USGS identifier
USGS2; Geologist core description.
Top (ft) Depth (ft) Thick (ft) Description
0.00 24.00 24.00 Cased
24.00 30.00 6.00 Claystone, very badly-weathered, badly iron-stained, red 28.0-28.3'.
30.00 30.41 0.41 Claystone, badly-weathered, soft, iron-stained, base gradational, slightly silty at base, nonbedded.
30.41 31.78 1.37 Mudstone, silty, clayey, base arbitrary on increasing silt content, iron-stained, roots??, badly-weathered, possible blocky peds.
31.78 32.35 0.57 Mudstone, silty, as above, harder, non-bedded, 'blocky peds', badly-weathered.
32.35 36.10 3.75 Mudstone, silty, weathered at top, medium green- gray, badly- weathered, possible slickensides on fractures, base arbitrary.
36.10 36.46 0.36 Mudstone, silty, green-gray, abundant (up to 50 percent) ankerite, most abundant 36.15 - 36.30', both contacts arbitrary, toward base ankerite occurs as +/- vertical stingers (root replacement?), non-bedded to very poorly-bedded, occasional very poorly-developed slickensides.
36.46 38.61 2.15 Siltstone, green-gray, both contacts arbitrary, ankerite sporadic throughout in thin vertical stringers (root filling), ankerite stringers less common toward base, base arbitrary, locally poorly- preserved bedding at approximately 25 degrees to core edge, ankerite also in diffuse masses.
38.61 40.75 2.14 Shale, silty, bedded, poorly- to moderately-developed bedding at approximately 25 degrees to core edge, very occasional, poorly-developed slickensides, ankerite masses dispersed throughout, occasional ankerite in 'rootless', occasional small (0.02 - 0.03'), angular, kaolinite (flint clay) clasts basal 0.3 - 0.4', base arbitrary.
40.75 40.90 0.15 Shale: as above with abundant ankerite.
40.90 42.15 1.25 Mudstone, slightly silty, green, non- to poorly-bedded, small green, angular (0.02 - 0.05'), flint clay clasts (flint clay clasts lighter green than matrix), base arbitrary on occurrence of ankerite.
42.15 44.39 2.24 Mudstone, slightly silty, occasional flint clay clasts 43.3 - 43.35', flint clay clasts have slickensides, occasional slickensides throughout, vertical to sub-vertical, ankerite-filled fracture (large mud crack?) 0.14' wide at top, thins downward to nothing near base.
44.39 44.63 0.24 Mudstone, as above with abundant ankerite throughout, ankerite concentrated on relic bedding at approximately 25 degrees to core edge, green-gray, very hard.
44.63 44.80 0.17 Mudstone, as above without ankerite, green-gray, gradational to sharp basal contact on sand stringers.
44.80 45.15 0.35 Sandstone, with interbedded siltstone (50/50), very fine grained sandstone, light to medium green gray.
45.15 45.68 0.53 Sandstone, very fine grained, light green-gray, occasional small ripples, base sharp on grain size change.
45.68 46.46 0.78 Sandstone, very fine grained, coarsens to fine grained at base, light green-gray, base arbitrary on grain size increase and color change, fracture with iron staining, low angle planar bedding, locally bedding not present.
46.46 47.35 0.89 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, ankerite throughout, ankerite in top half concentrated in thin vertical fractures, ankerite diffuse throughout bottom half, bedding planar to sub-planar, base sharp on lithology.
47.35 47.73 0.38 Shale, silty, broken in core barrel, green-gray, greenish locally, both contacts sharp.
47.73 48.15 0.42 Sandstone, fine grained, light to light-medium gray, 0.15' flint clay layer at 48.08', sub-planar bedding, base sharp on lithology, ankerite throughout.
Note: 48.15 - 54.7' is the "Mahoning" interval.
48.15 51.00 2.85 Flint clay, brecciated, cm-scale, light gray, angular clasts exhibit banding (bedding?), clasts at various angles (slump features), very thin quartz laminations in clasts, matrix around clasts medium to dark gray, some of darker matrix around flint clay clasts appear to be secondary, crystalline quartz, clasts decrease downward, isolated clasts below 49.2', slight increase in 'quartzose' matrix, base arbitrary.
51.00 51.90 0.90 Flint clay, brecciated, with quartzose sand matrix, base arbitrary on amount and  type of clasts, badly broken in core.
51.90 54.70 2.80 Flint clay, brecciated, clasts non-banded (bedded?), clasts green-hued and larger, iron-stained fractures, base arbitrary on lithology, description difficult as core is badly broken.
