Entry_ID: (required) Entry_Title: Digital Geologic Map and Database of the Frederick 30 X 60 Minute Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia Group: Data_Set_Citation Originator(s): Scott Southworth; David K. Brezinski; Avery Ala Drake, Jr.; William C. Burton; Randall C. Orndorff; Albert J. Froelich; David L. Daniels; James E. Reddy; Danielle Denenny Title: Digital Geologic Map and Database of the Frederick 30 X 60 Minute Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia Publication: Open-File Report Publication_Date: 2002 Publication_Place: Reston, Virginia Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Edition: 1.0 Data_Presentation_Form: Vector digital data and map URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2002/of02-437 End_Group Keyword: Geology Keyword: Geologic Keyword: Bedrock Keyword: Surficial Keyword: Fault Keyword: Structure Keyword: Dike Keyword: Lakebed Keyword: Sinkhole Keyword: Map Group: Temporal_Coverage Start_date: 1997 Stop_date: 2002 End_Group Data_Set_Progress: Complete Group: Spatial_Coverage Southernmost_Latitude: 39.00 Northernmost_Latitude: 39.50 Westernmost_Longitude: -78.00 Easternmost_Longitude: -77.00 End_Group Location: Frederick Location: Maryland Location: Virginia Location: West Virginia Group: Data_Resolution Latitude_Resolution: 0.001 Longitude_Resolution: 0.001 End_Group Access_Constraints: None Use_Constraints: Although all data released in this report have been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data and related materials and (or) the functioning of the software. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Originating_Center: (required) Group: Data_Center Data_Center_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Dataset_ID: USGS Open-File Report 02-437 Group: Data_Center_Contact Last_name: U.S. Geological Survey First_name: N/A Email: ssouthwo@usgs.gov Phone: 703-648-6385 Group: Address National Center, MS926A Reston, Virginia 20192 USA End_Group End_Group End_Group Group: Distribution Distribution_Media: online Distribution_Format : Arc/Info export-interchange Distribution_Size: 99.9 megabytes Fees: None End_Group Group: Multimedia_Sample URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2002/of02-437/02437p1p.gif Format: GIF Group: Description Reduced-size image showing the general layout of map sheet. 864x640 pixels, 24-bit color. End_Group End_Group Group: Multimedia_Sample URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2002/of02-437/02437p2p.gif Format: GIF Group: Description Reduced-size image showing the general layout of map sheet. 864x640 pixels, 24-bit color. End_Group End_Group Group: Reference End_Group Group: Summary The geologic map and database are intended for application to land use decisions, soil mapping, groundwater availability and quality, aggregate resources, and engineering and environmental studies. For site specific studies, the detailed 1:24,000-scale geologic maps should be consulted. The geology of the Frederick 30 by 60 minute quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, was mapped on 1:24,000-scale base maps from 1989 to 1994. The geologic data were manually compiled at 1:100,000-scale in 1997 and were digitized and converted to Arc/Info GIS coverages from 1998 to 1999. Geologic data are stored in eleven GIS themes: A-A' and B-B' cross sections, bedrock, dikes, faults, lakebeds, thermally metamorphosed rocks, map neat line, sinkholes, structural, and surficial. Base data are stored in five GIS themes: hydrology, land cover, political boundaries, roads, and elevation contours. End_Group Group: DIF_Author Last_name: U.S. Geological Survey First_name: N/A Email: ssouthwo@usgs.gov Phone: 703-648-6385 Group: Address National Center, MS926A Reston, Virginia 20192 USA End_Group End_Group DIF_Revision_Date: 20030813 Science_Review_Date: