USGS1; Geologist core description. Top (ft) Depth (ft) Thick (ft) Description 0.00 30.00 30.00 Casing 30.00 34.50 4.50 "Shale, mottled red and green, 2.5' core loss." 34.50 44.50 10.00 "Shale, mottled red and green, 8.5' core loss." 44.50 49.00 4.50 "Shale, 2.3' recovered, 2.2' core loss, mottled red and green." 49.00 51.20 2.20 "Mudstone, mottled red and gray, slickensides, slightly calcareous." 51.20 51.80 0.60 Core loss 51.80 53.10 1.30 "Shale, light green-gray, poorly-developed bedding, occasional slickensided fractures becoming increasingly common near base, basal contact arbitrary." 53.10 53.80 0.70 "Mudstone, red with green-gray mottles, poorly-developed slickensides, basal contact sharp." 53.80 54.32 0.52 "Shale, light gray with brown stringers, slightly calcareous, base sharp." 54.32 57.85 3.53 "Shale, gray, well-developed bedding, dark material filling small fractures near base, poorly-developed slickensides, coarsens to fine-grained, light gray, planar bedded, slightly calcareous (cement?), sandstone 55.15-55.36', basal contact arbitrary." 57.85 61.40 3.55 "Shale, gray, poorly-developed slickensides near top, becoming better developed toward base, dark gray shale clasts 58.5', basal contact arbitrary." 61.40 61.87 0.47 "Mudstone, mottled red-green, non-bedded, small mukkara structures?" 61.87 62.20 0.33 "Mudstone, mottled red-green (10R4/1), poorly consolidated (broken), slickensides in upper part." 62.20 66.00 3.80 Core Loss 66.00 67.96 1.96 "Shale and sandstone interbedded, shale, medium to dark gray (5B4/1), sandstone, fine grained, light gray, basal contact arbitrary." 67.96 68.60 0.64 "Sandstone, dark bluish gray (5B4/1) fine grained, micaceous, light gray to gray, thin-bedded." 68.60 68.95 0.35 "Shale, gray, with thin, fine grained, sandstone interbeds at base, bedding well developed, basal contact arbitrary." 68.95 69.41 0.46 "Sandstone, fine grained, gray to dark gray, calcite veins, planar-bedded." 69.41 70.50 1.09 "Shale, gray to dark gray (5BG4/1), low-angle trough bedding?, calcareous, thin-bedded, base arbitrary." 70.50 71.54 1.04 "Shale, gray, calcareous, thin-bedded, bedding inclined, occasional slickensides." 71.54 72.30 0.76 "Shale, gray-dark gray, sandy, calcareous nodules, thin-bedded, possible pressure solution, base arbitrary on sandy shale changing to shale." 72.30 73.57 1.27 "Shale, light gray, laminated, basal contact gradational and arbitrary on lithology." 73.57 73.86 0.29 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, thin-bedded, gray shale interbeds." 73.86 74.95 1.09 "Shale, dark gray (N4.5), becomes sandier toward base, siderite nodule at base, slickensides in center." 74.95 75.27 0.32 "Shale, light gray, slightly sandy, 0.1'sandy zone at 75.95', small, poorly-developed slickensides." 75.27 76.45 1.18 "Sandstone, light gray (5B4/1), shale interbeds." 76.45 77.05 0.60 "Shale, gray" 77.05 77.31 0.26 "Shale, light gray, poorly consolidated layers dissolved by drilling mud" 77.31 77.69 0.38 "Mudstone, black (N2.5), carbonaceous, randomly-oriented, well-developed slickensides, crumbly, basal contact arbitrary." 77.69 78.60 0.91 "Claystone, dark gray to black (N2.5), carbonaceous, grades to carbonaceous (coaly) claystone at base, well-developed slickensides, basal contact arbitrary, grading to coal." 78.60 78.65 0.05 "Coal, base sharp on core loss." 78.65 79.05 0.40 Core Loss 79.05 79.18 0.13 "Mudstone, light to medium gray, slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 79.18 80.45 1.27 "Shale, very dark gray (N3), grading to light gray at base, occasional root trace." 80.45 81.09 0.64 "Mudstone, gray, slickensides near base, basal contact arbitrary on color change and bedding, crumbly at top." 81.09 81.59 0.50 "Mudstone, very dark gray (N3), small, poorly-developed slickensides, base sharp on bedding." 81.59 82.34 0.75 "Claystone, gray, well-developed slickensides." 82.34 82.93 0.59 "Claystone, gray, clayey zones weathered out by drillers mud, crumbly." 82.93 83.56 0.63 "Claystone, gray, well-developed slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 83.56 86.80 3.24 "Shale, silty, dark greenish-gray (5GY4/1), poorly-bedded, occasional nodule near middle, basal contact arbitrary." 86.80 88.10 1.30 "Claystone, gray, moderate to well-developed slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 88.10 88.55 0.45 "Claystone, gray, crumbly, arbitrary basal contact." 88.55 90.55 2.00 "Claystone, gray, crumbly at base, occasional slickensides near base, basal contact sharp on bedding." 90.55 92.23 1.68 "Shale, greenish-gray (5GY5/1), with light gray interlaminations, base sharp on lithology." 92.23 95.69 3.46 "Siltstone, dark bluish-gray (5B4/1), interlaminated with very fine grained sandstone toward base, base arbitrary." 95.69 95.98 0.29 "Siltstone, light gray, sandy, basal contact arbitrary." 95.98 96.26 0.28 "Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray to gray, micaceous, slightly calcareous, sharp basal contact." 96.26 101.53 5.27 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, poorly-bedded, micaceous, slightly calcareous, basal contact arbitrary on color change." 101.53 107.45 5.92 "Sandstone, light gray, massive becoming poorly-bedded at base, basal contact arbitrary on color change." 107.45 108.15 0.70 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, occasional small pyrite crystals, occasional poorly-preserved ripples with occasional mud." 108.15 119.00 10.85 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, massive, fining-up sequence to 110.6, small euhedral pyrite crystals 113.92-114.75', vertical calcite vein." 119.00 119.20 0.20 "Sandstone, with claystone interbeds, poorly-developed slickensides, euhedral pyrite crystals, both contacts sharp and inclined." 119.20 122.31 3.11 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, slight fining-upward sequence, massive with poorly-preserved, low-angle, bedding, base contact arbitrary." 