USGS identifier
USGS3; Geologist core description.
Top (ft) Depth (ft) Thick (ft) Description
0.00 58.00 58.00 Cased
58.00 58.20 0.20 Siltstone, medium gray, occasional thin sandstone streaks, base sharp on grain size.
58.20 58.65 0.45 Sandstone, very fine grained, rippled in part with discontinuous siltstone drapes, base sharp on loss of sand.
58.65 59.20 0.55 Siltstone, medium gray, badly broken in core barrel.
59.20 59.80 0.60 Shale, poorly bedded, siltstone at top, grading upwards, base gradational.
59.80 60.38 0.58 Shale, medium gray, clayey, base sharp.
60.38 60.79 0.41 Siltstone, medium gray, very hard, non-calcareous, base sharp.
60.79 61.62 0.83 Shale, medium gray, darkens basal 0.15'.
61.62 61.70 0.08 Shale, dark gray, carbonaceous.
61.70 62.10 0.40 Shale, black, carbonaceous, locally coaly, thin light medium gray shale bands (0.01' - 0.02') in middle, base sharp.
62.10 62.22 0.12 Shale, clayey, medium dark gray, top and bottom sharp on color.
62.22 62.33 0.11 Shale, dark gray, carbonaceous.
62.33 62.55 0.22 Shale, dark gray, carbonaceous, badly broken in core barrel.
62.55 64.96 2.41 Mudstone, clayey, medium gray, occasionally poorly to moderately developed slickensides, non bedded, paleosol, base gradational.
64.96 66.45 1.49 Shale, medium gray, imperfectly bedded, base grades on color.
66.45 67.25 0.80 Shale, dark gray, thin bands of medium gray, carbonaceous, 0.01' - 0.02' thick, base sharp.
67.25 67.45 0.20 Ironstone, hard, no fizz, thin vertical white mineral streaks (fizzy when powdered), top and bottom sharp.
67.45 67.80 0.35 Shale, ironstone with bedding contorted around 0.05' +/- vertical nodules, base sharp but irregular over 0.06'.
67.80 68.12 0.32 Ironstone nodule zone, locally preserves shale bedding, hard, base sharp and irregular.
68.12 68.85 0.73 Shale, medium dark gray, occasional light gray streak, bedding slightly irregular, base on color.
68.85 68.92 0.07 Shale, dark gray, occasional plant fossils (sampled), base sharp.
68.92 69.10 0.18 Shale, dark gray, ironstone cement, irregular nodules, vary hard
69.10 74.05 4.95 Shale, bands (0.05' - 0.07')
74.05 74.67 0.62 Shale, banded, medium dark gray, common sandstone streaks.
74.67 74.81 0.14 Ironstone
74.81 75.33 0.52 Shale, banded, medium dark gray, occasional sandstone streaks.
75.33 76.00 0.67 Shale, banded, medium dark gray, with 50% +/- sandstone streaks, common carbonized stem fragments.
76.00 76.47 0.47 Shale, banded, medium dark gray, with no sand streaks.
76.47 76.85 0.38 Shale, banded, medium dark gray, common zones of interlaminated sands, possible roots.
76.85 78.17 1.32 Shale, banded, occasional thin shale streaks.
78.17 78.43 0.26 Sandstone, fine grained, with medium gray silty shale bands.
78.43 79.28 0.85 Shale, banded, medium dark gray, occasional sandstone streaks.
79.28 79.42 0.14 Ironstone band, base diffuse.
79.42 81.10 1.68 Shale, medium to medium dark gray, very rare sandstone streaks, very rare and poorly  preserved plant fragments.
81.10 81.20 0.10 Ironstone band, base diffuse.
81.20 83.17 1.97 Shale, medium dark gray, no sand.
83.17 83.24 0.07 Ironstone band, both contacts slightly diffuse.
83.24 87.30 4.06 Shale, medium gray, occasional poorly preserved plant fragment, very occasional sandstone streak (83.90' - 85.00'), base arbitrary.
87.30 87.87 0.57 Shale, dark gray, poorly bedded, grading toward mudstone, slightly carbonaceous, poorly developed slickensides.
Little Pittsburgh coal bed, 87.87-89.65 (1.78'), Elv=. 2012.75'.
87.87 89.65 1.78 Coal, bright clarain to 88.50', fusain streaks 88.50 to 88.52',  pyrite lens at 88.78',  core broken up 88.50'  recovered all coal, end of run at 89.40', 89.40 - 89.65' dull clarain abundant pyrite,  approximate 50% recovery.
89.65 89.74 0.09 Claystone, very dark gray to black, slightly broken, pyrite, base sharp and angular.
89.74 89.93 0.19 Limestone, brecciated, brown gray, brecciation decreases to base, base gradational.
89.93 90.67 0.74 Limestone, brown gray, pyrite, small calcite veins, occasional poorly developed slickensides to base, base sharp on lithology.
90.67 91.55 0.88 Claystone, silty, dark gray to gray at base, base sharp on color change.
91.55 91.74 0.19 Siltstone, dark gray, base sharp on color and lithology.
91.74 93.85 2.11 Siltstone, gray, occasional siderite fill, occasional pyrite, slightly increased sandy to base, base sharp and wavy on diagenesis.
93.85 94.15 0.30 Siltstone, gray, abundant siderite cement, base sharp  and angular on loss of diagenesis.
94.15 94.48 0.33 Siltstone, sandy, gray, massive, small vertical fractures, base gradational.
94.48 97.00 2.52 Siltstone, slightly sandy, rounded siderite nodules 95.1' -95.75' (<0.03'), base gradational.
97.00 97.70 0.70 Claystone, slightly silty, bioturbated, base gradational on increased silt.
97.70 99.70 2.00 Claystone, silty, sandstone streaks, gray, slightly darker to base, occasional ripples, base sharp on increased sandstone.
99.70 101.98 2.28 Claystone, coarsens upward to siltstone with abundant sandstone streaks at top, rippled, coarsening upward sequence, occasional siderite to base, rooted, base sharp on color.
101.98 102.79 0.81 Claystone, medium dark gray, rooted, siderite, very clayey at top, well developed slickensides, base gradational on increased sandstone streaks.
102.79 103.38 0.59 Siltstone, abundant sandstone streaks, very fine grained, light gray, slightly rippled, siderite, large vertical root (siderite filled), increased silt to base, base sharp on lithology and color.
103.38 104.75 1.37 Claystone, dark gray, rooted at top, vertical siderite filled large root, very well developed slickensides, base sharp on increased sandstone.
104.75 105.60 0.85 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, ripples, very fine grained, light gray, base sharp, angular.
105.60 105.93 0.33 Siltstone, gray, possible fracture (vertical), base gradational.
105.93 106.45 0.52 Claystone, gray, darker to base, carbonaceous streak 0.01', very poorly preserved stem, slightly sandy to top, very occasional side nodules, base gradational on color.
106.45 106.93 0.48 Siltstone, very calcareous, siderite cement, base sharp and wavy.
106.93 108.53 1.60 Siltstone, sandy to base, gray, abundant siderite cement 107.8' - 108.5', no bedding, occasional calcareous zone.
108.53 109.65 1.12 Siltstone, gray, occasional fine grained sandstone streaks, occasional calcareous cement and siderite? to top, rooted, base gradational.
109.65 112.82 3.17 Siltstone, sandy, occasional pyrite, poorly preserved bedding, clayey to base, coarsening upward sequence, slight soft sediment deformation, base gradational.
112.82 114.00 1.18 Claystone, dark gray at base to gray at top, poorly developed slickensides, rooted at top, less cemented siltstone 113.4' - 113.6', base gradational.
114.00 114.36 0.36 Siltstone, gray, slickensides, abundant siderite cement, rooted, base gradational.
114.36 115.30 0.94 Claystone, medium gray, bioturbated, base on color.
115.30 116.78 1.48 Claystone, carbonaceous streaks, very dark gray at top to medium gray at base, siltstone lenses at top 0.2', occasional poorly preserved stems, occasional slickensides to base, base gradational.
116.78 118.48 1.70 Siltstone, gray, abundant roots, occasionally siderite filled, carbonate filled to base, occasional slickensides, base gradational.
118.48 120.41 1.93 Siltstone, gray, siderite cement abundant at top to 119.0', increasing clay to base, occasional carbonaceous root fill, base gradational.
120.41 122.95 2.54 Siltstone, gray, rooted, with calcite fill throughout, broken bottom 0.4, slickensides, base gradational.
122.95 127.35 4.40 Claystone, silty, gray, rooted, occasional siderite and calcite root fill, slickensides, occasional very clayey zones ~127.0', (dark gray), no bedding, base gradational.
127.35 129.35 2.00 Siltstone, sandy, gray, siderite cement, rooted, abundant siderite cement at top, base gradational.
129.35 130.11 0.76 Claystone, slightly silty, gray to medium gray, poorly developed slickensides, siderite nodules, base arbitrary.
130.11 130.82 0.71 Claystone,  medium gray, occasional silty streak, base gradational.
130.82 131.34 0.52 Siltstone, gray, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks, horizontal bedding, base sharp.
131.34 134.71 3.37 Claystone, locally silty, gray to medium gray, slickensides, rooted, occasional siderite fill, nodules, base gradational on lithology.
134.71 138.95 4.24 Claystone, silty, gray to medium gray, darker to base, occasional silty streak, horizontal bedded, base arbitrary.
138.95 139.27 0.32 Siltstone, sandy, grades to sandstone, silty at base, gray, abundant sandstone streaks, ripples to base, occasional very thin carbonaceous streaks, base sharp.
139.27 139.51 0.24 Claystone, silty, medium gray, occasional slickensides, occasional siderite (?) nodules, base sharp.
