USGS identifier
USGS4; Geologist core description.
Top (ft) Depth (ft) Thick (ft) Description
0.00 10.00 10.00 Cased.
10.00 20.00 10.00 Chipped.
20.00 23.70 3.70 Sandstone, gray, fine-grained, coal streaks at 20.4', dark sandstone streaks at approximately 22.0 - 22.8; very micaceous throughout.
23.70 24.40 0.70 Sandstone, gray, fine-grained., coal streaks, micaceous; base sharp on increased coal streaks.
24.40 25.20 0.80 Sandstone and shale interbedded; shale dark gray to black, sandstone gray, fine grained, base sharp on ripple bedded coal streaks and pebble clasts.
25.20 32.00 6.80 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, with siltstone streaks, dark gray siltstone increasing to base, occasional siltstone at top, base arbitrary on ripples.
32.00 32.26 0.26 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded as above approximately 50/50 with coal streaks. Base on increased sand.
32.26 33.00 0.74 Sandstone with siltstone streaks, ripples, light gray, fine grained, base arbitrary, occasional plant fossils.
33.00 36.20 3.20 Sandstone with siltstone streaks increasing to top, ripples, possible soft sediment deformation at base.
36.20 37.90 1.70 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, occasional gray to gray green siltstone streaks, sandstone is fairly massive, base arbitrary.
37.90 40.00 2.10 Sandstone with siltstone streaks, light gray, fine grained, streaks increase to top, ripples,, micaceous.
40.00 42.65 2.65 Sandstone, fine grained, gray with dark gray siltstone streaks, ripples, plant fragments occasional,, base sharp on sandstone below.
42.65 43.00 0.35 Sandstone, fine grained, gray.
43.00 55.90 12.90 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, fine grained, light gray, approximately 60/40 percent sandstone to siltstone, siltstone increases to base, ripples, occasional plant trash, base arbitrary.
55.90 56.05 0.15 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, ripples.
56.05 56.30 0.25 Sandstone light gray, fine grained, with occasional siltstone streaks.
56.30 56.41 0.11 Siltstone, dark gray, with sandstone streaks.
56.41 56.50 0.09 Sandstone with siltstone streaks.
56.50 56.55 0.05 Siltstone, dark gray.
56.55 56.94 0.39 Sandstone, light gray, siltstone streaks, rippled.
56.94 57.00 0.06 Siltstone
57.00 57.50 0.50 Sandstone with siltstone streaks, ripples, base sharp on siltstone below.
57.50 57.55 0.05 Siltstone, dark gray, base sharp.
57.55 57.90 0.35 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siltstone streaks.
57.90 58.00 0.10 Siltstone with sandstone streaks.
58.00 60.00 2.00 Sandstone with occasional siltstone streaks.
60.00 62.18 2.18 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, occasional shale streaks, occasional coal streaks, very micaceous, slightly rippled.
62.18 62.40 0.22 Sandstone with black shale streaks, fine grained, light gray.
62.40 64.40 2.00 Sandstone with shale streaks, sandstone is fine grained, micaceous shale is black, base is arbitrary on less streaks.
64.40 65.38 0.98 Sandstone with shale streaks, sand is light gray, fine grained, ripples.
65.38 70.70 5.32 Sandstone and shale interbedded; sand is light gray, fine grained, ripples., base arbitrary, shale pebble or lag at 67.8', possible soft sediment deformation at 70.0', occasional plant fossil.
70.70 74.01 3.31 Sandstone, light gray, micaceous, shale streaks, dark gray, ripples, shale pebbles or rip-up clasts occasional throughout., occasional plant fossils.
74.01 74.28 0.27 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, with abundant siltstone rip-ups, brownish, base arbitrary on lack of rip-ups.
74.28 77.36 3.08 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, with abundant thin siltstone streaks, black., occasional coal streaks increasing to base, grades into black claystone.
77.36 80.00 2.64 Claystone, black, plant trash, thin sandstone streaks throughout, especially at 79.5'.
80.00 96.15 16.15 Claystone, dark gray, very thin sandstone streaks throughout, very occasional plant fragments more abundant around 97.0', sandstone streaks micaceous, base sharp on large sandstone streak below.
96.15 96.25 0.10 Sandstone stringer., light gray to white, mixed with claystone, no bedding, base sharp on claystone below.
96.25 96.72 0.47 Claystone, black, thin sandstone streaks with mica, base on sandstone stringer below.
96.72 96.93 0.21 Sandstone stringer mixed with black claystone, sandstone light gray, rippled, base arbitrary.
96.93 99.62 2.69 Claystone, black, with white sandstone streaks, possible ostracodes?? at 97.82', sandstone increases to base, base arbitrary on sandstone content increase, shale pebble at 97.1', ripples in sand.
99.62 100.00 0.38 Sandstone, light gray, ripples, bioturbated.
100.00 102.64 2.64 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, dark shale streaks, pebble clasts at 100.55', grades into siltstone below.
102.64 116.00 13.36 Claystone, silty with occasional sandstone streaks, pyritized plant fragments, shell at 104.6' and possible shell at 104.05', base sharp on sandstone below.
116.00 116.50 0.15 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, vuggy with shells, base sharp on shale below.
116.50 117.31 1.16 Shale, black, pyrite, base sharp on erosional contact.
117.31 118.53 1.22 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, micaceous, massive.
118.53 118.68 0.15 Siltstone, green, base and top sharp.
118.68 120.70 2.02 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, micaceous, base sharp on claystone below.
120.70 120.75 0.05 Claystone, green, base sharp on sandstone below.
120.75 120.90 0.15 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained with siltstone streaks increasing to base, base arbitrary on loss of streaks.
120.90 121.77 0.87 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray at top, darker to base, massive, base sharp on siltstone parting below.
121.77 121.98 0.21 Siltstone, gray, mixed with sandstone at base, base arbitrary.
121.98 126.87 4.89 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, bedded fairly flat to planar, occasional very thin siderite colored stringers, base sharp on slight color change when wet.
126.87 140.00 13.13 Sandstone, fine grained, bedding is vague but appears to be somewhat cross bedded, micaceous, Very abundant mica at 133.63', forms a parting, also at 131.9', occasional dark parting, sandstone lighter to base, very light gray.
140.00 140.82 0.82 Sandstone, fine grained,, light gray, base on color.
140.82 142.58 1.76 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray, very micaceous, base sharp on color.
142.58 145.65 3.07 Sandstone, fine to medium grained., light gray, inclined bedding approximately 15 degrees, base sharp on lithology.
145.65 148.34 2.69 Siltstone, dark gray with sandstone streaks., bioturbated mostly to top, sands are rippled where bedding is not destroyed, base sharp on sandstone below.
148.34 150.90 2.56 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very ripped up but in discrete 0.20' packets bounded by 0.05' sandstone streaks, however all appears to be bioturbated, micaceous.
150.90 150.94 0.04 Shale, dark gray, base sharp on lithology.
150.94 151.88 0.94 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, bioturbated.
151.88 152.00 0.12 Sandstone, fine grained. light gray, slightly bioturbated.
152.00 157.40 5.40 Siltstone with abundant sandstone streaks, very bioturbated, some hint of original bedding, base arbitrary, some shale pebble lag at base, possible burrow remains above 156.0'.
157.40 158.74 1.34 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, horizontal bedding, slightly disturbed at very top and base, base on sandstone below.
158.74 159.40 0.66 Sandstone, massive at top with thinly laminated siltstone to base, base arbitrary.
159.40 160.00 0.60 Siltstone with sandstone streaks., broken shell fragment at base??, bedding horizontal.
160.00 163.30 3.30 Siltstone, gray to dark gray with sandstone streaks, base sharp on color.
163.30 163.31 0.01 Pyrite, parting, wavy.
163.31 163.49 0.18 Shale, black.
163.49 163.50 0.01 Coal, streak.
163.50 165.45 1.95 Claystone, black, abundant plant fossils, occasional slickensides, sandstone streaks increase to base, base arbitrary on sandstone streaks.
165.45 168.00 2.55 Siltstone with abundant sandstone streaks, plant fossils, occasional slickensides, bedding predominantly planar, base arbitrary, rooted???
168.00 172.04 4.04 Shale, dark gray, with sandstone streaks, bedding defined by sandstone streaks, base arbitrary.
172.04 173.10 1.06 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sand is light gray, bedding wavy, base arbitrary.
173.10 174.15 1.05 Siltstone, dark gray, with sandstone streaks, bedding disturbed, slightly bioturbated, base arbitrary,
174.15 177.10 2.95 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, wavy bedding locally, sandstone less to base.
177.10 180.00 2.90 Claystone, dark gray, with abundant thin sandstone streaks.
180.00 183.00 3.00 Shale, with occasional very thin sandstone streaks, occasional slickensides,  180.3' is a plastic clay, occasional root or burrow, base arbitrary on sandstone below.
183.00 183.30 0.30 Sandstone and shale interbedded, transition zone between shale and sandstone, mixed, occasional slickenside.
183.30 183.87 0.57 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, with black shale streaks throughout, possible bioturbated, base sharp on shale below.
183.87 184.25 0.38 Claystone, black with sandstone streaks, base sharp,
184.25 184.66 0.41 Sandstone and shale interbedded, black shale, bedding wavy, micaceous, pyrite, base on lithology.
184.66 184.87 0.21 Claystone, black, pyrite, possible very small calcite veins.
Matewan coal bed, 184.91 - 187.20' (2.29'), Elv.= 1857.09'.
184.87 185.12 0.25 Coal, very poor.
185.12 185.70 0.58 Underclay, dark gray to black, abundant well preserved plant fossils.
185.70 187.10 1.40 Coal, very dirty, abundant pyrite, claystone partings.
187.10 187.90 0.80 Claystone, underclay with abundant plant fossils, base arbitrary.
187.90 187.91 0.01 Coal streak.
187.91 189.90 1.99 Claystone, gray with plant fossils, occasional slickensides, base sharp on color.
189.90 192.40 2.50 Siltstone, gray with locally abundant plant fossils, base on color.
192.40 192.65 0.25 Siltstone, dark gray.
192.65 193.10 0.45 Claystone, gray, occasional slickensides. base arbitrary.
193.10 193.70 0.60 Claystone, light gray with dark gray streaks, plant fragments throughout, bedding at about 10 degrees.
193.70 194.60 0.90 Claystone very light gray, occasional slickensides.
194.60 195.25 0.65 Siltstone. gray, plant fossils, base on color.
195.25 197.60 2.35 Mudstone, bedding very poor, base on lithology and color change.
197.60 197.71 0.11 Claystone, very calcareous.
197.71 200.00 2.29 Claystone, dark gray, plant fossils, very well preserved plant at 198.9'.
200.00 204.60 4.60 Siltstone, gray with fossils, very well preserved Annularia at 201.0', thin sandstone streaks throughout, slightly darker at 204.0', base on color change.
204.60 205.11 0.51 Siltstone, gray, occasional plant fossils, base on color change.