54.70 55.75 1.05 Mudstone, silty, non-bedded, occasional small, ankerite mass  dispersed throughout, medium gray, base arbitrary on color change.
55.75 56.05 0.30 Mudstone, silty, occasional slickensides, dark gray, clayey, mm-scale euhedral pyrite crystals throughout, base arbitrary on color change.
56.05 56.93 0.88 Mudstone, occasional slickensides, medium gray with slight green cast, slickensides, non-bedded, arbitrary basal contact.
56.93 58.76 1.83 Mudstone, slightly silty, non-bedded, medium gray with siderite top 0.3', very occasional, very small, euhedral pyrite crystals.
58.76 58.94 0.18 Mudstone, slightly silty, contains more clay than unit above, bedding perpendicular to edge of core (= inclined bedding originally), base arbitrary.
58.94 60.70 1.76 Sandstone, rippled, light to light-medium gray, fine grained, iron stained fractures at 60.3 - 60.5', base sharp.
60.70 60.96 0.26 Siltstone, bedding perpendicular to edge of core (= originally inclined), base sharp, common +/- 0.1' clayey zones, medium gray with slight green cast, slightly sandy toward base, clayey at base (coarsens downward).
60.96 64.55 3.59 Siltstone, locally clayey, occasional poorly-developed slickensides on bedding, siderite throughout, more abundant toward base, base sharp.
Note: 64.55 - 65.91' is a gradational continuum with increasing and decreasing amounts of carbonaceous material.
64.55 65.00 0.45 Claystone slightly silty, medium gray, base sharp on color, non-bedded.
65.00 65.38 0.38 Claystone, dark gray, darkening to black at base, non-bedded, illuviated carbonaceous material.
65.38 65.91 0.53 Claystone, non-bedded, slickensides, medium to medium-dark gray, as above but lighter in color, base gradational.
65.91 67.55 1.64 Claystone, dark gray, very badly broken to crumbly, abundant slickensides on fractures, base arbitrary on competence of lower unit.
67.55 69.16 1.61 Claystone, dark gray with occasional medium gray zones with rounded edges, common well developed slickensides, base sharp on color change, base at 25 degrees to core edge.
69.16 69.68 0.52 Claystone, medium-dark gray (lighter than above), base sharp on color change and at approximately 25 degrees to core edge, slightly flinty, slickensides.
69.68 69.72 0.04 Claystone, black, both contacts sharp on color changes.
69.72 69.80 0.08 Claystone, medium to medium-dark gray, sharp basal contact on color change.
69.80 75.40 5.60 Claystone, hard, medium gray, darkens slightly to dark gray at base, locally exhibits pedogenic structures 72.39 - 72.5', base arbitrary on siderite content.
75.40 76.28 0.88 Claystone, with massive siderite (?) masses throughout, lighter claystone stringers to base.
76.28 79.15 2.87 Claystone, light to light-medium gray, thin (0.01-0.03') dark zones to 77.55 - 77.8', brecciated, increasing siderite cement to base.
79.15 80.00 0.85 Core Loss.
80.00 81.40 1.40 Siltstone, light gray, with slight green cast, clayey, top 0.5' broken, occasional small, disseminated siderite masses, base arbitrary on grain size change.
81.40 83.82 2.42 Siltstone, to silty claystone, bedded at approximately 25 degrees to core edge, base arbitrary, light-medium gray with slight greenish cast.
83.82 87.00 3.18 Claystone, light gray with slight greenish cast, thin (mm-scale) sand stringers below 85.65', base sharp, 'vugs' on core edge washed out during drilling.
87.00 88.80 1.80 Claystone, slightly silty, very badly broken, light gray.
88.80 90.00 1.20 Claystone, silty, gray, locally broken in core barrel, light gray, locally approaches siltstone, bedded, base gradational and arbitrary on grain size.
90.00 94.41 4.41 Siltstone, medium gray, bedding at 20- 40 degrees to core edge, very rare mica flakes, small, brown, iron oxide-cemented, ellipsoidal (0.1 - 0.15') zones, locally clayey, rounded claystone clasts +/- 90.7', vertical (thin) ironstone-filled stringers (roots), base arbitrary on color change.
94.41 95.40 0.99 Claystone, silty, medium gray (darker than unit above), non-bedded, occasional small siderite nodule, basal contact arbitrary.
95.40 97.45 2.05 Siltstone, medium gray, vertical fracture filled with siderite, fracture thins downward, diffuse siderite throughout, slickensides, base sharp.
