 samples in this reference 10X>than all data. 3.7 1 225 49 1.4 20 43 40 153 699 US02471 "U.S. Coast Guard, 1976" 1 1 7.2 0.37 27 31 700 US02472 "U.S. Coast Guard, 1976" 1 1 8.3 0.18 12 35 701 US02473 "U.S. Coast Guard, 1976" 1 1 0.42 22 30 702 US02474 "U.S. Coast Guard, 1976" 1 1 0.26 25 22 827 US02475 "US EPA MBDS, 1989" RefA "EPA method 6010 (in EPA, 1984. Test Methods for Solid Waste, Physical and Chemical Methods, SW-846); Pb method #239.1 from EPA, 1983. Hg method 7471.LODs (ppm): Ar=2.7, Cd=0.04, Cr=0.35, Cu=0.06, Pb=1, Ni=0.75, Se=0.75, Zn=0.1, Hg=0.001, PAH=0.2, PCB=0.02" "5 grabs/sta; 2 cores per grab (one for TOC, metals,PCBs PAHs, other core for grain size). Grain sz distrib estim'd from analysis sheets" 9.1 2.7 0.74 0.04 18.8 0.35 4.84 0.06 0.04 0.001 5.82 0.75 14.6 1 0 all data). " 1 1 2.2 140 63 1.2 2500 c: Ni atypical for sediment (is one of 2 samples where Ni 3x> all data) 77 166 4.0 226 US02615 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 82 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 100 40 0.8 16 52 100 2.0 227 US02616 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 129 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1 60 57.4 1.2 21 80 205 228 US02617 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 128 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.1 70 59 1.6 22 81 206 4.6 229 US02618 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 132 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 65 65 0.6 20 113 119 3.7 230 US02619 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 117 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.4 116 72 1 32 103 154 8.6 231 US02620 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 116 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.6 92 53 0.7 28 100 193 7.0 232 US02621 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 127 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1 90 52 1.4 22 80 208 5.6 233 US02622 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 131 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.6 91 82 0.9 24 144 152 6.0 234 US02623 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 110 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.6 26 88 1.3 28 126 145 8.8 235 US02624 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 130 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1 65 57 0.7 20 154 132 4.3 237 US02625 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 115 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3.3 234 82 1 58 231 292 10.7 238 US02626 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 126 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 67 52 1.4 18 66 164 4.5 239 US02627 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 135 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.4 96 53 0.2 26 112 145 7.0 240 US02628 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 125 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 88 58.6 1.2 19 80 181 5.2 241 US02629 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 134 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.4 162 82 0.8 35 120 165 6.5 242 US02630 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 114 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 166 83 0.8 32 132 126 9.6 243 US02631 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 101 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.5 25 20 1.6 10 37.5 45 2.5 244 US02632 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 118 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.5 18 8 0.2 10 20 66 1.6 245 US02633 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 133 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.5 37 22 0.3 12 40 66 2.7 246 US02634 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 100 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.8 42 31.2 2 12.5 50 65 2.9 247 US02635 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 108 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.5 156 96.8 1.6 30 136 334 10.7 248 US02636 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 109 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 200 93 1 35 148 240 7.0 249 US02637 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 113 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 142 65 0.8 27 108 124 7.6 250 US02638 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 99 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2 62.5 45 4.5 22.5 62.5 82.5 4.5 251 US02639 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 107 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.4 40 0 0.7 10.6 47 125 2.3 252 US02640 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 111 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 150 79 0.9 35 140 160 6.6 253 US02641 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 106 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 138 85 1.8 27.5 110 293 254 US02642 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 105 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.1 119 79.2 1.3 26.6 102 269 6.3 255 US02643 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 112 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 158 69 0.9 32 120 128 7.7 256 US02644 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 98 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.8 50 36.5 4 15 50 82.5 3.7 257 US02645 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 122 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.3 27 12 0.2 8 28 32 1.8 258 US02646 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 104 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.3 146 92.4 3 25.2 115 302 6.0 259 US02647 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 119 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.6 47 22 0.5 13 40 52 3.0 260 US02648 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 97 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.8 125 0.5 c: Low value for sed. Cu (no DL reported) 5.4 30 125 160 6.5 261 US02649 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 47 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 6.7 200 127.5 4 31.5 232.5 282.5 11.7 262 US02650 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 49 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5 125 81.2 3.2 22.5 170 195 7.4 263 US02651 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 48 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.5 95 60 2 20 125 136.5 5.5 264 US02652 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 121 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.5 71 49 0.6 21 97 93 6.6 265 US02653 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 46 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.5 100 77.5 2 25 150 195 7.0 266 US02654 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 45 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.5 105 72.5 1.8 25 125 155 5.6 267 US02655 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 44 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.8 50 43.2 2 15 67.5 90 3.9 268 US02656 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 120 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.4 47 23 0.3 15 50 64 2.6 269 US02657 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 103 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.5 69 34 0.2 17 57 74 3.6 270 US02658 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 123 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1 96 48 0.8 25 97 115 7.5 271 US02659 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 39 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.7 130 80 4.4 25 187.5 182.4 10.1 272 US02660 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 43 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.5 62.5 47.5 3.4 21.8 85 110 4.5 273 US02661 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 55 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 50 42.5 12.5 62.5 92.5 2.9 274 US02662 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 56 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0 Trace 20 30 0 Trace 10 57.5 80 1.1 275 US02663 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 57 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0 ND 18 25 0 Trace 22.5 17.5 50 4.4 276 US02664 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 58 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3 205 127.5 37.5 192.5 250 4.6 277 US02665 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 102 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.6 208 94 1 29 137 162 9.4 278 US02666 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 124 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1 170 76 0.9 29 143 125 10.4 279 US02667 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 54 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.3 107.5 62.5 1.8 17.5 75 105 4.3 280 US02668 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 41 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2 88 65 3.4 21.8 107.5 115 5.0 281 US02669 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 40 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4.5 250 180 3.3 43.2 250 312.5 10.7 282 US02670 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 53 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.2 115 75 3 25 110 145 5.6 283 US02671 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 92 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 272 113 1.8 32 180 154 7.7 284 US02672 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 50 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4.8 230 160 3.1 40 275 272.5 7.2 285 US02673 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 91 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2 272 146 2.4 28 164 156 9.7 286 US02674 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 42 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.7 50 40 1 15 62.5 75 3.1 287 US02675 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 90 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.9 124 122 3 30.6 314 354 7.0 288 US02676 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 65 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.2 97.5 60 3.4 22.5 77.5 112.5 5.0 289 US02677 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" TI2 (high tide) "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.5 20 35 1.5 8 58 70 1.1 290 US02678 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 52 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2 142.5 90 2.6 25 115 145 6.4 291 US02679 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" TI1 (low tide) "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 50 42 2 12.5 62 92 2.9 292 US02680 