WVGES POINT ID: 246-48 USGS POINT ID: USGS4 QUADRANGLE: PAX (7.5') COUNTY: FAYETTE STATE: WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia Coordinates E "1,913,900.00" West Virginia Coordinates N "352,550.00" UTM E UTM N LONGITUDE W "81° 17' 52""" LATITUDE N "38° 58' 04""" ELEVATION FT: 2042.00 TOTAL DEPTH FT: 1500.00 START DATE: 3/24/97 END DATE: 4/10/97 NOTE: "Record of WVGES core hole located on Mossy Eagle Coal Company Properties, on ridge approximately 2,000 feet southeast of Kingston and 8,000 feet north-northeast of the lookout tower on Lick Knob, Paint Creek District, Fayette County, West Virginia, Pax 7.5' Quad." NOTE: Drilling contractor: J&S Drilling. Driller: Brian Hanshaw NOTE: "Geophysical logging: Marshall Miller and Associates, Inc (4/14/97 )and Schlumberger Oilfield Services, 05/11/97" NOTE: Core logged by: Mitch Blake (WVGES)