97.45 97.75 0.30 Siltstone, with thin sandstone stringers, medium gray, top and bottom contacts arbitrary on loss of sandstone stringers, pyrite blebs, siderite nodules.
97.75 99.82 2.07 Siltstone, clayey, micaceous, medium gray, occasional thin sand stringers, occasional ironstone blebs, base sharp on color change, bedded.
99.82 104.30 4.48 Siltstone, sandy, abundant mica flakes, ironstone blebs, sandstone stringers, medium gray to medium-dark gray, base sharp on increase in sand content, bedding at approximately 25 degrees to edge of core, pyrite filling on many bedding planes, clayey around 102.0.
104.30 106.82 2.52 Siltstone, common to occasional sandy streaks, medium gray, bedded at +/- 25 degrees, common Fe stone bands in sandy zones, possible ripples, lose sand  base, base arbitrary on loss of sand.
106.82 108.60 1.78 Siltstone, clayey, thin sand streaks top 0.5, abundant, badly macerated plant fragments throughout with pyrite locally replacing plant fragments, bedded at approximately 25 degrees to edge of core, occasional small ripples, one green (epidote-colored) bleb, basal 0.1 sandy, dark gray with brown tint.
Upper Freeport Rider coal bed, 108.60 - 109.20' (0.60'), Elv.= 2932.33', not sampled.
108.60 108.69 0.09 Parting, interbedded sandstone, coal layers and bone layers, bedding contorted.
108.69 108.80 0.11 Bone, no bedding evident, no vitrains, medium density, minor pyrite lens.
108.80 109.20 0.40 Bone, shaley, medium density, contains numerous thin lenses and layers of pyrite. Basal 0.02' contains large pyritized sandstone lenses and layers.
109.20 109.67 0.47 Siltstone, dark gray, sand streaks, bedding at approximately 25 degrees to edge of core, plant fragments, base sharp, dark gray.
109.67 110.25 0.58 Shale, thin pyrite films on bedding, medium gray, weathers with slight brown tint.
110.25 110.43 0.18 Claystone, black, non-bedded, base sharp on color.
110.43 110.86 0.43 Claystone, silty, slickensides, dark gray.
110.86 111.08 0.22 Claystone, black, slickensides, base sharp on color.
111.08 114.28 3.20 Shale, pyrite, medium to dark gray, poorly-preserved plant fragments, 113.5-114.0, poorly bedded, locally silty, root traces.
114.28 114.86 0.58 Claystone, non-bedded, medium-dark gray, base sharp on color.
114.86 114.90 0.04 Claystone, black, both contacts sharp.
114.90 115.30 0.40 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, non-bedded, common to abundant slickensides, base sharp on color.
115.30 115.40 0.10 Claystone, black, contact on base of coal.
Contact: Conemaugh Group. And Allegheny Formation.
Upper Freeport coal bed, 115.40 - 119.89 (4.49'), Elv.= 2925.53', sampled 115.40 - 120.90' (5.50').
115.40 115.72 0.32 Bone, canneloid, high density, abundant thick (2mm) pyrite layers across the 3 inch core, few 1-2mm vitrains.
115.72 115.97 0.25 Coal, clarain, bright, soft, occasional partially pyritized fusain bands.
115.97 116.11 0.14 Shale, silty, dark gray, contains thin vitrain stringers.
116.11 116.15 0.04 Coal, clarain, bright, 116.15 - 116.21', parting, interbedded bone and carbonaceous shale in distinct 0.02 - 0.03' layers, few slickensides, minor thin vitrains.
116.15 116.21 0.06 Parting, interbedded bone and carbonaceous shale in distinct 0.02 - 0.03' layers, few slickensides, minor thin vitrains.
116.21 116.42 0.21 Coal, clarain, dull, occasional fusains and pyrite lenses.
116.42 116.75 0.33 Shale, dark gray, very hard and dense, no bedding evident, barren, not rooted, thin dull coal layer at 116.68 - 116.70'.
116.75 116.95 0.20 Coal, clarain, dull, soft, fractured.
116.95 117.35 0.40 Coal, clarain, bright, soft, very fractured but intact in core, occasional small pyrite lens.
117.35 117.75 0.40 Mudstone, dark gray, dense, bedding was poor and irregular with irregular lenses and layers of mixed mudstone and millimeter size vitrain particles in sharp contact with lighter and darker mudstone layers. The parting was barren except for a single very large (>3 inch) flattened Stigmaria near the base of the parting.