139.51 140.00 0.49 Siltstone, sandy, abundant sandstone streaks, medium gray, occasional small ripples, base gradational.
140.00 142.14 2.14 Siltstone,  medium gray, occasional sandstone streaks throughout (light gray), claystone to base (dark gray), occasional coalified plant fragments, base gradational.
142.14 146.00 3.86 Claystone, slightly silty, finer to base, medium gray, darker to base, occasional plant fossils at 144.85', base sharp on color change.
146.00 146.20 0.20 Claystone, black, base wavy and sharp.
146.20 146.63 0.43 Claystone, dark gray, base on color.
146.63 147.70 1.07 Claystone, medium to dark gray, occasional small plant trash, base on color.
147.70 148.55 0.85 Siltstone, very occasional small thin medium gray sandstone streaks, base arbitrary on sandstone streak increase.
148.55 148.90 0.35 Siltstone, medium gray, sandstone streaks to wisps, small ripples, base on sandstone loss.
148.90 151.26 2.36 Claystone, silty, varies medium gray to dark gray, base arbitrary.
151.26 152.79 1.53 Claystone, medium to dark gray, base sharp on color.
152.79 152.86 0.07 Claystone, very dark gray, base sharp.
152.86 152.94 0.08 Claystone, medium gray, base sharp.
152.94 153.03 0.09 Claystone, medium dark gray, base sharp and slightly angular.
153.03 153.08 0.05 Claystone, medium gray, base sharp, slightly angular.
153.08 153.48 0.40 Claystone, intermittent medium gray to dark gray, lightens to base, base sharp.
153.48 153.94 0.46 Claystone, medium dark gray, grades to medium gray at base, base sharp.
153.94 154.35 0.41 Claystone, dark gray, base on lithology.
Little Clarksburg coal bed, 154.35-155.15 (0.80'), Elv.= 1946.00'.
154.35 155.15 0.80 Coal, very dirty, mud brown color, vitrinite streaks, base gradational from 154.83' to base.
155.15 155.65 0.50 Claystone, slightly silty, dark gray grading to medium gray at base, occasional very thin coal streaks (<0.01'), occasional calcite fracture fill, base sharp on color.
155.65 155.72 0.07 Claystone, black and limestone rip ups, mixed, base undulatory.
155.72 157.56 1.84 Limestone, occasional small rip ups, occasionally slightly brecciated, base gradational into a calcareous claystone.
157.56 158.43 0.87 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, occasionally clayey, very hard, occasional siderite cement/ nodules, base gradational on lithology.
158.43 160.14 1.71 Claystone, medium dark gray, abundant slickensides, base on color change. 159.95-160.05': shale, black, very carbonaceous, base sharp.
160.14 162.70 2.56 Claystone, dark gray, occasional coal streaks at top, calcite fracture fill, pyrite, broken. 160.05-160.40: Coal, vitrinite and pyrite streaks. 160.40-161.82: core loss, either in coal or next unit down, 161.82'.
162.70 164.60 1.90 Claystone, medium gray, slickensides, base gradational.
164.60 168.61 4.01 Claystone, siltstone streaks, gray to medium gray, occasional siderite nodules, very hard at top, softer to base, very occasional small plant fragments, 0.02' siltstone streak at 167.3', slightly inclined to base, overall flat bedded.
168.61 168.91 0.30 Claystone, medium gray, base arbitrary.
168.91 169.70 0.79 Claystone, medium gray, base arbitrary.
169.70 170.14 0.44 Claystone, black, abundant siderite,  grades to siltstone at base, medium gray.
170.14 171.50 1.36 Siltstone, gray, with 0.01'fine grained, light gray, sandstone streaks, thinly bedded, bedding contorted around vertical and nodular features, desecration cracks? filled with siderite (slight fizz), base arbitrary on loss of sand.
171.50 172.90 1.40 Siltstone, clayey, medium gray, occasional siderite filled nodules, poorly bedded, bedding contorts, around nodules, base gradational on increased sandstone.
172.90 174.05 1.15 Siltstone, gray, occasional discontinuous sandstone streaks, light gray, fine grained, occasional fine rootlets, occasional siderite nodules, base arbitrary on increase sandstone streaks.
174.05 175.00 0.95 Siltstone / sandstone interbedded, sand is fine grained, light gray, siltstone is gray, wavy bedding, siderite nodules, vertical rootlets.
175.00 175.96 0.96 Siltstone, clayey,  medium gray with <0.01' light gray discontinuous sandstone streaks.
175.96 176.70 0.74 Claystone, medium dark gray, occasional slickensides, siderite filled vertical fractures, base on lithology.
Normantown coal bed, upper split, 176.70-178.10' (1.40'), Elv.= 1923.35'.
176.70 178.10 1.40 Coal, very carbonaceous, poor coal bone and/or parting at 177.85' to 178.10, pyrite.
178.10 179.00 0.90 Siltstone, clayey, medium dark gray, coal streaks and spars, occasional well developed slickensides with occasional pyrite fill, pyrite oxidizes rapidly, base arbitrary on color.
179.00 180.15 1.15 Claystone, dark gray, sub-horizontal well developed slickensides, carbonaceous plant fragments and trash.
180.15 180.30 0.15 Shale, carbonaceous, black, well preserved plant fossils.
180.30 180.62 0.32 Coal
180.62 181.64 1.02 Shale, gray, broken, poorly fissile, organic at top.
181.64 181.78 0.14 Sandstone,  light gray, fine grained, siltstone drapes, gray, thin nearly planar bedded, base on loss of sand.
181.78 181.87 0.09 Siltstone, gray, occasional <0.01' discontinuous sandstone streaks, base on occurrence of sand.
181.87 182.04 0.17 Sandstone, fine grained, with siltstone drapes, wavy, gray, base on bedding.
182.04 182.15 0.11 Sandstone, fine grained, with siltstone drapes, planar bedded.
182.15 183.52 1.37 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siltstone streaks, dark gray, bedding wavy to slightly wavy, more siltstone locally, base on bedding.
183.52 184.32 0.80 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siltstone streaks, dark gray, planar bedded, base sharp on lithology.
184.32 187.33 3.01 Shale, gray, occasional well preserved plant fossils, grades to dark gray at base, base arbitrary.
187.33 189.85 2.52 Shale, medium dark gray, poorly fissile, broken 187.85' - 188.05', slickensides at base, base on color.
189.85 190.12 0.27 Shale, carbonaceous, black, slickensides, base on lithology.
190.12 190.39 0.27 Coal, bony.
190.39 190.62 0.23 Shale, black, fibrous sulfide growths on core, base on color.
190.62 192.53 1.91 Shale, medium gray, poorly fissile, vertical fractures.
192.53 192.72 0.19 Shale, black, coal streaks, base on  coal loss, crumbly.
192.72 194.33 1.61 Shale, dark gray to black, occasional coal streaks, crumbly to base.
194.33 196.33 2.00 Shale, gray, broken, occasional plant trash.
Lower Hoffman coal bed, 196.33-198.80' (2.47'), Elv.= 1903.72'.
196.33 198.80 2.47 Coal, durain 196.33 - 197.60, clarain to base, pyrite abundant at top, base sharp on claystone below.
198.80 199.03 0.23 Shale, black, coal streaks, occasional low angle slickensides, pyrite on bedding planes.
199.03 199.90 0.87 Shale, black, coal streaks, occasional well preserved plant fossils, ~ 10% coal, mineral fracture fill, base on lithology.
199.90 201.47 1.57 Shale, gray, poorly fissile, occasional well preserved plant fragments.
201.47 201.69 0.22 Siltstone, siderite cement, vertical fractures, plant fossils.
201.69 201.75 0.06 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siderite rich, siltstone streaks.
201.75 201.90 0.15 Siltstone, gray with fine grained sandstone streaks, light gray.
201.90 202.00 0.10 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siderite rich, siltstone streaks.
202.00 202.88 0.88 Siltstone, medium gray, (0.01') sandstone streaks at 202.65', occasional plant fossil, base sharp on lithology.
202.88 203.07 0.19 Sandstone, very fine grained, occasional euhedral calcite crystals and pyrite at 202.95', black streaks.
203.07 203.12 0.05 Siltstone, gray, occasional siltstone streaks, base sharp.
203.12 203.20 0.08 Sandstone, very fine grained, dark siltstone wisps, base gradational.
203.20 203.36 0.16 Claystone, dark gray, siltstone streaks, base sharp.
203.36 203.48 0.12 Sandstone, very fine grained, very thin carbonaceous streaks, base sharp.
203.48 203.58 0.10 Siltstone, dark gray, siltstone streaks, occasional slickensides, base sharp.
203.58 203.77 0.19 Sandstone, very fine grained, carbonaceous streaks (very thin) to top, base sharp.
203.77 204.08 0.31 Claystone, medium gray, hard, calcite streaks.
204.08 205.41 1.33 Limestone, possible small shell fossils, brown gray, base on color change.
205.41 205.67 0.26 Limestone, medium gray, hard.
205.67 206.82 1.15 Claystone, silty, calcite cement, calcite decreases to base, base arbitrary.
206.82 207.62 0.80 Claystone, medium gray, base sharp.
Upper Clarysville coal bed, 207.62-208.77' (1.15'), Elv.= 1892.43'.
207.62 208.77 1.15 Coal
208.77 210.67 1.90 Claystone, medium gray, slightly silty, slickensides, base arbitrary.
210.67 212.70 2.03 Siltstone, medium gray grading to light gray at base, calcareous nodules, whole core fizzes, base arbitrary.
212.70 213.83 1.13 Limestone, light gray, base arbitrary.