205.11 207.30 2.19 Siltstone, occasional very thin sandstone streaks, very occasional plant fossils, base arbitrary,
207.30 208.15 0.85 Claystone, dark gray, occasional lighter siltstone, slickensides, occasional fossils, base on coal.
Unnamed coal bed, 208.15 - 210.35' (2.20'), Elv.= 1833.85'.
208.15 210.35 2.20 Coal., 1.60' recovered.
210.35 217.40 7.05 Siltstone, occasion sandstone streaks increasing to base, base sharp on coal, occasional pyrite, plant fossils in upper 1/3, occasional slickensides, appears to look like flint clay at base.
Unnamed coal bed, 217.40 - 218.05' (0.65'), Elv.= 1824.60'.
217.40 218.05 0.65 Coal
218.05 220.00 1.95 Siltstone, gray, underclay, abundant plant fossils, 0.01' coal stringer at 219.03'.
220.00 222.55 2.55 Siltstone, gray, occasional fossils, sandstone streaks, grades to very fine sandstone at base, base sharp on planar bedding.
222.55 222.60 0.05 Siltstone, light gray, horizontal planar bedding, base sharp, occasional fossils.
222.60 222.78 0.18 Siltstone, gray, horizontal bedding.
222.78 222.82 0.04 Siltstone, light gray, horizontal bedding.
222.82 222.92 0.10 Siltstone, dark gray, horizontal bedding.
222.92 222.98 0.06 Siltstone, light gray, horizontal bedding.
222.98 233.45 10.47 Siltstone, gray, very occasional plant fossils, coal streaks at 227.92', thin sandstone streaks to base.
233.45 234.62 1.17 Siltstone, sandy, very fine grained, inclined bedding.
234.62 240.00 5.38 Siltstone, light gray, occasional light streaks throughout, clayey parting at 239.9', occasional plant fragments throughout increasing to base, occasional pyrite.
240.00 240.10 1.10 Siltstone, dark gray, grading to black claystone above coal, occasional pyrite, occasional plant fossils.
Middle War Eagle coal bed, 240.10 - 242.95' (2.85'), Elv.= 1801.90'
240.10 242.95 1.85 Coal
242.95 243.48 0.53 Underclay, dark gray, slickensides, base arbitrary.
243.48 251.15 7.67 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, grading up to sandy siltstone at top, bedding horizontal, occasional lighter and darker streaks, darker to base, base sharp on color.
251.15 251.60 0.45 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, bedding slightly inclined, base arbitrary.
251.60 251.62 0.02 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, lag and/or storm deposit with coal streaks.
251.62 252.50 0.88 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, bedding slightly inclined at top, planar bedded at base, coal spar at 252.2'.
252.50 253.92 1.42 Sandstone. light gray, massive at top to slightly inclined bedding at base, base sharp on color, occasional coal streak at 253.5'.
253.92 254.00 0.08 Sandstone, fine grained, dark gray, dark streaks, base sharp.
254.00 254.82 0.82 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fining upwards sequence, bedding slightly inclined at approximately 10 degrees, base sharp.
254.82 258.30 3.48 Sandstone, fining upwards sequence, fine grained at top, medium grained at base., light gray, bedding at approximately 10 degrees, occasional coal streak, base on color.
258.30 258.36 0.06 Sandstone, fine grained, dark gray, base on color.
258.36 260.00 1.64 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, occasional coal streak.
260.00 261.70 1.70 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, bedding at approximately 10 degrees, occasional coal streaks, base arbitrary.
261.70 261.85 0.15 Sandstone, channel lag deposit, shale pebbles mixed with sandstone, pebbles are matrix supported, base sharp.
261.85 262.28 0.43 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, occasional sandstone streaks at top, base arbitrary.
262.28 263.15 0.87 Siltstone, gray, slickensides to base, dark carbonaceous zone at 262.7'.
263.15 263.75 0.60 Siltstone with sandstone and claystone mixed, possible storm deposit??,  base on dark lithology below.
263.75 263.90 0.15 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, base sharp on color and/or lithology.
263.90 268.50 4.60 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray to gray, massive, base arbitrary on coal spars below.
268.50 269.15 0.65 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray to gray, abundant coal spars, base on lack of coal.
269.15 271.05 1.90 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, occasional coal spars.
271.05 271.20 0.15 Coal streak.
271.20 273.16 1.96 Sandstone, medium grained., light gray to gray, occasional coal streaks, base sharp on lithology, occasional pebble throughout, massive.
273.16 275.45 2.29 Shale and sandstone interbedded, very abundant sandstone streaks in siltstone, bioturbated, occasional slightly bedded with ripples.
275.45 280.00 4.55 Siltstone, abundant sandstone streaks, very bioturbated, occasional slickensides.
280.00 287.43 7.43 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks., bioturbated slightly, shale pebbles at 286.5 - 286.8', less sandy.
287.43 288.45 1.02 Siltstone, dark gray, occasional sandstone streaks,
288.45 293.95 5.50 Sandstone, fine grained, gray to light gray, micaceous, very bioturbated, base arbitrary.
293.95 294.30 0.35 Sandstone, light gray, massive.
294.30 297.32 3.02 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, occasional coal streaks, micaceous, base on color change.
297.32 302.20 4.88 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, planar bedded, micaceous.
302.20 303.15 0.95 Sandstone, fine grained., light gray to green gray, horizontal bedded, base on grain size.
303.15 303.59 0.44 Siltstone, gray, planar bedded.
303.59 306.45 2.86 Sandstone, fine grained. light gray, fairly massive, base arbitrary.
306.45 307.64 1.19 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, coal clasts and stringers, base arbitrary.
307.64 309.15 1.51 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive, base sharp on lithology and color.
309.15 310.46 1.31 Siltstone, dark gray, occasional mica, plant fossils, occasional slickensides, occasional coal streaks to base.
310.46 310.81 0.35 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, coal streaks, base sharp.
310.81 312.73 1.92 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded. Sandstone, fine grained, light gray; siltstone dark gray, no discrete bedding, possibly bioturbated, base arbitrary on sandstone below.
312.73 312.95 0.22 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, coal streaks, base arbitrary.
312.95 313.12 0.17 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, abundant thin siltstone streaks, base sharp on coal streak .
313.12 313.68 0.56 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive, coal streaks.
313.68 314.84 1.16 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, siltstone streaks, 0.23' siltstone parting at 314.4', base sharp.
314.84 315.06 0.22 Siltstone with sandstone streaks, dark gray, slight inclined bedding, base sharp on sandstone below.
315.06 323.00 7.94 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, fairly massive, rip ups at 316.0' and above.
323.00 328.95 5.95 Claystone, dark gray to black, siltstone streaks, slickensides, plant fossils, base on coal.
Lower War Eagle coal bed, 328.95 - 330.08' (1.13'), Elv.= 1713.05'.
328.95 330.08 1.13 Coal.
330.08 335.90 5.82 Claystone, dark gray, plant fragments and fossils abundant, silty to base.
335.90 336.95 1.05 Siltstone, dark gray, very fine grained thin sandstone streaks, base sharp on lithology and color.
336.95 337.20 0.25 Claystone, dark gray.
337.20 337.95 0.75 Mudstone, dark gray, grades up to a black claystone, slickensides.
337.95 338.38 0.43 Claystone, dark gray to black, base arbitrary.
338.38 338.85 0.47 Siltstone, dark gray, very fine grained sandstone streaks, base arbitrary.
338.85 340.00 1.15 Siltstone, gray, very fine grained sandstone streaks.
340.00 342.70 2.70 Siltstone, sandy, light gray, horizontal bedding, base arbitrary.
342.70 343.24 0.54 Siltstone, light gray to gray green, diagenetic mineral fill (possibly siderite) at top.
343.24 349.25 6.01 Siltstone, sandy, gray to medium gray, occasional black carbonaceous streaks, plant fossils at top half, base on sandstone below.
349.25 350.72 1.47 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, bedding at approximately 10 to 15 degrees, base on color.
350.72 351.02 0.30 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, bedding at approximately 10 to 15 degrees, base arbitrary on color.
351.02 351.95 0.93 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, bioturbated or soft sediment deformation, grades down to siltstone at base.
351.95 352.85 0.90 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sandstone, light gray, fine gained, siltstone, medium gray, bioturbated which lessens to base, 0.07' siderite band at 351.7'.
352.85 353.00 0.15 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, bedding at approximately 15 degrees, base sharp.
353.00 353.15 0.15 Siltstone, medium gray, with sandstone streaks, base sharp on sandstone.
353.15 354.70 1.55 Sandstone, fine grained., light gray, massive at top, inclined bedding at approximately 15 degrees at center, planar bedded at base, base on lithology.
354.70 355.40 0.70 Siltstone, medium to dark gray, abundant sandstone streaks, light gray, fine grained, base arbitrary.
355.40 357.00 1.60 Sandstone, fine grained, alternating light to medium gray, top looks like a lag which coarsens to base, base arbitrary on grain size change.
357.00 360.00 3.00 Sandstone, medium grained, medium gray greenish, fairly massive, micaceous, possibly inclined bedding at approximately 10 degrees.
360.00 361.24 1.24 Sandstone, fine grained, gray to gray green, coarsening upward sequence, massive at top, low angle bedding at base.
361.24 362.90 1.66 Sandstone, medium grained, gray, massive, base arbitrary,
362.90 363.32 0.42 Sandstone; fine to medium grained, medium gray, massive, base arbitrary on medium grain size below.
363.32 366.72 3.40 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, coarsening upward sequence, medium gray to gray green, 10 degree bedding, base arbitrary on color change.
366.72 368.64 1.92 Sandstone, fine grained, medium gray, low angle bedding at approximately 10 degrees.
368.64 371.20 2.56 Sandstone, medium gray, occasional coal streaks to base.
371.20 371.90 0.70 Sandstone, medium grained, medium gray, coal streaks, base on grain size.
371.90 374.88 2.98 Sandstone, medium grained, medium gray, occasional coal streaks, coaly lag at base, base sharp on grain size.
374.88 377.37 2.49 Sandstone, fine grained, inclined bedding at approximately 15 to 20 degrees, medium gray green, lightens to base, coal spar 0.05' at base, base sharp on lithology.
377.37 379.40 2.03 Sandstone, fine grained, medium gray to gray green, low angle bedding at top at approximately 5 degrees, massive to base,. base sharp on grain size.
379.40 380.00 0.60 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, horizontal bedding.
380.00 380.15 0.15 Sandstone, fine grained, medium gray, cross bedded, coal spar at 380.0', base arbitrary.
380.15 382.02 1.87 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, gray, coal streaks, shale pebbles at 381.5', base gradational.
382.02 383.58 1.56 Sandstone, fine grained, occasional coal streaks at top, occasional siderite?? streaks throughout, horizontal bedded, base on color.
383.58 384.87 1.29 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, occasional coal streak, occasional siderite?? streak, base arbitrary on coal streak below.
