USGS identifier
USGS6; Geologist core description.
Top (ft) Depth (ft) Thick (ft) Description
0.00 20.00 20.00 Cased to 20' initially, later to 40'
20.00 25.50 5.50 Mudstone, silty, light gray-green; silty streaks; sandy in basal  0.5'; soft crumbly zone in basal 0.2'; sharp lower contact.
25.50 28.10 2.60 Sandstone, light gray-green; fine grained; micaceous; silty.
28.10 29.00 0.90 CORE LOSS, in fractured zone of sandstone according to driller. Could have also been in crumbly zone of mudstone unit above sandstone.
29.00 31.15 2.15 Sandstone, light gray-green; fine grained; micaceous; silty.
31.15 32.10 0.95 CORE LOSS, ground-up, fine grained, light gray-green sandstone..
32.10 33.47 1.37 Sandstone, light gray-green; very fine grained; micaceous; sharp lower contact.
33.47 34.00 0.53 Sandstone, light gray-green; fine grained; ripple bedded.
34.00 34.80 0.80 CORE LOSS, at top of core run.
34.80 38.53 3.73 Shale, medium gray-green with few thin, faint red bands; clear lower contact.
38.53 41.15 2.62 Shale, red, moderately bedded; sharp lower contact.
41.15 41.83 0.68 Claystone, light gray with common, very thin, dark gray streaks; common, coarse, red mottles in basal half; clear lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
41.83 43.70 1.87 Claystone, mottled, predominately red; soft; common, fine to medium, faint, light gray mottles and streaks; common pedogenic slickensides. (Paleosol B horizon).
43.70 44.00 0.30  CORE LOSS   At top of core run.
44.00 44.25 0.25 Claystone, red, soft; clear lower contact on appearance of pedogenic slickensides. (Paleosol B horizon).
44.25 45.10 0.85 Claystone, mottled, red; abundant, coarse, prominent, light gray-green mottles; common pedogenic slickensides. (Paleosol B Horizon).
45.10 46.05 0.95 Claystone, slickensides, light gray-green; few pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact.
46.05 46.30 0.25 Claystone, medium gray-green with dark gray streak <0.01', thick at top; clear lower contact. (Paleosol A Horizon).
46.30 47.15 0.85 Claystone, light gray-green; common pedogenic slickensides; pyritic in basal 0.2'; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol B horizon).
47.15 49.17 2.02 Siltstone, light gray-green; slightly fissile; gradual lower contact.
49.17 50.60 1.43 Shale, light gray-green; sharp lower contact.
50.60 51.55 0.95 Shale, light gray-green; noncalcareous; abundant, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
51.55 59.10 7.55 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray-green; fine grained; zones of calcareous nodules from 54.75' to 55.45' and from  56.60' to 57.60'; sharp lower contact.
59.10 59.85 0.75 Shale, light gray-green; abundant, coarse, prominent, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
59.85 60.00 0.15 Sandstone, light gray-green; fine grained; sharp lower contact.
60.00 60.55 0.55 Shale, medium gray; abundant, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
60.55 60.90 0.35 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; sharp lower contact.
60.90 71.10 10.20 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; abundant, medium-coarse, faint-distinct calcareous nodules; micaceous; diffuse lower contact.
71.10 96.80 25.70 Sandstone, light gray; massive; micaceous; few, medium, medium gray shale clasts from 72.3' to 72.5'; thin dark mineral streaks from 88.7' to 89.0' and in basal 0.10', sharp lower contact on grain size change.
96.80 97.50 0.70 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; medium grained; micaceous; medium gray streaks; bi-directional cross-beds; sharp lower contact with change in bedding.
97.50 100.90 3.40 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; mostly planar bedded; coarse, medium gray shale pebbles and clasts in basal 0.5', sharp lower contact.
100.90 104.40 3.50 Sandstone, interbedded claystone, shale medium gray; well to weakly bedded; medium gray claystone beds, some very soft and clayey; beds vary from 0.2' to 1.0' thick; clear lower contact.
104.40 106.70 2.30 Mudstone, medium gray; few weakly developed slickensides; angular sharp lower contact.
106.70 108.80 2.10 Sandstone, medium gray-green; very fine grained; finely micaceous; massive; clear lower contact at occurrence of calcareous nodules and streaks and coarse grain size.
108.80 109.80 1.00 Siltstone, medium gray-green; abundant, coarse, distinct calcareous nodules and streaks; sharp lower contact.
109.80 110.50 0.70 Shale, light gray-green; poorly bedded; distorted bedding; clear lower contact.
110.50 110.62 0.12 Shale, medium to dark gray with medium gray-green bands; sharp lower contact.
110.62 112.30 1.68 Shale, medium gray-green; common, coarse, slightly calcareous nodules and streaks in basal 0.7'; sharp lower contact.
112.30 116.37 4.07 Sandstone, shale interbeds, mostly light gray-green; fine grained; cross-bedded sandstone with light to medium gray-green shale beds at top and base; common, coarse, calcareous nodules and streaks in sandstone from 114.3' to 115.45'; gradual lower contact.
116.37 119.20 2.83 Shale, medium gray-green; becoming poorly bedded from 117.45' to base; clear lower contact.
119.20 124.00 4.80 Sandstone, light gray to light gray-green; fine grained at top, very fined grained at base with medium gray-green shale streaks in basal 1.3'; large calcareous nodule from 120.9' to 121.3'; few, medium, distinct calcareous nodules and streaks from 122.70' to base; clear lower contact.
124.00 125.25 1.25 Shale, medium gray-green; few dark gray streaks in basal 0.3'; clear lower contact.
125.25 127.08 1.83 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray; few pedogenic slickensides; gradual lower contact.
127.08 127.82 0.74 Shale, black and interlaminated medium gray; pyrite streaks and nodules; sharp lower contact.
Washington coal bed, 127.82 - 137.23 (9.41', parting= 6.62'), Elv.= 705'
127.82 128.32 0.50 Shale, black, common fine-medium pyrite lenses and streaks, sharp lower contact at first coal band. (sampled).
128.32 130.12 1.80 Shale and coal interlaminated, black carbonaceous shale with thin bands (<0.01') of moderately bright coal; common pyrite streaks and lenses, sharp lower contract. (sampled).
130.12 131.10 0.98 Coal, moderately bright banded coal with dull black shale (?) streaks, sharp lower contact. (sampled). Washington Coal  Elv.: 696
131.10 131.33 0.23 Shale, carbonaceous, very thin coal streaks; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
131.33 132.79 1.46 Shale, medium gray with dark gray to black streaks; few  very thin coal streaks; sharp lower contact; (Sampled).
132.79 133.17 0.38 Coal, pyritic, especially abundant pyrite streaks in the top; dull band at 132.95; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
133.17 135.93 2.76 Shale, medium gray with some light gray streaks; sharp  lower contact.  (Sampled).
135.93 136.23 0.30 Coal, slumped; dull streaks; angular sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
136.23 136.41 0.18 Limestone, slumped nodule with pyrite (?). (Sampled).
136.41 137.02 0.61 Coal, moderately bright; calcite on cleat; free of pyrite; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
137.02 137.23 0.21 Shale, carbonaceous. (Sampled with coal).
137.23 142.63 5.40 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray; soft; common pedogenic slickensides; gradual lower contact.
142.63 153.00 10.37 Sandstone, calcareous nodules, light gray; very fine grained; common to abundant, coarse, prominent, calcareous nodules in discrete zones, not throughout unit; interbedded shale in bottom 1.5'; diffuse lower contact.
153.00 156.77 3.77 Shale, few coarse, prominent, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
156.77 158.70 1.93 Claystone, medium gray-green; weakly bedded; one large, prominent calcareous nodule near top; sharp lower contact.
158.70 164.25 5.55 Shale, light to medium gray; silty from 160.0' to 161.7'; few, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules from top to 162.0'; angular, sharp lower contact.
164.25 168.24 3.99 Shale, sandstone streaks, light to medium gray; fine grained; ripple bedded sandstone streaks; few, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; gradual lower contact.
168.24 169.30 1.06 Shale, silty, medium gray; silty; sandy; few, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules and streaks; diffuse lower contact.
169.30 173.98 4.68 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; massive; clear lower contact.
173.98 174.85 0.87 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; few, thin sandstone streaks, especially at base; sharp lower contact.
174.85 179.80 4.95 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; ripple bedded in top, becoming planar bedded around 179.0' to base; sharp lower contact.
179.80 183.38 3.58 Sandstone, shale streaks, sandstone: light gray; fine grained; ripple bedded. Occasional medium gray shale streaks or thin beds up to 0.12' thick. Clear lower contact with loss of shale streaks.
183.38 190.17 6.79 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; coarsens upward to medium at top; mostly ripple bedding with some cross bedding; few coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
190.17 196.04 5.87 Shale, sandstone streaks, shale: medium gray, few, light gray, cross bedded, fine grained, sandstone streaks, especially from 191.0' to 193.7'; clear lower contact.
196.04 205.34 9.30 Shale, medium gray; darker gray and poorly bedded from 198.0' to 200.1'; calcareous nodules from 201.8' to 202.0'; few thin coal streaks in basal 0.3'; sharp lower contact.
Waynesburg A coal bed, 205.34 - 205.93 (0.59')  Elv:= 627'
205.34 205.49 0.15 Coal, impure, dull with bright zone in top 0.05'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
205.49 205.93 0.44 Coal, moderately bright; few pyrite streaks; (Sampled)
205.93 212.82 6.89 Claystone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; few pedogenic slickensides; abundant, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules starting at 208.9'; becoming weakly bedded around 210.5'; clear lower contact.
212.82 215.87 3.05 Sandstone, calcareous nodules, medium to light gray; very fine grained; silty; few, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
215.87 218.37 2.50 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; clear lower contact.
218.37 221.12 2.75 Shale, medium gray; bedding becoming weaker to base (top of cumulative paleosol); diffuse lower contact with color and bedding change.
221.12 226.25 5.13 Mudstone, red, few, medium to coarse, distinct light gray-green mottles to 222.60'; few, fine, faint, calcareous nodules from 222.4' to base; unit slightly calcareous; common pedogenic slickensides; gradual lower contact with color change.
226.25 227.70 1.45 Mudstone, slickensides, medium gray; few, fine, faint, calcareous nodules; common pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact.
227.70 232.63 4.93 Sandstone, calcareous nodules, light gray; very fine from top to 230.0', fine to base; mostly ripple bedded; abundant, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules and streaks in zones throughout unit; sharp lower contact.
232.63 247.57 14.94 Shale, sandstone streaks, shale: light gray. Light gray, fine grained, ripple bedded sandstone streaks; also common, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules in zones; clear lower contact.
247.57 250.95 3.38 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; mostly ripple bedded with some ripple cross lamination; clear lower contact.