213.83 218.77 4.94 Siltstone, very rooted, siderite fills rootlets, occasional calcite cement, siderite and calcite rich zone at 216.2' - 216.4'.
218.77 219.35 0.58 Siderite nodule, concentric rings, siltstone around edge.
219.35 219.70 0.35 Claystone, silty, gray, siderite root fill, slickensides, base arbitrary.
219.70 221.58 1.88 Claystone, gray, slickensides, broken 221.0'to base, carbonate fill on some slickensides.
221.58 222.06 0.48 Claystone, with small flint clay fragments (brecciated?), base sharp on color.
222.06 222.09 0.03 Claystone, black, base sharp.
222.09 222.15 0.06 Claystone, dark gray, base on lithology.
222.15 222.35 0.20 Siltstone, medium gray, base sharp.
222.35 222.40 0.05 Claystone, dark gray, possible coal streak, base sharp.
222.40 222.45 0.05 Siltstone, medium gray, base sharp.
222.45 222.50 0.05 Siltstone, dark gray, base sharp.
222.50 222.56 0.06 Siltstone, light gray, slightly rippled, base sharp.
222.56 223.35 0.79 Claystone, medium gray, slickensides, rooted, base on grain size.
223.35 224.00 0.65 Siltstone, rooted, siderite fills rootlets, small occasional siderite nodules, base gradational.
224.00 224.90 0.90 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, medium gray, rooted, siderite root fill, possible ripples, base arbitrary.
224.90 225.41 0.51 Claystone, medium gray, rooted, base on color change.
225.41 227.12 1.71 Claystone, dark medium gray at top to medium gray at base, slickensides, rooted, base arbitrary.
227.12 233.60 6.48 Claystone, silty, plant fossils, well preserved at 229.35', base arbitrary, fairly well developed horizontal bedding.
233.60 235.05 1.45 Claystone, medium gray, plant fossils, base on color.
235.05 235.32 0.27 Claystone, medium gray, rooted, base on color.
235.32 235.80 0.48 Claystone, dark to medium gray at base, rooted, base on color.
235.80 236.20 0.40 Claystone, black, coaly, calcite fill, pyrite.
236.20 236.85 0.65 Claystone, dark gray, rooted, slickensides, calcite nodules, base on lithology.
236.85 237.23 0.38 Siltstone, occasional calcite, siderite throughout, hard, dense, base arbitrary.
237.23 241.00 3.77 Siltstone, sandy, light gray, occasional calcite nodules, bioturbated, slightly planar bedded at 240.0', fairly massive below.
241.00 246.55 5.55 Claystone, gray, occasional calcite fill (desecration cracks?), 243.73' - 243.82' coal streaks, 245.8' - 245.85' shale streaks, siderite nodules at base, 246.45' well preserved plant fossils.
246.55 247.80 1.25 Claystone, sandy, gray, siderite nodules, occasional well preserved plant fossils, base arbitrary.
247.80 249.00 1.20 Shale, silty, gray, poorly fissile, plant fossils at 248.15', Annularia, base on lithology.
249.00 249.83 0.83 Sandstone, fine grained, inclined bedding at 15 degrees from horizontal, dark gray siltstone drapes, base angular, sharp.
249.83 250.18 0.35 Claystone, silty, siderite rich nodules, base angular.
250.18 250.71 0.53 Sandstone, fine grained, bedding at 10 degrees, becomes wavy at base, base gradational.
250.71 251.60 0.89 Siltstone, siderite rich, bedding disturbed, base angular.
251.60 252.00 0.40 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, with gray siltstone drapes, large 0.01' calcite filled fracture, base erosional, inclined bedding, base arbitrary.
252.00 253.42 1.42 Siltstone, gray, light gray discontinuous sandstone streaks, inclined bedding, bedding becomes less inclined to base.
253.42 257.00 3.58 Shale, gray, poorly fissile, fissility better at base, well preserved plant fossils at 255.85'.
257.00 257.26 0.26 Shale, medium dark gray, broken, vertical fracture.
257.26 257.60 0.34 Shale, black, calcite fracture fill, vertical and horizontal, slickensides, coal streaks, base on color.
257.60 257.79 0.19 Shale, medium gray, carbonaceous streaks.
257.79 261.20 3.41 Limestone, shaley, dark gray, broken, occasional coaly streak, vertical fracture, base arbitrary on fizz.
261.20 262.04 0.84 Claystone, gray, slightly calcareous, slightly mottled with dark gray.
262.04 262.62 0.58 Shale, black, coal streaks.
262.62 263.08 0.46 Claystone, silty, gray, slickensides, base on color.
263.08 263.29 0.21 Shale, black, coal streaks, calcite fracture fill, base on color.
263.29 263.45 0.16 Claystone, gray, vertical fracture, base on fizz.
263.45 264.27 0.82 Limestone, slickensides at top, base on lithology.
264.27 265.63 1.36 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, silty to base, slightly calcareous to top, rooted, base sharp.
265.63 267.40 1.77 Limestone, brown gray, pyrite, base sharp.
267.40 267.47 0.07 Siltstone, medium gray, base arbitrary.
267.47 270.00 2.53 Claystone, silty, gray, calcite nodules (+/- 0.08'), calcite fill on slickensides, calcareous to base, base arbitrary.
270.00 271.00 1.00 Limestone, gray to brown gray, hard, base on color.
271.00 272.30 1.30 Limestone, gray, hard, base gradational.
272.30 272.80 0.50 Claystone, silty, gray to medium gray, rooted, slickensides, base gradational.
272.80 273.12 0.32 Siltstone, gray, siderite fractures / rootlet fill, calcite fill, base gradational.
273.12 273.60 0.48 Claystone, medium gray, rooted, slickensides, base arbitrary.
273.60 274.00 0.40 Limestone, siderite rich, brown gray, hard, base on broken.
274.00 275.40 1.40 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, broken.
275.40 275.98 0.58 Claystone, medium dark gray, rooted, slickensides, base on lithology.
275.98 276.67 0.69 Limestone, hard, brownish gray, base sharp.
276.67 278.57 1.90 Claystone, medium gray, rooted, slickensides, base on color.
278.57 288.08 9.51 Claystone, light gray, rooted especially at 279.0' - 282.0', siderite root fill, otherwise fairly massive, base on color.
288.08 290.40 2.32 Claystone, medium gray, rooted, slickensides, broken.
290.40 290.90 0.50 Core loss
290.90 291.73 0.83 Claystone, medium gray, slickensides, broken, base sharp.
291.73 291.89 0.16 Siderite rich zone, top and bottom sharp.
291.89 292.29 0.40 Claystone, gray, slickensides, green gray, rooted, base on siderite below.
292.29 293.22 0.93 Claystone, gray, siderite rich throughout, rooted,.
293.22 294.00 0.78 Mudstone, green gray, paleosol, slickensides with calcite fill, occasional small calcite nodules, base gradational.
294.00 297.55 3.55 Claystone, medium gray, hard, carbonate throughout, occasional calcite nodules, slickensides with calcite fill, paleosol, base gradational on color.
297.55 302.20 4.65 Claystone, slightly silty, green gray, occasional calcite nodules (~0.08'), paleosol.
302.20 303.60 1.40 Siltstone, gray green, paleosol, rootlets filled with siderite cement, slightly calcareous throughout, base arbitrary.
303.60 310.00 6.40 Claystone, slightly silty, gray green, well developed slickensides, abundant rootlets filled with siderite and occasional calcite cement, color lightens to base to light gray green, base broken to 310.0', base arbitrary.
310.00 312.20 2.20 Claystone, slightly silty, light gray to light gray green, abundant siderite/carbonate rootlet fill, poorly developed slickensides, occasional very clayey zone, some siderite is massive, base gradational.
312.20 316.85 4.65 Claystone, gray, occasional slickensides rootlets filled with calcite and siderite cement, paleosol, base arbitrary.
316.85 324.33 7.48 Claystone, silty, light gray green, hard, occasional very clayey zone, siderite fill, sub horizontal fractures, pure calcite mixed in siderite, occasional slickensides at base, base gradational on loss of siderite.
324.33 326.60 2.27 Siltstone, gray to light gray green, hard, carbonate nodules abundant at top, grades to siderite rootlet fill at base, rootlets well developed, base gradational on siderite loss.
326.60 332.82 6.22 Siltstone, gray, clayey zones, occasional siderite rich zones throughout, occasional very fine grained, sandstone or light siltstone wisps, non bedded, base sharp on lithology.
332.82 334.15 1.33 Siltstone, gray, siderite rich, clayey zones, base gradational.
334.15 334.69 0.54 Siltstone, gray,  sandstone streaks, (light gray), soft sediment deformation, with fine grained sandstone inclusions from soft sediment deformation.
334.69 336.24 1.55 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, occasional discontinuous shale streaks, wavy bedding, fines upwards, base sharp.
336.24 336.28 0.04 Shale, gray, base wavy.
336.28 337.08 0.80 Sandstone, fine grained, massive, base on shale streaks.
337.08 337.42 0.34 Sandstone / siltstone interbedded, thinly bedded, siltstone slightly clayey, planar bedded.
337.42 337.96 0.54 Sandstone / siltstone interbedded, soft sediment deformation, occasional poorly developed slickensides, base wavy.
337.96 338.22 0.26 Shale / sandstone interbedded, thinly bedded, more sand at top, very small pyrite crystals, base wavy and sharp on lithology.
338.22 339.74 1.52 Sandstone, light gray, 0.05' shale streak at 338.77' and 339.38', wavy contacts, poorly bedded, base sharp on lithology.
339.74 340.00 0.26 Shale, medium gray, sand filled burrows, base wavy and sharp on lithology.
340.00 340.05 0.05 Sandstone /shale interbedded, wavy bedded, base on shale loss.
340.05 340.62 0.57 Sandstone, yellow gray, occasional small shale rip ups, shale  parting of  0.06' at 340.34' and 340.40', base angular/ erosional.
340.62 341.00 0.38 Sandstone /siltstone interbedded, light gray, fine grained sandstone, in gray siltstone, thinly bedded, base gradational.
341.00 341.27 0.27 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, clean, base wavy and sharp on lithology.
341.27 341.69 0.42 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, shale drapes and rip ups randomly oriented, base sharp.
341.69 341.95 0.26 Sandstone /siltstone interbedded, angular bedded, medium bedded, base angular.
341.95 342.18 0.23 Siltstone, gray, sandstone streaks, fine grained, base angular and sharp.
342.18 342.32 0.14 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, with siltstone, gray, pyrite rich, fracture or root fill.
342.32 342.95 0.63 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, pyrite rich fracture fill or root fill, base gradational.
342.95 343.32 0.37 Sandstone, silty, medium grained, pyrite rich fill, angular bedding, base sharp.
343.32 343.99 0.67 Sandstone, fine grained, quartzose, abundant pyrite blebs, base on loss of pyrite.
343.99 347.97 3.98 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, small pyrite blebs throughout, vertical fractures occasionally filled with dark minerals, medium bedded in gray shale wisps.
347.97 349.24 1.27 Sandstone, medium grained, greenish gray, medium cross beds, base on grain size.
349.24 351.05 1.81 Sandstone,  light gray, fine to medium grained, well sorted, quartz rich, small iron minerals (pyrite?) disseminated throughout, massive, base angular.
351.05 352.63 1.58 Sandstone, cross bedded, silty drapes on cross beds, light gray, occasional stylolite, occasional very small shale clasts, base arbitrary.
352.63 364.12 11.49 Sandstone, light green, occasional shale pebbles, fine to medium grained, planar bedded, well developed stylolite at base.
364.12 364.44 0.32 Sandstone, tan gray, shale rip ups, siderite nodules, base arbitrary.
364.44 365.47 1.03 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, small euhedral pyrite around 0.03' dirty sand lens at 365.7' oriented at 45 degrees, base on sub-horizontal stylolite.
365.47 365.53 0.06 Sandstone, medium gray, abundant siltstone rip ups, iron rich siltstone.
365.53 367.94 2.41 Sandstone, gray, very fine grained, lighter gray areas, soft sediment deformation, occasional low angle slump trace with displacement, coarsening upward sequence, base gradational.
367.94 369.11 1.17 Sandstone, very fine grained, poorly bedded.
369.11 369.45 0.34 Sandstone, very fine grained, fractured 365.53' - 367.94', base on broken areas.
369.45 370.00 0.55 Shale, black, coal streaks <0.01', abundant pyrite streaks, slightly deformed.
370.00 372.66 2.66 Siltstone, dark gray, paleosol, calcareous throughout with small (<0.02') calcite nodules at top, occasionally clayey zone at 371.3' and 372.3', slightly fractured at base, increasing small calcite nodules to base, possibly rooted, base arbitrary.
372.66 374.68 2.02 Claystone, slightly silty, medium dark gray, slickensides throughout occasionally very well developed, very broken to base, occasional siderite root fill and calcareous nodules, paleosol, non bedded, base arbitrary.
374.68 375.12 0.44 Siltstone, medium gray, small ~0.01' calcite nodules, siderite cement throughout lower ½, occasional calcite with siderite, base on color change.
375.12 377.55 2.43 Claystone, silty, medium gray to gray, (slightly lighter to base), very well developed slickensides (especially upper ½), calcareous nodules throughout especially to top, paleosol, base arbitrary on color.
377.55 380.50 2.95 Claystone, gray to medium gray, well developed slickensides, siderite rich with calcite zone at 378.8', increasing carbonate to base, rooted, non bedded, occasional pyrite.
380.50 380.85 0.35 Claystone, gray to medium gray, broken.
380.85 381.61 0.76 Siltstone, gray, hard, occasional very small euhedral calcite nodules <0.01', pyrite, siderite fill, very occasional carbonate rich streaks, base on lithology.
381.61 381.85 0.24 Siltstone, light gray to gray, mixed, disturbed bedding, base sharp on lithology.
381.85 381.98 0.13 Siltstone, medium dark gray, base sharp on lithology, top and bottom contacts sharp.
381.98 382.85 0.87 Sandstone /siltstone, very fine grained,  light gray to gray, mixed, with occasional interbedded dark gray siltstone, horizontal bedded at top grading to low angled ripples at bottom, base gradational.
382.85 383.88 1.03 Sandstone /siltstone, sand is gray to light gray, silt is medium to dark gray, bedding ~ 15 degrees, increasing siltstone to base with ripples, possible occasional thin dispersed siderite to base, base sharp.
383.88 384.25 0.37 Siltstone /silty claystone, mixed, medium to medium dark gray.
384.25 384.52 0.27 Sandstone, gray to medium gray, very fine grained, interbedded with siltstone, sandier to center, silty top and bottom, slightly wavy bedded, occasional carbonaceous wisps, base sharp on sandstone below.
384.52 385.92 1.40 Sandstone, gray, very fine grained, inclined bedding at ~ 15 to 20 degrees, hard, base sharp on bedding.
385.92 388.22 2.30 Sandstone, gray to light medium gray, very fine grained, planar bedding, shale/ siderite rip ups at 387.2', very thin discontinuous carby streaks, cleaner to base, base sharp on lithology.
388.22 389.70 1.48 Claystone, silty, medium to dark gray, occasional silty streaks, very clayey zones, siderite cement predominant from 389.32' to base, base gradational.
389.70 390.12 0.42 Shale, brown gray, darker to base, siderite fill (rootlet?), siderite cement at base, base sharp on lithology.
390.12 391.00 0.88 Claystone, dark to very dark gray, slightly broken, very well developed and abundant slickensides, paleosol, base on color.
391.00 391.50 0.50 Claystone, medium gray, paleosol, occasional siderite cement or iron staining, occasional slickensides, base on color.
391.50 392.50 1.00 Claystone, dark gray, broken, core loss?, slickensides, base on color.
392.50 394.00 1.50 Claystone, gray to medium gray, abundant slickensides, occasional siderite nodules at 393.0', small calcite nodules below 393.0', base arbitrary. 0.5' core loss.
394.00 396.68 2.68 Claystone, brown gray, darker to base, occasional slickensides, base on color.
396.68 399.30 2.62 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, paleosol, base arbitrary.
399.30 401.00 1.70 Claystone, black, slickensides, base sharp on lithology.
Elk Lick coal bed, 401.00-405.58' (4.58'), Elv.= 1699.05'.
401.00 405.58 4.58 Coal, clarain, top to bottom: 0.30' dull; 0.30' bright; 0.70' dull with pyrite, 0.70 bright, plant fossil, shale and pyritic at base. 1.58' core loss at base of coal.
405.58 406.70 1.12 Claystone, medium gray, coal streak (0.01') at top ½ at 30 degrees, very pyritic, carby streaks upper ½, slightly silty to base, hard.
406.70 413.53 6.83 Claystone, slightly silty, medium dark gray, occasional plant fragments, very clayey 408.65' - 408.75', slickensides, non bedded, lighter to base, more clay to base, base gradational on color.
413.53 417.10 3.57 Claystone, calcareous, medium dark gray at top to green gray at base, slickensides, calcite fill on some slickensides, calcite nodules ~ 0.05', calcite zones, occasional iron calcite concretions, base on color.
417.10 418.34 1.24 Claystone, slightly calcareous, brown gray, rooted, rootlets filled with purer gray clay, base on increase of siderite fill below.
418.34 419.00 0.66 Claystone, gray with red-orange hue from siderite, siderite rich, paleosol, possible mottling, base sharp.
419.00 419.56 0.56 Claystone, gray, appears brecciated due to abundant siderite fill around peds, very slightly carby, base sharp on loss of siderite.
419.56 420.03 0.47 Claystone, slightly silty, gray green, base sharp.
420.03 420.83 0.80 Claystone, gray green, abundant siderite cement, calcite cement, occasional small dark mottled zones, rooted, base sharp.
420.83 421.64 0.81 Claystone, medium light gray, slightly calcareous, siderite cement fills rootlets,  base sharp.
421.64 422.12 0.48 Claystone, slickensides, siderite cement abundant, hard, base arbitrary.
422.12 423.70 1.58 Claystone, slightly silty, medium to medium dark gray, very rooted, calcite and siderite fill on rootlets, calcite cement, dark mottled zones, base sharp.
423.70 424.50 0.80 Claystone, black, very rooted, occasional carby streak, pseudo brecciated by rooting, siderite and calcite root fill, base sharp on color.
424.50 425.30 0.80 Claystone, medium dark gray, siderite cement abundant upper ¾, base on color.
425.30 426.34 1.04 Claystone, medium to dark gray, rooted, siderite cement in roots, base sharp.
426.34 426.70 0.36 Siltstone, abundant siderite cement, carby mottled areas, base arbitrary.
426.70 427.37 0.67 Siltstone, clayey, no bedding at top, slightly planar bedded to base, increasing siderite fill to base filling horizontal bedding, sandy to base, slightly calcareous, base on lithology.
427.37 428.25 0.88 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, vague inclined bedding, clayey streaks and zones, base gradational.
428.25 429.05 0.80 Siltstone, clayey, 0.02' claystone streak at 428.31', iron staining occasional, fairly massive, base sharp on bedding.
429.05 429.40 0.35 Sandstone /siltstone interbedded, sand is fine grained, light to medium gray, low angle bedding, occasional small diagenetic calcite nodules, base on diagenesis below.
429.40 429.61 0.21 Siltstone, abundant calcite diagenetic fill, base sharp.
429.61 430.50 0.89 Siltstone, slightly sandy, sand is light gray, silt is gray green, slightly wavy bedding, possible burrow or root, calcite / siderite nodules, base on lithology.
430.50 431.10 0.60 Sandstone, very fine grained, horizontal bedded at top, massive to base, horizontal iron fill at 430.6', base on bedding.
431.10 432.00 0.90 Siltstone, slightly sandy, horizontal bedded, silty to base, iron streak at 431.85', base sharp on lithology.
432.00 432.40 0.40 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray, occasional dark streak, massive except for streaks, base sharp on broken.
432.40 432.78 0.38 Siltstone, medium gray, broken, base sharp.
432.78 433.11 0.33 Siltstone, medium dark gray, iron carbonate fill at 433.0', base sharp.
433.11 433.50 0.39 Sandstone, light gray, massive, base sharp on lithology.
433.50 433.74 0.24 Siltstone, sandy, medium gray, horizontal bedded, grades down to silty claystone, base gradational.
433.74 434.23 0.49 Claystone, silty, medium dark gray, slightly darker to base, base gradational.
434.23 434.35 0.12 Siltstone, sandy to base, gray to medium gray, dark at top, slightly wavy horizontal bedding, base sharp on lithology.
434.35 435.35 1.00 Claystone, silty, medium gray, base sharp on color.
435.35 436.25 0.90 Siltstone, medium dark gray, occasional clayey zone with slickensides, base sharp on color.
436.25 436.30 0.05 Claystone, very dark gray, plant fragments, base sharp.
436.30 438.30 2.00 Siltstone, clayey, medium gray, occasional iron stain, flat bedded, base on lithology.
438.30 438.65 0.35 Sandstone /siltstone interbedded, medium gray, slightly wavy bedding, occasional siderite pebbles, occasional horizontal iron staining, base sharp on lithology.
438.65 439.11 0.46 Siltstone /claystone interbedded, medium gray, iron cement staining (horizontal), base gradational.
439.11 439.76 0.65 Siltstone, clayey, gray to medium gray, iron carbonate fill, horizontal bedded, silty streaks.
439.76 440.79 1.03 Claystone /siltstone interbedded, clayey to top, silty to base, iron rich cement in horizontal stripes, horizontal bedding, base sharp.
440.79 441.23 0.44 Siltstone, light medium gray, hard, massive, base sharp on lithology.
441.23 441.58 0.35 Siltstone, slightly wavy bedded, lighter thin silty streaks, base sharp on lithology.
441.58 442.16 0.58 Claystone /siltstone interbedded, medium dark gray, rooted with siderite fill, horizontal bedded, base sharp.
442.16 443.73 1.57 Shale, dark gray, clayey, base arbitrary.
443.73 444.20 0.47 Shale, dark gray, slickensides, base sharp.
444.20 445.35 1.15 Claystone,  medium gray, slickensides, silty streaks at top, calcite vein fill at center, carby mottle areas, base gradational.
445.35 445.88 0.53 Siltstone, medium gray, siderite cement throughout, fairly massive, base arbitrary.
445.88 447.70 1.82 Siltstone, clayey areas, medium gray, iron cement stain occasional, base arbitrary.
447.70 450.38 2.68 Siltstone, medium dark gray, grades to claystone at base, claystone streaks, horizontal bedded, base sharp on lithology.
450.38 450.67 0.29 Claystone, dark gray, abundant siderite cement, rooted, base gradational.
450.67 451.00 0.33 Claystone, silty, medium gray, occasional siderite, cement, base on lithology.
451.00 454.75 3.75 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, siderite fill at 452.1', base sharp on diagenesis.
454.75 455.01 0.26 Siltstone, medium gray, abundant siderite cement, base sharp.
455.01 460.05 5.04 Claystone, medium dark gray, occasional slickensides, occasional plant fragments, base on color.
460.05 460.80 0.75 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, slightly broken to base, base on color.
460.80 465.00 4.20 Claystone, silty, brown gray, calcite nodules throughout, non bedded, occasional slickensides, calcite fill on slickensides, occasional siderite cement, base on lithology and color.
465.00 468.67 3.67 Mudstone, red mottled gray, calcareous zones (gray), abundant well developed slickensides, occasional calcite fill on slickensides, occasional gray replaced roots, top gradational, base arbitrary.
468.67 474.05 5.38 Mudstone, red, gray mottling, rooted heavily (replaced with gray mudstone), base gradational.
474.05 476.22 2.17 Claystone, gray, mottled dark gray and light gray, red mottling in top 0.3', rooted, base wavy.
476.22 477.20 0.98 Sandstone, fine grained, thinly bedded, becoming clayey at top with dark gray discontinuous streaks, base arbitrary.
477.20 480.00 2.80 Sandstone, gray green, fine grained, abundant siderite replacement, thin tan siltstone streaks with soft sediment deformation, base arbitrary.
480.00 482.76 2.76 Sandstone, gray green, fine grained, thin tan siltstone streaks throughout with soft sediment deformation.
482.76 489.02 6.26 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, 0.05' hard silty layers throughout.
489.02 490.48 1.46 Siltstone, gray, small horizontal discontinuous gray green siltstone streaks throughout, base wavy.
490.48 490.94 0.46 Limestone, biosparite, fossils, framboidal pyrite, well preserved brachiopod at top, top wavy, base gradational.
490.94 491.25 0.31 Siltstone, gray, base gradational.
491.25 491.54 0.29 Limestone, sparite, base gradational.
491.54 493.86 2.32 Siltstone, gray, becoming clayey to base, continuous tan streaks, 0.2' limestone nodules at 493.0', 0.5' core loss.
493.86 502.20 8.34 Claystone, gray to dark gray at base, calcite zones throughout, silty, occasionally poorly developed slickensides with calcite fracture fill.
502.20 505.97 3.77 Shale, black, fossiliferous, brachiopods, base on fossil content.
505.97 506.86 0.89 Shale, black, calcareous, abundant marine fossil hash.
506.86 507.40 0.54 Shale, black, occasional marine fossils to base.
507.40 507.60 0.20 Shale, black, abundant pyrite, part of core broken, base on color.
507.60 511.20 3.60 Shale, dark gray, clayey zones.
511.20 513.00 1.80 Core loss
513.00 514.53 1.53 Shale, dark gray to black, occasional plant trash, base gradational.
514.53 522.40 7.87 Shale, gray, clayey to base, silty, occasional plant fossil (trash), pyrite throughout, base gradational.
522.40 525.53 3.13 Shale, dark gray to black, occasional plant debris, base sharp.
525.53 527.97 2.44 Shale, gray, occasional sandstone streaks, occasional siderite zones.
527.97 531.10 3.13 Shale, dark gray to black, plant fossils, occasional calcite fracture fill, clayey zones.
531.10 531.52 0.42 Shale, black, carby, calcite and pyrite fracture fill, occasional poor developed slickensides, base on coal.
Harlem coal bed, 531.52-532.25' (0.73'), Elv.= 1568.53'.
531.52 532.25 0.73 Coal, very broken, poor recovery.
532.25 532.30 0.05 Mudstone, carbonaceous, pyrite, base arbitrary.
532.30 532.45 0.15 Claystone, dark gray, hard, very calcareous, abundant pyrite blebs, base on loss of pyrite.
532.45 540.36 7.91 Claystone, hard, very calcareous, calcite nodules and blebs, very limy, base arbitrary on less fizz.
540.36 545.00 4.64 Claystone, gray, hard, calcite nods and root fill, local slickensides.
545.00 558.30 13.30 Sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, gray silty zones, calcite nodules and root filling (iron rich calcite?), very thin bedded, base gradational on grain size.
558.30 559.58 1.28 Claystone, gray, hard, calcite nodules and fracture fill, slickensides, base arbitrary.
559.58 561.92 2.34 Sandstone, very fine grained, grades up into siltstone, calcite filled root traces, increasing calcareous to top.
561.92 563.51 1.59 Sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, calcareous zones, silty zones, base arbitrary.
563.51 564.40 0.89 Sandstone, gray to light medium gray, fine grained, occasional clayey parting, low angle bedding, calcite cement and small nodules, base arbitrary.
564.40 567.00 2.60 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, planar bedded, occasional dark gray clayey partings < 0.1' thick, siderite / calcite nodules increase from top to 566', possible calcite cement, base sharp on bedding.
567.00 568.92 1.92 Sandstone, gray to medium gray, fine grained, low angle bedding, occasional siderite nodules scattered throughout, larger siderite nodules ~ 0.08' at 567.4' with iron staining around edge, occasional thin clayey partings, base sharp on color.
568.92 569.57 0.65 Sandstone, light gray with yellow tint, fine grained, low angle bedding, grayer to base, base gradational.
569.57 570.77 1.20 Sandstone, medium gray, fine grained, brown silty wisps and thin streaks, bedding sub angular, base sharp on color.
570.77 571.53 0.76 Sandstone, light yellow gray, fine grained, occasional thin clayey parting, small siderite nodules, small shale pebbles at base, base gradational.
571.53 571.96 0.43 Claystone, silty, dark gray, bioturbated, sandy at top, siderite nodules especially at base, base on lithology.
571.96 573.00 1.04 Siltstone, medium gray, slightly lighter to base, clayey to top, small siderite nodules, base sharp on lithology.
573.00 574.00 1.00 Sandstone, light to medium gray, fine grained, massive at top grades to low angle bedding at base, slightly clayey, base on color.