384.87 386.35 1.48 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, abundant coal streaks throughout increasing to base, base sharp on end of coal streaks.
386.35 389.76 3.41 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, slightly inclined bedding, base arbitrary on grain size.
389.76 390.71 0.95 Sandstone, medium grained, gray, occasional thin coal streaks, base arbitrary on coal streaks below.
390.71 391.58 0.87 Sandstone, medium grained, abundant coal streaks, thin coal (0.01') at 391.22', base arbitrary on grain size and loss of coal streaks.
391.58 392.08 0.50 Sandstone, medium grained, light to medium gray, massive.
392.08 392.55 0.47 Sandstone, medium grained, light to medium gray, abundant coal streaks, massive.
392.55 393.81 1.26 Sandstone, medium grained, light to medium gray, massive at top, coal streaks to base, base sharp on lithology.
393.81 400.00 6.19 Claystone, silty, dark gray, occasional plant fossils, occasional very fine grained sandstone streaks to base, bedding horizontal.
400.00 401.50 1.50 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, medium gray, bedding horizontal, slightly wavy, very slight fizz locally, base arbitrary on loss of sand.
401.50 403.11 1.61 Siltstone, dark gray, occasional sandstone streaks increasing to base, horizontal bedded, base arbitrary, occasional plant fossils.
403.11 405.42 2.31 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, occasional thin silty parting, horizontal bedded, micaceous, base gradational.
405.42 407.02 1.60 Siltstone with. sandstone streaks, silt is dark gray, sand is fine grained, light gray, base sharp on lithology.
407.02 407.08 0.06 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very thin siltstone streaks, slightly wavy and/or horizontal bedding, base sharp on lithology and color.
407.08 407.17 0.09 Siltstone., dark gray, horizontal bedded, base arbitrary.
407.17 408.75 1.58 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks increasing to base, base arbitrary on loss of sand, very occasional plant fossil.
408.75 410.92 2.17 Siltstone, dark gray, base arbitrary.
410.92 415.85 4.93 Siltstone ., medium to dark gray, thin sandstone streaks throughout, occasional darker siltstone streaks, horizontal bedding, very occasional plant fossils, micaceous., base gradational.
415.85 419.12 3.27 Siltstone, medium gray, occasional sandstone streaks, base arbitrary, micaceous.
419.12 420.00 0.88 Claystone, silty, dark gray to black,
420.00 423.78 3.78 Claystone, black, slightly silty, occasional silty pebbles, base on coal, fossil at 423.57'.
Glenalum Tunnel coal bed, 423.78 - 426.70' (2.92'), Elv.= 1618.22'
423.78 426.70 2.92 Coal
426.70 427.46 0.76 Claystone, black. coal streaks, pyrite streaks, base arbitrary, slickensides, plant fossils.
427.46 428.77 1.31 Claystone, silty, dark gray, silty increase to base, base arbitrary on lithology, plant fossils, pyrite.
428.77 428.90 0.13 Claystone, black, plant fossils, pyrite.
428.90 431.12 2.22 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, plant fossils, base arbitrary.
431.12 435.20 4.08 Sandstone, very fine grained, gray, silty inter beds, occasional pyrite., sub-horizontal bedding, sandy to base, micaceous, ripples to base.
435.20 437.45 2.25 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, gray, base arbitrary, horizontal bedded, micaceous, occasional plant trash, base arbitrary on lithology,
437.45 438.01 0.56 Siltstone, medium to dark gray, occasional plants, base sharp on lithology.
439.01 439.08 0.07 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, ripples, base sharp.
438.08 440.00 1.92 Siltstone, medium to dark gray, occasional very fine grained sandstone streaks.
440.00 445.82 5.82 Siltstone, gray, horizontal bedded, occasional darker zone, plant trash and fossils especially around 443.0', base sharp on grain size.
445.82 446.90 1.08 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, shale drapes, darker and fine grained at 446.4', base gradational.
446.90 448.16 1.26 Siltstone, gray with sandstone streaks to top, base gradational on grain size.
448.16 450.65 2.49 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, horizontal bedded, very thin carbonaceous drapes or wisps, base on grain size.
450.65 459.60 8.95 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, occasional carbonaceous streak especially around 454.0', massive top 3 feet, fines to base, coarsening upwards sequence, carbonaceous wisps at base, base on grain size.
459.60 460.95 1.35 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, abundant thin (<0.01') coal streaks and coal spars, base sharp and slightly irregular.
460.95 509.51 48.56 Shale, silty, black, common to abundant sand streaks, highly macerated plant debris or bedding locally, very occasional small (0.01') rounded sand filled burrow, very occasional preserved sand ripple.
509.51 543.90 34.39 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light to medium gray, shale clasts and stringers 509.51', 513.8', 516.0-516.5', silty matrix. medium gray, lithic, mica flakes, base sharp.
543.90 544.20 0.30 Siltstone, medium gray to dark gray, top and bottom sharp, 0.02' of very fine grained sandstone in middle.
544.20 545.50 1.30 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, abundant very thin coal streaks, planar but inclined +/- 2 degree bedding, base gradational, lithic, micaceous.
545.50 547.30 1.80 Sandstone, very tine to fine grained, light gray, planar bedded, base gradational, lithic. micaceous.
547.30 553.40 6.10 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, light gray, massive, occasional thin coaly stringer (locally slightly 'cleaves') and very small shale clasts with occasional medium clasts, base sharp on bedding, lithic, micaceous.
553.40 553.60 0.20 Sandstone with siltstone inter-laminations, inclined bedding at 10 degrees, lithic.
553.60 554.40 0.80 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, light gray, massive, base arbitrary on carbonaceous stringers, lithic, micaceous.
554.40 557.25 2.85 Sandstone, very fine grained, less lithic than above, micaceous, planar to rippled with carbonaceous material draping bedding, bare arbitrary.
557.25 557.85 0.60 Sandstone, very fine grained, abundant carbonaceous material, bedding inclined, large coal stringer at base (0.01' thick).
557.85 559.20 1.35 Sandstone, lag zone, shale clasts, coal spars., soft sediment deformation, slickensides on bedding, coaly spars and mud clasts randomly oriented top and bottom third, middle third thin planar to ripple bedded with dark gray siltstone laminations, abundant very fine grained sand, base grades over 0.05'.
559.20 560.00 0.80 Shale, medium to medium dark gray, slightly silty, sandy at top, base sharp.
560.00 560.08 0.08 Shale, black, top and bottom sharp, slickensides.
560.08 562.18 2.10 Shale, dark gray, carbonized plant fragments and fossils, Calamities sp., Alethopteris cf decumens, P gigantea at 560.6', pyrite balls 561.6 - 561.65', (rounded 0.01 - 0.015'), lycopod cones, stems.
562.18 562.65 0.47 Shale, black, very carbonaceous to impure coal locally, interbedded with medium gray shale with abundant carbonaceous plant fragments.
562.65 563.15 0.50 Shale., medium gray, medium bedded, base arbitrary, abundant plant fragments, slickensides, Alethopteris decumeiis.
563.15 563.95 0.80 Shale, medium gray, poorly bedded, occasional root trace, good Stigmaria ficoides at 563.62' and below, base sharp on color and grain size.
563.95 564.95 1.00 Siltstone, sandy, medium gray, poorly bedded, root traces, silty sandstone 564.55 - 564,64', base arbitrary on grain size.
564.95 565.10 0.15 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, top and bottom gradational.
565.10 566.33 1.23 Siltstone, medium gray, thin sandy zones, locally shaley, base arbitrary on increase in sand.
566.33 567.05 0.72 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, laminated with medium gray sandy siltstone.
567.05 568.35 1.30 Siltstone and sandstone inter-laminated, medium gray siltstone and light gray very fine gained sandstone, top and bottom arbitrary.
568.35 569.00 0.65 Sandstone, very fine grained,, abundant medium gray siltstone inter- laminations, top and bottom arbitrary.
569.00 572.72 3.72 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, base sharp and irregular, lithic.
572.72 573.40 0.68 Shale, medium to dark gray, becomes silty toward base slickensides; occasional coalified stem base gradational.
573.40 576.20 2.80 Siltstone, medium gray, becomes sandy toward base, base gradational, occasional slickensides, fractures.
576.20 580.95 4.75 Siltstone, medium gray, locally sandy, common thin sand streaks, locally becomes siltstone and sandstone, base sharp, occasional slickensides, basal 1.0' has few sand streaks, coal spars,
580.95 581.23 0.28 Shale, black, top and bottom sharp.
581.23 583.42 2.19 Siltstone, medium gray, sandy, locally thin sand inter-laminated, base sharp on grain size, slickensides.. fractures, occasional plant fragments.
583.42 585.20 1.78 Shale, medium gray, plant fossils, siderite band 583.56 - 583.61', carbonaceous to coaly 583.68 - 583.82', Sph sp. at 584.22', collected most of 584.0 -585.0' -  BM Blake.
Unnamed coal bed (Gilbert?), 585.20 - 585.42' (0.22'), Elv.= 1456.80'.
585.20 585.42 0.22 Coal
585.42 585.52 0.10 Shale, black, carbonaceous.
585.52 585.83 0.31 Sandstone, very hard, horizontal bedded, coal stringers, base gradational.
Contact: Kanawha and New River Formations., Elv.= 1456.58'
585.83 586.40 0.57 Shale., medium gray, clayey, root traces.
Nutall Sandstone, 586.40 - 647.05' (60.65'), Elv.= 1455.60'.
586.40 586.55 0.15 Sandstone, hard, non-bedded, base gradational.
586.55 587.55 1.00 Sandstone, silty, medium gray, non bedded, base arbitrary,
587.55 587.90 0.35 Sandstone and siltstone inter-laminated, base sharp.
587.90 589.10 1.20 Sandstone, with large inter-laminated siltstone and/or sandstone clasts, base sharp.
589.10 589.50 0.40 Shale, medium dark gray, base sharp.
589.50 647.05 57.55 Sandstone, fine to medium gray, light gray, fine to medium grained, very fine grained locally, mainly marine, shale stringers 611.65 - 611.95', planar bedded with occasional shale streaks 607.4 - 612.3', massive with occasional dark streak to 622.0', lithic coal spars and stringers 621.55 - 622.2', shale and coal stringers 622.5 - 622.85', abundant coal stringers 623.2 - 623.3', medium to coarse (coarsening down) 632.6 - 635.5', coal spars and shale clasts 635.5 - 635.68', shale clasts in fine to medium sandstone 636.0 -636.48', large coal stringer 641.6', granules and very small quartz pebbles 643.0 - 643.55', medium to coarse grained 643.55', with occasional poorly developed stylolites, pebbles, mica, occasional carbonaceous stringer making planar bedding 643.55' to base, base sharp.
647.05 647.15 0.10 Shale, black with thin quartzose sand streaks.
647.15 647.40 0.25 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, rippled, quartzose.