250.95 253.00 2.05 Shale, sandstone streaks, dark gray with few, thin, light gray, very fine grained sandstone streaks down to 252.42', none to base; sharp lower contact.
253.00 254.64 1.64 Shale, dark gray; sharp lower contact with coal. (Not sampled).
Dunkard - Monongahela Groups contact
Waynesburg coal bed, 254.64 - 259.22 (4.58', parting= 1.98'),  Elv:= 574'
254.64 255.45 0.81 Coal, moderately bright clarain; some thick vitrain; few pyrite streaks; impure in top 0.1'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
255.45 255.57 0.12 Shale, coal interlaminated, sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
255.57 255.67 0.10 Shale, dark gray; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
255.67 256.53 0.86 Coal, moderately bright; few dull bands; few fine pyrite streaks; sharp lower contact; (Sampled).
256.53 258.29 1.76 Shale, medium gray; high angle sharp lower contact with coal; (Sampled).
258.29 259.22 0.93 Coal, moderately bright with few thin dull bands; few fine pyrite streaks; sharp lower contact; (Sampled).
259.22 267.71 8.49 Shale, light to medium gray; some poorly bedded zones; diffuse lower contact. (Sampled about 0.10' of the top with the coal)
267.71 269.66 1.95 Shale, sandstone streaks, shale: medium gray with medium gray sandstone streaks and sandy zones;  few, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
269.66 271.17 1.51 Sandstone, shale streaks, sandstone: light gray, medium grained, ripple cross laminated; with medium gray shale streaks; sharp lower contact.
271.17 272.85 1.68 Shale, sandstone streaks, shale: medium gray; with few, medium gray sandstone streaks; clear lower contact.
272.85 276.70 3.85 Shale, medium gray; large calcareous nodule or nodular limestone bed from 273.45' to 273.93'; clear lower contact.
276.70 279.22 2.52 Sandstone, shale streaks, sandstone: light gray, very fine grained, ripple to planar bedded; with thin, medium gray shale streaks; sharp lower contact.
279.22 284.30 5.08 Shale, medium gray.
284.30 284.90 0.60 Mudstone, slickensides, medium gray; pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color change.
284.90 286.43 1.53 Mudstone, red; with coarse, distinct, calcareous nodule at top; clear lower contact with color change and bedding development.
286.43 294.10 7.67 Shale, medium gray; slightly silty in zones; large calcareous nodule from 293.3' to 292.5'; reddish from 293.0' to 293.7'; sharp lower contact.
294.10 295.00 0.90 Claystone, mottled, light to medium gray with few, coarse, distinct red mottles; clear lower contact with color change.
295.00 295.50 0.50 Claystone, medium gray; gradual lower contact, grading into shale below.
295.50 296.42 0.92 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
296.42 296.45 0.03 Limestone, black; organic-rich; thin bed.
296.45 297.03 0.58 Limestone, dark gray; gradual lower contact on loss of calcareous material and texture change.
297.03 299.80 2.77 Siltstone, medium gray-green; clear lower contact.
299.80 303.50 3.70 Shale, medium gray-green; silty in top 0.1-0.2'; sharp lower contact.
303.50 304.92 1.42 Claystone, medium gray-green; weakly bedded (brief pedogenesis in cumulative environment); sharp lower contact.
304.92 307.22 2.30 Shale, medium gray-green; few, coarse, faint, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
307.22 308.67 1.45 Claystone, medium gray-green with few, medium, distinct, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact with color and texture change; (paleosol horizon).
308.67 311.60 2.93 Mudstone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; common, coarse, distinct, red mottles; common, fine-medium, distinct, light gray to red, calcareous nodules; few pedogenic slickensides. (Paleosol B horizon).
311.60 314.10 2.50 Mudstone, red, few, fine to medium, prominent, light gray-green mottles, mostly longer than wide; abundant pedogenic slickensides; some drilling breakage, core loss probably in this unit.
314.10 315.00 0.90 CORE LOSS, wedged in barrel.
315.00 317.98 2.98 Mudstone, red, few, fine, prominent, light gray-green mottles, mostly round, some very fine streaks; abundant pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact.
317.98 322.13 4.15 Siltstone, sandstone interbedded, siltstone: light gray-green; few zones of light gray, fine grained sandstone streaks; also few, fine to coarse, distinct calcareous nodules; sandstone streaks folded around one nodule indicating pre-compaction hardening of nodules; gradual lower contact with loss of silt.
322.13 331.11 8.98 Shale, medium gray-green; slightly silty to 323.55'; fine to coarse, distinct calcareous nodules and red bands from 330.0' to 330.2'; diffuse lower contact into claystone below. (Cumulative contact).
331.11 332.06 0.95 Claystone, medium gray-green; weakly bedded; diffuse lower contact on the red color appearance.
332.06 335.82 3.76 Claystone, red, slightly bedded in top 0.7'; common, fine to coarse, distinct, light gray mottles; few, coarse, prominent, calcareous nodules; common, fine, prominent, white calcareous streaks in gray mottles; common pedogenic slickensides; diffuse lower contact at last red and development of bedding.
335.82 345.10 9.28 Shale, light gray-green; slightly silty in zones; sandy zone 341.32' to 341.50'; clear lower contact with greater silt content.
345.10 351.40 6.30 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, siltstone: medium gray. Thin zones of light gray, fine grained, sandstone and sandstone streaks; common, coarse, prominent, calcareous nodules to 349.70'; gradual lower contact to sandstone; part of fining upward sequence.
351.40 355.75 4.35 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; fine grained at base, fining up to very fine grained; large, distinct, calcareous nodule at 353.6'; sharp lower contact.
355.75 357.06 1.31 Shale, silty, medium gray; few, coarse, faint, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
357.06 360.20 3.14 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; micaceous; medium grained at base, fining upward to fine grained; sharp, irregular, compactional lower contact.
360.20 361.17 0.97 Sandstone, medium gray; very fine grained; micaceous; with large, irregular masses of medium grained, slumped sandstone; irregular, compactional, sharp lower contact.
361.17 365.06 3.89 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; micaceous; very fine grained, planar to ripple bedded at the base, coarsening upward to medium to coarse grained and cross bedded at the top; few high angle slump lines at 363.3'; angular, sharp lower contact.
365.06 371.15 6.09 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; coarse grained; some mica; medium grained to base; high angle, sharp lower contact; dark streaks in base.
371.15 371.77 0.62 Claystone, kaolinite, light gray; sharp lower contact.
371.77 371.96 0.19 Shale, black, very thin coal streaks at 371.90'; sharp lower contact.
371.96 372.03 0.07 Claystone, kaolinite, light gray-brown; thin streak; sharp lower contact.
372.03 372.73 0.70 Shale, carbonaceous, black carbonaceous streaks interlaminated with medium gray streaks; pyrite streaks in top 0.2'; clear lower contact to black shale.
372.73 375.29 2.56 Shale, black, some carbonaceous plant trash on bedding surfaces; some slickensides; sharp lower contact.
Uniontown coal bed, 375.29 - 375.32 (0.03'), Elv.= 458'
375.29 375.32 0.03 Coal streak, sharp lower contact. (Not sampled).
375.32 379.30 3.98 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray; thin bedded; not very much clay; diffuse lower contact to hard limestone.
379.30 380.29 0.99 Limestone, light gray; hard; few ostracodes; nodular in base; sharp lower contact.
380.29 383.72 3.43 Siltstone, light gray; calcareous to 381.41'; few, coarse, faint, calcareous nodules from 341.41' to base in noncalcareous matrix; fine pyrite, especially at top; clear lower contact.
383.72 388.87 5.15 Sandstone, burrowed, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; ripple bedded with clay drapes(?); common, vertical to curving sub-vertical, 0.01' to 0.02' diameter burrows filled with medium gray, fine grained silt, especially prominent from 388.5' to base; sharp lower contact.
388.87 394.09 5.22 Shale, light to medium gray-green; slightly calcareous in bottom 0.10'; sharp lower contact.
394.09 394.80 0.71 Limestone, light gray to light gray-brown; hard; very fine grained; sharp lower contact.
394.80 395.15 0.35 Limestone, argillaceous, dark gray; ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
395.15 395.44 0.29 Claystone, noncalcareous; medium gray-green groundmass with black clasts; black streak at base; sharp lower contact.
395.44 396.42 0.98 Limestone, light gray to light gray-brown; hard; very fine grained; sharp lower contact.
396.42 396.67 0.25 Limestone, medium gray; ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
396.67 397.37 0.70 Claystone, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol on limestone).
397.37 398.60 1.23 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; some spar; sharp lower contact.
398.60 399.83 1.23 Shale, medium gray-green; noncalcareous; few thin bands of ostracode hash in bottom 0.15'; sharp lower contact.
399.83 400.20 0.37 Limestone, light gray; laminated; hard; ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
400.20 400.96 0.76 Limestone, nodular, light to medium gray with light gray nodules; hard; abundant ostracodes in dark zones; sharp lower contact.
400.96 402.04 1.08 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
402.04 402.34 0.30 Limestone, dark gray; sharp lower contact.
402.34 402.93 0.59 Limestone, nodular, light gray; hard; dense; abundant fractures in top filled with dark gray limestone; irregular, sharp lower contact.
402.93 404.68 1.75 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray-green, dark gray; light gray hard zones; weakly calcareous from 404.1' to 404.5'; gradual lower contact to limestone below.
404.68 405.68 1.00 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; clear lower contact.
405.68 407.80 2.12 Limestone. medium gray; hard; dense; few, coarse, faint, light gray nodules; sharp lower contact.
407.80 408.42 0.62 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; ostracodes; sharp lower contact with color change.
408.42 408.58 0.16 Limestone, light gray-green; hard; sharp lower contact.
408.58 409.50 0.92 Limestone, medium gray; hard; clear lower contact.
409.50 411.55 2.05 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray; two hard, light gray, thin limestone bands in basal 0.3'; sharp lower contact.
411.55 411.96 0.41 Limestone, light gray to light gray-brown; hard, ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
411.96 413.27 1.31 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray; slightly fissile; one slickenside; gradual lower contact with color and bedding change.
413.27 415.10 1.83 Limestone, argillaceous, equally mottled medium gray, dark gray-red, and olive, all coarse and faint; clear lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
415.10 420.12 5.02 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray; common, coarse, prominent, light gray, hard calcareous nodules and zones/beds; red streak from 418.6' to 418.7'; sharp lower contact.
420.12 420.39 0.27 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; spar streaks; irregular, sharp lower contact.
420.39 420.85 0.46 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray-green; few, coarse, prominent, light  gray, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
420.85 421.93 1.08 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; nodular from 421.5' to base; sharp lower contact.
421.93 422.60 0.67 Limestone, dark gray; hard; dense; sharp lower contact.
422.60 423.60 1.00 Limestone, light gray to light gray-brown; hard; dense; ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
423.60 426.63 3.03 Mudstone, slickensides, medium gray; slightly calcareous; few pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact with nodules and color change. (Paleosol horizon).
426.63 432.70 6.07 Mudstone, calcareous, medium gray; few, coarse, prominent, calcareous nodules in top 0.5'; common, coarse, faint, olive and red mottles; clear lower contact on loss of calcareous matrix and color change. (Paleosol horizon).
432.70 438.96 6.26 Mudstone, red, noncalcareous; abundant, coarse, prominent, light gray mottles; few, medium, distinct, olive mottles; abundant pedogenic slickensides; diffuse lower contact on color change. (Paleosol horizon).
438.96 441.13 2.17 Mudstone, medium gray; few, coarse, faint, red mottles; noncalcareous; clear lower contact on color change and abundance of slickensides. (Paleosol horizon).
441.13 442.05 0.92 Mudstone, slickensides, medium gray; common, coarse, distinct, olive mottles; noncalcareous; common pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol horizon).
442.05 443.43 1.38 Mudstone, mottled, equal areas of coarse, distinct, red, light gray, and olive mottles; common pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
443.43 445.11 1.68 Shale, interlaminated light gray, red, and olive; noncalcareous; sharp lower contact with color change. (Paleosol C horizon).
445.11 447.42 2.31 Shale, light gray; noncalcareous; common, thin, silty streaks; sharp lower contact.
447.42 448.56 1.14 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
448.56 450.81 2.25 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; abundant ostracode layers; medium gray with light gray nodules in basal 0.80'; sharp lower contact.
450.81 453.53 2.72 Limestone, medium gray; slightly argillaceous; few, coarse, distinct, light gray, calcareous nodules; black, discontinuous band, 0.02' thick with abundant, spar-filled ostracodes and pyrite at 451.15'; sharp lower contact.
453.53 455.70 2.17 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; with dark gray bands of ostracode cochina in top 0.6'; nodular in basal 0.6'; clear lower contact.
455.70 457.26 1.56 Limestone, nodular, medium gray; common, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules to 456.6'; mostly light gray, hard, dense limestone from 456.6' to base; sharp lower contact.
457.26 461.12 3.86 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray-green to 459.6', medium gray to base; sharp lower contact.
461.12 462.55 1.43 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; streaks of medium gray, argillaceous limestone from 461.6' to base; sharp lower contact.
462.55 463.23 0.68 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; sharp lower contact.
463.23 466.53 3.30 Mudstone, calcareous, medium gray; few, coarse, prominent, light gray, calcareous nodules; few pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact.
466.53 467.08 0.55 Limestone, medium gray with hard, light gray streaks; sharp lower contact.
467.08 468.03 0.95 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; vertical fractures from top to 467.7', solid  to base; sharp lower contact.
468.03 471.22 3.19 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray-green; few, coarse, prominent, light gray, calcareous nodules from 470.0' to base; sharp lower contact.
471.22 473.40 2.18 Limestone, light gray with medium gray streaks; irregular top surface; sparry calcite streaks in top 0.5'; sharp lower contact.
473.40 475.41 2.01 Limestone, dark gray at top grading to medium gray; large, prominent, light gray, calcareous nodule in base; sharp lower contact.
475.41 478.18 2.77 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; nodular in top 0.45' and basal 0.9'; middle featureless; sharp lower contact.
478.18 478.48 0.30 Limestone, nodular, abundant fine to medium nodules in a medium gray matrix; hard; clear lower contact.
478.48 480.90 2.42 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; few, thin, nodular zones; sharp lower contact.
480.90 482.38 1.48 Limestone, nodular, light gray, hard, dense zones interbedded with medium gray limestone with ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
482.38 483.16 0.78 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; sharp lower contact.
483.16 483.90 0.74 Limestone, nodular, light gray; hard; dense; interbedded with medium gray limestone; sharp lower contact.
483.90 483.98 0.08 Limestone, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
483.98 484.98 1.00 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; upper 0.4' nodular in matrix of bed above; lower part light gray, hard, and dense; sharp lower contact.
484.98 486.35 1.37 Limestone, nodular, light gray, hard, dense beds interbedded with medium gray limestone; sharp lower contact.
486.35 488.92 2.57 Limestone, brecciated, medium gray with abundant light gray bands around clasts and some discontinuous light gray streaks; sharp lower contact.
488.92 492.85 3.93 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray-green with light gray-green streaks in brecciated pattern; becoming more argillaceous to base; sharp lower contact.
492.85 493.50 0.65 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; some medium gray streaks; sharp lower contact.
493.50 494.65 1.15 Limestone, brecciated, medium to dark gray with light gray around clasts; hard; one slickenside; sharp lower contact.
494.65 495.58 0.93 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; with some subordinate brecciation in basal 0.5'; sharp lower contact.
495.58 496.90 1.32 Limestone, brecciated, medium gray with light gray-green around clasts or within fractures; brecciation extends to 496.4' then fades; high angle, sharp lower contact.
496.90 500.53 3.63 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; few, thin, nodular zones; sharp lower contact.
500.53 501.20 0.67 Limestone, nodular, light gray; hard; dense; fine to coarse nodules in light gray matrix; wavy, sharp lower contact.
501.20 501.26 0.06 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray-green; thin surface horizon; sharp lower contact.
501.26 502.53 1.27 Limestone, nodular, medium gray with mostly fine, faint, limestone nodules; angular, sharp lower contact.
502.53 503.77 1.24 Claystone, calcareous inclusions, medium gray-green; few, coarse, prominent, light gray, calcareous nodules; few pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact with color change and no nodules. (Paleosol horizon).
503.77 505.36 1.59 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray; common pedogenic slickensides; angular, sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
Sewickley coal bed, 505.36 -506.59 (1.213', parting= 0.68'), Elv:= 327
505.36 505.82 0.46 Shale, carbonaceous, pyrite streaks; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
505.82 506.37 0.55 Coal, impure, moderately bright with dull streaks; pyrite streaks; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
506.37 506.43 0.06 Limestone, light gray; thin bed; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
506.43 506.93 0.50 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact. (Top 0.16' sampled with coal).
506.93 511.33 4.40 Mudstone, medium gray; slightly silty in top 0.3', rest clayey; clear lower contact.
511.33 517.42 6.09 Shale and sandstone interbedded, shale: medium gray beds 0.01' to 2.0' thick. Sandstone: light gray; fine grained; mostly ripple bedded; 0.01' to 0.4' thick beds; part of fining upward sequence; sharp lower contact.
517.42 522.44 5.02 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; some ripple and ripple cross laminated zones; sharp lower contact.
522.44 526.44 4.00 Shale, medium gray; light gray-green from 525.6' to base; sharp lower contact.
526.44 526.44 Coal, Not Present, Fishpot Coal Horizon.  Elv.: 307
526.44 526.67 0.23 Limestone, black; pyritic; sharp lower contact.
526.67 527.73 1.06 Limestone, medium gray with few dark gray to black streaks; sharp lower contact.
527.73 529.19 1.46 Limestone, light gray-brown; hard; dense; sharp lower contact.
529.19 529.24 0.05 Shale, black, slightly calcareous; sharp lower contact.
529.24 531.19 1.95 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; sharp lower contact.
531.19 531.92 0.73 Limestone and shale interbedded, Limestone: light gray, hard zones; 2 beds 0.15'  thick; Shale: black; slightly calcareous to black shaley limestone; angular, sharp lower contact.
531.92 534.15 2.23 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; few black streaks, less calcareous than other areas; few white spar streaks; sharp lower contact.
534.15 534.25 0.10 Shale, black, slightly calcareous; sharp lower contact.
534.25 534.77 0.52 Limestone, nodular, light gray; hard; dense; nodular to 534.65', solid to base; sharp lower contact.
534.77 534.83 0.06 Shale, black, slightly calcareous; irregular wedge; sharp lower contact.
534.83 536.51 1.68 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; few lenses of ostracode hash; sharp lower contact.
536.51 536.86 0.35 Limestone, nodular, medium gray; abundant, light gray, distinct, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
536.86 537.58 0.72 Shale, medium gray; some medium gray-green clasts; noncalcareous; sharp lower contact.
537.58 538.50 0.92 Claystone, light gray-green, angular fragments; sharp lower contact.
538.50 539.28 0.78 Shale, medium gray; noncalcareous; sharp lower contact.
539.28 542.02 2.74 Mudstone, calcareous inclusions, medium gray to 540.3', medium gray-green to base; noncalcareous; few, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; diffuse lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
542.02 544.00 1.98 Shale, medium gray-green; clear lower contact.
544.00 545.70 1.70 Shale, calcareous inclusions, medium gray; few, coarse, prominent, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact at sandstone streak.
545.70 548.36 2.66 Shale, sandy, medium gray; sandy zones; clear lower contact.
548.36 553.34 4.98 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
553.34 556.20 2.86 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; some gray-green bands to 556.6', light gray to base; abundant ostracodes from 555.85' to 556.10'; sharp lower contact.
556.20 556.43 0.23 Limestone, argillaceous, dark gray; abundant ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
556.43 557.30 0.87 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; nodular in top 0.4'; sharp lower contact.
557.30 557.60 0.30 Shale, calcareous, medium gray; slightly calcareous.
557.60 563.25 5.65 Shale, calcareous, light to medium gray; poorly bedded, transitional to argillaceous limestone; sharp lower contact.
563.25 563.35 0.10 Limestone, light gray; thin bed; abundant ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
563.35 570.18 6.83 Siltstone, calcareous inclusions, light gray-green; weakly bedded; common, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules to 567.3', none below; clear lower contact.
570.18 573.15 2.97 Shale, calcareous inclusions, medium gray; common, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
573.15 574.86 1.71 Shale, medium gray-green; clayey; few dark gray streaks; sharp lower contact.
574.86 575.71 0.85 Claystone, medium gray with a black surface 0.03' thick; black root(?) traces throughout; gradual lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
575.71 576.55 0.84 Siltstone, medium gray-green; one calcareous nodule; sharp lower contact.
576.55 576.90 0.35 Claystone, light gray with dark gray streaks - root traces; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
576.90 577.09 0.19 Siltstone, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
577.09 577.23 0.14 Claystone, medium gray-green with light gray-green streaks; sharp lower contact.
577.23 583.77 6.54 Shale, calcareous nodules, medium gray; few, coarse, faint, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
583.77 585.43 1.66 Limestone, argillaceous, medium to dark gray; shaley; abundant ostracodes; clear lower contact.
585.43 587.27 1.84 Limestone, nodular, medium gray; common, coarse, light gray nodules; some light gray-green claystone bands in base; clear lower contact.
587.27 588.60 1.33 Claystone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
588.60 590.47 1.87 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray, abundant pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact.
Redstone coal bed, 590.47 - 593.32 (2.85', parting= 0.58'),  Elv.= 240'
590.47 590.55 0.08 Shale, carbonaceous, black; sharp lower contact with coal. (Sampled).
590.55 592.82 2.27 Coal, mostly bright with some thick vitrain bands; dull zone in top 0.15' and bottom 0.3'; few dull streaks in middle; few pyrite streaks throughout; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
592.82 593.87 1.05 Shale, black, gradual lower contact to mudstone. (Sampled top 0.5' with coal).
593.87 598.45 4.58 Mudstone, slickensides, medium gray; common pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
598.45 598.62 0.17 Limestone, light gray; hard; sharp lower contact.
598.62 598.80 0.18 Claystone, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
598.80 600.32 1.52 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; nodular in basal part; sharp lower contact.
600.32 600.87 0.55 Limestone, medium gray; abundant ostracodes; two large light gray nodules at top; sharp lower contact.
600.87 601.50 0.63 Limestone, nodular, light gray; hard; dense; finely nodular; sharp lower contact.
601.50 601.57 0.07 Limestone, black streak.
601.57 603.28 1.71 Limestone, light gray-brown; hard; dense; abundant spar calcite; very fine grained; sharp lower contact.
603.28 603.55 0.27 Limestone, argillaceous, black; abundant ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
603.55 608.95 5.40 Limestone, light gray-brown; abundant spar calcite; very fine grained; sharp lower contact.
608.95 610.43 1.48 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray; few, fine to coarse, distinct, light gray, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
610.43 611.18 0.75 Limestone, nodular, medium gray; light gray nodules; hard; dense; sharp lower contact.
611.18 611.61 0.43 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
611.61 612.02 0.41 Claystone, light to medium gray-green; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
612.02 612.72 0.70 Mudstone, medium gray with very thin, black streak at top; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
612.72 612.99 0.27 Claystone, dark gray; noncalcareous; two thin, medium gray limestone bands; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
612.99 615.10 2.11 Limestone, light gray-brown; hard; dense; very fine grained; some spar calcite; nodular in basal 0.5'; sharp lower contact.
615.10 615.62 0.52 Limestone, medium and light gray laminations in top half; bottom half more massive with ostracodes; sharp lower contact.
615.62 618.95 3.33 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; few dark gray bands, especially in basal half; sharp lower contact.
618.95 619.80 0.85 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray.
619.80 620.82 1.02 Mudstone, slickensides, medium gray; pedogenic slickensides; high angle, irregular, sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
620.82 623.91 3.09 Mudstone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; few, medium to coarse, faint to distinct, calcareous nodules; large zone of nodules in top 0.3'; abundant pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact with loss of nodules. (Paleosol horizon).
623.91 626.51 2.60 Claystone, light to medium gray with medium gray-green zones; common pedogenic slickensides; noncalcareous; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
626.51 627.00 0.49 Claystone, kaolinitic?, Light gray-brown; thin black streaks (roots?); kaolinitic?; irregular, sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon). (Not sampled).
Pittsburgh coal bed, 627.00 - 628.05 (1.05'),  Elv.= 205'
627.00 628.05 1.05 Coal, impure, top 0.3'-0.4' may be carbonaceous shale (?); entire bed with overall dull appearance; large pyrite lenses throughout; sharp lower contact. (Sampled, top of sample at contact with overlying claystone).
628.05 634.86 6.81 Mudstone, slickensides, dark gray; noncalcareous; abundant pedogenic slickensides; becoming medium gray-green at about 632.0'; minor calcite streaks near base of unit; gradual lower contact. (Sampled top 0.02' with coal).
634.86 642.19 7.33 Sandstone, silty, medium gray green; very fine grained; cross bedded from 636.1' to 636.93'; ripple bedded from 641.0' to base; few, fine, distinct, slightly calcareous to calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
642.19 643.41 1.22 Shale, medium gray; sandy streaks in basal 0.3'; sharp lower contact.
643.41 645.18 1.77 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; ripple bedded; shale streaks in basal 0.6'; clear lower contact.
645.18 656.88 11.70 Shale, calcareous nodules, medium gray; thin, slightly calcareous bands and/or nodules starting at 648.3', up to 0.1'  thick; clear lower contact.
656.88 660.80 3.92 Shale and sandstone interbedded, Shale: medium gray. Sandstone: light to medium gray; very fine grained; bottom 0.9' mostly sandstone; clear lower contact.
660.80 664.42 3.62 Shale, medium gray to medium gray-green; abundant compactional slickensides; poorly bedded from 663.2' to 663.9'; sharp lower contact.
664.42 664.55 0.13 Shale, medium and dark gray to black bands; sharp lower contact.
664.55 666.05 1.50 Shale, medium gray-green; sandy in basal 0.5'; sharp lower contact.
666.05 668.65 2.60 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; mostly low angle cross bedding, some planar bedding, some ripple bedding, especially in base; sharp lower contact.
668.65 669.95 1.30 Shale, medium to dark gray; siderite band from 669.7' to 669.8'; sharp lower contact.
669.95 670.59 0.64 Shale, black, common pyrite streaks and nodules; coal horizon; sharp lower contact.
670.59 670.59 0.00 Coal, Not Present, Little Pittsburgh Coal Horizon.  Elv.: 162'
670.59 670.80 0.21 Limestone, argillaceous, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
670.80 671.36 0.56 Mudstone, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
671.36 672.40 1.04 Limestone, light gray-brown; hard; dense; very fine grained; abundant spar streaks; laminated; sharp lower contact.
672.40 673.13 0.73 Limestone, medium gray in top 0.25', light gray to base; hard; dense; sharp lower contact.
673.13 673.90 0.77 Mudstone, medium gray-green; few, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules near base; clear lower contact.
673.90 675.87 1.97 Shale, medium gray-green; weakly bedded; large calcareous nodule at 675.3'; sharp lower contact.
675.87 676.40 0.53 Limestone, light gray-brown; very fine grained; abundant spar streaks; laminated; sharp lower contact.
676.40 676.45 0.05 Limestone, black; laminated; sharp lower contact.
676.45 677.66 1.21 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; ostracodes and spirorbis; abundant spar streaks from 676.83' to 677.23'; sharp lower contact.
677.66 679.93 2.27 Claystone, medium gray-green, with medium gray streaks at base; common pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
679.93 680.01 0.08 Shale, black, noncalcareous, sharp lower contact.
680.01 680.52 0.51 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; clear lower contact.
680.52 685.00 4.48 Mudstone, calcareous, medium gray; common, fine to coarse, distinct to prominent, highly calcareous nodules; common pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color and loss of calcareous matrix. (Paleosol B horizon).
685.00 688.15 3.15 Mudstone, mottled, noncalcareous; equal areas of abundant, fine to coarse, red, light gray-green, and olive mottles; few, faint to prominent, calcareous nodules; common pedogenic slickensides; gradual lower contact on color change. (Paleosol B horizon).
688.15 690.37 2.22 Mudstone, red, subordinate, common, fine to coarse, distinct to prominent, light gray-green and olive mottles;  common, fine to coarse, faint to prominent, calcareous nodules; abundant pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color and texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
690.37 694.72 4.35 Shale, silty, medium gray-green; sandy; poorly bedded in top  0.7'; abundant, fine to coarse, distinct, calcareous streaks and masses to 672.8'; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol C horizon).
694.72 699.59 4.87 Sandstone, cross-bedded, medium gray-green; medium to coarse grained in base, fining up to fine grained; sharp lower contact.
699.59 702.91 3.32 Shale, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
702.91 703.25 0.34 Sandstone, medium gray-green; fine grained; thin bed; sharp lower contact.
703.25 704.14 0.89 Shale, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
704.14 704.40 0.26 Claystone, dark gray to black; weakly bedded; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
704.40 704.88 0.48 Claystone, medium gray-green with common, coarse, prominent, red mottles; weakly bedded; clear lower contact with bedding and color change. (Paleosol B Horizon).
704.88 706.79 1.91 Shale, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol C horizon).
706.79 712.75 5.96 Sandstone, calcareous nodules, medium gray-green; medium grained at base, fining up to very fine grained at top; abundant, medium to coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules and masses; sharp lower contact.
712.75 735.13 22.38 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray-green; some mica; medium grained, fining upward to fine grained; abundant, medium to coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules from 721.9'  to 722.78'; angular, sharp lower contact.
735.13 735.36 0.23 Claystone, medium gray-green; noncalcareous; sharp lower contact.
735.36 735.56 0.20 Limestone, nodular, thin bed; sharp lower contact.
735.56 735.79 0.23 Shale, medium gray-green; noncalcareous; sharp lower contact.
735.79 735.95 0.16 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; thin bed; sharp lower contact.
735.95 736.16 0.21 Claystone, medium gray-green; noncalcareous; sharp lower contact.
736.16 736.32 0.16 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; thin bed; sharp lower contact.
736.32 738.15 1.83 Claystone, medium gray-green; noncalcareous; weakly bedded; high angle, sharp lower contact.
738.15 739.35 1.20 Limestone, nodular, light gray, hard nodules in a medium gray-green matrix; angular, sharp lower contact.
739.35 740.21 0.86 Mudstone, mottled, equal areas of coarse, distinct, red and olive mottles; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
740.21 740.76 0.55 Claystone, medium gray with dark gray to black streaks; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
740.76 743.02 2.26 Claystone, medium gray; weakly bedded; common, coarse, faint, olive and red mottles in top 0.35'; clear lower contact. (Paleosol B horizon).
743.02 743.72 0.70 Sandstone, silty, medium gray; very fine grained; sharp lower contact.
743.72 744.57 0.85 Shale, medium gray; poorly bedded in base; sharp lower contact.
744.57 744.63 0.06 Claystone, dark gray to black; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
744.63 746.27 1.64 Claystone, medium gray; few, coarse, faint, olive mottles in base; few pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol B horizon).
746.27 747.00 0.73 Claystone, medium gray; common coarse, distinct, olive and red mottles and red vertical streaks (oxidized root traces?); common pedogenic slickensides with red along slickenside surfaces; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol B horizon).
747.00 748.51 1.51 Claystone, red, predominately red; abundant, fine to coarse, faint  to distinct, light gray-green mottles and streaks; common pedogenic slickensides; one badly broken zone; clear lower contact. (Paleosol B horizon).
748.51 749.59 1.08 Claystone, red, very soft (mud); clear lower contact. (Paleosol B horizon).
749.59 750.82 1.23 Claystone, mottled, equal areas of abundant, coarse, distinct, red and  light gray-green mottles; common pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color and texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
750.82 754.30 3.48 Mudstone, mottled, medium gray-green; abundant, fine to coarse,  distinct, red mottles; common pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color and occurrence of calcareous nodules. (Paleosol B horizon).