574.00 583.08 9.08 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, scattered siderite? cement from top to 575.8', largely massive with occasional hint of vague low angle bedding, broken 579.2' to 580.0', fairly clean sandstone, base sharp on bedding.
583.08 584.62 1.54 Sandstone, medium gray, slightly darker to base, fine grained,  slightly clayey, abundant thin gray silty wisps upper 0.1', base gradational on color.
584.62 590.00 5.38 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, massive to low angle bedding, hint of iron staining, occasional silty wisp, base arbitrary.
590.00 604.40 14.40 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine grained, low angle bedding to massive, occasional dark streak, possible stylolite ~ 602.4', base on broken.
604.40 606.50 2.10 Sandstone, medium gray, medium grained, very broken, core loss.
606.50 616.46 9.96 Sandstone, light to medium gray, medium grained, generally massive, base dirty, base gradational on color and lithology.
616.46 617.00 0.54 Siltstone, gray to green gray, clayey, pyrite abundant, base sharp on lithology.
617.00 620.20 3.20 Shale, very dark gray to black, poorly fissile, very abundant pyrite occasionally occurring in 0.1' partings, occasional plant fragments, slightly silty, base sharp on lithology.
Upper Bakerstown coal bed, 620.20-622.00 (1.80'), Elv.= 1479.85'.
620.20 621.10 0.90 Coal, dirty
621.10 622.00 0.90 Coal, with some vitrain, 0.02 parting at base.
622.00 625.00 3.00 Coal, impure and black shale, mixed, very broken, core loss (1.6'). Broken core catcher, core broken and badly disturbed from 622.00 to 625.00', 1.40 recovered.
625.00 625.40 0.40 Claystone and limestone mixed, black, finely disseminated pyrite, thin carby parting at base, base gradational.
625.40 627.52 2.12 Limestone, dark gray, claystone, black, mixed, base on lithology.
627.52 628.23 0.71 Claystone, dark gray, pyrite nodules scattered (<0.01'), base sharp on broken.
628.23 629.22 0.99 Shale, dark gray to black, occasional calcite <0.01' parting, slightly carbonaceous at top, occasional pyrite, base on color.
629.22 630.50 1.28 Limestone, dark, argillaceous, pyrite occasional, especially at 629.80', clayey, base arbitrary.
630.50 631.64 1.14 Claystone, silty, calcite nodules, siderite cement, paleosol, base arbitrary.
631.64 632.66 1.02 Claystone, dark gray, darker to base, paleosol,  occasional slickensides especially to base, base sharp on color.
632.66 633.05 0.39 Claystone, black, carbonaceous, slickensides, calcite as thin partings/ streaks at 632.72', base on broken.
633.05 634.00 0.95 Claystone, medium gray, abundant well developed slickensides, occasional purer clay, black, base on lithology.
634.00 634.43 0.43 Siltstone, abundant siderite cement, very hard, non bedded, base sharp on broken.
634.43 639.50 5.07 Claystone, dark gray to black,  darkens to base, very broken, abundant well developed slickensides, paleosol, base on coal.
Bakerstown coal bed, 639.5-640.40' (0.90'), Elv.= 1460.55'.
639.50 640.40 0.90 Coal, dirty, pyrite at base, driller noted methane.
640.40 641.30 0.90 Core loss
641.30 643.80 2.50 Claystone, dark gray, non bedded, occasional plant fragments, slickensides, pyrite, occasional calcite, base arbitrary.
643.80 645.97 2.17 Siltstone, dark gray, lighter to base, occasional siderite cement especially to base, calcite fracture fill, rooted.
645.97 646.45 0.48 Claystone, dark gray, very rounded claystone (harder) peds,  appears as a flint clay, peds are harder than matrix, base on lithology.
646.45 647.86 1.41 Siltstone, clayey, gray to medium gray, non bedded, occasional sandy streak at top, base gradational.
647.86 653.00 5.14 Siltstone, clayey, gray, occasional iron rich nodules/stains, slightly shaley to base (more fissile), rooted at base with siderite fill, occasional slickensides at 652.50', base on lithology.
653.00 654.36 1.36 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, gray to light medium gray, sand increases to base, horizontal bedded, base on lithology.
654.36 655.30 0.94 Interbedded sandstone / siltstone, medium gray, broken, horizontal bedded, base sharp on lithology.
655.30 657.04 1.74 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, massive, base on lithology.
657.04 658.40 1.36 Siltstone, sandy, gray, broken, horizontal bedded, base on lithology.
658.40 658.83 0.43 Sandstone, gray to medium gray, fine grained, massive, occasional thin siltstone wisps, base on lithology.
658.83 659.15 0.32 Siltstone, sandy, medium gray, horizontal bedding, base on lithology.
659.15 660.60 1.45 Siltstone, clayey, medium gray, purer silty streaks, base on lithology.
660.60 661.53 0.93 Claystone, silty, medium dark gray, broken, paleosol, base arbitrary on color.
661.53 664.30 2.77 Claystone, silty, medium gray, thin streaks, very well developed slickensides, broken, especially to base, base arbitrary.
664.30 667.80 3.50 Siltstone, gray green, very rooted, siderite /calcite fill, occasional slickensides, paleosol, base arbitrary.
667.80 669.70 1.90 Siltstone, light green gray, abundant vertical rooting with siderite /calcite fill, base gradational.
669.70 673.41 3.71 Claystone, silty, gray to light gray green, slightly sandy very fine grained to base, horizontal bedded, base gradational.
673.41 674.10 0.69 Siltstone, gray green, siderite nodules increasing to base, occasional small calcite nodules, base sharp on end of siderite.
674.10 675.66 1.56 Claystone, silty, gray green, rooted with siderite fill at base, base sharp on diagenesis below.
675.66 675.91 0.25 Siltstone, abundant orange siderite /calcite cement, very hard, base on color change.
675.91 677.95 2.04 Shale, silty, gray, poorly fissile, clayey zones, base gradational.
677.95 678.51 0.56 Siltstone, gray to gray green, occasional dark streaks, fairly massive, base on broken below.
678.51 680.00 1.49 Siltstone, medium gray, broken, base on consolidated below.
680.00 680.90 0.90 Siltstone, gray, broken to base, horizontal bedded, slightly sandy (very fine grained) to base, base erosional.
680.90 681.20 0.30 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, vague wavy bedding, base sharp on lithology.
681.20 686.00 4.80 Claystone, shaley, medium gray, slightly gray green to base, very occasional slickensides, base broken, base on color change.
686.00 688.05 2.05 Siltstone, green, non bedded, base sharp.
688.05 689.20 1.15 Siltstone, green, vertical rooted, calcite /siderite fill, calcite cement to base, hard, base on increased siderite below.
689.20 689.55 0.35 Siltstone, gray, very abundant siderite /calcite cement, very rooted, base sharp.
689.55 690.50 0.95 Siltstone, green abundant vertical rooting filled with siderite and calcite, base on loss of roots.
690.50 692.93 2.43 Siltstone, green, darker green to base, rooted, abundant calcite cement with some siderite, clayey to base, slickensides, base arbitrary.
692.93 697.63 4.70 Siltstone, green, vertical roots abundant with siderite /calcite fill, non bedded, base on loss of root.
697.63 703.92 6.29 Siltstone, green to gray green, slightly sandy to base, occasional clayey zones, base arbitrary.
703.92 704.38 0.46 Siltstone, sandy, gray green, fairly massive, base arbitrary.
704.38 705.60 1.22 Claystone, silty /siltstone interbedded, gray green, horizontal bedded, siderite (0.01') nodules, base sharp on lithology.
705.60 706.20 0.60 Sandstone, gray green, very fine grained, massive, base sharp on lithology.
706.20 707.93 1.73 Claystone, dark gray to gray green, slightly sandy to base, horizontal bedding, hard, base on lithology.
707.93 710.30 2.37 Sandstone, light gray green, fine to medium grained at base, massive, base sharp.
710.30 711.70 1.40 Sandstone, gray green, fine to medium grained, low angle bedding, broken, base arbitrary on non broken.
711.70 713.84 2.14 Sandstone, gray green, fine to medium grained, coarsening upward sequence, massive, base sharp on lithology.
713.84 714.27 0.43 Sandstone, fine grained, abundant gray siltstone rip ups, base sharp.
714.27 715.09 0.82 Sandstone, gray green, fine grained, occasional silty wisps, base sharp on bedding.
715.09 715.73 0.64 Sandstone, fine grained, low angle bedding, siltstone streaks, siltstone increasing to base, base sharp on lithology.
715.73 717.00 1.27 Sandstone, light gray green, fine grained, occasional siltstone wisps, basically massive, base sharp on lithology.
717.00 722.90 5.90 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, gray to medium gray, light sandstone streaks (very fine grained), bedding at 10 degrees, occasional ripples, base arbitrary.
722.90 724.27 1.37 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, occasional clayey, hard, siderite cement, base arbitrary.
724.27 728.92 4.65 Siltstone, light gray to gray, massive to horizontal bedding, base sharp on lithology.
728.92 730.78 1.86 Siltstone, medium gray, sandstone streaks, occasional clayey, massive, base on lithology.
730.78 731.11 0.33 Sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, occasional elongate horizontal shaley pebbles, base sharp on lithology.
731.11 734.65 3.54 Siltstone, clayey, medium gray, pyrite, very occasional plant fragment, base sharp on lithology.
Brush Creek coal bed horizon
734.65 736.00 1.35 Claystone, black, shaley, broken, poorly developed slickensides, base on color.
736.00 739.25 3.25 Claystone, medium gray to brown gray, darker to base, siderite cement to base, small poorly developed slickensides, base arbitrary on color.