647.40 648.20 0.80 Shale, black, inter-laminated with very fine grained sandstone, rippled.
648.20 648.35 0.15 Sandstone, very fine grained., light gray, quartzose. thin black shale streaks.
648.35 648.68 0.33 Shale, black, very fine grained sandstone inter-laminations, sandstone locally rippled.
648.68 648.93 0.25 Sandstone, very fine grained, with black shale streaks.
648.93 649.58 0.65 Shale, black, with very fine grained, light gray sandstone inter-laminated, sandstone locally rippled.
649.58 650.00 0.42 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, thin black shale buds.
650.00 650.90 0.90 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, quartzose, rippled.
650.90 651.00 0.10 Shale, black, and sandstone inter-laminations.
651.00 651.10 0.10 Sandstone, rippled.
651.10 651.70 0.60 Shale, black, sandstone inter-laminations, rippled.
651.70 651.98 0.28 Sandstone, very fine gained, rippled, quartzose.
651.98 652.62 0.64 Shale, black, rippled sand inter-laminations.
652.62 654.30 1.68 Sandstone, very fine grained, quartzose, rippled with occasional black shale laminations.
654.30 654.96 0.66 Shale, black, with very fine grained sandstone inter-laminations and buds.
654.96 655.25 0.29 Sandstone, very fine grained, quartzose, rippled.
655.25 655.42 0.17 Shale, black, occasional very thin sand streaks.
655.42 655.86 0.44 Sandstone, very fine grained, rippled, quartzose.
655.86 656.40 0.54 Sandstone and shale interbedded to inter-laminated, sandstone is very fine grained, quartzose, shale black.
656.40 656.75 0.35 Sandstone, very fine grained, quartzose, rippled.
656.75 658.30 1.55 Sandstone and shale, interbedded to inter-laminated, sand is very fine grained, quartzose, shale black.
658.30 660.00 1.70 Shale, black with planar sand streaks and rippled sandstone beds up to 0.05' thick (shale > 75 percent).
660.00 660.20 0.20 Sandstone, very fine grained with thin black shale streaks.
660.20 661.65 1.45 Sandstone, very fine grained, very light gray, occasional small fine grained sand, dark gray, quartzose, base arbitrary on bedding change.
661.65 664.90 3.25 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, very light gray, planar bedded with some bedding marked with very thin dark laminations, shale clasts +/- 663.6', base sharp.
664.90 665.25 0.35 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, +/- 40 percent dark shale stringers and spars, large ironstone nodule (0.02') at base.
665.25 668.90 3.65 Sandstone, very fine grained, 'sugar-like' quartzose, rippled, ripples occasionally marked with thin dark streaks., base arbitrary on bedding change.
668.90 692.70 23.80 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, quartzose but quartz arenite, mostly planar to low angle planar, shale streaks 669.65 - 669.67', occasional shale streaks and spar 672.0 - 672.3', +/- 675.0', 677.9 - 678.0', 683.3 - 683.35', 686.5 - 686.55', base arbitrary on large shale clast, 'cleaner' locally but no recrystallized zones or stylolites.
692.70 693.15 0.45 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, massive, quartzose, abundant angular to sub-rounded shale clasts, base arbitrary.
693.15 695.70 2.55 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, massive, scattered small shale spars, large shale bed 694.49 - 649.51', base arbitrary.
695.70 696.15 0.45 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, massive, large (0.05') shale clasts, clasts elongate, rounded on edges.
696.15 696.28 0.13 Shale, medium gray, top and bottom sharp, bedding at 5 degree angle to edge of core.
696.28 697.00 0.72 Sandstone, very fine to fine grained, massive, quartzose, scattered elongate rounded shale clasts, contact arbitrary.
697.00 699.33 2.33 Sandstone., fine to medium grained, mostly fine grained., very light gray, quartzose (quartz arenite?) appears massive, base arbitrary.
699.33 700.00 0.67 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, very light gray, abundant dark gray carbonaceous streaks and stringers.
700.00 701.30 1.30 Sandstone, fine grained, quartzose, thin bedded, several small stylolites, base arbitrary.
701.30 704.30 3.00 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, with occasional small quartzose pebbles 703.0 - 703.3', planar low angle bedding, base sharp.
704.30 705.10 0.80 Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, coarsening downward sequence, coaly stringers and stylolites basal 0.2', occasional small quartz pebbles basal 0.2', recrystallized.
705.10 705.85 0.75 Sandstone. fine to medium grained, quartzose, hard, recrystallized.
705.85 713.40 7.55 Sandstone, mostly very fine to fine grained., quartzose, occasional poorly developed stylolites, fine to medium 707.2 - 707.3', 709.8 - 710.0', base arbitrary on grain size and amount of recrystallized.
713.40 716.43 3.03 Sandstone, quartzose, recrystallized, fine to medium grained, occasional quartz pebble 715.2 - 715.3', 715.5', base arbitrary.
716.43 730.40 13.97 Sandstone, very fine to medium grained, mostly very fine to fine grained, very light gray, quartzose, scattered stylolites, hard, locally recrystallized, shale band 724.65 - 724.67', shale clasts 723.85', 725.85', base arbitrary.
730.40 730.90 0.50 Sandstone, fine grained, very light gray, quartzose, large shale clasts and stringers (lag), base sharp and angular.
730.90 752.50 21.60 Shale, black, locally sandy, very occasional thin (0.01 - 0.03') siderite streak, sandy zones have plant fragments, sandstone band 741.45 - 741.51', 752.5 - 742.6', common sand streaks 742.6 - 747.0'.
752.50 754.55 2.05 Siltstone and sandstone, inter-laminated, siltstone is dark gray, sand is very fine grained, rippled.
754.55 763.45 8.90 Sandstone, very fine grained, light to medium gray, siltstone inter-laminations, base arbitrary, mostly planar bedded, locally slightly rippled.
763.45 765.00 1.55 Siltstone, dark gray, with very fine grained sand streaks, base arbitrary.
765.00 765.30 0.30 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, siltstone drapes, rippled.
765.30 767.35 2.05 Siltstone, medium grained, sandstone streaks.
767.35 768.85 1.50 Sandstone, very fine grained, planar to low angle ripples, hard, base sharp.
768.85 772.05 3.20 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy zones and thin streaks, base gradational.
772.05 772.35 0.30 Sandstone., very fine grained, rippled, top and bottom gradational.
772.35 774.40 2.05 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, sandstone bands and streaks.
774.40 774.90 0.50 Sandstone, very fine grained, rippled with interbedded siltstone / sandstone rip-ups at 90 degrees.
774.90 776.20 1.30 Siltstone, dark gray.
776.20 776.40 0.20 Sandstone, very fine grained, rippled.
776.40 777.50 1.10 Siltstone, sandy, dark gray.
777.50 778.40 0.90 Siltstone, dark gray, inter-laminated with very fine grained sandstone.
778.40 779.70 1.30 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, base sharp.
779.70 788.25 8.55 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, quartzose, planar to trough cross beds, common dark laminations., base sharp.
788.25 789.00 0.75 Shale, silty, dark gray.
789.00 789.60 0.60 Shale, sandy with sand streaks, becomes siltstone at base, base sharp.
789.60 794.75 5.15 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, cross beds at 790.0 - 790.0', occasional shale rip-ups at 79 1.0', siltstone parting (0.15') at 791.0', massive 792.0 - 794.0', base sharp on lithology.
794.75 795.50 0.75 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, occasional coal streaks, slickensides, base sharp on lithology.
795.50 799.10 3.60 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, thin coal streaks throughout, bedding approximately 5 degrees to 796.5', 15 degrees to 20 degrees 796.5 to 798.0', siltstone streaks (0.01') at 797.98', base sharp on lithology,
799.10 808.85 9.75 Claystone., dark gray, well preserved plants, occasional small sand lens below 808.0', base sharp on lithology.
808.85 809.88 1.03 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive, siltstone parting at 809.45' (0.03'), occasional coaly streak below, base sharp on lithology.
809.88 810.10 0.22 Siltstone, very dark gray to black, micaceous, very slightly sandy, base sharp,
810.10 810.30 0.20 Sandstone, fine grained., light gray, shale pebbles to base, very thin coal rip-ups form lag, base erosional.
810.30 810.45 0.15 Siltstone, sandy, very dark gray to black, large flat shale pebble at base, base sharp on sandstone.
810.45 813.30 2.85 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, occasional coal streak throughout, slightly darker to base, base sharp.
813.30 813.38 0.08 Coal spar.
813.38 814.00 0.62 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, coal streaks increasing to base, many dark streaks, bedding at 10 degrees, base arbitrary.
814.00 818.72 4.72 Sandstone, very fine grained, hard, coal streaks at 817.0 - 818.0', angular bedding, base arbitrary.
818.72 819.05 0.33 Sandstone and siltstone, interbedded, sand is fine grained, light gray, siltstone is black, base sharp.
819.05 834.00 14.95 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, occasional very thin carbonaceous wisps throughout, siltstone streaks (0.01') at 830.1', 830.7', massive, base arbitrary, stylolite at 824.6'.
834.00 834.95 0.95 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, inclined bedding at 10 degrees, base sharp on siltstone streaks.
834.95 835.50 0.55 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, very hard, < 0. 01' carbonaceous streaks to base, occasional slickensides, base arbitrary.
835.50 840.60 5.10 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, occasional carbonaceous wisps, inclined bedding at top at 20 degrees, less to base, massive at base.
840.60 841.10 0.50 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, many 0.01' black siltstone streaks and/or partings, inclined at 20 degrees, base arbitrary.
841.10 844.15 3.05 Sandstone, tine grained, light gray.
844.15 845.46 1.31 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, abundant carbonaceous streaks <0.01', bedding at 10 degrees, base arbitrary.
845.46 845.85 0.39 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, thin <0.01' siltstone partings, base arbitrary.
845.85 846.60 0.75 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive.
846.60 848.45 1.85 Sandstone, fine grained,, light gray, abundant black clay drapes.
848.45 852.08 3.63 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, hard, massive, stylolite at 849.2', carbonaceous streaks to base, base erosional.
852.08 853.45 1.37 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, mixed with black siltstone, bioturbated., base arbitrary.
853.45 854.61 1.16 Siltstone, sandy, bioturbated, base arbitrary.
854.61 855.30 0.69 Sandstone and siltstone, interbedded, bioturbated, base arbitrary.
855.30 856.15 0.85 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, ripples, siltstone streaks, base arbitrary.
856.15 856.75 0.60 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, siltstone is black, sandstone is very fine grained, light gray, rippled, base arbitrary,
856.75 857.35 0.60 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, occasional siltstone streak, ripples, base arbitrary, carbonaceous streaks.
857.35 858.95 1.60 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sandstone is very fine grained, rippled, wavy bedding, base arbitrary on lithology.
858.95 861.13 2.18 Claystone, black, plant fragments, base arbitrary, slightly silty to base, coaly streaks, slickensides.
861.13 870.10 8.97 Siltstone, dark gray to black, slightly silty, occasional sandstone streaks, plant fragments, preservation better to base, base arbitrary, pyrite streak at 862.1'.
870.10 870.60 0.50 Sandstone, fine grained, ripples, intermittent light and dark streaks, base sharp on color.
870.60 871.50 0.90 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks.
871.50 873.00 1.50 Claystone, black, silty, less silty to base, occasional plant fragment.
873.00 882.70 9.70 Siltstone, dark gray to black, occasional clayey areas, occasional plant fossils, occasional slickensides, occasional thin coal streaks, inclined bedding to base, gradational change, base arbitrary.
882.70 885.00 2.30 Siltstone, sandy, dark gray to black,, base gradational.
885.00 885.75 0.75 Sandstone, fine grained, medium gray, massive, base arbitrary.
885.75 886.00 0.25 Siltstone, dark gray to black, darker to base, base arbitrary.
886.00 888.44 2.44 Sandstone, fine grained, intermittent light and dark streaks, increasing massive to top, rippled to base, base planar, burrow 886.7'.
888.44 890.15 1.71 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, hard, rippled, claystone parting at 889.3', 889.5', and 889.9', base arbitrary.
890.15 890.65 0.50 Siltstone, sandy, base sharp, occasional fossil.
890.65 890.80 0.15 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sandstone is fine grained, light gray, siltstone is dark gray, each bed approximately 0.09 thick, base sharp.
890.80 891.29 0.49 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, clay drapes, ripples, base sharp.
891.29 891.55 0.26 Siltstone, dark gray, base sharp.
891.55 891.85 0.30 Sandstone, fine grained., light gray, cross beds, base sharp.
891.85 892.20 0.35 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, small sandstone ripples, base sharp.
892.20 892.35 0.15 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, rippled, base sharp.
892.35 892.82 0.47 Sandstone., grades to siltstone at top, fining upwards sequence, rippled to base, horizontal bedding at top, base gradational.
892.82 893.54 0.72 Sandstone grading to sandy siltstone at top, fining upwards sequence, sandstone is fine grained, rippled.
893.54 893.75 0.21 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, horizontal bedded, base sharp on lithology,
893.75 894.75 1.00 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, horizontal bedded, base sharp.
894.75 894.97 0.22 Siltstone., dark gray, sandstone streaks and ripples, base sharp on lithology.
894.97 895.37 0.40 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, hard, clay drapes, massive, base sharp.
895.37 896.37 1.00 Sandstone, fining upwards to siltstone, sand is light gray, fine grained, clay drapes, well developed ripples at 996.0', siltstone in dark gray with horizontal bedding.
896.37 896.80 0.43 Sandstone, fining upwards to very dark gray siltstone, ripples at base, horizontal bedded at top.
896.80 897.60 0.80 Siltstone, sandy, fining upwards to siltstone, base gradational rippled, sandstone streaks throughout, occasional slickensides, micaceous.
897.60 898.83 0.23 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, hard, clay drapes, slight increasing siltstone to top, base sharp.
898.83 899.50 0.67 Siltstone, very dark gray, coarsening to sandy siltstone at base, occasional sandstone streak, base arbitrary.
899.50 899.78 0.28 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, base sharp.
899.78 901.80 2.02 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive, fining upwards to siltstone, dark gray, ripples at 900.5 - 900.8', base sharp.
901.80 902.15 0.35 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, base arbitrary.
902.15 903.16 1.01 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, occasional carbonaceous streaks, ripples to base, base sharp.
903.16 904.55 1.39 Siltstone, abundant sandstone streaks, horizontal bedding, base erosional.
904.55 904.85 0.30 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, rippled, base sharp.
904.85 905.96 1.11 Siltstone, abundant sandstone streaks, ripples.
905.96 906.10 0.14 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive, base sharp.
906.10 906.95 0.85 Siltstone, very sandy, sandstone streaks approximately 0.01 - 0.015', occasional rip-ups, base sharp.
906.95 907.72 0.77 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, rip-ups, cross beds, base very sharp.
907.72 909.15 1.43 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, ripples, wavy bedding, base sharp.
909.15 910.87 1.72 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive, base broken.
910.87 911.00 0.13 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, base arbitrary.
911.00 911.44 0.44 Sandstone, fine gray, gray, angular bedding, base sharp.
911.44 911.68 0.24 Siltstone, dark gray, occasional sandstone streaks, base sharp.
911.68 912.20 0.52 Sandstone, fine grained, very light gray, high angle cross beds, base sharp.
912.20 912.67 0.47 Sandstone fining upward to siltstone, dark gray, base arbitrary.
912.67 914.52 1.85 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, low angle cross beds, occasional stylolites, base sharp.
914.52 915.20 0.68 Siltstone, very dark gray to black, sandy to base, base sharp.
915.20 915.72 0.52 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, ripples, base sharp.
915.72 916.90 1.18 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, fining upward to dark gray siltstone, ripples, base sharp.
916.90 917.70 0.80 Siltstone, dark gray, abundant sandstone streaks., ripples, base arbitrary.
917.70 918.10 0.40 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, ripples, base arbitrary.
918.10 920.30 2.20 Sandstone, abundant siltstone streaks, ripples, occasional stylolites, base arbitrary.
920.30 921.52 1.22 Sandstone, fine grained, very hard, stylolites, cross beds, base sharp.
921.52 922.30 0.78 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks increasing to base, base arbitrary.
922.30 923.11 0.81 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, ripples, poorly developed stylolites, bedding angular at 10 degrees at top, massive to base.
923.11 923.40 0.29 Siltstone, abundant sandstone streaks, base sharp.
923.40 924.41 1.01 Sandstone, very fine grained., light gray, very hard, dark carbonaceous streaks, base sharp.
924.41 926.11 1.70 Siltstone, dark gray, abundant sandstone streaks, horizontal bedded, base arbitrary.
926.11 927.80 1.69 Siltstone, sandy, fining upward, horizontal bedding, ripples.
927.80 927.92 0.12 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, fining upwards to siltstone.
927.92 928.40 0.48 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy to base, base arbitrary.
928.40 930.30 1.90 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, stylolites, low angle cross beds, siltstone streaks 0.02' at 928.8', base sharp. massive at base.
930.30 930.67 0.37 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, base arbitrary.
930.67 932.05 1.38 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks abundant, micaceous, base arbitrary.
932.05 933.32 1.27 Sandstone, fine gained, light gray, rippled, base sharp.
933.32 934.60 1.28 Siltstone, dark gray, thin sandstone streaks, base sharp.
934.60 934.85 0.25 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, ripples, dark streaks, base sharp.
934.85 935.15 0.30 Siltstone, light gray, slightly sandy, base sharp.
935.15 938.08 2.93 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, ripples, occasional plant trash, base gradational.
938.08 938.58 0.50 Sandstone, very fine grained, very hard, ripples, base sharp, coal streaks,
938.58 940.58 2.00 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, less sandy to base, base sharp.
940.58 944.42 3.84 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, very hard, stylolites, shale pebbles at base, slightly inclined bedding, base sharp.
944.42 946.52 2.10 Sandstone, fine grained, fining upward to dark gray sandy siltstone, bedding at 10 degrees at base, 0 degrees at top.
946.52 953.40 6.88 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, very hard, stylolites, base arbitrary.
953.40 954.60 1.20 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, very hard, very abundant stylolites, base arbitrary.
954.60 956.67 2.07 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, very hard, occasional stylolites, 0.07' shale pebble at 956.0', base arbitrary.
956.67 958.97 2.30 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray, very hard, small (< 0.01') shale pebbles at 956.75', numerous dark streaks, 0.10' broken core at 957.2', slightly inclined bedding at 10 degrees, occasional pebbles and rip-ups to base, base sharp.
958.97 959.08 0.11 Shale, very broken.
959.08 960.30 1.22 Sandstone and siltstone, very sandy to base, fining upward sequence, ripples, base arbitrary.
960.30 960.90 0.60 Sandstone and siltstone, ripples , sandy to top.
960.90 961.68 0.78 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, sandstone increasing to base, 0.08' sandstone streak at 961.5'.
961.68 962.14 0.46 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, base sharp.
962.14 963.52 1.38 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, very hard, siltstone streaks, ripples, base sharp,
963.52 964.80 1.28 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, sandy, ripples.
964.80 964.90 0.10 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, base sharp.
964.90 965.75 0.85 Siltstone and sandstone, interbedded, sand fine grained, light gray, base arbitrary.
965.75 966.20 0.45 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, siltstone streaks, base arbitrary, ripples.
966.20 966.41 0.21 Siltstone, thin sandstone streaks throughout, base sharp.
966.41 967.28 0.87 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, dark streaks, ripples, base arbitrary.
967.28 968.00 0.72 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, abundant siltstone streaks, ripples.
968.00 973.40 5.40 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, carbonaceous streaks, horizontal bedding to 10 degrees, massive to base, occasional carbonaceous parting, base sharp.
973.40 979.15 5.75 Claystone, black, coal streaks, plant fossils, base arbitrary.
979.15 980.00 0.85 Siltstone, sandy, base arbitrary.
980.00 981.50 1.50 Siltstone, sandy, medium gray, base arbitrary.
981.50 982.20 0.70 Sandstone, fine grained, silty streaks, inclined bedding 15 degrees, silty to base, base sharp on bedding.
982.20 982.55 0.35 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, rippled, base on bedding.
982.55 982.82 0.27 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, planar bedding, base sharp.
982.82 983.15 0.33 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, ripples, bioturbated".
983.15 983.90 0.75 Sandstone, fine grained, intermittent light and dark, inclined bedding to 20 degrees, base angular.
983.90 984.40 0.50 Siltstone, medium gray, base on lithology.
984.40 985.15 0.75 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, ripples, micro-faults or small slumps?
985.15 986.00 0.85 Siltstone, sandy, increasing sandstone to base, ripples, base arbitrary.
986.00 987.15 1.15 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, intermittent light and dark sandstone streaks, ripples.
987.15 987.85 0.70 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sandy to base, fining upward sequence, low angle bedding.
987.85 988.18 0.33 Siltstone,, dark gray, low angle bedding at 5 degrees, occasional sandstone streaks.
988.18 990.10 1.92 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sandstone shows soft sediment deformation, angular bedding at 10 degrees.
990.10 990.30 0.20 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, soft sediment deformation or bioturbated, base sharp.
990.30 990.93 0.63 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, bioturbated, base on lithology.
990.93 991.18 0.25 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, bioturbated, base gradational.
991.18 991.50 0.32 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, slightly bioturbated at top, planar bedded to base, base arbitrary.
991.50 991.75 0.25 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, silt dark gray with sandstone streaks, sand is light gray, fine grained, hard, slightly rippled, base sharp.
991.75 991.86 0.11 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, hard, planar bedded, base sharp.
991.86 992.10 0.24 Sandstone, silty streaks, ripples, base sharp.
992.10 992.31 0.21 Siltstone, sandy, rippled, base sharp.
992.31 992.43 0.12 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, hard, base sharp.
992.43 992.54 0.11 Siltstone, dark gray, planar bedded, occasional very thin sandstone streaks, base angular.
992.54 993.26 0.72 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, clay drapes, low angle cross beds, base sharp.
993.26 993.95 0.69 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, low angle bedding at 15 degrees, ripples, base arbitrary.
993.95 994.86 0.91 Sandstone, abundant siltstone streaks, low angle bedding at 15 degrees, ripples, base gradational.
994.86 995.40 0.54 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, base arbitrary,
995.40 995.53 0.13 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, bioturbated.
995.53 995.73 0.20 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, bioturbated.
995.73 996.20 0.47 Sandstone. fine grained, light gray, base erosional and angular.
996.20 996.32 0.12 Claystone, black, slickensides , base sharp.
996.32 996.85 0.53 Sandstone fining upward to siltstone with sandstone streaks, bedding at 15 degrees, ripples, base gradational.
996.85 997.38 0.53 Siltstone, sandy, bioturbated?, base gradational.
997.38 997.95 0.57 Sandstone, silty, bedding at 15 degrees, ripples, base gradational.
997.95 998.58 0.63 Siltstone, sandy, sand mixed, sandy to base, ripples to base, possible erosional surfaces.
998.58 999.44 0.86 Siltstone, sandy, sand mixed, probably bioturbated, base on lithology.
999.44 999.70 0.26 Sandstone, silty streaks, ripples, base gradational.
999.70 1000.34 0.64 Siltstone, sandy, base sharp.
1000.34 1001.00 0.66 Sandstone and siltstone, interbedded, ripples, soft sediment deformation.
1001.00 1001.15 0.15 Claystone, black, slickensides, base gradational.
1001.15 1002.63 1.48 Siltstone, dark gray, slightly sandy, base gradational to arbitrary.
1002.63 1003.60 0.97 Siltstone, sandy, dark gray, increased sand to base, sandstone mixed, base sharp.
Upper Raleigh Sandstone, 1003.60 - 1151.92' (148.32'), Elv.= 1038.40'.
1003.60 1010.00 6.40 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, stylolites, 0.05' carbonaceous parting at 1007.75', bedding at 15 degrees.
1010.00 1029.40 19.40 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, pebbles pyritized (0.10') at 1011.1', (0.06') at 1012.06', pyritized pebbles at 1025.35' and 1025.1', stylolites scattered throughout, low angle bedding to 1014.0', high angle cross beds to 1017' , low angle bedding to massive to 1022.0', low angle bedding to 1027', high angle bedding to 1029.4'.
1029.40 1035.06 5.66 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, pyrite at 1035.0' and 1034.6', stylolites throughout, quartz pebble lag at 1035.1', occasional quartz pebble lower third.
1035.06 1042.10 7.04 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray, massive, quartz pebbles, stylolites, very well developed stylolites at 1037.9', quartz pebble lag at 1039.5'.
1042.10 1050.00 7.90 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, medium light gray, quartz pebbles throughout, stylolites common.
1050.00 1057.25 7.25 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, stylolites, coarse grained pebble lag 1053.0 - 1053.25'.
1057.25 1058.17 0.92 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, contains channel lag, fining upward sequence.
1058.17 1063.70 5.53 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, stylolites, coarse grained pebbles, massive, base arbitrary.
1063.70 1070.00 6.30 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, very hard, quartz pebbles throughout, massive, stylolites.  NOTE! Between 1050.0 - 1070.0' gas bubbled out of core and core hole.
1070.00 1070.40 0.40 Sandstone, channel lag, very hard, light gray, quartz pebbles, base sharp.
1070.40 1071.90 1.50 Limestone, light gray-brown, hard, dense, very fine grained, some spar calcite, nodular in basal 0.5', sharp lower contact, medium grained, light gray, quartz pebbles, angular bedding at 12 degrees, very hard, stylolites.
1071.90 1075.80 3.90 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, quartz pebbles, stylolites, angular bedding to base at 12 degrees, top planar to massive.
1075.80 1076.76 0.96 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, low angle cross beds, stylolites, quartz pebbles.
1076.76 1076.82 0.06 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, thin dark layers.
1076.82 1078.34 1.52 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray, stylolites, low angle cross beds.
1078.34 1082.00 3.66 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, very hard, stylolites, very low angle cross beds.
1082.00 1085.70 3.70 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray, low angle cross beds, stylolites, silty streak 0.01' at 1083.9'.
1085.70 1090.00 4.30 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, low angle cross beds, stylolites, dark parting (<0.01') at 1099.9'.
1090.00 1094.60 4.60 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, stylolites, low angle cross beds, base sharp on broken.
1094.60 1096.10 1.50 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, broken, occasional small quartz pebble.
1096.10 1097.10 1.00 Sandstone, quartz pebble conglomerate, green chert pebble. 1096.4 - 1097.1' is a fining upwards sequence.
1097.10 1106.10 9.00 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, occasional white quartz pebble, stylolites, shale fragments at 1102.8' and 1106.9'.
1106.10 1106.50 0.40 Sandstone, fine grained matrix with very coarse grained pebbles of quartz and siltstone, mixed, base arbitrary on color change.
1106.50 1115.00 8.50 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray to gray, mica flakes, stylolites, low angle bedding.
1115.00 1121.50 6.50 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray, stylolites increasing to top, occasional small pebbles increasing to base, coal streaks at 1120.3', base sharp on coal.
1121.50 1121.65 0.15 Coal, pyrite streaks.
1121.65 1122.84 1.19 Sandstone, medium grained, clay streaks, inclined bedding, shale pebbles, base angular, micaceous, slickensides at top.
1122.84 1126.59 3.75 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light brown gray, very hard,  occasional shale and quartz pebbles, stylolites, micaceous, fairly planar bedded, base on color.
1126.59 1127.03 0.44 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, base on color.
1127.03 1128.39 1.36 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, inclined bedding, base sharp on lithology.
1128.39 1128.97 0.58 Claystone, black, top and bottom contacts angular.
1128.97 1132.20 3.23 Sandstone, fine grained, light and dark areas, very hard, base on color.
1132.20 1135.00 2.80 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, very hard, occasional coal streak, occasional small shale pebbles, coal streaks increasing to base.
1135.00 1143.49 8.49 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray, very hard, low angle bedding, very occasional streaks at 1135.5', micaceous, base on lithology.
1143.49 1143.54 0.05 Siltstone parting, brown, base bounded by stylolites.
1143.54 1150.06 6.52 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, very hard, light gray to white, quartz pebbles, very small carbonaceous stringers, occasional stylolites.
1150.06 1150.47 0.41 Sandstone, fine to medium grained. abundant coal streaks and fragments, more coal streaks to base, base arbitrary.
1150.47 1151.70 1.23 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray to white, very hard carbonaceous streaks, occasional quartz pebbles, base arbitrary.
1151.70 1151.92 0.22 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, pebbles, coal streaks, transition zone, base sharp.
1151.92 1153.10 1.18 Siltstone, slightly sandy, dark gray, very occasional plant trash, base arbitrary on lithology.
1153.10 1155.00 1.90 Claystone, dark gray to black, slickensides poorly developed, plant fragments, silty to base.
1155.00 1155.52 0.52 Siltstone, dark gray, base gradational.
1155.52 1158.12 2.60 Claystone, silty, dark gray, occasional plant fossils, occasional very thin carbonaceous wisps, base gradational.
1158.12 1160.00 1.88 Claystone, very dark gray to black, coarsening upward sequence, slightly silty to top, plant fragments, very clean claystone at base, base gradational.
1160.00 1160.52 0.52 Claystone, silty, fining upward sequence, dark gray to black, very well, developed slickensides.
1160.52 1161.05 0.53 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, dark gray, very well developed slickensides, plant fossils, base arbitrary.
1161.05 1161.76 0.71 Siltstone, dark gray, base arbitrary.
1161.76 1162.75 0.99 Siltstone, dark gray, slightly sandy, coalified plant fragment, poorly developed slickensides, abundant plant fragments, base arbitrary.
1162.75 1163.40 0.65 Claystone, black, plant fossils, coalified plant fragments, base on lithology,
1163.40 1163.97 0.57 Claystone, silty, dark gray, base arbitrary on lithology, plant  fossils.
1163.97 1166.96 2.99 Sandstone, very fine grained, gray, siltstone partings, occasional plant fossils, base gradational on lithology.
1166.96 1167.45 0.49 Claystone, silty, occasional sandstone streaks, dark gray to black, occasional poorly preserved plant fragments.
1167.45 1168.54 1.09 Sandstone, very fine grained, gray, siltstone parting, ripples, base on lithology, occasional plant fossils in siltstone.
1168.54 1169.08 0.54 Siltstone, sandy, sandstone streaks, dark gray, very well preserved plants, Neuropteris Pocahontas?, coalified plant fragments.
1169.08 1170.50 1.42 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, occasional siltstone (0.01') parting, angled bedding at 15 to 20 degrees, clay drapes, ripples, base on lithology.
1170.50 1171.00 0.50 Claystone, silty, very dark gray to black, plant fossils, base on lithology.
1171.00 1171.61 0.61 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray to gray, ripples, base sharp on lithology.
1171.61 1171.68 0.07 Siltstone parting, dark gray.
1171.68 1172.01 0.33 Sandstone, very fine grained, light gray to gray, coal fragments, ripples, base on lithology.
1172.01 1173.99 1.98 Claystone, black, thin (0.01') coal parting throughout, base on lithology.
1173.99 1175.00 1.01 Claystone, silty, dark gray, plant fossils.
1175.00 1176.85 1.85 Sandstone, fine grained, burrows, gray to dark gray, grades to siltstone at base, fossils, base sharp on lithology.
1176.85 1177.13 0.28 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, burrows, base gradational on lithology.
1177.13 1177.58 0.45 Siltstone, dark gray, base sharp.
1177.58 1178.64 1.06 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, siltstone mixed, ripples, base sharp on lithology.
1178.64 1181.90 3.26 Siltstone, dark gray, base gradational to claystone, sandstone streaks, plant fossils.
1181.90 1182.80 0.90 Claystone, dark gray to black, silty, sandstone streaks, coarsening upward sequence, base on lithology.
1182.80 1183.40 0.60 Siltstone, dark gray, grading to sandy at top, ripples, base sharp on lithology.
1183.40 1183.78 0.38 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, ripples, base sharp on lithology.
1183.78 1183.82 0.04 Claystone, dark gray, occasional sandstone streaks.
1183.82 1183.90 0.08 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, base on lithology.
1183.90 1185.15 1.25 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, ripples.
1185.15 1185.75 0.60 Siltstone, dark gray, coarsens up to sandy siltstone at top, ripples, base sharp.
1185.75 1186.53 0.78 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, coal wisps, small shale rip-ups disappear to top, base sharp.