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 51 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2 197.5 105 3 30 142.5 150 7.8 293 US02681 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" TI4 (tidal pool) "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3 205 137 2.8 38 192 250 4.6 294 US02682 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" TI3 (dirt) "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0 Trace 20 18 0 Trace 5 17.5 50 4.4 295 US02683 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 96 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 24 16 0.4 12 50 46 1.6 296 US02684 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 95 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 56 29 0.8 13 62 88 4.8 297 US02685 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 68 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.3 250 165 3.6 37.5 217.5 255 10.3 298 US02686 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 94 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.6 173 75 1.4 21 113 134 3.6 299 US02687 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 59 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3.2 240 110 8 30 142.5 190 8.6 300 US02688 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 64 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 70 45 2 15 62.5 100 5.3 301 US02689 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 93 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 129 55 0.9 20 93 92 3.7 302 US02690 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 67 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 6.2 270 187.5 4 43.8 252.5 355 9.8 303 US02691 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 60 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 6.5 260 160 5.5 45 205 305 11.0 304 US02692 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 63 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5 437.5 162.5 3.8 40 190 270 10.1 305 US02693 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 69 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2 85 2.2 25 217.5 220 7.2 306 US02694 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 61 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3.8 237.5 107.5 3.4 32.5 137.5 225 8.3 307 US02695 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 62 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.5 240 175 4 40 200 225 10.4 308 US02696 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 66 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.8 250 200 5 43.2 230 380 11.0 309 US02697 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 70 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.5 75 3.3 22.5 112.5 150 5.2 310 US02698 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 74 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1 44 36 0.8 19 52 103 2.3 311 US02699 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 71 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3.5 87.5 4.4 25 112.5 197.5 5.6 312 US02700 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 87 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3.2 140 124 1.3 25 98 157 5.5 313 US02701 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 88 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.3 232 110 1.6 27 129 198 314 US02702 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 86 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.5 38 51 0.4 12 100 87 1.0 315 US02703 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 89 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.5 86 61 1.4 21 80 153 3.0 316 US02704 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 76 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.3 380 189 2.6 40 170 380 10.0 317 US02705 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 85 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.5 136 75 12 21 77 210 3.0 318 US02706 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 75 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4 480 161 2.2 42 171 400 7.0 319 US02707 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 84 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.2 300 152 1.6 36 157 700 6.0 320 US02708 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 27 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4.5 350 200 3.4 37.5 175 320 11.9 321 US02709 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 78 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 6.1 475 170 2 46 171 393 2.0 322 US02710 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 83 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3 132 76 2 21 86 182 4.0 323 US02711 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 25 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4.8 375 170 3 40 182.5 300 10.9 324 US02712 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 80 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.7 50 31 0.6 19 38 63 3.0 325 US02713 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 26 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.2 157.5 112.5 2 31.2 100 225 8.6 326 US02714 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 15 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.8 195 218.2 9.4 52.5 500 595 14.0 327 US02715 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 17 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 7 225 225 6 55 307.5 520 10.5 328 US02716 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 16 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.3 52.5 83.8 1.1 46.8 100 195 6.4 329 US02717 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 79 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.5 178 82 1.4 36 96 198 5.0 330 US02718 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 14 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3.7 162.5 152.5 5 32.5 312.5 422.5 10.6 331 US02719 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 9 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.8 159.5 102.6 2.2 41.2 222.8 434.5 7.2 332 US02720 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 81 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.2 64 41 0.8 20 39 80 2.0 333 US02721 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 18 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 6.7 425 218.8 6 50 302.5 450.5 14.5 334 US02722 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 20 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 2 7.2 412.5 225.5 4 52.5 325 500 12.2 336 US02723 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 21 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 6.8 402.5 225 3.8 45 227.5 450 10.3 337 US02724 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 19 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 7 425 222.5 6 50 300 450 12.5 338 US02725 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 24 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4 275 172 4 40 190 315 10.4 339 US02726 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 13 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 7.2 412.5 250 6 55 385 515 12.9 340 US02727 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 23 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.2 375 277.5 3.4 50 250 450 13.1 341 US02728 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 22 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.2 387.5 212.5 4 47.5 217.5 400 11.6 342 US02729 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 12 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3.2 200 150 1.5 42.5 150 450 8.1 343 US02730 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 11 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5 300 197.5 2 46.8 250 475 10.7 344 US02731 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 35 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 9.7 400 450 3.6 65 500 1340 14.3 US02731.1 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 36 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.7 77.5 131.5 2.4 25 375 495 US02731.2 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 37 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 17.5 387.5 625 4 67.5 700 1750 17.4 US02731.3 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 38 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 1.5 50 80 0.7 20 112.5 145 2.7 345 US02732 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 10 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.5 312.5 270 2.8 57.5 355 750 11.0 346 US02733 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 7 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3 206.2 110 2.1 30.2 214.5 440 6.8 347 US02734 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 8 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3 192.5 104.5 2 35.8 228.2 434.5 7.1 348 US02735 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 6 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4.4 239.2 137.5 2 46.8 261.2 588.5 8.9 349 US02736 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 1 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 3.55 1.1 57.8 68.8 68.8 "c: Hg val. doubtful, no. same as Cu value" 34.4 151.2 264 4.8 350 US02737 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 2 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4.99 4.1 195.2 129.2 2.6 46.8 308 544.5 9.8 351 US02738 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 3 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.5 233.8 106.2 1.5 30.2 184.2 319 5.0 US02739 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 5 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 127.5 36.2 1 17.5 50 125 3.1 US02740 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 4 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.5 201.6 126.5 1.8 30.2 195.2 335.5 6.5 US02741 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 28 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 0.8 46.8 41.2 0.4 34.4 30.2 148.5 3.4 US02742 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 29 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.5 165 181.5 2.6 63.2 275 726 US02743 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 31 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.5 170.5 195.2 2.6 85.2 420.8 687.5 US02744 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 30 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.5 170.5 220 2.6 129.2 387.8 632.5 US02745 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 32 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 2.8 115.5 151.2 1.4 68.8 349.2 445.5 US02746 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 33 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 5.5 151.2 220 3 73.2 357.2 742.2 18.5 US02747 "White, R.J. Jr., 1972" 34 "surface seds.; metals partially digested in HNO3 & H2O2; analyzed Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,&Zn on Perkin Elmer Model 303 AAS (flame?), Hg aerated in aqua regia and analyzed on same AAS as other metals." "QA/QC included standards, blanks, spikes,& duplicates run w/samples" 1 1 4.4 115.5 275 2.8 68.8 247.5 632.5 14.5 688 US02748 "Wong, E., 1983" 1 1 48 35 10 64 67 756 US02749 "Wong, E., 1983" 1 1 1 19.8 0.12 60 64 757 US02750 "Wong, E., 1983" 1 1 0.4 26 0.14 ND 40 43 2401 US02751 ACE_NED Permit File MA HULL-72-160 TIBB Source A: Winthrop Yacht Club #1 S2151A c: Atypically low Zn and Pb reported values may instead be detection limits. 1972 0.225 10 reported value may be the DL 1 reported value may be the DL 0.01 Total Kjeldahl N 0.168 units unknown 530 [Orig. in %?] 2402 US02752 ACE_NED Permit File MA HULL-72-160 TIBB Source B: Winthrop Yacht Club #2 S2151B "c: Atypically low Zn and Pb reported values may instead be detection limits. (P too low, Hg OK)" 1972 15 0.219 0.15 Total P. c: Atypical for sediments (P value 100x< all data from other refs. ) 10 reported value may be the DL 1 reported value may be the DL 0.007 Total Kjeldahl N 0.17 units unknown 50 [Orig. in %?] 2403 US02753 ACE_NED Permit File MA HULL-72-160 TIBB Source C: Cottage Yacht Club #4 S2151E "c: Atypically low Zn and Pb reported values may instead be detection limits. (P too low, Hg OK)" 1972 0.229 0.275 Total P. c: Atypical for sediments (P value 100x< all data from other refs. ) 10 reported value may be the DL 1 reported value may be the DL 0.001 Total Kjeldahl N 0.156 units unknown 440 [Orig. in %?] 2404 US02754 ACE_NED Permit File MA HULL-72-160 TIBB Source D: Cottage Yacht Club #5 S2151E "c: Atypically low Zn and Pb reported values may instead be detection limits. (P too low, Hg OK)" 1972 0.026 0.055 Total P. c: Atypical for sediments (P value 100x< all data from other refs. ) 10 reported value may be the DL 1 reported value may be the DL 0.034 Total Kjeldahl N 0.158 units unknown 590 [Orig. in %?] 01.1_3115 US03001 "Normandeau Associates Inc., July 1994" 18 0 DL for this sample. Grain size not analyzed. "All elemental and organic analytes are reported as ""0"" i.e. DL for this sample. Grain size not analyzed. "All elemental and organic analytes are reported as ""0"" i.e. DL for this sample. Grain size data is in TEXTURE table. "All elemental and organic analytes are reported as ""0"" i.e. ND. Data exists for grain size analysis (sample < 10% fines so is sand and expect lower metals concentrations)." 0 1000µm) 3200 %Al 0.32 51 10 0 "1000µm) 1900 %Al 0.19 74 10 0 "1000µm) 5200 %Al 0.52 72 10 0 "1000µm) 2800 %Al 0.28 36 10 0 "1000µm) 1500 %Al 0.15 39 10 0.16 0.02 6 2 0 "1000µm) 8200 %Al 0.82 66 10 0.027 0.02 11 2 0 " all data. 10 800 c: Sample has high values for many elements (it was subsequenly re-analyzed). 1 390 c: Sample has high values for many elements (it was subsequenly re-analyzed). 1.8 1040 c: Sample has high values for many elements (it was subsequenly re-analyzed). 2 910 c: Sample has high values for many elements (it was subsequenly re-analyzed). 1 M01-05-29-BLX US06141 "Bothner et al., Georges Bank Monitoring Program (Year 2)" USGS Chem Lab W-220288 BJ06RR "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA. SRM & QA data in report. For some batches, accepted data are reported despite being below typical Procedural DL (µg/g) given of Al 50, Ba" Analysis performed on the fraction of sediment finer than 60µm. Sample BL is a blend of individual samples from the station. 36000 %Al 3.6 190 10 0.042 0.02 55 2 13 0.8 32300 %Fe 3.23 740 10 28 1 30 1.8 61 2 74 2 M01-08-00-BLX US06142 "Bothner et al., Georges Bank Monitoring Program (Year 1)" USGS Chem Lab W-217754 BF74RR "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA. SRM & QA data in report. For some batches, accepted data are reported despite being below typical Procedural DL (µg/g) given of Al 50, Ba" Analysis performed on the fraction of sediment finer than 62µm. Sample BL is a blend of individual samples from the station. 37000 %Al 3.7 250 10 0.20 0.02 65 2 14 0.8 31400 %Fe 3.14 0.058 0.01 1300 10 33 1 47 1.8 120 2 85 1 M01-09-00-BLX US06143 "Bothner et al., Georges Bank Monitoring Program (Year 3)" USGS Chem Lab W-223638 BL15RR "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA. SRM & QA data in report. For some batches, accepted data are reported despite being below typical Procedural DL (µg/g) given of Al 50, Ba" Analysis performed on the fraction of sediment finer than 60µm. Sample BL is a blend of individual samples from the station. 270 10 M01-10-00-BLX US06144 "Bothner et al., Georges Bank Monitoring Program (Year 3)" USGS Chem Lab W-223639 BL15RR "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA. SRM & QA data in report. For some batches, accepted data are reported despite being below typical Procedural DL (µg/g) given of Al 50, Ba" Analysis performed on the fraction of sediment finer than 60µm. Sample BL is a blend of individual samples from the station. 94 10 0.101 0.01 M01-11-00-BLX US06145 "Bothner et al., Georges Bank Monitoring Program (Year 3)" USGS Chem Lab W-223640 BL15RR "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA. SRM & QA data in report. For some batches, accepted data are reported despite being below typical Procedural DL (µg/g) given of Al 50, Ba" Analysis performed on the fraction of sediment finer than 60µm. Sample BL is a blend of individual samples from the station. 210 10 0.058 0.01 M01-12-00-BLX US06146 "Bothner et al., Georges Bank Monitoring Program (Year 1)" USGS Chem Lab W-217758 BF74RR "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA. SRM & QA data in report. For some batches, accepted data are reported despite being below typical Procedural DL (µg/g) given of Al 50, Ba" Analysis performed on the fraction of sediment finer than 62µm. Sample BL is a blend of individual samples from the station. 45000 %Al 4.5 240 10 0.12 0.02 78 2 18 0.8 33000 %Fe 3.3 0.055 0.01 980 10 49 1 94 1.8 120 2 87 1 M01-16-00-AX US06147 "Bothner et al., Georges Bank Monitoring Program (Year 1)" USGS Chem Lab W-216591 BE86RR "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA. SRM & QA data in report. For some batches, accepted data are reported despite being below typical Procedural DL (µg/g) given of Al 50, Ba" Analysis performed on the fraction of sediment finer than 62µm 31000 %Al 3.1 210 10 0.16 0.02 50 2 19 0.8 25100 %Fe 2.51 0.029 0.01 3700 10 33 1 27 1.8 77 2 83 1 M01-16-00-BLX US06148 "Bothner et al., Georges Bank Monitoring Program (Year 3)" USGS Chem Lab W-223567 BL11RR "total digests, ICP-AES (for Al,Ba,Fe,Mn,Na), flame AA for Zn, GFAA (for Ag,Cd,Cr, Cu,Ni,Pb,V), Hg by cold vapor AA. SRM & QA data in report. For some batches, accepted data are reported despite being below typical Procedural DL (µg/g) given of Al 50, Ba" Analysis performed on the fraction of sediment finer than 60µm. Sample BL is a blend of individual samples from the station. 220 10 0 " all data. Cu, Zn, Pb all among highest in database. Zn in upper 0.1% for values in database, Cu value in upper 0.3% for database. //Ponar grabs and Shelby cores were taken at 2 sites in Fort Point Channel and 7 sites in the Charles River (both " "E-11, 0-1'" 5/19/1988 5 19 1988 4.5 25.9 0.6 32.6 316 1130 c: Cu value in upper 0.3% for database. 21.8 ug/kg 21800 94800 "DL not reported c: Values for Na, Na/Zn 5x> all data. " mg/kg 94800 229 1110 110 5.6 12.8 10100 c: Zn in upper 0.1% for values in database. 2 US07597 "Jason M. Cortell & Assoc., June 1989" "Briggs Associates, Inc." 7622G 80529 "EPA Certified analyses, Method numbers for each metal from EPA Methods for Chemical Analyses for Water and Waste, 1979. Used furnace AAS for As and Se, flame AAS for all other metals, cold vapor AAS for Hg." "Ponar grabs and Shelby cores were taken at 2 sites in Fort Point Channel and 7 sites in the Charles River (both inner Boston Harbor). Samples were analyzed for 13 metals (Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Se, Ag, Tl, and Zn), PHCs, Cl and Na." "E-11, 2-4'" 5/19/1988 5 19 1988 2.8 25.7 0.8 18 112 485 4.81 ug/kg 4810 6510 DL not reported mg/kg 6510 80.8 602 91 5.6 9.9 1330 3 US07598 "Jason M. Cortell & Assoc., June 1989" "Briggs Associates, Inc." 7475 80529 "EPA Certified analyses, Method numbers for each metal from EPA Methods for Chemical Analyses for Water and Waste, 1979. Used furnace AAS for As and Se, flame AAS for all other metals, cold vapor AAS for Hg." "Ponar grabs and Shelby cores were taken at 2 sites in Fort Point Channel and 7 sites in the Charles River (both inner Boston Harbor). Samples were analyzed for 13 metals (Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Se, Ag, Tl, and Zn), PHCs, Cl and Na." "E-11, 8-15' (excluding 10-11')" 4/27/1988 4 27 1988 1.94 7.46 0.56 2.78 37.5 322.9 1.299 ug/kg 1299 23600 DL not reported mg/kg 23600 23.7 647 39.6 2.23 6.35 382 4 US07599 "Jason M. Cortell & Assoc., June 1989" "Briggs Associates, Inc." 7622I 80529 "EPA Certified analyses, Method numbers for each metal from EPA Methods for Chemical Analyses for Water and Waste, 1979. Used furnace AAS for As and Se, flame AAS for all other metals, cold vapor AAS for Hg." "Ponar grabs and Shelby cores were taken at 2 sites in Fort Point Channel and 7 sites in the Charles River (both inner Boston Harbor). Samples were analyzed for 13 metals (Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Se, Ag, Tl, and Zn), PHCs, Cl and Na." "E-61, 0-1'" 5/19/1988 5 19 1988 1.3 31.7 1.2 13.1 149 503 4.8 ug/kg 4800 11800 DL not reported mg/kg 11800 56.7 705 110 5.7 12.8 860 5 US07600 "Jason M. Cortell & Assoc., June 1989" "Briggs Associates, Inc." 7622H 80529 "EPA Certified analyses, Method numbers for each metal from EPA Methods for Chemical Analyses for Water and Waste, 1979. Used furnace AAS for As and Se, flame AAS for all other metals, cold vapor AAS for Hg." "Ponar grabs and Shelby cores were taken at 2 sites in Fort Point Channel and 7 sites in the Charles River (both inner Boston Harbor). Samples were analyzed for 13 metals (Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Se, Ag, Tl, and Zn), PHCs, Cl and Na." "E-61, 2-4'" 5/19/1988 5 19 1988 1.4 19.5 0 mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 16.1 6 33.1 5 56.6 3 0.59 MBFF10-1-S US07838-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-15 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.53 MBFF10-1-S US07838-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-15 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.43 MBFF10-2-S US07839-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-16 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.3351 0.007 47400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 4.74 0.1299 0.008 71.8 6 13.1 5 