754.30 760.37 6.07 Mudstone, calcareous nodules, light gray-green; abundant, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules and vertical accumulations (rhizoconcretions?); few, coarse, faint, red mottles around 758.0'; few, weak pedogenic slickensides; diffuse lower contact at occurrence of calcareous nodules and bedding development. (Paleosol B-BC horizon).
760.37 763.40 3.03 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; thin, medium gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks and thin beds (< 0.5' thick); sharp lower contact. (Part of fining upward sequence).
763.40 770.85 7.45 Sandstone, light gray; coarse grained at base, fining up to medium grained; cross bedded to ripple bedded; accessory minerals and rock grains; thin (about 0.02' wide) fracture filled with medium gray mud from top to 764.4'; sharp lower contact.
770.85 771.92 1.07 Shale, sandy, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
771.92 780.70 8.78 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; coarse grained at base, fining up to medium grained at top; large shale pebble in top 0.2'; dark gray streaks in basal 1.5'; sharp lower contact.
780.70 781.39 0.69 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; sharp lower contact.
781.39 781.55 0.16 Claystone, kaolinitic?, dark, medium, and light gray streaks; sharp lower contact.  (Paleosol A horizon).
781.55 781.70 0.15 Claystone, light to medium gray with dark streaks; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
781.70 781.77 0.07 Claystone, black; few, fine, distinct, pyrite nodules and streaks; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
781.77 782.00 0.23 Claystone, medium gray; noncalcareous; hard; sharp lower contact.
782.00 782.00 0.00 Coal, Not Present, Little Clarksburg Coal Horizon.  Elv.: 51
782.00 782.75 0.75 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; nodular in top 0.25'; sharp lower contact.
782.75 783.17 0.42 Limestone, dark gray; hard; laminated; sharp lower contact.
783.17 783.45 0.28 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; angular, sharp lower contact.
783.45 783.50 0.05 Limestone, black; thin cap on bed below; sharp lower contact.
783.50 784.82 1.32 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; top 0.2' fractured and filled with dark gray material from above; some laminations near base; sharp lower contact.
784.82 784.92 0.10 Claystone, medium gray-green and black streaks; noncalcareous; one slickenside; clear lower contact.
784.92 785.73 0.81 Limestone, medium gray; slightly argillaceous; sharp lower contact.
785.73 786.22 0.49 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; some spar streaks; sharp lower contact.
786.22 787.78 1.56 Limestone, medium gray; few, coarse, distinct, light gray, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
787.78 789.17 1.39 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; nodular in top 0.1'; spar streaks; sharp lower contact.
789.17 790.93 1.76 Mudstone, medium gray; noncalcareous; few, coarse, faint, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
790.93 791.43 0.50 Limestone, nodular, light to dark gray nodules; fine to medium; clear lower contact into non-nodular limestone.
791.43 792.02 0.59 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; some spar streaks; sharp lower contact.
792.02 795.36 3.34 Shale, calcareous nodules, medium gray-green; weakly bedded; fine to coarse,  faint to distinct, calcareous nodules and streaks; pyrite masses from 794.3' to 794.75'; light gray-green claystone breccia in bottom 0.2'; sharp lower contact.
795.36 796.75 1.39 Claystone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; noncalcareous; common, coarse, faint, calcareous masses; weakly bedded; sharp lower contact.
796.75 797.84 1.09 Claystone and limestone, interbedded, thin beds (<0.1') of light gray, kaolinitic claystone with dark gray to black limestone; few, medium, distinct, pyrite nodules; gradual lower contact.
797.84 802.21 4.37 Claystone, calcareous nodules, medium gray to medium gray-green; abundant, coarse, faint to distinct, calcareous nodules; weakly bedded; clear lower contact. (Paleosol  horizon).
802.21 802.97 0.76 Limestone, nodular, light gray to light gray-green nodules in a medium gray matrix; sharp lower contact.
802.97 805.23 2.26 Claystone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; abundant, fine to coarse, faint to prominent, calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
805.23 805.73 0.50 Claystone, light gray to light gray-green nodular clasts in medium gray matrix; sharp lower contact.
805.73 805.80 0.07 Shale, black.
805.80 808.18 2.38 Mudstone, silty, medium gray-green; few pedogenic slickensides; weakly bedded; clear lower contact at occurrence of calcareous nodules. (Paleosol horizon).
808.18 810.00 1.82 Mudstone, calcareous nodules, medium gray-green; abundant, very coarse,  distinct, slightly calcareous nodules more or less continuous along side of core; nodules internally nodular with very fine network of calcite.
810.00 814.51 4.51 Shale, sandstone streaks, Shale: medium gray-green; weakly bedded in top; plant fossils.  Sandstone streaks: medium gray; fine grained; clear lower contact to thicker beds. (Part of fining upward sequence).
814.51 850.47 35.96 Sandstone and shale, interbedded, Sandstone: medium gray; fine grained; mostly cross bedded in beds up to 2.0' thick, mostly thinner. Shale: medium gray; streaks to beds up to 0.3'  thick; plant fossils and stems; high angle, sharp lower contact.
850.47 856.50 6.03 Shale, medium gray; plant fossils and stems; common slickensides; sharp lower contact.
856.50 859.83 3.33 Sandstone, shale streaks, Sandstone: very fine grained; cross bedded and some ripple cross laminations.  Shale streaks: medium gray; <0.10' thick; plant fossils and stems; clear lower contact.
859.83 860.90 1.07 Shale, silty, medium gray; silty; sharp lower contact.
860.90 861.80 0.90 Claystone, medium gray with dark gray streaks and mottles; common pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol A horizon).
861.80 863.33 1.53 Claystone, mottled, equal areas of fine to coarse, faint to distinct, red and light gray-green mottles, with a few black streaks; redder to base; common pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol B horizon).
863.33 864.43 1.10 Claystone, light to medium gray-green with subordinate black streaks; clear lower contact on color change and occurrence of calcareous nodules. (Paleosol A horizon).
864.43 867.40 2.97 Claystone, calcareous nodules, light gray-green; noncalcareous; weakly bedded; few, coarse, prominent, highly calcareous nodules; abundant, fine to coarse, faint to distinct, red and olive mottles from 865.0' to base; diffuse lower contact on occurrence of bedding. (Paleosol B horizon, base = BC horizon).
867.40 887.70 20.30 Shale, calcareous nodules, light gray-green; common, coarse, prominent, light gray, highly calcareous nodules to 870'; few scattered, coarse, prominent, highly calcareous nodules from 870.0' to base; no marine fossils observed; sharp lower contact.
Ames Marine Zone, 887.70 - 889.03 (1.33),   Elv.=  -55'
887.70 889.03 1.33 Limestone, fossiliferous, light gray, hard, dense, nodules in a medium gray-green matrix; few identifiable crinoid columns and other possible marine fossils, but overall, nothing obvious; sharp lower contact.
889.03 890.38 1.35 Shale, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
890.38 892.04 1.66 Sandstone, light gray-green; very fine grained; ripple bedded; clear lower contact.
892.04 894.81 2.77 Shale, medium gray; few, very fine grained, gray-green sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
894.81 896.06 1.25 Sandstone, light gray-green; fine grained; sharp lower contact.
896.06 898.03 1.97 Shale, medium gray-green; few, thin, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact.
898.03 899.93 1.90 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; ripple bedded; with dark gray to black shale streaks; sharp lower contact.
899.93 901.60 1.67 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact. (Bottom 0.05' sampled with coal.)
Harlem coal bed, 901.55 - 904.90 (3.35', parting= 2.09'), Elv.= -69
901.60 901.76 0.16 Coal, impure, possibly carbonaceous shale; sharp lower contact. (Sampled)
901.76 903.75 1.99 Shale, medium to dark gray; very soft zone at 902.35'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
903.75 904.85 1.10 Coal, impure, some bright bands; common, thin pyrite streaks; not broken for description.  (Sampled).
904.85 915.00 10.15 Claystone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; few, fine to medium, faint, calcareous nodules; common pedogenic slickensides; slightly silty to base; gradual lower contact on occurrence of red mottles. (Sampled top 0.05' with coal).
915.00 919.35 4.35 Claystone, calcareous nodules, medium gray-green; few, fine to medium, faint, red mottles; common, fine to coarse, faint, calcareous nodules; common to abundant pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color change and occurrence of calcareous nodules. (Paleosol B horizon).
919.35 926.10 6.75 Mudstone, red; common, fine to coarse, faint to distinct, light gray-green, mottles and streaks; common,  fine to coarse, distinct to prominent, calcareous nodules; abundant pedogenic slickensides; diffuse lower contact with at occurrence of calcareous nodules. (Paleosol B horizon).
926.10 930.92 4.82 Mudstone, red; few, fine to coarse, distinct, light gray-green mottles; few, very thin calcareous streaks; some weakly bedded zones; fine pedogenic structure; no slickensides; clear lower contact on color and texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
930.92 932.12 1.20 Siltstone, light gray-green; weakly bedded; few dark streaks in top (roots?); few, medium, calcareous nodules, becoming finer to base; clear lower contact on color and texture change. (Paleosol C horizon).
932.12 935.55 3.43 Shale, red; weakly bedded at top; few, fine to coarse, faint, olive and light gray-green mottles; clear lower contact on color change.
935.55 939.35 3.80 Shale, interbedded red and light gray; few, fine, faint, calcareous streaks, especially from top to 937.2'; becoming poorly bedded in base; diffuse lower contact on loss of bedding. (Cumulative horizon).
939.35 940.70 1.35 Mudstone, light gray; few, coarse, red mottles; few pedogenic slickensides; weakly bedded; diffuse lower contact on bedding development. (Paleosol B horizon).
940.70 941.10 0.40 Shale, interbedded red and gray; sharp lower contact.
941.10 941.47 0.37 Claystone, medium gray with very thin, black streaks; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
941.47 944.00 2.53 Sandstone, medium gray-green; very fine grained; silty; black, very fine organic streaks from top to  943.25'; irregular, calcareous streaks in basal  0.4'; clear lower contact to shale.
944.00 946.25 2.25 Mudstone, mostly light gray-green; red mottled zone from  944.4' to 945.25'; fine calcareous streaks from 945.25' to 946.2'; clear lower contact on color and texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
946.25 953.67 7.42 Mudstone, mottled, equal areas of fine to coarse, faint to distinct, red, olive, and light gray-green mottles; silty to sandy; becoming clayey and weakly bedded to shale from 950' to base; no slickensides; clear lower contact on color and bedding change. (Paleosol B horizon).
953.67 961.40 7.73 Shale, mostly light gray-green; few, coarse, red and olive mottles and bands; poorly bedded, transitional to claystone; solid gray-green in basal 1.7'; clear lower contact on texture change, loss of bedding, occurrence of calcareous nodules. (Paleosol C horizon).