1186.53 1188.47 1.94 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, siltstone mixed, ripples, fining upward sequence.
1188.47 1189.38 0.91 Claystone, sandy, sandstone streaks (0.07') at 1199.0', fossils, base sharp on lithology.
1189.38 1190.18 0.80 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, dark wisps, base gradational on lithology.
1190.18 1195.00 4.82 Siltstone, dark gray to black, occasional sandy zone, plant fossils.
1195.00 1195.46 0.46 Siltstone, dark gray to black, plant fossils, base sharp on lithology.
1195.46 1195.90 0.44 Sandstone, fine grained, gray to dark gray, slightly dirty, (0.01') claystone parting at 1195.6', massive at top, slightly rippled to base, base sharp on lithology.
1195.90 1200.30 4.40 Siltstone, medium to dark gray, slightly sandy, occasional sandstone streaks, occasional plant trash increasing to top, base gradational to claystone.
1200.30 1201.12 0.82 Claystone, medium dark gray, very occasional plant trash, base sharp on coaly zone.
Beckley? Coal bed, 1201.12 - 1201.85' (0.73'), Elv.= 840.88'.
1201.12 1201.85 0.73 Coal, dirty.
1201.85 1203.10 1.25 Claystone, dark gray to black-, very fossiliferous, good preservation, base gradational on lithology.
1203.10 1208.75 5.65 Siltstone, dark gray, very well developed slickensides, occasional poor plant fossils increasing to base, base gradational, coalified plant fragments.
1208.75 1212.15 3.40 Claystone, dark gray to black, coalified plant fragments, plant fossils, base on lithology.
1212.15 1212.70 0.55 Claystone, coaly, black, many thin coaly partings, base arbitrary.
1212.70 1213.70 1.00 Claystone, silty, medium dark gray, very well developed slickensides, plant fossils, base on lithology.
1213.70 1214.57 0.87 Siltstone, sandy, ripples, mixed, bioturbated? at base, inclined bedding at base 30 degrees, plant fossils.
1214.57 1215.30 0.73 Sandstone mixed with siltstone, bioturbated or soft sediment deformation. base arbitrary.
1215.30 1216.70 1.40 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, slickensides, silty to base,  plant fossils, shale rip-ups deposited in an angular orientation at 40 degrees, base arbitrary.
1216.70 1217.65 0.95 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, massive, base erosional.
1217.65 1218.40 0.75 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, mixed with siltstone, dark gray, base arbitrary.
1218.40 1219.30 0.90 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, rippled, coarsens upwards, silty to base, base gradational.
1219.30 1220.15 0.85 Siltstone, dark gray, plant fossils, base erosional, very slightly sandy.
Lower Raleigh Sandstone, 1220.15 - 1260.00' (39.85'), Elv.= 821.85'.
1220.15 1220.75 0.60 Sandstone, very fine grained, small (0.01') shale pebbles, base on lithology.
1220.75 1221.25 0.50 Sandstone mixed with siltstone, ripples, fining upward sequence, base on lithology.
1221.25 1222.20 0.95 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, coaly wisps, base sharp on lithology.
1222.20 1222.25 0.05 Siltstone, dark gray, base sharp.
1222.25 1237.10 14.85 Sandstone, fine grained, hard, light gray, inclined bedding at 15 degrees, occasional shale streaks, occasional shale pebbles, very hard to base, calamites root at 1232.0', massive, very hard 1234.0 - 1235.3', base arbitrary, shale pebble, black (0.05' x 1.50') at 1229.5'.
1237.10 1237.90 0.80 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, many coal streaks, occasional slickensides, occasional shale streaks, base arbitrary.
1237.90 1249.80 11.90 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, recrystallized, very hard, occasional coal spars throughout increasing to base, occasional stylolite, occasional shale pebbles, bottom 0.20' is quartz pebble lag, bedding poor to massive, base on end of channel lag.
1249.80 1251.34 1.54 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, fairly massive, occasional very thin shale streak and pebbles, recrystallized, base sharp on lithology.
1251.34 1251.40 0.06 Siltstone parting, dark gray, base sharp, erosional.
1251.40 1252.05 0.65 Sandstone, medium grained, brown gray, occasional quartz pebbles, base sharp on color.
1252.05 1252.90 0.85 Sandstone, medium grained, light gray, base arbitrary.
1252.90 1255.00 2.10 Sandstone, fine grained, medium gray to brown, quartz and shale pebbles, bedding at 15 degrees, recrystallized, base arbitrary.
1255.00 1255.80 0.80 Sandstone, channel lag, storm deposit, abundant quartz pebbles and shale rip-ups, stylolites, coaly streaks, base sharp.
1255.80 1258.80 3.00 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, coaly streaks, occasional shale and quartz pebbles, base arbitrary.
1258.80 1260.00 1.20 Sandstone, channel lag deposit, quartz and shale pebbles, shale rip-ups, coaly streaks, base sharp.
1260.00 1260.20 0.20 Siltstone, dark gray to black, base sharp on lithology and color.
1260.20 1260.60 0.40 Sandstone, very fine grained, brown gray, slight ripples, base gradational.
1260.60 1260.90 0.30 Siltstone, medium dark gray, sandstone streaks, base gradational.
1260.90 1261.25 0.35 Sandstone.. fine grained, light gray, siltstone streaks, dark, base gradational, occasional fossil trash.
1261.25 1262.60 1.35 Siltstone, dark gray to very dark gray, coarsening upwards sequence, sandy to top. sandy streaks, small, ripples, base sharp, occasional fossil trash.
1262.60 1263.20 0.60 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, rippled, dark streaks, base arbitrary.
1263.20 1265.00 1.80 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sand is fine grained, light gray, ripples, siltstone is dark gray, sandy.
1265.00 1267.40 2.40 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, occasional sandstone streaks, base sharp.
1267.40 1268.40 1.00 Sandstone, coarsening upward sequence, grades to siltstone light gray, rippled.
1268.40 1269.15 0.75 Siltstone, dark gray to black, slightly sandy, plant fossils, base sharp.
1269.15 1269.55 0.40 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, mixed with dark gray siltstone, base gradational.
1269.55 1272.15 2.60 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, sandstone rippled, base on lithology.
1272.15 1273.70 1.55 Siltstone, dark gray to black, sandy, sandy streaks, ripples, base on lithology.
1273.70 1275.70 2.00 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, coarsening upward sequence, rippled, siltstone inter-beds, silty to base, base sharp on lithology.
1275.70 1275.86 0.16 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, dark streaks, ripples, base gradational.
1275.86 1276.30 0.44 Siltstone, dark gray, coarsens upwards, grades to silty claystone at base, plant fossils, base arbitrary.
1276.30 1277.94 1.64 Claystone, fining upward sequence, base is silty claystone, black, plant fossils, slickensides, base sharp on lithology,
1277.94 1279.85 1.91 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, rippled, plant fossils, base on lithology.
1279.85 1280.60 0.75 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, plant fossils.
1280.60 1282.30 1.70 Siltstone, medium dark gray, occasional plant fossils, slightly sandy, increasing sandy to base, base arbitrary.
1282.30 1282.80 0.50 Sandstone, fine grained, light medium gray, rippled, siltstone streaks, occasional shale or siderite pebbles.
1282.80 1284.96 2.16 Siltstone, medium dark gray, sandy, sandstone streaks, ripples, increasing sandy to base, base arbitrary.
1284.96 1285.53 0.57 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy at top, coarsening upward, base sharp on lithology.
1285.53 1285.95 0.42 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, ripples, base on increased siltstone.
1285.95 1286.52 0.57 Siltstone, dark gray, very sandy, ripples, base arbitrary.
1286.52 1287.95 1.43 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, abundant siltstone streaks, ripples (bi-directional) base on lithology.
1287.95 1288.57 0.62 Siltstone, dark gray, base on lithology.
1288.57 1289.05 0.48 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, ripples, base arbitrary.
1289.05 1290.30 1.25 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, base on lithology.
1290.30 1291.64 1.34 Sandstone fining down to siltstone, ripples, base sharp on lithology,
1291.64 1292.35 0.71 Sandstone fining down to siltstone, gray, fine grained, ripples, base sharp.
1292.35 1293.68 1.33 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to gray, fining down to silty sandstone, ripples, base gradational.
1293.68 1295.00 1.32 Siltstone, dark gray to very dark gray, sandy at top.
1295.00 1295.22 0.22 Sandstone, fine grained, gray to medium gray, silty, rippled, base gradational.
1295.22 1295.47 0.25 Siltstone, dark gray, thin sandstone streaks, base gradational.
1295.47 1296.28 0.81 Sandstone, fine grained, gray to dark gray, silty streaks, ripples.
1296.28 1296.60 0.32 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy top and base, base on sandstone increase, occasional plant fossils.
1296.60 1297.29 0.69 Sandstone and siltstone  inter-laminated, ripples, base gradational,
1297.29 1298.29 1.00 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, locally rippled, base gradational on lithology.
1298.29 1298.78 0.49 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, rippled, burrows, silty zones, base gradational.
1298.78 1309.03 10.25 Siltstone, dark gray, slightly sandy, occasional plant fossils, coalified plant fragments.
1309.03 1312.70 3.67 Shale, black, coal streaks, plant fossils, 0.75' core loss.
1312.70 1315.00 2.30 Siltstone, dark gray to black, occasional claystone streaks < 0,01', plant fossils.
1315.00 1315.50 0.50 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, occasional plant fossils, slightly silty, silty parting 0.08' at 1315.1' and 1315.5', base gradational.
1315.50 1316.60 1.10 Claystone, dark to very dark gray, occasional small slickensides, base gradational.
1316.60 1317.01 0.41 Siltstone, dark gray to very dark gray, occasional plant fossils, base gradational.
1317.01 1317.56 0.55 Claystone, silty, dark to very dark gray, occasional poorly developed slickensides, occasional plant fragments.
1317.56 1317.70 0.14 Siltstone, dark gray, base sharp on lithology.
1317.70 1318.32 0.62 Claystone, silty, occasional fossil, poorly developed slickensides, pressure buttons, base sharp on lithology.
1319.32 1319.55 0.23 Siltstone, dark gray, base sharp on lithology.
1318.55 1319.50 0.95 Claystone, silty, occasional very fine grained sandstone streaks to base, fining upward sequence, occasional small slickensides, occasional fossils to base, base gradational.
1319.50 1319.90 0.40 Siltstone, sandy, very fine grained, dark gray, occasional plant fossils and coalified plant fragments, base gradational.
1319.90 1322.13 2.23 Claystone, dark gray to black, abundant plant fossils, coal streaks <0.01' at 1321.3', occasional pyrite to base.
1322.13 1323.60 1.47 Claystone, dark gray to black at top, siltstone, sandy at base, plant fossils throughout, poorly developed slickensides in siltstone, base gradational.
1323.60 1326.30 2.70 Siltstone, dark gray, slightly sandy (very fine grained), occasional plant fossils throughout, very well preserved below 1326.0', base gradational.