18400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.84 0.0819 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 13.6 6 32.6 5 46.3 3 0.34 MBFF10-2-S US07839-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-16 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.4 MBFF10-2-S US07839-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-16 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.07 MBFF11-1-S US07840-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-17 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.2376 0.007 59200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.92 0.1897 0.008 77.2 6 18.4 5 26400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.64 0.1312 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 27.1 6 41.6 5 79.4 3 0.05 MBFF11-1-S US07840-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-17 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 1.61 MBFF11-1-S US07840-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-17 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 1.36 MBFF11-2-S US07841-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-18 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.1376 0.007 55400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.54 0.1565 0.008 65 6 15.7 5 24100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.41 0.1099 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 27.1 6 36.9 5 68 3 2.22 MBFF11-2-S US07841-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-18 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1.67 MBFF1-1-S US07842-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-1 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.2819 0.007 60900 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.09 0.1668 0.008 95.7 6 18 5 30000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3 0.2003 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 28.8 6 53.5 5 86.5 3 1.76 MBFF1-1-S US07842-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-1 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 0.52 MBFF12-1-S US07843-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-19 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.5813 0.007 52100 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.21 0.199 0.008 57.9 6 20.7 5 20800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.08 0.203 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 10.5 6 32.9 5 48.6 3 0.56 MBFF12-1-S US07843-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-19 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.51 MBFF12-1-S US07843-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-19 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.52 MBFF12-2-S US07844-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-20 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.9554 0.007 54800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.48 0.3938 0.008 86.9 6 29.3 5 23100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.31 0.3 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 15.9 6 44.9 5 66.1 3 1.54 MBFF12-2-S US07844-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-20 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.2779 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 3 1.57 MBFF12-2-S US07844-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-20 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 3 2.03 MBFF1-2-S US07845-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-2 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.3057 0.007 64800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.48 0.2001 0.008 99.4 6 19 5 28300 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.83 0.1944 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 29.9 6 50.5 5 84.8 3 2.13 MBFF1-2-S US07845-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-2 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1.31 MBFF13-1-S US07846-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-21 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 1.5929 0.007 56000 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.6 0.4125 0.008 77.4 6 31.7 5 28700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.87 0.3454 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 27 6 46.6 5 83.3 3 1.31 MBFF13-1-S US07846-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-21 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 1.18 MBFF13-1-S US07846-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-21 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 2.07 MBFF13-2-S US07847-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-22 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.6177 0.007 56900 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.69 0.1516 0.008 72 6 28.4 5 30900 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.09 0.1291 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 24.2 6 33.2 5 160 3 2.12 MBFF13-2-S US07847-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-22 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 2.23 MBFF13-2-S US07847-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-22 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 2.05 MBFF14-1-S US07848-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-23 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.1992 0.007 64400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.44 0.1585 0.008 80.6 6 17.1 5 27300 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.73 0.1493 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 21.5 6 46.8 5 76.2 3 1.45 MBFF14-1-S US07848-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-23 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.63 MBFF14-1-S US07848-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-23 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 1.03 MBFF14-2-S US07849-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-24 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.2293 0.007 60000 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6 0.1443 0.008 82.3 6 17.2 5 27800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.78 0.1514 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 28 6 47.6 5 82.7 3 0.84 MBFF14-2-S US07849-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-24 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.8 MBFF14-2-S US07849-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-24 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.47 MBFF4-1-S US07850-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-3 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.29 0.007 65900 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.59 0.1499 0.008 100.8 6 19.7 5 33200 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.32 0.1892 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 34.6 6 50.9 5 96.4 3 0.31 MBFF4-1-S US07850-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-3 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.9 MBFF4-1-S US07850-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-3 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.54 MBFF4-2-S US07851-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-4 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.3102 0.007 70100 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 7.01 0.1227 0.008 97 6 21.4 5 33500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.35 0.1679 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 32.4 6 55.2 5 99.1 3 0.09 MBFF4-2-S US07851-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-4 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.1 MBFF4-2-S US07851-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-4 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.66 MBFF5-1-S US07852-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-5 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.2302 0.007 57700 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.77 0.0984 0.008 63.9 6 11.2 5 23300 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.33 0.1002 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 23.5 6 37 5 62.1 3 1.07 MBFF5-1-S US07852-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-5 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.7 MBFF5-1-S US07852-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-5 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.5 MBFF5-2-S US07853-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-6 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.2041 0.007 57400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.74 0.1392 0.008 54.4 6 13.5 5 20100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.01 0.0854 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 17.6 6 33.5 5 57.8 3 0.6 MBFF5-2-S US07853-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-6 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 1.7 MBFF5-2-S US07853-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-6 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.8 MBFF6-1-S US07854-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-7 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.4451 0.007 59200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.92 0.1213 0.008 66.7 6 17.9 5 25000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.5 0.1616 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 21.7 6 38.1 5 63.3 3 0.2 MBFF6-1-S US07854-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-7 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 58500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.85 68.6 6 16 5 24800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.48 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 22.4 6 42.1 5 62.6 3 1.8 MBFF6-1-S US07854-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-7 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 MBFF6-2-S US07855-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-8 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.6432 0.007 61500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.15 0.1338 0.008 80.9 6 21 5 28400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.84 0.1962 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 24.5 6 45.2 5 74.1 3 1.7 MBFF6-2-S US07855-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-8 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 0.5 MBFF7-1-S US07856-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-9 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.3903 0.007 64700 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.47 0.1956 0.008 81.5 6 21.7 5 34000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.4 0.1522 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 35 6 43.5 5 102 3 0.8 MBFF7-1-S US07856-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-9 