961.40 980.73 19.33 Mudstone, calcareous nodules, medium gray-green; silty; common to abundant, fine to coarse, faint to distinct, calcareous nodules; common pedogenic slickensides; weakly bedded; clear lower contact on loss of calcareous nodules. (Paleosol B horizon).
980.73 990.70 9.97 Mudstone, medium gray-green; noncalcareous; occasional dark gray to black, thin, sub-horizontal to sub-vertical streaks (roots?); fairly well bedded at base (shale); clear lower contact at sandstone streaks.
990.70 1001.87 11.17 Sandstone and shale interbedded, Sandstone: medium gray; very fine grained; beds up to 0.5' thick, mostly thinner, some just streaks. Shale: medium gray streaks and beds up to 0.5' thick; angular, sharp lower contact.
1001.87 1004.55 2.68 Mudstone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; common, coarse, distinct calcareous nodules; silty in base; abundant pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color and texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
1004.55 1006.50 1.95 Mudstone, light to medium gray-green; common, fine to coarse, faint to distinct, olive and red mottles; some thin, black streaks (roots?) in top 0.5'; few pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact. (Paleosol AB horizon).
1006.50 1007.15 0.65 Mudstone, dark gray with light gray-green streaks and light gray-green clasts; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol  A horizon).
1007.15 1007.15 Coal, Not Present, Bakerstown Coal Horizon.  Elv.: (-)174
1007.15 1012.43 5.28 Claystone, light gray-green; abundant pedogenic slickensides; few, fine to medium, faint to distinct, olive and red mottles from 1011' to base; very soft clayey zones at 1011' and 1012'; sharp lower contact on color change. (Paleosol B horizon).
1012.43 1016.20 3.77 Mudstone, mottled, equal areas of fine to coarse, distinct to prominent, red, light gray-green, and olive mottles and streaks; few, coarse, prominent, calcareous, nodules and streaks; abundant pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact. (Paleosol B horizon).
1016.20 1017.50 1.30 Mudstone, sandy, light gray-green; few, medium to coarse, distinct, medium gray-green mottles; few, fine, distinct red mottles in top 0.3'; few pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact. (Paleosol B, BC horizon).
1017.50 1021.60 4.10 Sandstone, light gray-green; very fine grained; massive; thin shale parting with calcareous nodules at 1019'; clear lower contact at occurrence of shale streaks.
1021.60 1032.28 10.68 Sandstone, shales streaks, light gray-green, very fine grained, sandstone beds and streaks with interlaminated, medium gray-green shale streaks and thin beds; few, coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules, from 1028.2' to 1030'; sandstone and shale somewhat rhythmically bedded; sharp lower contact.
1032.28 1034.41 2.13 Sandstone, light gray-green; very fine grained; few, fine, distinct, calcareous nodules near top; clear lower contact.
Cambridge Marine Zone  Elv.=  -202
1034.41 1034.82 0.41 Limestone, fossiliferous, nodular, sandy, light gray limestone in light gray-green matrix; some discernible crinoid columns and bivalves; sharp lower contact.
1034.82 1041.70 6.88 Shale, sandstone streaks, light gray-green; very fine grained; thin beds and streaks with medium gray-green shale streaks; rather rhythmically bedded; calcareous nodules at base; sharp lower contact.
1041.70 1042.57 0.87 Shale, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
1042.57 1044.64 2.07 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray-green; very fine grained; thin beds and streaks with medium gray-green shale streaks; sharp lower contact.
1044.64 1051.37 6.73 Shale, medium to dark gray; few, very thin, light gray, sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1051.37 1056.46 5.09 Shale, silty, dark gray; silty; few, coarse, distinct, pyrite streaks; clear lower contact with occurrence of sandstone streaks and beds.
1056.46 1069.74 13.28 Shale, sandstone streaks, dark gray with common, medium to light gray, very fine grained sandstone streaks and beds up to 0.3' thick; clear lower contact at loss of sandstone streaks.
Brush Creek Marine Zone, 1069.74 - 1088.70 (18.96'), Elv.= -236.74'
1069.74 1079.47 9.73 Shale, fossiliferous, dark gray to black; few, scattered bivalves, gastropods, and other small forms; few pyrite streaks, lenses and finely disseminated grains; sharp lower contact.
1079.47 1080.44 0.97 Shale, fossiliferous, abundant bivalves and other fossil hash in a dark gray matrix; only slightly calcareous; sharp lower contact.
1080.44 1088.70 8.26 Shale, fossiliferous, medium gray; sparse, very small bivalves and gastropods; lowest fossil seen at 1083.6'; very finely laminated with very thin sandstone seen only with hand lens; few, coarse, distinct, siderite nodules throughout; clear lower contact with upward sand decrease. (Part of fining upward sequence).  Brush Creek Marine Zone  Elv.: (-)256
1088.70 1094.29 5.59 Sandstone, light to medium gray; very fine grained; ripple bedded; clear lower contact.
1094.29 1095.43 1.14 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
1095.43 1096.52 1.09 Shale, black; few siderite bands in top; sharp lower contact. (Sampled bottom 0.02' with coal).
Brush Creek coal bed, 1096.50 - 1097.94 (1.44', parting= 0.11'), Elv.= -265'
1096.52 1096.55 0.03 Coal, thin streak. (Sampled). Brush Creek Coal  Elv.: (-)265
1096.55 1096.62 0.07 Shale, black. (sampled).
1096.62 1097.15 0.53 Coal, thick vitrain; moderately bright overall; few pyrite streaks. (Sampled).
1097.15 1097.92 0.77 Shale, coal streaks, black with few coal streaks. (Sampled).
1097.92 1099.15 1.23 Mudstone, medium gray; carbonaceous material, roots throughout; diffuse lower contact. (Sampled top 0.02' with coal). (Paleosol horizon).
1099.15 1103.84 4.69 Mudstone, silty, medium gray; silty; sandy; weakly bedded; diffuse lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
1103.84 1104.75 0.91 Mudstone, medium gray; weakly bedded; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
1104.75 1107.60 2.85 Claystone, medium gray-brown; common, dark gray to black streaks (root traces); very fine, rounded, dark pisolites in top 0.8'; few pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact. (Paleosol B, BC horizon).
1107.60 1109.40 1.80 Shale, medium gray-brown; abundant bands of fine, round pisolites; clear lower contact at lowest pisolite band.
1109.40 1112.06 2.66 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; thin, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact.
1112.06 1112.85 0.79 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
1112.85 1112.90 0.05 Shale, black; thin surface horizon; sharp lower contact.
1112.90 1118.98 6.08 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; poorly bedded in top 0.5'; light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks (<0.1' thick); few bands of pisolites; sharp lower contact.
1118.98 1119.65 0.67 Claystone, medium gray; kaolinitic with black zones and streaks, root traces. (Paleosol A horizon).
1119.65 1123.15 3.50 Mudstone, sandy, light to medium gray; very fine sand; common, black, sub-vertical root traces to 1123.31'; common pedogenic slickensides to 1121.6'; diffuse lower contact on color change. (Paleosol B horizon).
1123.15 1128.30 5.15 Mudstone, sandy, light gray-green; small, round pisolites throughout; sandy and silty; very weakly bedded; becoming finer grained, silty only, to 1128.3'; gradual lower contact to claystone. (Paleosol B horizon).
1128.30 1130.25 1.95 Claystone, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol B horizon).
1130.25 1133.50 3.25 Flint clay, brecciated, light to medium gray-green matrix with abundant, closely packed, fine to coarse, light gray-green, light gray-brown, and medium gray rounded to angular clasts; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon?).
1133.50 1136.35 2.85 Claystone, light gray-green; few, very thin, calcareous streaks, after roots?; few pedogenic slickensides; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol horizon).
1136.35 1141.09 4.74 Claystone, light gray-green; abundant, fine to coarse, black streaks in top 1.0'; coarse, distinct, red mottles from 1138.8' to 1139.15'; common pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A.B. horizons).
1141.09 1141.67 0.58 Flint clay, nodular, Or nodular claystone. Medium gray-green with light gray-green nodules; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon?).
1141.67 1142.20 0.53 Claystone, medium gray-green; very fine calcareous streaks; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
1142.20 1143.35 1.15 Claystone, medium gray-green; light gray-green calcareous nodules and network of red-brown siderite; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon?).
1143.35 1144.42 1.07 Flint clay, brecciated, Or brecciated claystone. Light gray-green clasts in medium gray-green matrix; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon?).
1144.42 1148.70 4.28 Claystone, medium gray-green; weakly bedded; common, fine, slightly calcareous to sideritic streaks; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol horizon).
1148.70 1149.63 0.93 Claystone, light gray, medium gray at top; few, crenulated, vertical root traces; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol A horizon).
1149.63 1152.30 2.67 Claystone, medium gray-green; abundant, crenulated, sub-vertical calcareous streaks (after roots?); diffuse lower contact on bedding development. (Paleosol B horizon).
1152.30 1153.59 1.29 Shale, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
1153.59 1158.80 5.21 Sandstone, light gray-green; ripple bedded from top to 1156.50'; cross bedded to ripple cross laminated from 1156.5' to 1158'; planar bedded from 1158' to base; sharp lower contact.
1158.80 1161.85 3.05 Shale, calcareous nodules, medium gray-green; few, fine to coarse, distinct, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact.
1161.85 1169.25 7.40 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray-green; very fine grained; micaceous; mostly planar bedded with some ripple and cross bedded zones; few, thin, medium gray-green shale streaks (<0.1' thick); clear lower contact at occurrence of shale streaks.
1169.25 1179.53 10.28 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; fine to medium grained at base, fining upward to very fine grained; micaceous; some ripple cross laminated and ripple bedded; few small shale clasts in basal 1.0'; sharp lower contact.
1179.53 1182.17 2.64 Sandstone, silty, very fine grained; ripple to ripple cross laminated; shaley streaks in basal 1.0'; clear lower contact.
1182.17 1183.87 1.70 Shale, medium gray-green; large, faint, siderite nodule near top; sharp lower contact.
1183.87 1183.95 0.08 Claystone, dark gray-black; few, very fine, light gray-green clasts. (Paleosol A horizon).
Contact: Conemaugh Group. and Allegheny Formation., Elv.= -351'
1183.95 1183.95 0.00 Coal, Not Present, Upper Freeport Coal Horizon.  Elv.: (-)351'
1183.95 1184.20 0.25 Claystone, light to medium gray-green; clear lower contact. (Paleosol B horizon).
1184.20 1188.78 4.58 Shale, medium gray-green; few, coarse, distinct, slightly calcareous nodules; sharp lower contact.
1188.78 1189.00 0.22 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; some spar streaks; sharp lower contact.