117.75 119.60 1.85 Coal, for the most part the coal was bright clarain with occasional 0.01 - 0.02‘ thick fusains mineralized with clays. The lower 1.0' of the bench was dull clarain, somewhat intact in the core. Core was very fractured and wet and shortened somewhat, therefore the description is poor.
119.60 119.81 0.21 Shale, silty, black, highly carbonaceous, mottled black and dark gray silty shale with very disrupted and contorted bedding and occasional inter-fingering 1-10 mm layers of gray siltstone. Shales and siltstones contain abundant fine coaly materials and common small and large pyrite lenses and pyrite on fracture surfaces. Probable roots and 1-2mm vitrains were common.
119.81 119.89 0.08 Bone, black, silty, contains interbedded bone, vitrain, clarain and carbonaceous shale lenses with minor small lenses of pyrite.
119.89 120.90 1.01 Coal, clarain, bright with common 1-2mm vitrain bands and common 1-3mm fusain lenses mineralized with clays. The coal was extremely fractured (½ inch size consist) in the lower 0.50'.
120.90 125.20 4.30 Claystone, broken and partially lost core (4 feet of core in 2 feet of box), remainder is moderate hard.
125.20 128.30 3.10 Fireclay, plastic, like "toothpaste" in core box, medium dark brown to gray, slickensided fractures.
NOTE: 128.3 - 139.0 represents a stacked paleosol sequence.
128.30 131.75 3.45 Claystone, weathers yellowish, medium to light-medium gray, ironstone concretions, nonbedded, (paleosol).
131.75 132.05 0.30 Ironstone, concretions with claystone stringers.
132.05 132.55 0.50 Claystone, dark gray, top and bottom contacts arbitrary on color change.
132.55 135.60 3.05 Claystone, medium gray, possible slickensided fractures, ironstone approximately 133.0', top and bottom contacts arbitrary on color change, weathers yellow.
135.60 138.60 3.00 Claystone, medium gray, locally crumbly, weathers yellowish, possible root traces, abundant slickensides, root traces(?) brown, iron-stained, basal +/- foot, dark gray.
138.60 139.00 0.40 Claystone, silty, nonbedded, diffuse siderite throughout, slickensides, light-medium gray with faint yellow stains, base sharp.
139.00 139.77 0.77 Siltstone, poorly-bedded, occasional poorly developed slickensides, occasional plant fragments, diffuse, red-weathering siderite throughout base arbitrary on increase in iron stone at base.
139.77 140.60 0.83 Siltstone, extremely abundant ironstone nodules, no bedding, broken, dark clasts near base, basal contact arbitrary.
140.60 141.13 0.53 Siltstone, pyrite film on bedding, medium gray, bedded with thin, very fine grained sandstone stringers, inclined bedded toward base, wavy, thin, vertical, irregular, ironstone-filled fractures (roots?), base arbitrary on loss of bedding.
141.13 141.75 0.62 Siltstone, medium olive gray, clayey, poorly-bedded, base arbitrary on increase in ironstone content.
141.75 143.25 1.50 Siltstone, non-bedded, root traces, slickensides, occasional clasts of flint clay, olive green-gray, fine silt, thin, irregular, vertical, ironstone stringers (roots?), base arbitrary on loss of ironstone and increase in number of sandstone streaks.
143.25 144.10 0.85 Claystone, sandstone streaks, medium gray with slight green tint, occasional thin, vertical, ironstone stringers, occasional small, angular, 'flint clay' clasts, base gradational over 0.2', poorly-bedded, occasional slickensides.
144.10 144.80 0.70 Claystone, slickensides, dark gray to black, non-bedded, base sharp.
144.80 146.50 1.70 Claystone, slickensided fractures, medium gray with slight green tint, thin, irregular, vertical, ironstone-filled fractures (roots?), ironstone becomes massive basal 0.1 - 0.15', non- bedded.
146.50 148.20 1.70 Claystone, poorly-bedded, medium gray-green, occasional rounded ironstone nodules up to 0.1' in diameter, occasional poorly-developed slickensides, bedding improves toward base, ironstone nodule at 147.2' and 147.8 - 148.0'.
148.20 148.84 0.64 Claystone, bedded, medium green-gray, occasional very poorly-developed slickensides, base arbitrary on color change.
148.84 149.18 0.34 Claystone, as above with approximately 50 percent diffuse ironstone throughout, top and bottom contacts gradational.
149.18 149.65 0.47 Claystone, as above with sandstone stringers and large ironstone nodules (not diffuse), unit comprised of 50 percent ironstone nodules.