739.25 743.35 4.10 Siltstone, clayey, medium gray to light medium gray at base, occasional carbonate nodules (<0.01') especially at top, rooted paleosol, occasional siderite nodules, small poorly developed slickensides, 0.01' calcite nodule at 742.9', base on lithology.
743.35 743.70 0.35 Sandstone, silty, gray green, very fine grained, horizontal bedded, base arbitrary.
743.70 744.83 1.13 Siltstone, medium gray to gray green, occasional sandstone streaks at top, abundant calcite and siderite nodules, iron staining to base, base sharp on lithology.
744.83 748.52 3.69 Claystone, silty, gray green, calcite nodules, paleosol, siderite or iron stain, occasional slickensides, base sharp.
748.52 750.61 2.09 Claystone, shaley, gray, occasional plant debris, silty, base on fizz.
750.61 757.00 6.39 Claystone, gray, hard, slickensides, calcite fill on slickensides, calcite nodules.
757.00 757.25 0.25 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides abundant, broken, base gradational.
757.25 760.66 3.41 Siltstone, medium light gray, base on color.
760.66 761.82 1.16 Siltstone, with claystone clasts, gray green, base arbitrary.
761.82 772.00 10.18 Claystone, greenish gray, siderite filled roots, occasional calcite zones, slightly silty, occasional slickensides, base on fizz.
772.00 775.87 3.87 Claystone, greenish gray, siderite filled roots, calcareous, semi brecciated, silty, base on loss of fizz and brecciation.
775.87 777.98 2.11 Flint clay, light brownish gray to dark gray, brecciated, occasional siderite? blebs, size of clasts increase to base, base on clast size.
777.98 781.52 3.54 Flint clay, brecciated, tan gray, base on lithology.
781.52 782.09 0.57 Sandstone, greenish gray, very fine grained, fizz, calcite fracture fill, light gray, siltstone interbedded, very thinly bedded.
782.09 782.21 0.12 Claystone, slightly brecciated, light greenish gray.
782.21 785.40 3.19 Flint clay, brecciated, light greenish gray clasts, dark gray matrix, clasts ~ 0.5', base sharp.
785.40 786.80 1.40 Claystone, silty, rooted with calcite replacement, grades down to claystone clasts in carbonate matrix, base sharp.
786.80 788.72 1.92 Flint clay, brecciated, various colors, clasts size varies from coarse sand size to large size, base sharp.
788.72 790.61 1.89 Claystone, silty, medium gray, slickensides, broken, base gradational.
790.61 791.38 0.77 Claystone, dark maroon gray, slickensides, base on color.
791.38 797.23 5.85 Claystone, silty, gray, hard, occasional siderite zones, rooted, occasional dark clayey zones, base arbitrary.
797.23 798.82 1.59 Claystone, medium dark gray, rooted, slickensides, clayey, base arbitrary.
798.82 804.30 5.48 Claystone, gray to medium gray, locally silty and clayey, occasional calcite rich zones, slickensides in clayey zones.
804.30 805.94 1.64 Siltstone, medium gray, massive, clayey, occasional slickensides, base sharp.
805.94 820.10 14.16 Sandstone, medium light gray, fine grained, mica, silty and clayey zones, grades down to micaceous medium grained sandstone with shale streaks.
820.10 821.10 1.00 Claystone, slightly silty, shaley bedded.
821.10 821.89 0.79 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, dark silty wisps, base sharp.
821.89 824.04 2.15 Siltstone, light gray, shaley bedded, base gradational on color.
824.04 824.04 Upper Freeport coal bed horizon, 824.04-824.04 (0.00'), Elv.= 1220.96'.
824.04 824.60 0.56 Claystone, medium dark gray, slickensides, base gradational.
824.60 827.00 2.40 Claystone, dark gray, abundant slickensides, coaly zones at 826.4' with abundant pyrite throughout, pyrite throughout locally smeared on slickensides, broken, dark organic streaks throughout, base gradational.
827.00 829.27 2.27 Claystone, gray, broken, slickensides, becoming silty to base, base arbitrary.
829.27 836.38 7.11 Siltstone, light gray, clayey zones, occasional slickensides, base arbitrary.
836.38 842.36 5.98 Siltstone, light gray, siderite and calcite filled vertical structures, (roots?), nodules, base on loss of filled vertical roots.
842.36 850.50 8.14 Siltstone, gray, horizontal bedded, slightly sandy, occasional siderite nodules ~ 0.1' at 743.8' and 745.55', occasional clayey zones, base sharp on diagenetic below.
850.50 850.75 0.25 Siltstone, gray, horizontal bedded, very abundant siderite cement, base sharp.
850.75 851.93 1.18 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, sandy, sandier to base, rippled to base, base sharp on diagenesis.
851.93 852.50 0.57 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, abundant siderite cement, vertical burrows filled with dark mineral fill, base gradational.
852.50 856.68 4.18 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, light to medium gray,  sandstone is mixed, slightly wavy bedded, occasional siderite cement, occasional pyrite, base gradational.
856.68 858.30 1.62 Siltstone, medium gray, occasional very slightly sandy, non bedded, base gradational.
858.30 858.67 0.37 Siltstone, medium gray, slightly sandy, abundant siderite cement, slightly nodular, base on end of diagenesis.
858.67 861.12 2.45 Siltstone, sandy, gray to medium gray, occasional siderite cement and nodules, pyrite framboids scattered, vaguely bedded, slightly sub horizontal, slightly clayey, base angular on lithology.
861.12 861.55 0.43 Sandstone, slightly silty, light gray, fine grained, low angle bedding ~ 15 degrees, base angular and wavy.
861.55 862.03 0.48 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, medium gray, silty to base, occasional well developed slickensides, slightly clayey, base sharp on lithology.
862.03 869.36 7.33 Sandstone, light gray, medium grained, dark streaks, poorly developed stylolites, bedding ~ 10 - 12 degrees, base in increased sand streaks.
869.36 869.66 0.30 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, abundant dark streaks, possible stylolites, base on loss of streaks, bedding ~ 5 degrees.
869.66 873.95 4.29 Sandstone, light gray, medium grained, slightly finer to base, bedding ~ 15 degrees and vague, occasional very small carby material, well sorted, clean, base sharp on lithology.
873.95 874.40 0.45 Siltstone, clayey, medium to medium dark gray, non bedded, occasional slickensides at base, base sharp and angular.
874.40 875.21 0.81 Sandstone, light medium gray, lighter to base, fine grained, occasional shale pebbles to base (0.01'), bedding ~ 20 degrees, base gradational.
875.21 876.14 0.93 Sandstone, medium gray, dirty, fine grained, abundant shale pebbles, base sharp on lithology.
876.14 877.78 1.64 Sandstone, light medium gray, fine to medium grained, hard, possible stylolite at 877.50', fairly clean, massive, base sharp on bedding.
877.78 878.32 0.54 Sandstone, hard, fine to medium grained, bedding ~ 15 degrees, base sharp on bedding.
878.32 879.54 1.22 Sandstone, gray, hard, fine grained, horizontal bedding, slightly clayey at 879', base arbitrary on color.
879.54 883.48 3.94 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, very hard, fairly clean, bedding ~ 10 degrees, occasional vertical fracture, possible pyrite? Blebs, base on grain size and color.
883.48 892.78 9.30 Sandstone, light gray to gray, medium grained, very hard, stylolites, fractures, small elongate shale pebbles especially 886.0' - 887.0', recrystallized, dark streaks at 886.0', clean sandstone, base sharp and angular on lithology.
892.78 895.86 3.08 Sandstone, fine grained, dark gray, siltstone streaks with slightly clayey areas, occasional slickensides, bedding ~ 10 degrees, very clayey at 893.6' - 894.0', with slickensides, elongate shale pebbles, below 895.0' interbedded siltstone / sandstone (fine grained), base sharp on lithology.
895.86 896.25 0.39 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, flat bedded, occasional elongate shale pebbles, base sharp on lithology.
896.25 896.56 0.31 Siltstone, slight sandy, dark gray, horizontal bedded, base sharp on lithology.
896.56 898.55 1.99 Sandstone, light gray, darker to base, fine grained, massive, cleaner to top, base on lithology.
898.55 899.50 0.95 Sandstone, conglomerate, abundant quartz and shale pebbles, coarsening upward sequence, finer grained and cleaner to base, shale pebbles up to 0.1', rounded pebbles, base on lithology and color.
899.50 899.90 0.40 Sandstone, light gray, medium to coarse grained, massive, occasional elongate shale pebbles at base, hard, poorly sorted, clean, base sharp on lithology.
899.90 904.11 4.21 Siltstone, sandstone streaks increasing to 902.0' from top, siderite cement below 901.0', bedding horizontal to low angle, increasing clay to base, large vertical siderite filled roots 903.6' siderite cement, base sharp on color.
904.11 912.13 8.02 Siltstone, slightly sandy, gray to green gray, horizontal bedded,  base on color.
912.13 912.60 0.47 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, very abundant orange siderite cement, base on color change.
912.60 914.73 2.13 Siltstone, slightly clayey, siderite cement ~ 913.0', non-bedded, occasional sandy wisps at base, base arbitrary.
914.73 918.90 4.17 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, gray to medium gray, horizontal bedded, occasional scattered plant trash, base on loss of sandstone.
918.90 920.18 1.28 Siltstone, sandy, gray, non-bedded, base angular and sharp.
920.18 921.04 0.86 Siltstone, dark gray, occasional scattered plant trash, base sharp on lithology.
921.04 921.64 0.60 Sandstone, light to medium gray, fine grained, dark streaks, wavy bedded, base gradational.
921.64 922.00 0.36 Siltstone, slightly sandy, horizontal bedded, base sharp on lithology and color.