122.31 123.26 0.95 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive." 123.26 124.00 0.74 "Sandstone, fining-upward sequence, light to medium gray, small pebbles at base, carbonaceous fragments, poorly-preserved bedding." 124.00 124.30 0.30 "Sandstone, poorly-sorted, fine- to coarse-grained, no bedding apparent, euhedral pyrite near base, base arbitrary on grain size, base punctuated by slickensides" 124.30 124.90 0.60 "Sandstone, interbedded with shale (cyclic?), very fine- to fine grained, gray, soft sediment deformation." 124.90 125.32 0.42 "Sandstone, fine grained, gray, finer and coarser beds, shale ripups, base sharp on lithology." 125.32 125.37 0.05 "Shale, base sharp." 125.37 126.57 1.20 "Sandstone, fine grained, gray, rippled with burrows at top, grading downward to planar bedded near middle and becoming massive at base, gradational basal contact." 126.57 127.08 0.51 "Sandstone, banded light and medium gray at top, becoming light gray at base, fining-upward sequence, well-sorted, fine- to medium-grained, shale ripups in basal 0.2'." 127.08 127.47 0.39 "Sandstone, fine grained, gray, 0.02' shale near middle, possible fining-upward sequence." 127.47 131.83 4.36 "Sandstone, fine grained, low angle, planar bedding, calcite cement in basal 2.2 ft, small nodules, base sharp on color and grain size changes." 131.83 136.15 4.32 "Sandstone, light gray, medium- to coarse-grained at base, fining upward to fine grained, occasional shale pebbles at base, low angle, planar bedding." 136.15 136.44 0.29 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, poorly-bedded, basal contact on grain size changes." 136.44 136.99 0.55 "Sandstone, light gray, coarsening-upward sequence, small quartz pebbles." 136.99 137.14 0.15 Core Loss (probably sandstone) 137.14 144.85 7.71 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, low angle to planer bedding, occasional quartz pebbles, base sharp on lithology." 144.85 148.30 3.45 "Claystone, crumbly, abundant slickensides, breaks into angular fragments, slightly sandy at base." 148.30 149.50 1.20 Core Loss 149.50 152.33 2.83 "Shale, dark gray to green-gray (5B4/1), small, poorly-developed slickensides, poorly-bedded, better-bedded towards base." 152.33 160.98 8.65 "Shale, with sandstone interbeds, medium to dark gray (N5), pyrite-rich zone in top 0.1, base arbitrary on increased sandstone, siderite nodules in zones." 160.98 162.50 1.52 "Sandstone, Fining-upward sequence,, laminated dark and light gray, becoming lighter towards base, fine grained, mostly planar bedding with occasional small crossbeds, occasional small nodules (Mn?)." 162.50 169.00 6.50 "Sandstone, occasional shale interbeds, fine grained, laminated light and dark gray, occasional low angle crossbeds, base sharp." 169.00 169.40 0.40 "Sandstone and shale, interbedded, 0.12' core loss, Sandstone-medium-grained, light gray, pyrite at 169.35', Shale, medium gray, base sharp on core loss." 169.40 169.70 0.30 Core loss 169.70 171.26 1.56 "Sandstone and Shale, interbedded, predominately planar to slightly inclined bedding, siderite nodules, occasional soft sediment deformation." 171.26 174.26 3.00 "Shale, dark gray (N4), occasional siderite nodule, base arbitrary on color change." 174.26 174.74 0.48 "Shale, dark gray to black (N3), pyrite at base." 174.74 174.86 0.12 "Shale, black, carbonaceous, siderite nodules, pyrite at top." 174.86 175.19 0.33 "Mudstone, dark gray to black (N2.5), slickensides." "Bakerstown coal bed, 175.19 - 176.55' (1.36'), Elv.= 3133.81', sampled 175.19 - 176.70' (1.51')." 175.19 175.32 0.13 "Bone, interbedded with very thin carbonaceous shale and thin clarain draped over very abundant and large (1 - 5mm) pyrite lenses." 175.32 175.38 0.06 "Coal, durain, with abundant pyrite throughout, grades to clarain at base." 175.38 175.46 0.08 "Coal, clarain, dull, minor pyrite, grades to durain upward. " 175.46 175.66 0.20 "Coal, clarain, bright, common pyrite lenses and 1 mm cleat calcite." 175.66 175.93 0.27 "Coal, clarain, bright, numerous thin vitrains, common 1 mm cleat calcite." 175.93 175.99 0.06 "Coal, clarain, dull, few streaks of pyrite, common 0.5-1 mm cleat calcite." 175.99 176.47 0.48 "Coal, clarain, dull, few streaks of pyrite, minor thin cleat calcite." 176.47 176.52 0.05 "Coal, clarain, dull, abundant pyrite lenses." 176.52 176.55 0.03 "Coal, durain, nonbanded." 176.55 177.11 0.56 "Mudstone, seat earth, very dark gray (N3), slickensided, base gradational. Contains few plant fragments, occasional pyritized stems or roots 1 mm in diameter showing ""woody"" structures. Contact with coal has discontinuous layer of pyrite <<1 mm thick and minor cleat calcite and cleat pyrite." 177.11 178.15 1.04 "Siltstone, gray (5B4/1), siderite nodules, basal contact arbitrary." 178.15 178.35 0.20 "Siltstone, dark green-gray, abundant siderite nodules, basal contact sharp." 178.35 179.68 1.33 "Shale, green-gray, siderite nodules, basal contact sharp on color change." 179.68 182.40 2.72 "Shale, gray (N4)." 182.40 182.97 0.57 "Sandstone, fine grained, planar-bedded, horizontal calcite veins, local shaley zones interbedded, slightly calcareous, basal contact arbitrary." 182.97 183.73 0.76 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, planar-bedded, calcareous cement, 0.2 siderite zone at 183.35, basal contact arbitrary." 183.73 189.80 6.07 "Sandstone, fine grained, with dark gray shale streaks, siderite nodules, calcareous cement in sandstone, non-calcareous basal 1.0, small calcite-filled vein, base sharp on lithology." 189.80 192.41 2.61 "Shale, dark gray, slickensides, siderite nodules, base sharp on color change." 192.41 195.71 3.30 "Shale, dark gray (N4), siderite nodules, occasional slickensides, poorly-bedded, pyrite specks, appears mottled (bioturbated?)." 195.71 198.95 3.24 "Mudstone, dark gray, appears mottled (bioturbated?), very poorly-bedded, calcareous nodules, basal contact arbitrary." 