149.65 152.68 3.03 Siltstone, with thin sandstone streaks, bedding 6 - 8 degrees to core edge, medium green- gray (not Conemaugh green), mica flakes on bedding, base arbitrary on increase in sand content.
152.68 157.50 4.82 Sandstone and siltstone, interbedded, sandstone (>50 percent), very fine- to fine grained, light gray, planar bedded to occasional rippled, siltstone, light-medium green-gray, mica flakes on bedding, base arbitrary on loss of sand, 0.02 - 0.03' ironstone band at 153.97', 154.38', and 154.85'.
157.50 157.90 0.40 Siltstone, medium to medium-dark gray, sandstone streaks, bedding at approximately 12 degrees to core edge, very small ripples, mica on bedding, base arbitrary on increase in sand content.
157.90 158.31 0.41 Siltstone, sandstone streaks (sandstone approximately 40 percent), dark gray, base arbitrary on loss of sand, small scale ripples.
158.31 158.93 0.62 Siltstone, sandstone stringers, sand content increases toward base, rippled, dark gray with slight green tint, occasional poorly-preserved wood fragments.
158.93 159.70 0.77 Shale, well-bedded, dark gray, occasional sandstone stringers near top, base arbitrary on color change.
159.70 160.42 0.72 Shale, black, carbonaceous, badly-preserved plants at 160.2 - 160.3' (sampled), plant stem hash below 160.3' to base, poorly-bedded.
160.42 162.71 2.29 Siltstone, black, carbonaceous, thin sandstone stringers, occasional to locally-common plant trash throughout, Macroneuropteris scheuchzerii: stem frays, cf. Linopteris sp. at 161.35', M scheuchzerii at 162.3' (plants sampled), occasional pyrite bleb, vitrain chips locally on bedding, base arbitrary on decrease in sand content.
162.71 163.89 1.18 Siltstone, black, sandstone streaks, base arbitrary on lighter color, shale carbonaceous, small vitrain chips, coalified (vitrain) plant fragments throughout, though more common toward top.
163.89 167.68 3.79 Shale, dark gray to black, very occasional slickensides, very rare small, plant stems, base sharp.
Lower Freeport coal bed, 167.68 - 171.15 (3.47'), Elv.= 2873.25'
167.68 168.20 0.52 Coal, clarain, dull, extremely fractured (1/8 to 1/4 inch size consist), wet with no apparent partings.
168.20 168.32 0.12 Shale, intact in core, carbonaceous, bony, extremely hard, slickensided, no bedding, conchoidal fracture, rare carbonaceous streaks, no plant trash or fossils evident, numerous small approximately 0.5mm pyrite spheres.
168.32 168.40 0.08 Bone, medium density with numerous thin vitrain stringers.
168.40 169.30 0.90 Coal, clarain, dull, common fusains, extremely fractured (1/4 inch size consist).
169.30 169.33 0.03 Shale, carbonaceous
169.33 169.36 0.03 Coal, clarain, dull with abundant fusains.
169.36 169.37 0.01 Shale, carbonaceous.
169.37 169.48 0.11 Coal, clarain, dull, common pyritized fusains.
169.48 171.15 1.67 Core Loss, probably coal with partings.
171.15 172.30 1.15 Claystone, very soft, unconsolidated in core box, harder clasts throughout, medium gray, weathered from drilling fluid, basal contact on mud.
172.30 177.20 4.90 Claystone, non-bedded, slightly silty, common slickensides, yellow ironstain on surface of core, occasional ironstone concretions, light-medium gray, basal contact sharp.
177.20 178.00 0.80 Siltstone, medium gray, weathers light yellow, iron stain on core surface, base sharp on change in grain size, very rare sand streak, diffuse ironstone cement.
178.00 179.45 1.45 Claystone, medium gray to dark gray, light yellow iron stain on surface, slickensides.
179.45 183.67 4.22 Siltstone, sandstone stringers, coarsens slightly toward base, medium gray, yellow iron stain on core surface, occasional lycopod rootlet, poorly-bedded, basal contact sharp.
183.67 183.87 0.20 Siltstone, as above with >50 percent ironstone, basal contact sharp.
183.87 185.18 1.31 Sandstone, very fine- to fine grained, slightly rippled, silty 184.2 - 184.35', base arbitrary on grain size, bedded, siltstone drapes ripples.
185.18 188.39 3.21 Siltstone, sandstone interbedded, sandstone, very fine grained, occasional ironstone concretions throughout, larger septarian nodules basal 0.5 feet, bedded at approximately 25 degrees to edge of core, base sharp, light to medium gray with green tint.