1326.30 1327.65 1.35 Claystone, silty, fining upward sequence, coalified plant fragments, very well preserved fossils, base gradational on lithology.
1327.65 1328.40 0.75 Siltstone, medium dark gray, slight sandy, slickensides, plant fossils.
1328.40 1332.05 3.65 Claystone, silty, occasional very fine grained sandstone streaks, plant fossils to base, occasional poor developed slickensides, base gradational.
1332.05 1334.30 2.25 Siltstone, slightly sandy, dark gray, occasional sandy streaks, occasional fossils to base, base on lithology.
1334.30 1337.21 2.91 Siltstone, sandy, gray to medium gray, sandy streaks below 1336.0', shale pebbles approximately 0.10' at 1336.5', base sharp on sandstone below, occasional plant fossi1s, occasional poorly developed slickensides.
1337.21 1337.53 0.32 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, soft sediment deformation, base on lithology.
1337.53 1338.15 0.62 Siltstone, dark gray, sandstone streaks, small ripples, base on lithology.
1338.15 1339.20 1.05 Sandstone and siltstone  interbedded, ripples, base arbitrary,
1339.20 1340.73 1.53 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, ripples, sandstone is fine grained, light gray, siltstone is dark gray, base sharp.
1340.73 1342.35 1.62 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy streaks.
1342.35 1342.78 0.43 Sandstone, fine grained, soft sediment deformation, base arbitrary.
1342.78 1345.80 3.02 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, base on lithology.
1345.80 1347.65 1.85 Sandstone, abundant siltstone streaks, ripples, base arbitrary.
1347.65 1349.85 2.20 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, carbonaceous streaks, vaguely rippled, base sharp on lithology.
1349.85 1350.85 1.00 Siltstone, dark gray, inclined bedding at 10 degrees, sandy streaks, soft sediment deformation at top, base arbitrary.
1350.85 1353.10 2.25 Sandstone, fine grained, soft sediment deformation, low angle bedding, ripples, base arbitrary.
1353.10 1354.20 1.10 Siltstone, dark to medium gray.
1354.20 1355.00 0.80 Sandstone, fine grained, ripples.
1355.00 1357.17 2.17 Siltstone, dark gray, slightly sandy, sandy streaks, base on sand below.
1357.17 1357.44 0.27 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, mixed, silty, soft sediment deformation, base angular.
1357.44 1357.83 0.39 Siltstone, fine grained, light gray, base sharp and angular, occasional plant fragment.
1357.83 1358.14 0.31 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, ripples, soft sediment deformation, base sharp.
1358.14 1361.36 3.22 Siltstone, dark gray, sandy, sandy streaks, ripples, sand increases to base, base sharp on lithology.
Pineville? Sandstone, 1361.36 - 1425.25'. (63.89'), Elv.= 680.64'.
1361.36 1363.28 1.92 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to white, very hard, abundant quartz and shale pebbles, silty streaks at 1362.2' and 1362.75', bedding vague, possible soft sediment deformation, recrystallized, occasional poorly developed stylolite.
1363.28 1364.60 1.32 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to white, very hard, recrystallized, occasional quartz pebble, planar bedded, base sharp on lithology,
1364.60 1365.70 1.10 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, grades to fine grained dirty sandstone at base, carbonaceous streaks, stylolites, base on stylolite, very hard, coal streaks.
1365.70 1366.43 0.73 Sandstone, fine grained, white, very hard, planar bedded, base on grain size change.
1366.43 1366.85 0.42 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, very hard, fine grained matrix, base arbitrary.
1366.85 1367.35 0.50 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, fining upward sequence, fine grained sandstone at top, occasional green chert pebble.
1367.35 1369.40 2.05 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, abundant quartz pebbles as lag, occasional poor developed stylolites.
1369.40 1370.36 0.96 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, quartz pebble conglomerate, pebbles up to 0.05', base arbitrary.
1370.36 1371.45 1.09 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray to white, very hard, recrystallized, occasional quartz pebble, low angle bedding, base on quartz pebble increase.
1371.45 1376.23 4.78 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, white, very hard, recrystallized, occasional stylolite, fine to very fine grained matrix, low angle bedding, base sharp on grain size change.
1376.23 1379.35 3.12 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, occasional quartz pebbles and stylolites, possible pyrite in one stylolite at 1378.72', base gradational on increase in quartz pebbles.
1379.35 1381.10 1.75 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, very hard, recrystallized, base on grain size change.
1381.10 1382.12 1.02 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, fining upward sequence, sandstone at top as above, occasional poorly developed stylolites.
1382.12 1384.15 2.03 Sandstone, very hard, white, occasional quartz pebbles, base sharp on grain size increase, low angle bedding.
1384.15 1385.83 1.68 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, very hard, white, low angle bedding, base gradational.
1385.83 1386.60 0.77 Sandstone, white, very hard, recrystallized, fining upward sequence, coarse grained conglomerate to fine grained sandstone with quartz pebbles, base gradational.
1386.60 1387.49 0.89 Sandstone, fine grained, white, very hard, recrystallized, fining upward sequence, quartz pebbles abundant at base, green chert pebbles, base on color change.
1387.49 1389.28 1.79 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, quartz pebbles abundant, horizontal bedding, base arbitrary, very hard, recrystallized.
1389.28 1390.90 1.62 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, quartz pebbles scattered throughout, bedding at 10 degrees, base sharp on lithology and/or grain size.
1390.90 1393.00 2.10 Sandstone, quartz pebble conglomerate, very hard, light gray, coal streaks at 1391.82', slightly fractured.
1393.00 1396.10 3.10 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, recrystallized, abundant rounded quartz pebbles (0.10') throughout, shale rip-ups (0.03') at 1396.0', very soft, base gradational on grain size.
1396.10 1407.52 11.42 Sandstone, quartz pebble conglomerate, very hard, recrystallized, red and green chert pebbles, occasional shale pebbles and/or clasts, stylolites, fine grained matrix, occasional coal wisps to base, base on grain size change.
1407.52 1409.65 2.13 Sandstone, fine grained, light gray, very hard, abundant quartz grains (0.08'), occasional shale rip-ups, occasional green and red chert pebbles, very occasional coaly wisps, base sharp on grain size.
1409.65 1413.89 4.24 Sandstone, fine gray, very hard, occasional quartz pebbles, stylolites, massive, base sharp on grain size change.
1413.89 1414.15 0.26 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, channel lag, pebbles up to 0.10', base sharp on grain size.
1414.15 1415.44 1.29 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, very hard, recrystallized, stylolite at 1415.05', quartz fracture fill below 1415.0', occasional quartz pebbles, base on lithology.
1415.44 1415.72 0.28 Channel lag, quartz pebbles, shale rip-ups, reworked sandstone, base sharp.
1415.72 1417.20 1.48 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, gray to medium gray, hard, dirty, coaly streaks, bedding at 10 degrees, base arbitrary, recrystallized.
1417.20 1418.94 1.74 Sandstone, medium grained, gray to medium gray, hard, coal streaks at 1418.2', base sharp.
1418.94 1419.11 0.17 Sandstone, fine grained, abundant shaley streaks, dirty, base sharp.
1419.11 1422.75 3.64 Sandstone, fine grained, coal wisps, medium grained at base, very thin silty streaks, base sharp, recrystallized.
1422.75 1424.10 1.35 Sandstone, fine to medium grained, gray to medium gray, coaly streaks, shale rip-ups, bedding at 15 degrees, occasional pyrite, base sharp.
1424.10 1425.00 0.90 Sandstone, fine grained, gray, bedding at 15 degrees, very hard.
1425.00 1425.25 0.25 Sandstone, fine grained matrix, channel lag of shaley pebbles, gray, base sharp.
Contact: Pennsylvanian New River and Mississippian Bluestone Formations, Elv.= 616.64'.
1425.25 1426.92 1.67 Siltstone, green, horizontal bedding, base sharp, clayey parting with pyrite at 1426.50'. Mauch Chunk
1426.92 1428.12 1.20 Siltstone, gray green, slickensides.
1428.12 1429.50 1.38 Siltstone, gray with greenish tint, darkens to base.
1429.50 1432.62 3.12 Claystone, gray green, darker to top, abundant slickensides, broken, base sharp.
1432.62 1438.72 6.10 Shale, green, yellow clay mottling? at 1435.7 - 1436.7' and 1433.6 - 1434.1', similar to flint clay, occasional red mottling.
1438.72 1439.00 0.28 Shale, dark gray, mottled red at base, base wavy.
1439.00 1441.03 2.03 Shale, red, mottled gray, slickensides, base sharp.
1441.03 1445.00 3.97 Siltstone, green, slightly red hue to top and bottom, fizzy at 1441.5 - 1442.5', carbonate nodules throughout.
1445.00 1446.29 1.29 Siltstone, green. calcareous nodules, base arbitrary.
1446.29 1448.42 2.13 Siltstone, green, mottled red, calcareous nodules.
1448.42 1453.12 4.70 Siltstone, slightly sandy, green, bedding at 5 degrees, calcareous concretions, base gradational.
1453.12 1463.48 10.36 Sandstone, very fine grained, green, bi-directional low angle cross bedding at 1458.0', dark green 1455.9 - 1456.9', base gradational.
1463.48 1464.75 1.27 Siltstone, green slightly sandy, base sharp.
1464.75 1465.20 0.45 Conglomerate, quartz pebble, carbonate secondary cement, shale rip-up pebbles, green flints pebbles, base gradational.
1465.20 1465.46 0.26 Siltstone, green, calcareous nodules, base on color.
1465.46 1468.12 2.66 Siltstone, red, occasional mottled green, calcareous concretions, slickensides, base on color.
1468.12 1469.07 0.95 Siltstone, green, occasionally mottled red, calcareous nodules, slickensides, base on color.
1469.07 1476.10 7.03 Siltstone, red, occasional mottled green, calcareous concretions, slickensides, rooted?.
1476.10 1481.00 4.90 Siltstone, red and green, broken, slight core loss, calcareous concretions, slickensides.
1481.00 1482.30 1.30 Claystone, gray and red, very broken, very abundant slickensides.
1482.30 1486.00 3.70 Claystone, red, carbonate root fill?, occasional gray mottling, slickensides, base on increase in gray color.
1486.00 1488.56 2.56 Claystone, red mottled gray, carbonate root fill, base sharp on color.
1488.56 1490.45 1.89 Siltstone, gray to dark gray. slightly sandy, base sharp on color.
1490.45 1491.76 1.31 Claystone, red, base arbitrary on increased gray.
1491.76 1492.75 0.99 Claystone, red mottled gray.
1492.75 1495.00 2.25 Claystone, red, occasional very poor plant fossils, base arbitrary.
1495.00 1496.70 1.70 Claystone, red mottled slightly gray, slickensides, base on color.
1496.70 1500.00 3.30 Claystone .. red and gray, broken below 1498.7, has flint clay appearance below 1498.2'.
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