198.95 205.15 6.20 "Mudstone, greenish-gray (5G5/1), calcareous towards top, base gradational, arbitrary on color change, mottled with tanish fracture-filling and speckled with rounded black fragments." 205.15 206.90 1.75 "Mudstone, mottled red and green, slickensides, basal contact on core loss." 206.90 209.80 2.90 Core Loss (approximate location) 209.80 214.65 4.85 "Mudstone, gray, mottled, possible roof traces, gleyed peds, grades downward to shale at base, slickensides, approximately 0.5 foot core loss." 214.65 215.00 0.35 "Sandstone, greenish-gray, with rusty, sub-mm sized carbonate spheres (ankerite?), calcareous." 215.00 217.70 2.70 "Sandstone, fine grained, greenish-gray (5BG5/1), ankerite nodules basal 0.2 ft, calcareous." 217.70 220.80 3.10 "Mudstone, dark greenish-gray (5G4/1), at least one depositional surface with no obvious grain size change across surface which are marked by dark red color." "NOTE: interval 220.80 to 234.29 locally known as the ""Mahoning"" interval." 220.80 222.50 1.70 "Shale, green-gray, poorly-bedded, brecciated, silty, contains angular, tan to brown, laminated, flint clay clasts, base sharp on lithology. (Mahoning unconformity paleosol)." 222.50 225.20 2.70 "Sandstone, light green-gray (5G5/1), shale 224.5 to 224.7, coaly fragment at top, basal contact sharp on lithology." 225.20 225.90 0.70 "Siltstone, dark greenish-gray, crumbly at base, base sharp on lithology." 225.90 226.55 0.65 "Sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, quartzose, some interlaminated dark shale streaks, non-calcareous, small scale ripples with mud drapes." 226.55 226.90 0.35 "Sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, quartzose, low-angle ripple bedding, base sharp on grain size." 226.90 228.00 1.10 "Siltstone, light greenish-gray, siderite band at base, base on lithology" 228.00 229.00 1.00 "Sandstone, light greenish-gray, fine grained, contains dark greenish-gray bands up to 0.2'fhick, shale bands contain sandstone ripples, base on lithology." 229.00 229.16 0.16 "Mudstone, dark greenish-gray, base on lithology." 229.16 229.90 0.74 "Sandstone, light gray, quartzose, massive, base on lithology." 229.90 230.33 0.43 "Mudstone, dark greenish-gray, base on lithology." 230.33 231.55 1.22 "Sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, red-weathering ironstone (siderite?) bands, base on lithology." 231.55 232.92 1.37 "Mudstone, bluish-gray, gradational basal contact." 232.92 233.39 0.47 "Sandstone, interbedded with siltstone, very fine grained, low-angle ripples, base sharp on grain size, siderite bands upper half." 233.39 234.29 0.90 "Sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, quartzose, planar-bedded near top and bottom, rippled in middle with mud drapes, siderite near fop, base sharp on lithology." 234.29 236.90 2.61 "Mudstone, dark greenish-gray, poorly-developed slickensides, contains thin (0.02') sand laminations." 236.90 237.80 0.90 "Claystone, gray, crumbly, illuviated organic matter on peds, small slickensides, basal contact on grain size change." 237.80 240.30 2.50 "Siltstone, locally grades to fine grained sandstone, green-gray, organic skins (films) on siderite, siderite zone from 238.5 to 239.1, siderite throughout." 240.30 240.55 0.25 "Siderite, band, weathered rusty-colored." 240.55 245.00 4.45 "Siltstone, greenish-gray, micaceous, occasional very small pyrite crystals on fractures, base sharp on siderite." 245.00 245.25 0.25 "Siderite, zone of mm-sized nodules, weathered reddish-brown, base" 245.25 255.60 10.35 "Siltstone, greenish-gray, with fine grained sand stringers becoming more common towards base, base sharp on lithology." 255.60 289.00 33.40 "Sandstone, gray, micaceous, cross-bedded, 0.15 shale band at 258.79, non-calcareous, base arbitrary at top of zone of siderite nodules." 289.00 289.21 0.21 "Sandstone, gray, concentric banded clasts, non-calcareous." 289.21 290.67 1.46 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, with black shale streaks, non-calcareous." 290.67 291.20 0.53 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained." 291.20 291.43 0.23 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, with black shale streaks, non-calcareous." 291.43 291.93 0.50 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained." 291.93 293.00 1.07 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, with black shale streaks, non-calcareous." 293.00 294.77 1.77 "Shale, black, with gray zones, sandstone streaks, non-calcareous." 294.77 295.10 0.33 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, with black shale streaks, non-calcareous." 295.10 296.70 1.60 "Shale, black with gray zones, sandstone streaks, non-calcareous," 296.70 297.90 1.20 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, with black shale streaks, non-calcareous." 297.90 299.40 1.50 "Shale, black, with gray zones, sandstone streaks, non-calcareous, sandstone streaks decrease toward base." 299.40 300.10 0.70 "Shale, black, lower portion grades to carbonaceous shale or bone." Contact: Conemaugh Group. and Allegheny Formation. "Upper Freeport coal bed, 300.10 - 309.10' (9.00'), Elv.= 3008.90', not sampled," 300.10 309.10 9.00 Coal 309.10 309.75 0.65 Core Loss 309.75 311.00 1.25 "Mudstone, very dark gray, abundant slickensides, broken." 311.00 311.55 0.55 "Mudstone, very dark gray, with lighter gray clasts, no slickensides." 311.55 314.25 2.70 "Limestone, (Upper Freeport Limestone), medium gray, impure, brecciated, illuviated organic matter around clasts, brecciation increases toward base, base arbitrary on loss of carbonate." 314.25 319.00 4.75 "Mudstone, greenish-gray (N5) darkening to dark gray (N4) toward base due to illuviated organic matter." 319.00 325.70 6.70 "Mudstone, gray, contains brecciated flint clay clasts, illuviated organic matter, base on loss of clasts." 325.70 326.30 0.60 "Mudstone, dark gray, slickensides." 326.30 328.30 2.00 "Mudstone, gray, slickensides, illuviated organic matter." 328.30 328.70 0.40 "Mudstone, gray, siderite cement and fracture fillings." 