188.39 191.58 3.19 Siltstone, medium green-gray, occasional small ironstone concretion, iron-staining throughout, silty at 189.25', well-bedded, common to abundant iron cement (diffuse) 191.0' to base, basal contact arbitrary on grain size.
191.58 192.18 0.60 Mudstone, silty, medium green gray, very occasional plant fragments (nothing identifiable), base sharp on Lithology, poorly-bedded.
192.18 193.75 1.57 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, darkens toward base, soft sediment deformation 193.4' to base.
193.75 193.95 0.20 Claystone, medium gray with slight greenish tint.
193.95 202.30 8.35 Sandstone, lithic, very fine grained at top, coarsens to fine- to medium-grained at base, micaceous, iron-stained fractures, small vugs, massive, base sharp, stem fragments locally on bedding.
202.30 202.60 0.30 Shale, broken in core barrel.
202.60 203.40 0.80 Shale, black, canneloid, occasional small stem fragment, broken in core barrel, pyrite.
Upper Kittanning coal bed, 203.40-204.70 (1.3'), Elv.= 2837.53'
203.40 204.70 1.30 Coal, severely fractured at inch size consist, wet, few intact core segments show bright clarain and a 0.08' carbonaceous shale parting somewhere within the coal bed.
204.70 205.42 0.72 Claystone, pyrite, very dark gray, slickensides, crumbly, very occasionally silty, base arbitrary on core loss below.
205.42 210.85 5.43 Core Loss
210.85 212.66 1.81 Mudstone, non-bedded, light yellow gray, hard, occasional small flint clay clasts, base arbitrary on color change.
212.66 212.82 0.16 Mudstone, coal clasts, medium to dark gray, very poorly-bedded, base arbitrary on color change.
212.82 217.00 4.18 Mudstone, dark gray 213.1 - 213.6', otherwise light to medium gray, root traces, slickensides, base sharp on lithology, clayey, locally contains small, angular, flint clay clasts.
217.00 219.22 2.22 Sandstone, very fine grained, silty matrix, soft sediment deformation at top, poorly-bedded, plant fragments and fossils, lycopod root traces, bedding becomes well-developed and rippled below 218.4', iron stained, sharp, angular basal contact.
219.22 219.53 0.31 Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained, obscure bedding, light gray, quartzose, ironstone cement, base sharp.
219.53 219.80 0.27 Siltstone, medium gray, bedded, occasional small plant fragment, basal contact sharp and angular.
219.80 220.25 0.45 Siltstone, as above, sharp basal contact.
220.25 221.00 0.75 Claystone, silty, occasional thin (0.02 - 0.03') ironstone band, medium green-gray, bedded, top half badly broken in core barrel, base arbitrary on broken rock.
221.00 221.50 0.50 Core Loss, exact interval questionable
221.50 222.80 1.30 Shale, dark gray, broken in core barrel, slickensided fractures, silty, very fine mica flakes locally, sharp basal contact.
222.80 223.04 0.24 Sandstone, fine grained, white, broken in core barrel, lithic, base questionable due to core broken on core barrel.
223.04 227.00 3.96 Claystone, very slightly silty, medium to medium-dark gray, bedded, occasional poorly- developed slickensides, stem fragments, becomes clayey siltstone locally, occasional thin sand stringer basal 0.5'.
Middle Kittanning coal bed, 227.00-227.80 (0.80'), Elv.= 2813.93'
227.00 227.10 0.10 Bone, shaley, with minor vitrains, abundant large pyrite lenses, some pyrites were in fusains, slickensides.
227.10 227.23 0.13 Bone, shaley, with abundant cm-size, 1 mm thick vitrain fragments, most angular and many contorted and at angles to very poor bedding, common pyrite lenses. This layer appears to represent a reworked sediment with plant fragments acting as interclasts. Pyrite was abundant.
227.23 227.32 0.09 Shale, dark brown, bony, thin vitrains interbedded with shale layers, occasional fusains and common pyrite layers and lenses. The vitrain fragments were small, angular, contorted and fragmental, much smaller than in the bands a
227.32 227.40 0.08 Coal, clarain, dull with thick vitrains (one 6mm thick). Banding was contorted and draped over the sulfur ball below.
227.40 227.50 0.10 Pyrite, sulfur ball, very likely a large pyritized fusain, thins to 0.05' within the core.
227.50 227.68 0.18 Coal, clarain, dull, with common 1-2mm vitrain bands.