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.4791 0.007 0.2117 0.008 1.2 MBFF7-1-S US07856-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-9 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.6 MBFF7-2-S US07857-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-10 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.4836 0.007 66500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.65 0.2316 0.008 84 6 20 5 35400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.54 0.1671 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 28.5 6 45.8 5 97.8 3 MBFF7-2-S US07857-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-10 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 0.3 MBFF8-1-S US07858-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-11 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.1438 0.007 73200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 7.32 0.1528 0.008 79.5 6 23 5 39700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.97 0.0425 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 40.4 6 35.5 5 115 3 0.4 MBFF8-1-S US07858-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-11 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 MBFF8-2-S US07859-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-12 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.0797 0.007 73500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 7.35 0.1462 0.008 78.7 6 22.8 5 38000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.8 0.0388 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 39.6 6 36.7 5 107 3 1.9 MBFF8-2-S US07859-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-12 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1.3 MBFF9-1-S US07860-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-13 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.1308 0.007 55300 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.53 0.0834 0.008 48.3 6 11.6 5 20900 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.09 0.0661 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 13.2 6 33.4 5 43.4 3 1.3 MBFF9-1-S US07860-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-13 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 1.3 MBFF9-1-S US07860-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-13 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.4 MBFF9-2-S US07861-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-14 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.0664 0.007 52800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.28 0.0918 0.008 44.4 6 8.4 5 18000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.8 0.0551 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 14 6 28.5 5 40 3 0.4 MBFF9-2-S US07861-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-14 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 48300 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 4.83 40.8 6 8.6 5 18700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.87 17.3 6 28.2 5 40.1 3 2.1 MBFF9-2-S US07861-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-14 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 2.2 MBNF10-S US07862-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-34 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.4451 0.007 58100 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.81 0.1023 0.008 67.5 6 20.3 5 20300 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.03 0.1945 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 18.7 6 41.6 5 50 3 2 MBNF10-S US07862-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-34 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 57300 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.73 67.7 6 21.2 5 20400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.04 17.1 6 41.4 5 52.4 3 1.9 MBNF10-S US07862-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-34 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 1.4 MBNF11-S US07863-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-35 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.313 0.007 51900 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.19 0.0736 0.008 61.6 6 20.8 5 23300 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.33 0.1198 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 14.7 6 35.8 5 55.1 3 1 MBNF11-S US07863-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-35 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.9 MBNF11-S US07863-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-35 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.7 MBNF12-S US07864-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-36 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.5716 0.007 59800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.98 0.1808 0.008 94.9 6 32 5 25400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.54 0.4321 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 25.1 6 46.8 5 76.9 3 1.4 MBNF12-S US07864-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-36 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.4 MBNF12-S US07864-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-36 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.2 MBNF13-S US07865-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-37 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.065 0.007 44100 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 4.41 0.0297 0.008 29.9 6 11.5 5 15400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.54 0.053 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 11 6 34.8 5 28.9 3 0.9 MBNF13-S US07865-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-37 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 MBNF13-S US07865-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-37 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.1 MBNF14-S US07866-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-38 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.2557 0.007 44900 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 4.49 0.06 0.008 64.1 6 16.5 5 18800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.88 0.1277 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 16.8 6 50.9 5 42.1 3 MBNF14-S US07866-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-38 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 0.8 MBNF15-S US07867-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-39 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.3064 0.007 51800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.18 0.0747 0.008 61.5 6 31.5 5 18300 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.83 0.2455 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 15.4 6 58.3 5 47.6 3 0.5 MBNF15-S US07867-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-39 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.8 MBNF15-S US07867-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-39 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 MBNF16-S US07868-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-40 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 1.8434 0.007 59000 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.9 0.1053 0.008 174 6 48.2 5 35200 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.52 0.6452 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 33.3 6 87.1 5 118 3 0.7 MBNF16-S US07868-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-40 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.4 MBNF16-S US07868-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-40 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 1.6 MBNF17-S US07869-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-41 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 0.0334 0.007 38800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 3.88 0.035 0.008 30.7 6 6.3 5 15300 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.53 0.0304 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 10.8 6 37.4 5 30.6 3 0.7 MBNF17-S US07869-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-41 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 0.035 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 0.2 MBNF18-S US07870-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-42 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.3453 0.007 48500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 4.85 0.1055 0.008 60.7 6 18.3 5 20400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.04 0.1576 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 15.3 6 44.2 5 51.1 3 1.1 MBNF18-S US07870-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-42 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.2434 0.007 0.0794 0.008 MBNF18-S US07870-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-42 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 1.9 MBNF19-S US07871-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-43 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.1364 0.007 39500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 3.95 0.0526 0.008 39.9 6 5.9 5 14800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.48 0.0605 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 8.2 6 28 5 31.2 3 2.6 MBNF19-S US07871-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-43 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 2.4 MBNF19-S US07871-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-43 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 2.7 MBNF1-S US07872-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-25 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.2957 0.007 50900 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.09 0.0577 0.008 52.7 6 19.8 5 28000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.8 0.084 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 17.3 6 25.2 5 54.8 3 1 MBNF1-S US07872-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-25 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.276 0.007 0.0762 0.008 2.1 MBNF1-S US07872-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-25 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 0.4 MBNF20-S US07873-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-44 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.4806 0.007 57400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.74 0.3578 0.008 126 6 33 5 29100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.91 0.4313 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 19.5 6 58 5 87.1 3 1.4 MBNF20-S US07873-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-44 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 1.2 MBNF20-S US07873-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-44 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 MBNF2-S