328.70 329.70 1.00 "Mudstone, gray, illuviated organic matter." 329.70 330.45 0.75 "Mudstone, dark gray, abundant illuviated organic matter, some siderite-filled fractures." 330.45 333.25 2.80 "Siltstone, gray, grading to dark gray toward base, grades to fine grained sandstone at base." 333.25 336.20 2.95 "Mudstone, gray, locally darker with increased illuviated organic matter, grades downward toward greenish-gray, base arbitrary on color change." 336.20 338.33 2.13 "Mudstone, greenish-gray, siderite fracture filling." 338.33 339.25 0.92 "Sandstone, greenish-gray, fine grained." 339.25 340.25 1.00 "Mudstone, greenish-gray, darkening toward base." 340.25 340.71 0.46 "Mudstone, dark gray, siderite cement and fracture fillings, illuviated organic matter." 340.71 341.30 0.59 "Mudstone, dark gray, illuviated organic matter." 341.30 341.90 0.60 "Mudstone, greenish-gray." 341.90 342.35 0.45 "Siltstone, greenish-gray." 342.35 343.70 1.35 "Mudstone, greenish-gray, darkens toward base, basal contact arbitrary on color change and increase in organic matter." 343.70 344.40 0.70 "Mudstone, dark to very dark gray." 344.40 344.55 0.15 "Sandstone, gray, interbedded with dark gray shale." 344.55 345.05 0.50 "Mudstone, dark gray, slickensides." 345.05 345.30 0.25 "Mudstone, dark gray, siderite cement." 345.30 345.70 0.40 "Mudstone, greenish-gray, basal contact arbitrary on increased grain size." 345.70 347.70 2.00 "Siltstone, interlaminated with very fine grained sandstone, greenish-gray." 347.70 347.90 0.20 "Sandstone, brown siderite cement, less siderite toward base, base sharp on grain size." 347.90 349.55 1.65 "Sandstone, greenish-gray, planar bedded, calcareous." 349.55 351.94 2.39 "Mudstone, dark gray, thinly laminated, organic accumulation at 351.65'." 351.94 352.75 0.81 "Sandstone, bluish-gray, fine grained, planer bedded, base arbitrary on change in bedding." 352.75 354.55 1.80 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, low angle cross-beds, basal 0.15' brown siderite cement." 354.55 356.37 1.82 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, planar bedded." 356.37 356.65 0.28 "Siltstone, dark gray, interbedded with sandstone." 356.65 361.00 4.35 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, with dark shale laminations, siderite cement 360.4 - 360.65'." 361.00 362.65 1.65 "Mudstone, dark gray, basal contact arbitrary on grain size." 362.65 363.10 0.45 "Siltstone, dark gray, planar laminations, basal contact arbitrary on grain size." 363.10 364.43 1.33 "Sandstone, dark gray, fine grained, with dark shale laminations." 364.43 366.20 1.77 "Mudstone, dark gray increasing to very dark gray downward, base arbitrary on color and grain size changes." 366.20 367.00 0.80 "Siltstone, dark gray, with dark shale interlaminations, base on siderite occurrences." 367.00 367.35 0.35 "Siltstone, brown siderite streaks, lithology as above." 367.35 367.80 0.45 "Mudstone, dark gray." 367.80 376.10 8.30 "Siltstone, interlaminated with fine grained sandstone, dark gray, numerous siderite zones associated with increase in grain size, base arbitrary on grain size." 376.10 381.65 5.55 "Mudstone, dark gray to very dark gray, shaley, occasional siderite zone." 381.65 382.60 0.95 "Mudstone, very dark gray to black, increase in organic matter toward base, slickensides, base on coal fragments, roof rock." "Upper Kittanning coal bed, 382.60 - 386.81' (4.21'), Elv.= 2926.40', sampled 382.00 - 387.4' (5.40')." 382.60 382.77 0.17 "Bone, interbedded with and containing angular cross-cutting veins of siltstone up to 3mm thick. Abundant pyrite throughout as lenses and cleat fillings. Roof rock." 382.77 382.87 0.10 "Bone, with minor cleat calcite and minor cleat pyrite." 382.87 383.01 0.14 "Coal, clarain, bright, contains interbedded bone and vitrain lenses." 383.01 383.04 0.03 "Fusain, parting, mineralized with pyrite and probably quartz and/or kaolinite." 383.04 383.05 0.01 "Coal, clarain, bright." 383.05 383.20 0.15 "Fusain, parting, mineralized, extremely hard, individual fusain fragments 1 cm in size, mineralized with pyrite and calcite, but mostly with quartz and/or kaolinite." 383.20 383.27 0.07 "Coal, clarain, dull." 383.27 383.32 0.05 "Coal, vitrain, minor cleat calcite." 383.32 383.43 0.11 "Coal, clarain, dull, common cleat calcite." 383.43 383.46 0.03 "Bone, black, carbonaceous." 383.46 383.50 0.04 "Coal, clarain, dull, minor cleat calcite." 383.50 383.95 0.45 "Shale, parting, black, carbonaceous, dense with large slickensides, small plant fragments, and minor cleat calcite." 383.95 384.17 0.22 "Shale, parting, carbonaceous, very bony with lenses of <1 mm vitrain bands, minor pyrite lenses and minor cleat calcite." 384.17 384.79 0.62 "Shale, parting, black, carbonaceous, dense, minor cleat calcite, grades into bone below. Base of shale contains numerous ostracodes 1-2mm in size and common pyrite lenses. Top 0.10 ft bony with pyrite." 384.79 384.87 0.08 "Bone, minor cleat calcite." 384.87 385.00 0.13 "Coal, durain, medium density, common cleat calcite." 385.00 385.10 0.10 "Coal, clarain, dull, common cleat calcite." 385.10 385.13 0.03 "Coal, vitrain." 385.13 385.39 0.26 "Coal, clarain, bright, with few thin vitrains, common cleat calcite." 385.39 385.49 0.10 "Coal, clarain, dull, few thin vitrains, minor cleat calcite." 385.49 385.64 0.15 "Coal, clarain, bright, with abundant I x 30mm pyrite lenses." 385.64 385.65 0.01 Bone. 385.65 385.95 0.30 "Shale, parting, carbonaceous, bony with interbedded pyrite lenses and minor 1 mm vitrains." 385.95 386.05 0.10 "Coal, parting, black, carbonaceous, with occasional thin stringers of vitrains and fusains with large stem impressions." 386.05 386.08 0.03 "Coal, clarain, bright with 2 thin (1 mm) carbonaceous shale bands, one with large lycopod impression (1 cm between vertical ribase)." 386.08 386.45 0.37 "Shale, parting, carbonaceous with occasional thin coal stringers and thin vertical pyrite veins (possibly pyritized roots)." 