922.00 923.56 1.56 Siltstone, slightly sandy, dark gray, horizontal to low angle bedding, slightly clayey to base, base sharp on lithology.
923.56 924.00 0.44 Sandstone, dirty, low angle, thinly bedded ~ 10 degrees, occasional scour surfaces?, alternating dark /light bedding < 0.01' thick, base on lithology.
924.00 926.95 2.95 Siltstone, medium dark gray, occasional plant trash, clayey, occasional sandstone streaks to base with ripples, base on lithology.
926.95 928.52 1.57 Sandstone /siltstone interbedded, gray to dark gray, very thinly bedded, occasional carby wisps, scattered plant trash, low angle bedding ~ 5 degrees, carby/ plant trash partings common, base gradational on lithology.
928.52 930.30 1.78 Siltstone, slightly sandy, medium dark gray, occasional sandstone wisps, occasional plant trash partings, occasional plant fossils (poor), base sharp on lithology.
930.30 934.97 4.67 Sandstone /siltstone interbedded, thin carby plant rich partings, low angle bedding, slightly clayey to base, occasionally slightly rippled, base sharp on lithology.
934.97 935.25 0.28 Sandstone, fine grained, occasional carby streaks, low angle bedding, base on lithology.
935.25 936.75 1.50 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy to base, flazer bedded sandstone streaks to base, base sharp on lithology.
936.75 937.58 0.83 Siltstone /sandstone interbedded, medium gray, angled bedding ~ 20 degrees, 2 scour surfaces, lower ½ has wavy bedding, more silt to base, darker to base, base sharp on lithology.
937.58 937.85 0.27 Sandstone, light medium gray, fine grained, massive, shale rip ups (elongate) throughout, base sharp on lithology.
937.85 938.28 0.43 Claystone, silty, dark gray, sandstone streaks, flat bedded with ripples, fine grained to base, base on lithology.
938.28 938.92 0.64 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, abundant silty rip ups (elongate) to base, horizontal bedded, light /dark streaks, base gradational on loss of rip ups.
938.92 940.00 1.08 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, occasional shale rip ups, dark streaks to top, massive bedded, base on increased shale pebbles.
940.00 940.25 0.25 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, abundant elongate shale rip ups, bedding is not seen but shale rip ups appear to show cross beds.
940.25 941.30 1.05 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, low angle bedding to massive, shale pebbles occasionally, dark /light streaks to base, base gradational.
941.30 941.81 0.51 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine grained, abundant shale pebbles (<0.02'), elongate, flat bedded, base on loss of shale.
941.81 943.16 1.35 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, shale pebbles occasional lower ½, massive, angular base.
943.16 943.89 0.73 Siltstone /sandstone interbedded, shale rip ups, all elongate, sandstone rippled, sandier to base, more silt to top, base on lithology and angular contact.
943.89 944.15 0.26 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, darker streaks, low angle bedding, base on lithology.
944.15 947.58 3.43 Siltstone /sandstone interbedded, medium dark gray, low angle to flat bedded, occasional clayey zones, occasional plant fossils, sands slightly rippled, occasional carby wisps, base sharp on lithology.
947.58 956.22 8.64 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine to medium grained, fining upward sequence, thin 0.03' shale parting at 951.25' and 951.90', occasional shale pebbles, occasional dark carby streaks to base, occasional siderite pebbles, base sharp on coal.
Lower Kittanning coal bed, 956.22-957.40 (1.18'), Elv.= 1143.83'.
956.22 957.40 1.18 Coal
957.40 959.13 1.73 Claystone, very dark gray, slickensides, occasional plant fossils, base on lithology.
959.13 962.42 3.29 Siltstone, clayey, medium gray, abundant calcite nodules, occasional siderite cement, base on lithology.
962.42 964.35 1.93 Flint clay, brecciated, brown to brown gray, occasional siderite cement, base sharp on lithology.
964.35 968.80 4.45 Siltstone, gray to gray green, large horizontal siderite filled root at base, base sharp on lithology.
968.80 969.20 0.40 Sandstone /siltstone mixed, light gray to light medium gray, carby streaks occasional, bioturbated, base on lithology.
969.20 969.64 0.44 Claystone, carby, dark gray, slickensides, base on lithology and color.
969.64 976.40 6.76 Siltstone, gray to light medium gray, occasional clayey zone, occasional slickensides, abundant siderite filling rootlets to base, non bedded, base on loss of siderite.
976.40 977.69 1.29 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, occasional thin sandstone streaks, slightly clayey, occasional small slickensides, base on lithology.
977.69 979.70 2.01 Siltstone, with abundant sandstone streaks, medium gray, sand is light gray, horizontal bedded, occasional siderite fill in rootlets and occasionally on horizontal planes, base gradational on lithology.
979.70 981.26 1.56 Siltstone, medium dark gray, slightly sandy to top, slightly clayey to base, base sharp on lithology.
981.26 983.04 1.78 Siltstone, sandstone streaks at top grades to purer siltstone at base, sand is rippled and occasional lenticular bedded, occasional siderite fill (parallel to bedding), base sharp on lithology.
983.04 983.89 0.85 Claystone, black, pyrite crystals, occasional slickensides, shale to top, base on coal.
Brookville coal bed, 983.89-984.35 (0.46'), Elv.= 1116.16'.
983.89 984.35 0.46 Coal, clarain, abundant pyrite stringers in top 0.15 becoming occasional at the bottom, core loss 0.10'.
984.35 984.40 0.05 Bone with pyrite.
984.40 984.45 0.05 Shale, carby, hard, abundant pyritized fusain, base sharp.
984.45 985.75 1.30 Siltstone, locally sandy streaks, base gradational.
985.75 986.56 0.81 Sandstone /siltstone interbedded, light gray to gray, fine grained, burrowed, base on loss of sand.
986.56 987.85 1.29 Claystone, rooted, fossils, silty, coal stringer at 986.84', base gradational.
987.85 989.10 1.25 Siltstone, dark gray, sand filled burrows, bioturbated, base on color and loss of sand.
989.10 989.50 0.40 Shale, carby, sand filled burrows, abundant pyrite blebs, plant trash, sandy to base, base sharp.
989.50 990.22 0.72 Rash, carby mudstone with vitrain streaks, abundant pyrite blebs.
990.22 991.00 0.78 Shale, carby, coal streaks, pyrite, base on lithology.
991.00 991.17 0.17 Coal, dirty, abundant pyrite.
991.17 991.66 0.49 Shale, black, coal streaks, pyrite, carby, base on lithology.
991.66 992.30 0.64 Shale, dark gray, pyrite, coaly.
992.30 992.45 0.15 Coal, impure, pyrite streaks and blebs abundant ~ 0.01' thick.
992.45 992.60 0.15 Shale, dark gray, pyrite, coaly.
992.60 992.70 0.10 Shale, very coaly, very large pyrite blebs 0.05' thick.
992.70 993.59 0.89 Shale, dark gray, coaly, slickensides, pyrite.
993.59 995.25 1.66 Shale, carbonaceous, coal streaks.
995.25 996.58 1.33 Coal, impure, abundant pyrite, base on lithology.
996.58 996.97 0.39 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, light gray, discontinuous, base sharp.
996.97 997.54 0.57 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, thin dark gray siltstone streaks, base sharp.
997.54 997.89 0.35 Sandstone /shale interbedded, coal streaks, soft sediment deformation?, base gradational.
997.89 998.41 0.52 Sandstone, light gray, discontinuous thin dark gray carby wisps, concave upward.
998.41 999.60 1.19 Shale, silty, sandstone streaks (thin /discontinuous), base sharp.
999.60 1000.22 0.62 Siltstone /sandstone interbedded, silt is gray, sand is light gray, concave upward carby wisps, base sharp.
1000.22 1001.46 1.24 Siltstone, shaley, gray to dark gray at base, occasional local sandstone streaks to base, base wavy and sharp.
1001.46 1004.42 2.96 Sandstone, fine grained, abundant dark gray siltstone streaks, bioturbated, some burrows filled with sand, carby on bedding, very broken along bedding, base on broken.
1004.42 1006.33 1.91 Sandstone, fine grained, well consolidated.
1006.33 1006.50 0.17 Siltstone, gray, grades down to dark gray and coaly, base on coal.
Unnamed coal bed, 1006.5-1007.5 (1.0'), Elv= 1093.55'
1006.50 1007.50 1.00 Coal.
1007.50 1009.03 1.53 Mudstone, dark gray, somewhat mottled light gray.
1009.03 1010.40 1.37 Claystone, silty, hard, mottled, dark gray streaks occasional, base arbitrary.
1010.40 1011.11 0.71 Claystone, silty, gray, coal spars occasional, base sharp.
1011.11 1012.56 1.45 Claystone, light gray, occasional rooted, occasional well developed slickensides with calcite fill.
1012.56 1013.78 1.22 Claystone, slightly silty, occasional plant trash, base sharp.
1013.78 1016.95 3.17 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, recrystallized, hard, occasional coaly streak 1015.0' - 1015.4', occasional stylolite, non bedded (massive), base arbitrary.
1016.95 1018.76 1.81 Sandstone, light gray to white, fine to medium grained, very hard, recrystallized, stylolites, carby streaks, pyrite, base on lithology.
1018.76 1019.57 0.81 Sandstone, light gray to white, fine to medium grained, recrystallized, occasional carby wisps, base on lithology.
1019.57 1023.00 3.43 Sandstone, light gray to white, fine to medium grained, abundant carby material, coaly streaks, stylolites, recrystallized, base on lithology.  1.0' core loss at base.
1023.00 1029.40 6.40 Sandstone, hard, gray to light gray, medium grained, low angle vague bedding, very occasional clayey streaks, very hard, recrystallized.
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