US07874-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-26 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 3.7358 0.007 64700 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.47 0.8759 0.008 199 6 94.7 5 41500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 4.15 0.755 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 37.2 6 113 5 174 3 2.9 MBNF2-S US07874-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-26 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 0.3 MBNF3-S US07875-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-27 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.696 0.007 56100 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.61 0.1099 0.008 62.3 6 19.7 5 21500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.15 0.1805 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 16.6 6 36.3 5 54.9 3 2.4 MBNF3-S US07875-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-27 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 0.8 MBNF3-S US07875-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-27 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 2.9 MBNF4-S US07876-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-28 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.0602 0.007 40400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 4.04 0.0395 0.008 26.8 6 7.9 5 11400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.14 0.0337 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 11 6 31 5 22.2 3 MBNF4-S US07876-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-28 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 3.3 MBNF4-S US07876-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-28 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 3.5 MBNF5-S US07877-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-29 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.2358 0.007 53200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.32 0.1189 0.008 78.6 6 11.3 5 18500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.85 0.1348 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 9.7 6 31 5 40.3 3 2.9 MBNF5-S US07877-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-29 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 2.4 MBNF5-S US07877-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-29 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 2.7 MBNF6-S US07878-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-30 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.4221 0.007 55200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.52 0.1218 0.008 97.7 6 28.4 5 20400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.04 0.398 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 12.8 6 40.5 5 60.3 3 0.4 MBNF6-S US07878-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-30 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 1.2 MBNF6-S US07878-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-30 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 1.6 MBNF7-S US07879-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-31 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.2309 0.007 52700 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.27 0.084 0.008 68.1 6 22.6 5 18900 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 1.89 0.4848 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 17.3 6 45.3 5 57.4 3 1.4 MBNF7-S US07879-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-31 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 1.6 MBNF7-S US07879-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-31 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 1.9 MBNF8-S US07880-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-32 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 3.0632 0.007 63500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 6.35 0.8076 0.008 282 6 108 5 38200 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 3.82 1.3574 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 32.3 6 117 5 200 3 2.7 MBNF8-S US07880-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-32 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 MBNF8-S US07880-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-32 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 2.9 MBNF9-S US07881-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-33 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 3 0.4795 0.007 57600 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCTDRYWT 5.76 0.1022 0.008 84.5 6 23.9 5 23600 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCTDRYWT 2.36 0.19 "Blank corrected, blank > mdl by factor of 5 or greater" 0.001 ug/g 22.5 6 41 5 67.2 3 2.9 MBNF9-S US07881-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-33 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 3 2.5 MBNF9-S US07881-3 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 575MWRA-33 575MWRA1 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg) and Cd by GFAA done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 3 3 S93030010 US07882 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.053 0.003 36800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 3.68 0.076 0.004 26.5 6 4.4 5 9370 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 0.937 0.024 0.001 ug/g 9.3 6 20.3 5 16.9 3 2.4 S93030012 US07883 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.047 0.003 36400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 3.64 0.044 0.004 26.8 6 4.7 5 10100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.01 0.019 0.001 ug/g 8.5 6 22.9 5 19.4 3 2.2 S93030029 US07884 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 1.483 0.003 55500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.55 0.616 0.004 153 6 46.9 5 28800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.88 0.401 0.001 ug/g 26 6 62.5 5 112 3 2.8 S93030031 US07885 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 3.008 0.003 59600 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.96 1.154 0.004 258 6 74.1 5 37700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.77 0.801 0.001 ug/g 43.8 6 100 5 179 3 2.7 S93030043 US07886-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1993 0.34 0.003 54400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.44 0.213 0.004 86.7 6 19.7 5 23400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.34 0.216 0.001 ug/g 22.1 6 43.4 5 62.2 3 2.9 S93030043 US07886-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1993 DL originally reported as %Fe 0.2 S93030045 US07887 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.329 0.003 53600 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.36 0.155 0.004 84.3 6 21.3 5 22100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.21 0.156 0.001 ug/g 19.2 6 39.7 5 57.5 3 0.1 S93030072 US07888 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.393 0.003 44300 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.43 0.214 0.004 49.7 6 14.9 5 17700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.77 0.097 0.001 ug/g 13.8 6 37.3 5 45.9 3 0.4 S93030074 US07889 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.533 0.003 49400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.94 0.299 0.004 76.6 6 18.7 5 19500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.95 0.143 0.001 ug/g 18.6 6 34.6 5 52.4 3 3.9 S93030088 US07890 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.035 0.003 29400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 2.94 0.042 0.004 20.1 6 4.7 5 9630 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 0.963 0.033 0.001 ug/g 3.9 6 25 5 20.2 3 4.3 S93030090 US07891 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.027 0.003 31200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 3.12 0.088 0.004 24.9 6 23 5 10600 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.06 0.051 0.001 ug/g 6.5 6 27.4 5 20.4 3 4.2 S93030103 US07892 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.159 0.003 47700 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.77 0.074 0.004 41.7 6 31.1 5 15800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.58 0.139 0.001 ug/g 16.6 6 45.9 5 41.5 3 S93030105 US07893 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.146 0.003 51600 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.16 0.06 0.004 36 6 58.8 5 15400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.54 0.073 0.001 ug/g 17 6 40.2 5 37.2 3 5.8 S93030120 US07894 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 1.409 0.003 65100 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.51 0.47 0.004 188 6 54.4 5 37100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.71 0.574 0.001 ug/g 35 6 81.2 5 121 3 5.2 S93030122 US07895-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1993 1.496 0.003 64800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.48 0.598 0.004 192 6 53.9 5 36800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.68 0.496 0.001 ug/g 29.6 6 80.7 5 125 3 4.2 S93030122 US07895-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1993 S93030134 US07896 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.266 0.003 51700 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.17 0.129 0.004 68.6 6 16 5 20600 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.06 0.108 0.001 ug/g 15.8 6 38.7 5 50.8 3 2.01 0.02 S93030136 US07897 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.335 0.003 59500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.95 0.126 0.004 70.7 6 17.4 5 21600 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.16 0.151 0.001 ug/g 18.9 6 38.9 5 53.7 3 1.94 0.02 S93030151 US07898 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.188 0.003 48400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.84 0.17 0.004 71.4 6 12 5 18400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.84 0.098 0.001 ug/g 13.9 6 30.7 5 41 3 1.77 0.02 S93030153 US07899 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.182 0.003 49800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.98 0.158 0.004 73.8 6 11.5 5 17400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.74 0.072 0.001 ug/g 13.1 6 38.5 5 40.8 3 1.54 0.02 S93030179 US07900 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.18 0.003 60700 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.07 0.18 0.004 90.4 6 18.2 5 28500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.85 0.148 0.001 ug/g 29.8 6 40.4 5 84.9 3 1.88 0.02 S93030182 US07901 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.17 0.003 61400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.14 0.174 0.004 84.1 6 20.8 5 29000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.9 0.132 0.001 ug/g 27.5 6 38.5 5 83.2 3 3.64 0.02 S93030198 US07902 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.261 