227.68 227.80 0.12 Coal, clarain, dull, with common uncompressed, 3mm by 6mm pyritized fusains. Lower 0.07' nearly canneloid in appearance.
227.80 228.20 0.40 Claystone, black, carbonaceous, grades lighter near base, base arbitrary on color change, preserved carbonized plant stem fragments, non-bedded.
228.20 231.37 3.17 Claystone, dark gray, carbonaceous, root traces, common slickensided fractures, common carbonized plant fragments, lighter slightly toward base, base arbitrary on color change.
231.37 240.50 9.13 Siltstone, becomes slightly sandy from middle downward, medium gray with slight green gray tint, very poorly-bedded, root traces near top, bedding improves below 233.0', very fine grained sandstone 235.5 - 236.0', bedding at approximately 25 degrees to core edge, large, rounded ironstone masses 238.35 - 239.05', grades to very fine grained sandstone with silty matrix 239.3' to base, generally planar bedded, occasional small ironstone nodules basal foot, base arbitrary on grain size increase.
240.50 241.05 0.55 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, bedding at 25 degrees to edge of core, sharp basal contact.
241.05 245.17 4.12 Siltstone, medium gray, bedded, occasional (0.01 to 0.1') sand stringers throughout, occasional ironstone concretions throughout, abundant ironstone 244.5' to base, base sharp.
245.17 248.00 2.83 Sandstone, light gray, laminated locally with carbonaceous material draping bedding, rippled, basal contact sharp, very fine- to fine grained, pyrite present, Grady intervals 245.25 - 247.62' (2.36'), 247.80 - 249.90' (2.10') sampled.
247.80 249.90 Lower Kittanning coal bed, 248.00 - 260.00' (12.00'), Elv.= 2792.93'
248.00 248.05 0.05 Coal, clarain, dull, impure.
248.05 248.09 0.04 Bone, interbedded with impure clarain.
248.09 248.20 0.11 Shale, gray, silty, slickensided with contorted bedding. Contains large (>1 cm) well preserved leaf imprints that are unidentifiable due to contortions in bedding.
248.20 248.42 0.22 Coal, durain with common 1-2mm vitrain bands and contorted bedding.
248.42 248.74 0.32 Coal, clarain, bright, soft, very fractured.
248.74 249.19 0.45 Coal, clarain, dull, fractured.
249.19 250.30 1.11 Coal, clarain, bright, soft, very fractured.
250.30 250.64 0.34 Mudstone, dark gray, poorly-bedded, barren.
250.64 250.74 0.10 Bone, silty, interbedded with brown silty shale bands and vitrains up to 3cm thick.
250.74 250.82 0.08 Coal, clarain, dull.
250.82 250.83 0.01 Pyrite, contorted but continuous in 3 inch core.
250.83 251.89 1.06 Coal, semi-splint, dull, the upper 0.30' is 50 percent interbedded 0.05' dull clarains becoming thinner downward and grading into pure semisplint with minor thin vitrains.
251.89 253.10 1.21 Coal, clarain, bright, extremely fractured in core with a size consist of <1/4 inch.
253.10 253.24 0.14 Shale, carbonaceous, grades down to bone at base, upper contact with coal is very sharp.
253.24 253.60 0.36 Bone, medium density with minor, very thin, isolated vitrains.
253.60 260.00 6.40 Core Loss, coal and parting.
NOTE: 266.00 - 275.61' is a single genetic package.
260.00 260.91 0.91 Mudstone, poorly-bedded, slightly silty, occasional plant fragments, dark to very dark gray, pyrite, basal contact arbitrary on color change.
260.91 261.21 0.30 Claystone, black, carbonaceous, abundant pyrite replacing plant debris, slickensides, base arbitrary on color change, slightly silty.
261.21 261.79 0.58 Shale, dark to medium-dark gray, poorly developed slickensides, common medium to coarse sand grains floating in mud matrix, base sharp on lithology.
261.79 262.20 0.41 Sandstone, medium-grained, locally coarse grained, non-bedded, locally exhibits relic bedding, light gray, base gradational.
262.20 263.57 1.37 Mudstone, top 0.15' sandy, light-medium gray, poorly-bedded, occasional root trace, occasional coalified stem fragment, medium-grained sandstone 263.55' - base.
263.57 264.20 0.63 Sandstone, with siltstone interbeds, very fine grained, light to medium gray, base sharp, beds +/- 0.1' thick.