1189.00 1189.52 0.52 Shale, medium gray-green; sharp lower contact.
1189.52 1190.03 0.51 Limestone, light gray; hard; dense; sharp lower contact.
1190.03 1191.48 1.45 Claystone, calcareous nodules, light gray to light gray-green; few olive, medium gray green, very slightly calcareous nodules, only react after scratching; sharp lower contact.
1191.48 1191.69 0.21 Claystone, dark gray to black; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol  A horizon).
1191.69 1192.85 1.16 Claystone, calcareous, light gray; slightly calcareous, only after scratching surface; nodular, especially fine nodules in base; sharp lower contact.
1192.85 1192.90 0.05 Claystone, dark gray to black; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
1192.90 1193.37 0.47 Claystone, medium gray to medium gray-green; gradual lower contact on texture change. (Paleosol horizon).
1193.37 1195.30 1.93 Mudstone, sandy, medium gray-green; weakly bedded; clear lower contact on texture and bedding change. (Paleosol horizon).
1195.30 1201.03 5.73 Shale, medium gray-green; clear lower contact on occurrence of calcareous nodules and bedding. Paleosol C horizon).
1201.03 1203.55 2.52 Mudstone, calcareous nodules, medium gray-green; common, fine, distinct, calcareous nodules; clear lower contact on texture change. (Paleosol horizon).
1203.55 1205.93 2.38 Sandstone, silty, light gray-green; very fine grained; few, fine, distinct, calcareous streaks; sharp lower contact.
1205.93 1207.35 1.42 Claystone, medium gray-green in top 0.3', light gray-green to base; pedogenic slickensides near base; sharp lower contact on color change. (Paleosol horizon).
1207.35 1207.83 0.48 Claystone, medium gray with dark gray to black; abundant pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
1207.83 1212.08 4.25 Claystone, light gray-green; abundant, fine to coarse, distinct, slightly calcareous to sideritic streaks and irregular masses; sandy in base;  gradual lower contact into sandstone below. (Paleosol B horizon).
1212.08 1256.85 44.77 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; micaceous; mostly cross bedded with some ripple bedded zones; medium to coarse grained at base, fining upwards to fine grained; few, thin, medium gray-green shale beds, <0.2' thick to 1218.4'; few, dark gray, shale streaks and clasts from 1255.25' to 1255.5'; flat, sharp lower contact.
Lower Freeport coal bed, 1256.85 - 1259.43 (2.58'), Elv.= -424
1256.85 1256.93 0.08 Shale, black. (Not sampled).
1256.93 1259.32 2.39 Coal, pyritic, bright clarain; overall bright appearance; abundant pyrite streaks; bottom 0.07' probably carbonaceous shale (not broken for description); sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1259.32 1264.35 5.03 Claystone, medium gray; black root traces throughout; abundant pedogenic slickensides throughout; finely dispersed pyrite; gradual lower contact at occurrence of calcareous nodules. (Paleosol horizon). (Sampled top 0.11' with coal).
1264.35 1270.24 5.89 Claystone, calcareous nodules, medium gray; black root traces throughout; common, fine, faint to distinct; slightly calcareous to calcareous nodules; fine pyrite; clear lower contact. (Paleosol horizon).
1270.24 1271.08 0.84 Sandstone, bioturbated, light gray; fine grained; root bioturbation, especially in top 0.3'; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol C horizon).
1271.08 1271.14 0.06 Shale, black; sharp lower contact.
1271.14 1271.70 0.56 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; shale streak near top; sharp lower contact.
1271.70 1272.08 0.38 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
1272.08 1294.43 22.35 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; medium grained, fining upward to fine grained; micaceous; few shale streaks from 1285.6' to 1285.9'; rolling, sharp lower contact.
1294.43 1294.48 0.05 Shale, black; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
1294.48 1294.48 Coal, NOT PRESENT, black; coal horizon.
1294.48 1299.02 4.54 Mudstone, silty, medium gray in top 0.25', light to medium gray below; common to abundant, fine to coarse, distinct to prominent, black root traces; relict bedding and thin sandstone streaks from 1296.7' to base; few, medium gray-brown shale streaks 1297.75' to base; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol B, BC horizon).
1299.02 1300.63 1.61 Sandstone, bioturbated, light gray; bedding destroyed by rooting. (Paleosol C horizon).
1300.63 1303.56 2.93 Sandstone, shale streaks, interlaminated light gray, very fine grained sandstone with thin, medium gray shale streaks and very thin beds (<0.02' thick); clear lower contact on color change.
1303.56 1306.53 2.97 Shale, sandstone streaks, dark gray; few, thin, very fine grained sandstone streaks; few, thin pyrite streaks; gradual lower contact on occurrence of sandstone streaks.
1306.53 1316.61 10.08 Shale, medium to dark gray; very uniform; few, coarse, faint, siderite nodules and bands; sharp lower contact with coal. (Sampled bottom 0.31' with coal).
Upper Kittanning coal bed, 1316.30 - 1317.40 (1.10'), Elv.= -483
1316.61 1317.14 0.53 Coal, bright clarain; thin vitrain; few pyrite streaks; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1317.14 1319.00 1.86 Claystone, medium gray in top 0.5', medium gray-green to base; black root traces in top; clear lower contact on color and texture change. (Paleosol horizon). (Not sampled - maybe top 0.26' sampled?).
1319.00 1323.26 4.26 Mudstone, sandy, light gray; black streak at top; few black root traces throughout; becoming medium gray to base; diffuse lower contact on occurrence of root traces. (Paleosol B horizon).
1323.26 1328.88 5.62 Sandstone, medium gray; very fine grained; silty; few light gray streaks in base; sharp lower contact.
1328.88 1331.87 2.99 Sandstone and shale, interbedded, Sandstone: light gray; fine grained; cross bedded. Shale: medium gray. Rolling, sharp lower contact.
1331.87 1346.73 14.86 Sandstone, cross-bedded, coarse grained at base, fining upward to medium grained; few quartz pebbles and shale clasts to 1340' and few quartz pebbles in base; few stylolites; clear lower contact with conglomerate.
1346.73 1349.82 3.09 Sandstone, conglomerate, light gray; very coarse grained; abundant quartz pebbles and light to medium gray shale clasts; sharp lower contact.
1349.82 1354.45 4.63 Sandstone, light gray; coarse grained at base, fining upward to medium grained; mostly cross bedded; few quartz pebbles near base; few, fine to medium, medium gray shale clasts; erosive, sharp lower contact.
1354.45 1357.35 2.90 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; ripple bedded to ripple cross laminated; sharp lower contact.
1357.35 1359.06 1.71 Shale, silty, medium gray; large compactional slickensides at top and bottom; angular, sharp lower contact to deepest end of slickensided fracture.
Middle Kittanning coal bed, 1359.06 - 1362.88 (3.82'), Elv.= -526.06'
1359.06 1359.24 0.18 Shale, carbonaceous, black; few very thin coal streaks, pyrite streaks; sharp lower contact. (Sampled whole unit with coal).
1359.24 1359.68 0.44 Coal, pyritic, banded; overall moderately bright appearance; common pyrite streaks, especially at top. (Sampled).
1359.68 1359.71 0.03 Coal, fusain band. (Sampled).
1359.71 1360.11 0.40 Coal, overall moderately bright appearance; few pyrite streaks. (Sampled).
1360.11 1360.14 0.03 Shale, carbonaceous, dull band. (Sampled).
1360.14 1361.48 1.34 Coal, moderately bright; few thin fusain bands. (Sampled).
1361.48 1362.40 0.92 Shale, medium to dark gray; few coal streaks in top 0.2' and bottom 0.1'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1362.40 1362.67 0.27 Coal, impure?, moderately bright; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1362.67 1363.60 0.93 Shale, medium gray; light gray sandstone streaks in bottom 0.3'; sharp lower contact. (Top 0.21' sampled with coal).
1363.60 1366.56 2.96 Shale, bioturbated, light gray; medium grained; heavily rooted;  abundant black streaks; sharp lower contact.
1366.56 1369.20 2.64 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; ripple bedded; thin interlaminations with medium gray shale streaks; coal streak at 1367.2'; gradual lower contact.
1369.20 1376.03 6.83 Shale, dark gray; very uniform; sharp lower contact.
1376.03 1376.81 0.78 Shale, black; sharp lower contact. (Sampled bottom 0.1' with coal.)
Lower Kittanning coal bed, (1376.71 - 1379.64 (2.93'), Elv.= -544'
1376.81 1377.17 0.36 Shale, coal streaks, black; coal streaks, especially in top 0.2'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1377.17 1379.61 2.44 Coal, bright; some very thin pyrite streaks. (Sampled).
1379.61 1382.35 2.74 Claystone, dark gray; weakly bedded; few slickensides; sharp lower contact. (Sampled top 0.03' with coal).
1382.35 1385.77 3.42 Sandstone, light gray to white; very fine grained; moderately clean with only minor fine mica; no sedimentary structure; massive; clear lower contact.
1385.77 1387.57 1.80 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray to white; very fine grained; fairly clean sandstone streaks with medium gray shale streaks; clear lower contact.
1387.57 1391.01 3.44 Shale, medium gray; few black root traces; sharp lower contact.
1391.01 1391.65 0.64 Claystone, medium gray and black streaks; weakly bedded. (Paleosol A horizon).
1391.65 1392.33 0.68 Claystone, light gray with a few, thin, black root streaks; sharp lower contact on texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
1392.33 1393.79 1.46 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; few black root streaks; sharp lower contact on texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
1393.79 1395.30 1.51 Claystone, light gray; few black root streaks; weakly bedded; gradual lower contact. (Paleosol BC horizon).
1395.30 1397.25 1.95 Shale, medium gray; siderite(?) pisolite layer from 1396.7' to base; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol C horizon).
1397.25 1398.50 1.25 Shale, sandy, light gray; sharp lower contact.
1398.50 1409.11 10.61 Shale, medium gray; siderite(?) pisolite layers, silty, up to 0.3' thick, common throughout unit.
1409.11 1409.57 0.46 Shale, medium gray with black streaks. (Sampled bottom  0.15' with coal).
1409.57 1409.90 0.33 Shale, carbonaceous, black; coaly, to impure coal. (Sampled).
Clarion coal bed, (1409.42 - 1411.56 (2.14'), Elv.= -576'
1409.90 1410.18 0.28 Coal, bright. (Sampled).
1410.18 1410.43 0.25 Shale, carbonaceous, black. (Sampled).
1410.43 1410.48 0.05 Coal, impure, thin band. (Sampled).
1410.48 1410.78 0.30 Shale, carbonaceous, black. (Sampled).
1410.78 1411.36 0.58 Coal, bright with few pyrite streaks. (Sampled).