0.003 60900 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.09 0.135 0.004 110 6 23.4 5 36500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.65 0.226 0.001 ug/g 29.6 6 55.4 5 101 3 3.5 0.02 S93030200 US07903 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.26 0.003 64400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.44 0.141 0.004 118 6 26 5 37000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.7 0.211 0.001 ug/g 37.6 6 60 5 105 3 3.82 0.02 S93030214 US07904-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1993 0.17 0.003 58000 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.8 0.113 0.004 83.4 6 19.3 5 26700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.67 0.141 0.001 ug/g 22.9 6 45.4 5 78.5 3 4.08 0.02 S93030214 US07904-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1993 1.54 0.02 S93030216 US07905 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.232 0.003 58000 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.8 0.114 0.004 82.6 6 17.9 5 26600 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.66 0.116 0.001 ug/g 22.5 6 41.9 5 70.7 3 1.68 0.02 S93030234 US07906 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.261 0.003 62100 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.21 0.111 0.004 105 6 23.1 5 36300 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.63 0.167 0.001 ug/g 29.6 6 58 5 106 3 2.05 0.02 S93030237 US07907 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.271 0.003 63200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.32 0.121 0.004 106 6 23.3 5 37500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.75 0.188 0.001 ug/g 31.5 6 57.6 5 110 3 2.41 0.02 S93030269 US07908 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.476 0.003 57000 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.7 0.265 0.004 86.1 6 22 5 37700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.77 0.16 0.001 ug/g 33.7 6 45.7 5 101 3 1.89 0.02 S93030277 US07909 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.431 0.003 61500 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 6.15 0.294 0.004 79.5 6 23.9 5 34400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.44 0.16 0.001 ug/g 28 6 42.9 5 96.6 3 3.45 0.02 S93030292 US07910 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.539 0.003 59100 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.91 0.161 0.004 94 6 24.1 5 31500 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.15 0.195 0.001 ug/g 27.8 6 50.7 5 86 3 2.9 0.02 S93030294 US07911 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.255 0.003 51800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.18 0.104 0.004 55.6 6 11.2 5 19700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.97 0.099 0.001 ug/g 14.8 6 32.4 5 51.1 3 0.64 0.02 S93030310 US07912 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.179 0.003 58600 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.86 0.069 0.004 64.9 6 16.2 5 24600 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.46 0.083 0.001 ug/g 23.1 6 36.6 5 63.6 3 0.68 0.02 S93030312 US07913-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1993 0.161 0.003 50200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.02 0.103 0.004 53.6 6 13 5 21100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.11 0.076 0.001 ug/g 17.2 6 32.6 5 53.7 3 3.36 S93030312 US07913-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1993 3.57 S93030326 US07914 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.088 0.003 43800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.38 0.019 0.004 43.1 6 9.1 5 18400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.84 0.054 0.001 ug/g 12.7 6 31.9 5 36.6 3 3.53 S93030328 US07915 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.067 0.003 40200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.02 0.038 0.004 39 6 11.1 5 15000 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.5 0.041 0.001 ug/g 12.9 6 26.1 5 27.3 3 3.32 S93030352 US07916 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 1.488 0.003 56300 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.63 0.29 0.004 92 6 29.4 5 31400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 3.14 0.343 0.001 ug/g 23.8 6 48 5 84.7 3 2.69 S93030354 US07917 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.889 0.003 48400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.84 0.149 0.004 61.8 6 21.8 5 24900 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.49 0.193 0.001 ug/g 19.9 6 29.2 5 62.7 3 2 S93030372 US07918 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.099 0.003 42800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.28 0.062 0.004 29 6 8.4 5 19700 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.97 0.039 0.001 ug/g 11.5 6 20.8 5 41 3 2.54 S93030375 US07919 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.097 0.003 46800 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 4.68 0.061 0.004 40 6 15.2 5 25100 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.51 0.036 0.001 ug/g 18.5 6 18.7 5 57.8 3 3.32 S93030393 US07920 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.258 0.003 52200 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.22 0.096 0.004 67.3 6 19.3 5 19800 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 1.98 0.226 0.001 ug/g 16.8 6 47.8 5 48.2 3 3.04 S93030397 US07921 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1993 0.533 0.003 56400 DL's were reported in percent (0.54) 5400 PCT 5.64 0.139 0.004 85.3 6 43.6 5 23400 DL originally reported as %Fe 200 PCT 2.34 0.287 0.001 ug/g 20.8 6 56.8 5 68 3 0.56 S94030016 US07922 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB10 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.904 60000 PCT 6 0.331 83 19 21000 PCT 2.1 0.371 ug/g 14 35.8 51 3.34 S94030018 US07923 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA35 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.629 70000 PCT 7 0.182 76 18 19900 PCT 1.99 0.2133 ug/g 16 36.8 52 2.27 S94030028 US07924 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA49 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.354 60000 PCT 6 0.084 78 37 40300 PCT 4.03 0.2349 ug/g 20 30.4 65 2.99 S94030036 US07925 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA85 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 1.31 50000 PCT 5 0.332 141 44 27800 PCT 2.78 0.3157 ug/g 3 71.4 95 2.87 S94030043 US07926 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA43 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.185 50000 PCT 5 0.035 36 13 13310 PCT 1.331 0.1649 ug/g 12 41 30 3.07 S94030051 US07927 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA36 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.069 50000 PCT 5 0.031 40 10 17420 PCT 1.742 0.0536 ug/g 10 41.6 29 2.67 S94030061 US07928-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB06 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1994 1.29 60000 PCT 6 0.387 181 45 32000 PCT 3.2 0.3479 ug/g 30 69.5 101 2.86 S94030061 US07928-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB06 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1994 60000 PCT 6 190 51 32400 PCT 3.24 30 76 101 1.9 S94030065 US07929 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA69 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 1.1 60000 PCT 6 0.255 163 42 31100 PCT 3.11 0.3266 ug/g 28 66.4 95 2.51 S94030073 US07930 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA47 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.314 60000 PCT 6 0.072 61 17 19430 PCT 1.943 0.1358 ug/g 19 37.6 49 2.33 S94030082 US07931 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA71 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.369 50000 PCT 5 0.1 86 26 25200 PCT 2.52 0.1673 ug/g 19 49.9 60 0.99 S94030092 US07932 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA84 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.837 50000 PCT 5 0.356 125 32 24600 PCT 2.46 0.3172 ug/g 24 55.7 80 2.83 S94030099 US07933-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA30 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1994 0.493 70000 PCT 7 0.125 85 20 22100 PCT 2.21 0.1663 ug/g 19 40.5 58 0.28 S94030099 US07933-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA30 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1994 0.405 0.117 0.1584 ug/g 1.73 S94030113 US07934 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB21 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.202 60000 PCT 6 0.069 29 5 12680 PCT 1.268 0.0358 ug/g 19 34 2.64 S94030115 US07935-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA97 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1994 0.091 60000 PCT 6 0.093 42 7 14540 PCT 1.454 0.0442 ug/g 9 28.1 43 1.75 S94030115 US07935-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA97 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1994 50000 PCT 5 46 7 14100 PCT 1.41 10 30.5 38 3.69 S94030127 US07936 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA45 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.273 70000 PCT 7 0.167 101 20 31000 PCT 3.1 0.0917 ug/g 31 46 86 3.7 S94030130 US07937 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB17 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.161 40000 PCT 4 0.11 84 15 22100 PCT 2.21 0.067 ug/g 23 35.4 62 1.46 S94030143 US07938 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA66 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.195 70000 PCT 7 0.139 94 17 26800 PCT 2.68 0.0994 ug/g 22 42.1 78 1.81 S94030145 US07939 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA82 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.196 60000 PCT 6 0.084 89 14 25200 PCT 2.52 0.0908 ug/g 20 40.6 72 2.73 S94030155 US07940 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA33 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.159 60000 PCT 6 0.074 57 8 17600 PCT 1.76 0.0621 ug/g 14 28.9 38 0.87 S94030157 US07941 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB19 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.093 30000 PCT 3 0.038 49 7 17530 PCT 1.753 0.0369 ug/g 14 30.1 36 2.51 S94030168 US07942 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA83 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.3 60000 PCT 6 0.108 116 23 34400 PCT 3.44 0.0987 ug/g 30 51.1 105 1.17 S94030170 US07943 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA80 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.312 60000 PCT 6 0.119 123 24 36000 PCT 3.6 0.0979 ug/g 34 51.1 105 1.1 S94030195 US07944 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA63 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.459 70000 PCT 7 0.174 102 20 35500 PCT 3.55 0.1085 ug/g 30 42.2 97 2.2 S94030199 US07945 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA86 