386.45 386.75 0.30 "Shale, parting, carbonaceous, very bony, with large plant fossil fragments. More bony towards top, contains large mineralized (kaolinite?) uncompressed fusain lenses up to 0.03 ft thick." 386.75 386.77 0.02 "Coal, clarain, dull." 386.77 386.79 0.02 "Shale, parting, black, carbonaceous." 386.79 386.81 0.02 "Coal, clarain, dull." 386.81 387.05 0.24 "Shale, parting, black, carbonaceous, few 1 mm coal stringers, and very abundant large, very well preserved plant fossils (mainly extremely large Cordaites leaves larger than the 2 inch core diameter). Large stems were common, coalified and contain pyrite." 387.05 387.16 0.11 "Shale, parting, black, carbonaceous." 387.16 388.04 0.88 "Shale, parting, black, carbonaceous, few 1 mm coal stringers and very abundant large, very well preserved plant fossils (mainly extremely large Cordaites leaves larger than the 2 inch core diameter). Large stems were common, coalified and contain pyrite." 388.04 388.05 0.01 "Coal, clarain, bright with thick continuous pyritized fusain." 388.05 388.90 0.85 "Claystone, very dark gray, basal contact arbitrary on grain size change." 388.90 394.45 5.55 "Mudstone, very dark gray, silty, locally a siltstone." 394.45 403.10 8.65 "Sandstone, medium-grained,, light gray, occasional stylolites throughout, clay pebbles at 396.9', frequent carbonaceous streaks, massive-bedded with hint of angular-bedding, basal contact sharp and inclined." 403.10 403.32 0.22 "Shale, black, carbonaceous, occasional slickensides" 403.32 404.55 1.23 "Siltstone, dark gray to black, with gray very fine grained sandstone interbeds, soft sediment deformation at base, plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary." 404.55 407.70 3.15 "Mudstone, dark gray to black, plant fragments, slickensides at base, basal contact sharp on coal." "Unnamed coal bed, 407.70 - 408.44' (0.74'), Elv.= 2901.30', not sampled." 407.70 407.80 0.10 "Coal, durain, matted cleat surface, medium density, interbedded with several I mm vitrain bands extending across the core and common 1 x 3mm lenses of pyrite." 407.80 408.04 0.24 "Coal, clarain, bright, minor pyritized fusains." 408.04 408.07 0.03 "Fusain, mineralized with clays?" 408.07 408.08 0.01 "Coal, vitrain." 408.08 408.10 0.02 "Coal, clarain, dull." 408.10 408.19 0.09 "Fusains, numerous fusain bands across core 1-2mm thick interbedded with carbonaceous shales, slickensided, some fusinized stems 1 cm in diameter." 408.19 408.39 0.20 "Coal, clarain, bright with occasional pyritized fusains." 408.39 408.44 0.05 "Coal, clarain, bright with numerous 1 mm thick and 1-5 cm long fusain lenses filled with pyrite and minor sulfates." 408.44 410.46 2.02 "Claystone, black, abundant plant fragments, slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 410.46 413.13 2.67 "Mudstone, silty, black, thin dark gray silty lenses, ironstone pebbles 411.25 - 411.6', plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary on lithology." 413.13 413.80 0.67 "Sandstone, fine grained, ripples with shale drapes, coaly lenses, basal contact arbitrary on lithology." 413.80 416.35 2.55 "Shale, dark gray, occasional silty streaks near base, plant fragments, base sharp on lithology." 416.35 416.60 0.25 "Sandstone, fine grained, gray, iron-stained, massive, clay ripups at base, base sharp." 416.60 417.20 0.60 "Claystone, dark gray to black, plant fragments, poorly-developed slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 417.20 417.75 0.55 "Claystone, siltstone streaks, dark gray, basal contact arbitrary." 417.75 421.00 3.25 "Mudstone, dark gray, siderite nodules, small pyrite masses, abundant plant fragments." 421.00 421.49 0.49 "Siltstone, dark gray, with light gray fine grained sandstone streaks, base sharp on decreasing sandstone percentage." 421.49 421.99 0.50 "Mudstone, dark gray, plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary." 421.99 422.43 0.44 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray with dark gray streaks, fining-upward sequence, mud draped ripples, basal contact arbitrary on increasing sandstone percentage." 422.43 422.85 0.42 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, slightly silty to top." 422.85 423.63 0.78 "Mudstone, slightly silty, dark gray, low angle sandstone ripples and occasional scours, basal contact arbitrary on increasing sandstone percentage." 423.63 424.75 1.12 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, planar, inclined bedding with mud drapes at top and 424.35 - 424.45', mudstone ripups 424.1 - 424.28'." 424.75 425.20 0.45 "Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, light gray sandstone and dark gray siltstone, base angular and sharp, lamina average approximately 0.03'." 425.20 425.78 0.58 "Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained, light gray, inclined bedding at top, base sharp on lithology." 425.78 426.63 0.85 "Mudstone, gray, with fine grained sandstone streaks, occasional small sandstone lens, base sharp on lithology." 426.63 428.18 1.55 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive, dark gray siltstone streaks (ripples) upper 0.15', base sharp on lithology (erosional contact)." 428.18 428.88 0.70 "Claystone, black, carbonaceous, pyrite films filling small fractures." "Middle Kittanning coal bed, 428.88 - 430.50' (1.62'), Elv.= 2880.12', sampled 428.88 - 430.50' (1.62')." 428.88 429.28 0.40 "Core loss, loss somewhere within the seam, descriptions questionable as coal badly broken in core barrel." 429.28 429.59 0.31 "Coal, clarain, fusain bands < .01'." 429.59 429.69 0.10 "Coal, clarain, bright." 429.69 429.76 0.07 Fusain 429.76 430.20 0.44 "Coal, clarain, bright." 430.20 430.35 0.15 Bone 430.35 430.50 0.15 "Coal, clarain, bright." 430.50 430.80 0.30 "Claystone, seat earth, very dark gray, slickensides, pyrite film on fracture faces, base sharp on lithology." 430.80 434.80 4.00 "Claystone, dark gray, crumbly at top, abundant slickensides, plant fragments, siderite nodules and scattered siderite masses, base arbitrary." 