264.20 264.77 0.57 Sandstone, fine grained, soft sediment deformation, medium-gray, base arbitrary on change in bedding.
264.77 265.70 0.93 Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained, lithic, mica flakes, coalified plant fragments, bedding at approximately 25 degrees to edge of core, base sharp.
265.70 266.28 0.58 Sandstone, very fine grained, medium gray, base sharp.
266.28 270.53 4.25 Siltstone, with common interlaminated sandstone, sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, siltstone, medium gray, common small ironstone bands, vertical irregular ironstone mass (fracture filling) 268.2 - 269.0', mica flakes on bedding.
270.53 271.05 0.52 Sandstone, very fine- to fine grained, occasional small rips, thin (+/- 0.03') ironstone bands near top, mica flakes and plant fragments draping bedding, base arbitrary on grain size.
271.05 272.56 1.51 Siltstone, sandstone stringers, same as unit at 266.28 - 270.53', base sharp on increase in grain size.
272.56 272.67 0.11 Sandstone, very fine- to fine grained, light gray, bedding approximately 10 degrees to core edge (planar bedded), base sharp.
272.67 273.18 0.51 Siltstone to mudstone.
273.18 273.40 0.22 Sandstone and siltstone interlaminated, rippled.
273.40 275.40 2.00 Siltstone, sandstone stringers, long ironstone nodules 274.4 - 275.0', base sharp.
275.40 275.61 0.21 Sandstone, very fine- to fine grained, angular, erose, sharp basal contact.
275.61 277.45 1.84 Shale, slightly silty, well-bedded, medium gray with slight green tint, base sharp on ironstone zone.
277.45 277.82 0.37 Shale, as above, mostly replaced by nodular ironstone.
277.82 279.37 1.55 Shale, medium to medium-dark gray, sharp basal contact.
279.37 280.00 0.63 Mudstone, medium to light-medium gray, common slickensides, root traces, poorly- to non-bedded, base sharp on color.
280.00 280.90 0.90 Shale, black, poorly-bedded, occasional slickensides, occasional carbonized and pyritized plant trash.
Clarion coal bed, 280.90 - 283.10' (2.20'), Elv.= 2760.03', sampled 280.90 - 283.10' (2.20').
280.90 281.25 0.35 Coal, clarain, bright, soft, a very large 1 inch by >2 inch lens of mineralized fusain near the top of the coal. The fusain was mineralized with clays, probably kaolinite and not pyrite. Sample badly crushed and description is limited.
281.25 281.57 0.32 Coal, clarain, dull, fractured, minor 1mm x 2cm pyrite lenses.
281.57 281.75 0.18 Coal, clarain, dull, impure, mineral impurities appear granular as below.
281.75 282.00 0.25 Coal, bone, very impure and dense. Matrix appears granular on a sub-millimeter scale, imparting an grainy canneloid appearance to the matrix. Vitrain bands <0.5mm thick were common and extended unbroken over 1 to 5 cm in the core. Pyrite lenses were minor, 1 mm thick and probably pyritized fusains. Unmineralized fusains were minor and the same size as the vitrains. Minor cleat? calcite <1mm in size was rare.
282.00 283.10 1.10 Coal, bone, occasional thin vitrain band, fusain locally, carbonized stem fragments on bedding, abundant pyrite replacing plant stems, base gradational.
283.10 284.30 1.20 Shale, black, very coaly, common pyrite and carbonized stem fragments, becomes clayey basal 0.15', base sharp, common thin pyrite streaks.
284.30 287.30 3.00 Claystone, white, noncalcareous stringers, medium to light-medium gray, flinty below 286.0', base arbitrary on color change, very occasional small slickensides, medium sand grains floating in clay matrix approximately 286.8'.
287.30 287.35 0.05 Claystone: as above but very dark gray, carbonaceous ((OA horizon).
287.35 288.42 1.07 Mudstone, dark gray, becomes poorly-bedded toward base, base arbitrary on bedding change, (paleosol).
288.42 290.60 2.18 Siltstone, poorly-bedded at top, root traces, occasional small plant fragments, medium- dark gray, base sharp.
Contact: Allegheny Formation. and Pottsville Group.
290.60 291.75 1.15 Sandstone, very fine grained, quartzose, root traces, disrupted bedding  (from rooting), basal contact on loss of roots, occasional mica flakes on bedding, very light gray to white.
291.75 303.40 11.65 Sandstone, very fine grained, stylolites, very hard, quartzose (looks like sugar).
303.40 315.00 11.60 Sandstone, very hard, little recovery, air hammered to TD.
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