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.447 60000 PCT 6 0.204 95 21 34300 PCT 3.43 0.1069 ug/g 32 39.3 99 1.38 S94030210 US07946 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA68 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.66 60000 PCT 6 0.138 100 22 28300 PCT 2.83 0.1593 ug/g 26 45.4 80 2.89 S94030212 US07947 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA76 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.43 60000 PCT 6 0.102 81 18 23400 PCT 2.34 0.1382 ug/g 17 39.2 66 0.84 S94030224 US07948 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA46 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.206 60000 PCT 6 0.082 61 12 20900 PCT 2.09 0.0662 ug/g 16 29.2 57 2.87 S94030226 US07949 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA50 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.156 60000 PCT 6 0.063 62 10 18380 PCT 1.838 0.0674 ug/g 15 29 47 3.58 S94030236 US07950 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB20 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 1.8 40000 PCT 4 0.231 122 39 28900 PCT 2.89 0.3126 ug/g 24 52.6 86 2.3 S94030239 US07951 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA75 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.503 40000 PCT 4 0.091 58 16 22300 PCT 2.23 0.223 ug/g 13 33.2 47 2.32 S94030254 US07952 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA48 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.309 60000 PCT 6 0.087 54 12 25400 PCT 2.54 0.1221 ug/g 18 27.3 52 1.62 S94030261 US07953 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB07 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.974 60000 PCT 6 0.209 105 27 27100 PCT 2.71 0.2255 ug/g 26 50 69 0.37 S94030267 US07954 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA74 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.026 40000 PCT 4 0.0053 37 9 15730 PCT 1.573 0.0454 ug/g 7 29.3 30 0.88 S94030270 US07955-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA99 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1994 0.108 20000 PCT 2 0.021 14 16 6280 PCT 0.628 0.0275 ug/g 4 27.9 19 2.96 S94030270 US07955-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA99 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1994 0.054 0.022 0.0364 ug/g 1.39 S94030283 US07956 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB22 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.376 60000 PCT 6 0.2 98 22 19700 PCT 1.97 0.1505 ug/g 16 33.7 50 3.41 S94030285 US07957 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB12 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.315 50000 PCT 5 0.116 100 13 18170 PCT 1.817 0.089 ug/g 19 34.2 45 3.25 S94030302 US07958 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA96 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.24 60000 PCT 6 0.09 98 17 22000 PCT 2.2 0.0937 ug/g 13 38.4 53 1.82 S94030319 US07959 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA77 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.031 40000 PCT 4 0.025 29 4 14940 PCT 1.494 0.025 ug/g 7 22 25 2.18 S94030322 US07960 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB04 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.434 50000 PCT 5 0.122 96 22 21800 PCT 2.18 0.1392 ug/g 20 44.6 56 0.22 S94030328 US07961 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA87 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.207 50000 PCT 5 0.051 55 10 20100 PCT 2.01 0.0718 ug/g 12 33.5 41 5.35 S94030338 US07962 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB28 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.65 40000 PCT 4 0.208 148 39 29500 PCT 2.95 0.2465 ug/g 27 70.2 90 2.64 S94030340 US07963 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB14 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.341 30000 PCT 3 0.098 87 23 21700 PCT 2.17 1.2226 ug/g 18 48.5 58 0.28 S94030352 US07964 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB13 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 0.074 50000 PCT 5 0.029 45 8 19230 PCT 1.923 0.0328 ug/g 12 28 33 2.2 S94030358 US07965-1 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA64 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 2 1994 0.121 50000 PCT 5 0.019 44 15 15400 PCT 1.54 0.117 ug/g 11 51.6 34 1.38 S94030358 US07965-2 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PA64 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 2 2 1994 0.135 0.0053 0.1518 ug/g 2.5 S94030370 US07966 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files "Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA) and Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA)" 681MWRA-PB03 "Metals analyzed on cold vapor AA (Hg and CD) done by Battelle Ocean Sciences (Duxbury, MA), metals on EDXRF (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn) done by Marine Science Lab (Sequim, WA)." Method code (MWRA): KP93MET 1 1 1994 1.73 60000 PCT 6 0.562 169 44 29200 PCT 2.92 0.3249 ug/g 31 64.5 98 2.8 STA4G1-S US07967 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files NO inorganics data 5/18/1992 5 18 1992 STA5G1-S US07968 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files NO inorganics data 5/18/1992 5 18 1992 STA7G1-S US07969 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files NO inorganics data 5/19/1992 5 19 1992 STA8G1-S US07970 MWRA / BMBSOFT; unpublished data files NO inorganics data 5/16/1992 5 16 1992 MBSS00001 US07971 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.19 MBSS00002 US07972 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.26 MBSS00003 US07973 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.26 MBSS00004 US07974 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.38 MBSS00005 US07975 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.54 MBSS00006 US07976 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.43 MBSS00007 US07977 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.7 MBSS00008 US07978 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.57 MBSS00009 US07979 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.56 MBSS00010 US07980 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.88 MBSS00011 US07981 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.94 MBSS00012 US07982 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.85 MBSS00013 US07983 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.34 MBSS00014 US07984 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.41 MBSS00015 US07985 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.32 MBSS00016 US07986 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.7 MBSS00017 US07987 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.6 MBSS00018 US07988 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.42 MBSS00019 US07989 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.55 MBSS00020 US07990 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.79 MBSS00021 US07991 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.36 MBSS00022 US07992 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.01 MBSS00023 US07993 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.12 MBSS00024 US07994 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.16 MBSS00025 US07995 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.6 MBSS00026 US07996 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.42 MBSS00027 US07997 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.83 MBSS00028 US07998 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.15 MBSS00029 US07999 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.08 MBSS00030 US08000 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.3 MBSS00031 US08001 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.13 MBSS00032 US08002 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.18 MBSS00033 US08003 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.13 MBSS00035 US08004 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.58 MBSS00036 US08005 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.74 MBSS00037 US08006 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.61 MBSS00038 US08007 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2 MBSS00039 US08008 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.11 MBSS00040 US08009 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2 MBSS00041 US08010 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.33 MBSS00042 US08011 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.21 MBSS00043 US08012 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.21 MBSS00044 US08013 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.89 MBSS00045 US08014 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.92 MBSS00046 US08015 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.96 MBSS00047 US08016 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.49 MBSS00048 US08017 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.6 MBSS00049 US08018 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.54 MBSS00050 US08019 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 3.75 MBSS00051 US08020 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 5.22 MBSS00052 US08021 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 4.9 MBSS00053 US08022 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.02 MBSS00054 US08023 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.02 MBSS00055 US08024 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.01 MBSS00056 US08025 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.74 MBSS00057 US08026 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.78 MBSS00058 US08027 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.77 MBSS00059 US08028 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.35 MBSS00060 US08029 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.35 MBSS00061 US08030 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 2.29 MBSS00062 US08031 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.37 MBSS00063 US08032 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.48 MBSS00064 US08033 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 1.47 MBSS00065 US08034 MWRA / MBCS; unpublished data files GLOBAL GEOCHEM Total organic carbon run on a TOCB carbon analyzer TOC is only reported value in inorganics file on these samples Method code (MWRA): KP93TOC 0.38 6013_3-1 US08035 USGS Open File Report 81-239 see Texture Table Grain size or geotechnical properties were analyzed for this interval however other intervals in this core were analyzed for chemisty. 6013_4-1 US08036 USGS Open File Report 81-239 "Mn, Zn, Li by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy; Pb, Cd, As, Ag by graphite furnace-atomic absorption spectroscopy; B, Co, Cr,Cu Ni, V by quantitative emission spectroscopy" 0.6 20 5 16 140 29 75 860 0