434.80 435.80 1.00 "Mudstone, dark gray, with angular to subangular kaolinite fragments, poorly-developed slickensides, angular shear zone 435.45 - 435.55', basal contact arbitrary." 435.80 436.60 0.80 "Mudstone, dark gray, crumbly, thin coal streaks, abundant slickensides, base on lithology." 436.60 437.35 0.75 "Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 437.35 440.35 3.00 "Siltstone, gray, siderite-rich zone at 440.0', basal contact gradational and arbitrary on diagenesis." 440.35 440.57 0.22 "Sandstone, fine grained, massive, abundant siderite cement, base sharp on loss of diagenesis (siderite cement)." 440.57 446.30 5.73 "Siltstone, dark gray, with occasional sandstone streaks, siderite streaks, mud drapes, occasional plant fragments throughout, basal contact arbitrary." 446.30 449.00 2.70 "Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, plant fragments, occasional pyrite film on slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 449.00 450.35 1.35 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray with dark gray streaks, low angle ripples, base sharp on scour." 450.35 450.52 0.17 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, rippled, base sharp on lithology." 450.52 452.15 1.63 "Claystone, dark gray, with light gray sandstone streaks, sandstone increases toward top, coarsening-upward sequence, basal contact arbitrary." 452.15 453.00 0.85 "Siltstone, dark gray, with light gray sandstone ripples, siderite zone at 452.7, plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary" 453.00 453.97 0.97 "Siltstone, dark gray, plant fragments, base sharp on diagenesis (siderite cement)." 453.97 454.65 0.68 "Siltstone, dark gray, abundant siderite cement, abundant plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary on base of diagenesis." 454.65 460.55 5.90 "Claystone, dark gray, siderite-rich zones to base, coal streaks, abundant good plant fossils throughout, base sharp on coal below." "Lower Kittanning coal bed 460.55 - 465.06' (4.51', part= 1.51'), Elv.= 2880.12', sampled 460.55 - 465.24' (4.69')." 460.55 460.72 0.17 "Coal, clarain, dull, abundant fusains and sulfates, one large 3mm fusain filled with clays and pyrite near middle." 460.72 460.81 0.09 "Shale, black, very carbonaceous, abundant plant trash, common mineralized fusains, abundant sulfates, slickensided." 460.81 461.35 0.54 "Coal, clarain, dull, fusains very rich in sulfates throughout." 461.35 461.77 0.42 "Coal, clarain, dull, badly broken in core, very rich in sulfates and pyritized fusains." 461.77 461.89 0.12 "Siltstone, dark gray, very carbonaceous, poorly bedded, common large (>1 cm) leaf and stem impressions, very abundant yellow sulfates." 461.89 462.11 0.22 "Siltstone, brownish gray, poorly bedded, common large (>1 cm) leaf and stem impressions, minor sulfates." 462.11 462.41 0.30 "Shale, medium gray, massive, nonbedded with numerous 1 cm thick, light gray siltstone lenses, abundant large leaf impressions, minor amounts of pyrite and sulfates." 462.41 462.47 0.06 "Flint clay (?), medium gray matrix with dark gray, cm size interclasts, massive, silty, abundant large leaf impressions, minor amount of sulfates." 462.47 462.61 0.14 "Flint clay (?), dark gray, massive, silty, conchoidal fracture, contains angular and subrounded, medium gray interclasts." 462.61 462.66 0.05 "Coal, clarain, bright with thick vitrains, lenticular in core." 462.66 463.07 0.41 "Claystone, fissile, carbonaceous, abundant large stem and leaf impressions, slickensided, common sulfates." 463.07 463.44 0.37 "Shale, dark gray, poorly-bedded, minor sulfates, abundant stem and leaf plant trash." 463.44 463.53 0.09 "Shale, dark gray, very carbonaceous, large stem impressions, very rich in yellow sulfates on bedding." 463.53 463.58 0.05 "Bone, extremely rich in yellow sulfates." 463.58 464.55 0.97 "Coal, clarain, bright with common discontinuous fusains up to 3mm in thickness filled with clays and minor pyrite, top 0.61' highly fractured in core." 464.55 464.83 0.28 "Coal, clarain, dull, common pyritized and clay-filled fusains every 0.03-0.05 ft in core." 464.83 464.86 0.03 "Bone, abundant (-50 percent) pyrite lenses and layers." 464.86 464.94 0.08 "Coal, clarain, dull, abundant small pyrite lenses throughout." 464.94 464.96 0.02 "Pyrite, irregular and contorted, continuous in core, contains stem impressions at top and bottom, probably pyritized fusain." 464.96 465.06 0.10 "Coal, clarain, dull." 465.06 467.23 2.17 "Claystone, dark gray, upper 0.02' bony, abundant plant fragments, coaly streaks, small (<0.01') kaolinite fragments, (gleyed paleosol), 0.02' core loss, slickensides, sulfates on bedding surfaces, basal contact arbitrary." 467.23 468.02 0.79 "Siltstone, dark gray, with light gray, fine grained, sandstone streaks, sandstone content increases toward base, fining-upward sequence, basal contact arbitrary on lithology." 468.02 468.52 0.50 "Sandstone, light to medium gray, inclined bedding top half, base sharp on lithology." 468.52 468.68 0.16 "Siltstone, dark gray, slickensides, base sharp." 468.68 478.62 9.94 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained at base, becoming coarser toward top, upper 4.5' massive, stylolites, occasional pyrite masses, basal contact arbitrary, lower part fractured." 478.62 480.35 1.73 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, ripples with mud drapes, 0.21' siderite-rich zone at 480.16', base sharp on color change." 480.35 481.98 1.63 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siderite-rich zones at 480.7' and 481.5', basal contact arbitrary on color change." 481.98 483.55 1.57 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, with dark gray siltstone streaks, fining-upward sequence, ripples at top, siderite-rich zone 482.2 - 482.26', base sharp on color and lithology." 483.55 484.16 0.61 "Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siltstone, dark gray, small ripples, basal contact arbitrary." 484.16 485.43 1.27 "Siltstone, dark gray, occasional fossil fragments, sandstone streaks, basal contact arbitrary." 485.43 485.57 0.14 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray with dark gray streaks, basal contact arbitrary." 485.57 490.03 4.46 "Shale, black, basal contact arbitrary." 490.03 490.70 0.67 "Mudstone, black, siderite-rich at top, occasional slickensides, pyrite specks concentrated in layers, gradational basal contact." 490.70 499.34 8.64 "Flint clay, light gray, mixed with overlying mudstone above, slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 499.34 500.22 0.88 "Siltstone, light gray, sandstone streaks, slickensides." 500.22 501.45 1.23 "Claystone, silty, gray, well-developed slickensides, plant fragments." 501.45 502.05 0.60 "Claystone, silty, light gray, fractures filled with gray, silty material, slickensides." 502.05 504.25 2.20 "Sandstone, very fine grained, siderite nodules, zone of ripups and clay drapes 503.9 - 504.1', siderite-rich." 504.25 506.00 1.75 "Siltstone, gray, with abundant claystone ripups, carbonaceous material, angular clasts (flint clay ripups)." 506.00 506.33 0.33 "Claystone, light gray, dark gray carbonaceous zones." 506.33 506.40 0.07 "Siltstone, reddish-gray, siderite-rich." 506.40 506.95 0.55 "Claystone, light gray, organic fragments." 506.95 509.20 2.25 "Claystone, black, slickensides, occasional plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary" 509.20 510.30 1.10 "Shale, black, poorly-developed slickensides." 510.30 510.78 0.48 "Claystone, dark gray, plant fragments, poorly-developed slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 510.78 512.40 1.62 "Claystone, slightly silty, gray, poorly-developed, slickensides, basal contact arbitrary" 512.40 513.10 0.70 "Siltstone, clayey, gray." 513.10 514.30 1.20 "Claystone, gray, basal contact arbitrary." 514.30 515.50 1.20 "Siltstone, gray, fining-upward sequence, basal contact arbitrary." 515.50 518.82 3.32 "Siltstone, very dark gray, finely-bedded, occasional ripples with scours, trace amounts of pyrite, basal contact arbitrary." 518.82 521.55 2.73 "Claystone, slightly silty, locally shaley, black, occasional plant trash on bedding, basal contact arbitrary." 521.55 521.97 0.42 "Siltstone, sandstone streaks, black, basal contact arbitrary." 521.97 522.78 0.81 "Sandstone and shale, interbedded, black shale, medium gray sandstone, basal contact arbitrary." 522.78 523.43 0.65 "Claystone, slightly silty, black, occasional plant trash, base sharp." 523.43 523.65 0.22 "Siltstone, abundant siderite cement, base sharp." 523.65 525.10 1.45 "Shale, black, occasional plant trash on bedding." 525.10 525.85 0.75 "Siltstone, extremely dense (heavy), siderite cement, rich in accessory minerals, micaceous, basal contact sharp." 525.85 527.10 1.25 "Claystone, black, slickensides, plant fragments on bedding planes, siltstone clasts at 526.9' (ripups?), basal contact sharp." 527.10 527.66 0.56 "Siltstone, siderite-rich cement, quartz-filled veins, mud drapes with slickensides, basal contact sharp on lithology." 527.66 532.13 4.47 "Claystone, black, slightly silty 530.4 - 531.1', base arbitrary on color change." 532.13 535.21 3.08 "Claystone, gray, plant fragments, slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 535.21 536.67 1.46 "Claystone, silty." 536.67 538.10 1.43 "Claystone, slightly shaley, very dark gray to black, occasional plant fragments, base sharp on lithology and color change." 538.10 539.00 0.90 "Siltstone, gray, burrows or root traces at fop, basal contact gradational." 539.00 539.54 0.54 "Claystone, very slightly silty, brownish-gray, plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary." 539.54 543.16 3.62 "Claystone, very dark gray, occasional poorly-developed slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 543.16 545.10 1.94 "Siltstone, gray, siderite nodules, more common toward top, fining-upward sequence, occasional pyrite mass, occasional plant fragments, gradational basal contact." 545.10 547.28 2.18 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, abundant ripples, basal contact arbitrary." 547.28 548.33 1.05 "Siltstone, sandstone streaks, medium to dark gray, plant fragments, sharp basal contact." 548.33 548.90 0.57 "Siltstone, gray, abundant plant trash, disseminated siderite, occasional slickensides, base sharp on lithology." 548.90 549.66 0.76 "Shale, poorly fissile, black, slickensides, occasional plant fragment, base sharp." 549.66 549.81 0.15 "Siltstone, siderite-rich, base sharp on lithology." 549.81 550.80 0.99 "Claystone, black, occasional coal streaks basal 0.3', occasional plant fragments, slickensides." "Unnamed coal bed, 550.80 - 551.32' (0.52'), Elv.= 2758.20', sampled 550.80 - 551.96' (1.16')." 550.80 551.32 0.52 "Coal, clarain, bright, very rich in soft fusains of 0.01 - 0.02' thickness, (sampled)." 551.32 551.96 0.64 "Claystone, carbonaceous, black, plant fossils, coal streaks, basal contact arbitrary, becomes slightly silty toward base, Stigmaria ficoides." 551.96 554.80 2.84 "Siltstone, dark gray to brown gray, plant fragments, roof traces, basal contact arbitrary." 554.80 561.30 6.50 "Siltstone, gray, plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary." 561.30 562.03 0.73 "Sandstone, light gray, ripples, plant fragments, shale ripups, base sharp on color change." 562.03 562.43 0.40 "Sandstone, gray, ripples, light gray sandstone streaks (less matrix), base sharp on color change." 562.43 562.85 0.42 "Sandstone, light gray, small shale ripups, base sharp on color change." 562.85 563.84 0.99 "Sandstone, gray, massive, occasional mud ripups, basal contact arbitrary." 563.84 566.85 3.01 "Sandstone, light gray, cross-bedded, ripples, mud drapes, mud ripups, organic material to base, poorly-developed slickensides, possible root traces, basal contact arbitrary." 566.85 570.03 3.18 "Sandstone, light to medium gray, fine grained, rippled, thin shale streaks, small, poorly-developed slickensides in shale streaks, basal contact arbitrary." 570.03 571.08 1.05 "Sandstone, light gray, shale streaks, fine grained, base sharp and angular." 571.08 571.13 0.05 "Shale, dark gray, base sharp." 571.13 573.03 1.90 "Sandstone, light gray, cross-bedded, slickensides, shale streaks, fine grained, basal contact arbitrary." 573.03 573.96 0.93 "Sandstone, gray, shale streaks, root traces at top, basal contact arbitrary." 573.96 582.20 8.24 "Sandstone, fine grained, gray, occasional coal streaks, low angle cross-beds with occasional ripples, base sharp on lithology, occasional plant fossils." 582.20 582.72 0.52 "Siltstone, dark gray, coal streaks, angular basal contact." 582.72 584.10 1.38 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, cross-bedded, mud drapes, coal streaks, occasional ripples near base, basal contact arbitrary." 584.10 586.42 2.32 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, abundant coal streaks, root traces, cross-bedded, basal contact arbitrary." 586.42 589.95 3.53 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, low angle cross-beds, base sharp on contact (erosional)." 589.95 590.80 0.85 "Sandstone, light to medium gray, fine grained, gray siltstone interbeds, low angle bedding, coal spars near base, occasional siderite nodules, basal contact arbitrary." 590.80 591.31 0.51 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, coal spars and shale ripups, occasional low angle cross-beds toward base, base sharp." 591.31 592.85 1.54 "Sandstone, gray, massive, with occasional shale streaks at top, basal contact arbitrary." 592.85 593.14 0.29 "Sandstone, gray, shale ripups, basal contact sharp (erosional)." 593.14 593.32 0.18 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, slightly planar bedded, basal contact arbitrary." 593.32 595.02 1.70 "Sandstone, fine grained, gray, shale ripups, angular coal spars, siderite nodules, basal contact arbitrary." 595.02 595.25 0.23 "Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained, gray, abundant siderite nodules becoming more common towards base, basal contact arbitrary." 595.25 595.59 0.34 "Sandstone, gray, massive, basal contact arbitrary." 595.59 599.45 3.86 "Sandstone, gray, fine- to medium-grained, slight fining-upward sequence, low angle to planar bedded, basal contact arbitrary." 599.45 600.97 1.52 "Sandstone, light to medium gray, medium-grained, coal spars, bedding angular with mud drapes, basal contact arbitrary." 600.97 606.90 5.93 "Sandstone, light to medium gray, very thin-bedded, low angle bedding, basal contact arbitrary, shale ripups at 601.0'." 606.90 608.75 1.85 "Sandstone, light gray, fine- to medium-grained, abundant coal spars in upper half, low angle cross-beds, abundant siderite nodules basal 0.2', base sharp on lithology." 608.75 609.03 0.28 "Claystone, very dark gray, base sharp. " 609.03 609.72 0.69 "Sandstone, gray, fine grained, low angle cross-beds, basal contact arbitrary." 609.72 610.58 0.86 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siderite nodules, abundant coal spars, base sharp and angular." 610.58 611.20 0.62 "Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, low angle cross-beds becoming steeper toward top, base sharp on lithology." 611.20 611.37 0.17 "Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, abundant coal streaks, basal contact arbitrary." 611.37 626.07 14.70 "Siltstone, dark gray, occasional light gray, fine grained, sandstone streak throughout, plant trash and fragments, occasional siderite nodules, basal contact arbitrary." 626.07 628.80 2.73 "Claystone, very dark gray, contains thin sandstone stringers, plant fragments, basal contact arbitrary." 628.80 641.77 12.97 "Claystone, very dark gray, siderite zone 629.7 - 629.87', occasional plant fragments and trash on bedding." 641.77 642.45 0.68 "Claystone, hard, dark gray, calcite filled fractures or roots in top half, siderite rich toward base, occasional slickensides." 642.45 643.65 1.20 "Mudstone, very dark gray, slickensides bottom ½, color lightens slightly to base, plant fragments abundant, basal contact arbitrary" 643.65 645.83 2.18 "Claystone, gray, darkens slightly to base, basal contact arbitrary." 645.83 651.93 6.10 "Claystone, slightly silty, black to very dark gray, slickensides top, base sharp on lithology." 651.93 652.74 0.81 "Shale, dark gray to black, carbonaceous with a few isolated coal stringers." 0.00 "Unnamed coal bed, 652.74 - 653.10' (0.36'), Elv.= 2656.26', sampled 651.93 - 653.10' (1.17')." 652.74 653.10 0.36 "Coal, clarain, bright, with 0.08 ft bone band." 653.10 653.75 0.65 "Sandstone, very fine grained, dark gray, coal streaks, base arbitrary." 653.75 656.13 2.38 "Siltstone, very dark gray, plant fragments on bedding, base arbitrary." 656.13 658.30 2.17 "Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, abundant plant fragments, base sharp on lithology." 658.30 659.00 0.70 "Claystone, interbedded with coal, 0.6'core loss." 659.00 664.70 5.70 "Claystone, very dark gray, siderite nodule at 663.9', plant fragments, poorly-developed slickensides, basal contact arbitrary." 664.70 667.97 3.27 "Siltstone, gray, with light gray, rippled sandstone steaks, sandstone increases toward base, base arbitrary, plant fragments." 667.97 672.90 4.93 "Siltstone, dark gray, coarsening-upward sequence, slickensides, occasional plant fragment, base arbitrary on lithology." 672.90 675.48 2.58 "Claystone, black, calcareous, siderite nodules at 674.75', occasional slickensides, occasional plant fragments, base sharp on lithology." "Unnamed coal bed, 675.48 - 675.83 (0.35'), Elv.= 2633.52'" 675.48 675.83 0.35 "Coal, interbedded with carbonaceous shale, base arbitrary." 675.83 676.43 0.60 "Claystone, slightly silty, black, carbonaceous, abundant plant fragments, base arbitrary, becomes slightly sandy toward base." 676.43 679.00 2.57 "Sandstone, light-medium gray, lightens to light gray toward base, fining-upward sequence, plant fragments locally abundant."