1411.36 1412.10 0.74 Claystone, medium gray; coal streak 0.2' from top; clear lower contact on color change. (Paleosol B horizon). (Sampled top 0.2' with coal).
1412.10 1423.82 11.72 Claystone, light gray; weakly bedded; occasional dark gray to black streaks; soft zone from 1418.05' to 1418.35'; root impressions on bedding planes; becoming bedded (shale) in basal 1.0'; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol B, BC horizon).
1423.82 1432.90 9.08 Shale, sandy, light gray; silty; root impressions on bedding; sharp lower contact.
1432.90 1439.25 6.35 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; cross bedded; minor mica; some rock grains; quartz; minor shale bed near top; sharp lower contact.
1439.25 1439.80 0.55 Shale, medium gray; silty; sharp lower contact.
Allegheny Formation. and Pottsville Group. contact, Elv.= -606.80'.
Homewood sandstone, 1439.80 - 1472.47 (32.67'), Elv.= -606.80'.
1439.80 1451.12 11.32 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; micaceous; medium grained; some ripple cross laminated zones; sharp lower contact on grain size change.
1451.12 1458.09 6.97 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; fine grained, fining up to very fine grained at top; micaceous; sharp lower contact at grain size and bedding change.
1458.09 1460.27 2.18 Sandstone, light gray; micaceous; interbedded medium and fine grained; slumped, distorted bedding; sharp lower contact.
1460.27 1470.02 9.75 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; medium grained; micaceous; few coal streaks from 1468.2' to base; clear lower contact at occurrence of abundant coal streaks.
1470.02 1472.47 2.45 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; micaceous; medium grained; abundant coal streaks and clasts, especially in top 0.7' and basal 1.0'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled bottom 0.15' with coal.)
Upper Tionesta coal bed, 1472.32 - 1473.01 (0.69'), Elv.= -639'
1472.47 1472.94 0.47 Coal, bright; few pyrite streaks; gas bubbles; impure in bottom 0.03'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1472.94 1474.87 1.93 Claystone, medium to dark gray; weakly bedded; few slickensides; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol horizon). (Sampled top 0.07' with coal).
1474.87 1478.58 3.71 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
Lower Tionesta coal bed, 1478.58 - 1479.11 (0.53'), Elv.= -646'
1478.58 1478.76 0.18 Shale, black; sharp lower contact. (Sampled entire unit with coal).
1478.76 1478.93 0.17 Coal, bright. (Sampled).
1478.93 1483.40 4.47 Shale, medium gray; plant trash on bedding; sharp lower contact. (Sampled top 0.18' with coal).
1483.40 1483.90 0.50 Claystone, black; carbonaceous streaks; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
Upper Mercer Coal horizon, Elv.= -651
1483.90 1483.90 0.00 Coal, Not Present
1483.90 1492.00 8.10 Claystone, light to medium gray; common, black root streaks to 1487'; common root impressions on bedding throughout; few, weakly reactive siderite nodules from 1487.7' to 1488.6'; diffuse lower contact at occurrence of shale bedding. (Paleosol B horizon).
1492.00 1496.42 4.42 Shale, medium gray; very uniform bedding; clear lower contact at occurrence of sandstone streaks. (Paleosol C horizon).
1496.42 1498.82 2.40 Shale, silty, medium gray(?); few, very thin, light gray sandstone streaks, especially at top and base; sharp lower contact.
1498.82 1501.92 3.10 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; ripple bedded and cross bedded; medium gray shale streaks to thin beds up to 0.1' thick; sharp lower contact.
1501.92 1503.10 1.18 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; sandy; few, thin, light gray sandy streaks, especially in basal 0.5'; sharp lower contact.
1503.10 1505.63 2.53 Sandstone, coal clasts, light gray; very fine grained; micaceous; disrupted, slumped bedding; few coal clasts and streaks up to 0.02' thick; sharp lower contact.
Upper Connoquenessing sandstone, 1505.63 - 1553.75' (48.12'), Elv.= -672.63‘.
1505.63 1533.25 27.62 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; medium grained; some mica; some stylolites; few rock grains; few 'cleaner zones; coal clasts from 1517.65' to 1518'; angular, sharp lower contact.
1533.25 1553.75 20.50 Sandstone, quartz, light gray; fine-medium grained; 90-95% quartz with some dark minerals; no mica; common stylolites; thin, wafer-like beds about 0.04' thick  from 1534.4 to 1535.2', 1540.35' to 1540.65', and  basal 0.6'; few coaly streaks from 1537' to 1538.3'; coaly streaks and clasts from 1540.75' to 1543.2', 1546.4' to 1547.75', and in basal 2.6'; medium shale pebbles from 1539' to 1539.2'; coarse grained from 1543.25' to 1545.9'; sharp lower contact.
1553.75 1553.92 0.17 Claystone, dark gray; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon).
1553.92 1554.52 0.60 Claystone, kaolinitic, light gray-brown; weakly bedded; becoming silty to base; gradual lower contact on texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
1554.52 1556.07 1.55 Claystone, light gray-brown; weakly bedded; becoming medium gray to base; gradual lower contact on color and bedding change. (Paleosol B, BC horizon).
1556.07 1559.27 3.20 Shale, medium to dark gray; common, coarse, faint, siderite nodules; sharp lower contact. (Paleosol C horizon).
1559.27 1560.31 1.04 Sandstone, bioturbated, medium gray; very fine grained; possibly burrowed; sharp lower contact.
1560.31 1563.99 3.68 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact. (Sampled bottom  0.07' with coal).
Quakertown coal Bed, 1563.92 - 1566.44 (2.52'), Elv.= -731'
1563.99 1564.08 0.09 Coal, impure, pyrite streaks. (Sampled).
1564.08 1564.11 0.03 Shale, medium gray; thickness varies; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1564.11 1564.43 0.32 Coal, bright; few, very thin pyrite streaks near top. (Sampled).
1564.43 1564.77 0.34 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1564.77 1564.83 0.06 Shale, coal streaks, dark gray with thin coal streaks; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1564.83 1565.27 0.44 Shale, dark gray; angular coal streak at 1465.2'; sharp lower contact on color change. (Sampled).
1565.27 1565.41 0.14 Shale, carbonaceous, black; clear lower contact to coal. (Sampled).
1565.41 1566.15 0.74 Coal. moderately bright clarain; some thin vitrain; very few, thin pyrite streaks. (Sampled).
1566.15 1566.23 0.08 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1566.23 1566.34 0.11 Coal, moderately bright; very few, very thin, pyrite streaks; sharp lower contact. (Sampled).
1566.34 1570.52 4.18 Shale, medium to light gray; few, black root traces in top 1.0'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled top 0.1' with coal).
1570.52 1572.32 1.80 Shale, sandy, light gray; silty; micaceous; sharp lower contact.
1572.32 1575.06 2.74 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; ripple bedded; clear lower contact.
1575.06 1578.60 3.54 Sandstone, medium gray; very fine grained; micaceous; silty; massive; sharp lower contact.
1578.60 1579.50 0.90 Shale, dark gray; calamites stems; sharp lower contact.
1579.50 1582.42 2.92 Sandstone, medium gray; very fine grained; cross bedded in zones; diffuse lower contact from sandy shale.
1582.42 1583.27 0.85 Shale, sandy, dark gray; sharp lower contact.
1583.27 1584.20 0.93 Sandstone, medium gray; fine grained; slumped, distorted bedding; irregular lower contact.
1584.20 1585.01 0.81 Shale, medium gray; sharp lower contact.
1585.01 1585.60 0.59 Sandstone, medium gray; fine grained; ripple cross laminated; sharp lower contact.
1585.60 1588.70 3.10 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; very thin, very fine grained sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1588.70 1589.70 1.00 Sandstone, cross-bedded, medium gray; fine to very fine grained; some ripple cross lamination; sharp lower contact.
1589.70 1590.35 0.65 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; very thin, very fine grained sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1590.35 1590.97 0.62 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; some ripple bedded; some slumping; sharp lower contact.
1590.97 1600.30 9.33 Shale, medium gray; few, coarse, faint, siderite nodules and bands to 1593.9'; few sandstone streaks in bottom 2.0'; sharp lower contact.
1600.30 1610.70 10.4 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; fine grained; micaceous; few, medium gray shale clasts from 1600.8' to 1601.4'; coal clasts and streaks at 1603'and 1607.65'; sharp lower contact.
1610.70 1617.38 6.68 Shale, light to medium gray; poorly bedded; slightly silty; plant trash, stems, and pinnules; angular, sharp lower contact.
1617.38 1619.15 1.77 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; faint, light to medium gray, fine grained, cross bedded, sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1619.15 1626.88 7.73 Shale, medium gray; occasional sandy zones up to 0.8' thick; clear lower contact at occurrence of sand and color change.
1626.88 1652.22 25.34 Shale, fossiliferous, dark gray; very fine; hard; uniform; abundant slickensides in top 2'; common pyrite streaks and possibly pyritized fossils from 1631.8' to 1637.1'; orbiculoids at 1631.55', 1642.68'; possible bivalves or brachiopods at 1632.88', 1636.51'; common, faint, siderite bands up to  0.05' thick from 1641.65' to base; few, very thin, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks from 1648.75' to base; sharp lower contact.
1652.22 1657.96 5.74 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; cleaner than other units but not quartzose; minor mica; common, medium gray shale streaks in zones; some cross bedded zones; sharp lower contact.
1657.96 1659.60 1.64 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; somewhat clean; abundant shale and coal streaks; disrupted bedding; abundant, medium gray shale pebbles and clasts from 1659.1' to base'; sharp lower contact.
1659.60 1666.67 7.07 Sandstone, quartz, light gray; cleaner to base; medium grained at base, fining upward to fine grained; common stylolites; some cross bedded, some planar bedding; zones of breakage into wafer-like beds about 0.04' thick; sharp lower contact.
1666.67 1667.17 0.50 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; fine to medium gray sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1667.17 1672.30 5.13 Sandstone, quartz, light gray; medium grained; cross bedded from top to 1669.9', planar bedded to base with zone from 1670.2' to 1671.2' of breakage into thin wafer-like beds; sharp lower contact.
1672.30 1676.59 4.29 Sandstone and shale interbedded, Sandstone: light gray; fine grained, highly slumped beds up to 1.25' thick; Shale: medium gray; beds maximum 0.5' thick; sharp lower contact. (Sampled bottom 0.02' with coal).
Sharon coal bed, 1676.57 - 1678.06 (1.49') Elv.= -844'
1676.59 1677.26 0.67 Coal, bright, with few pyrite streaks. (Sampled).
1677.26 1677.81 0.55 Shale, coal streaks, dark gray with coal streaks, especially in top 0.12'; sharp lower contact. (Sampled top 0.25' with coal).
1677.81 1680.08 2.27 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; abundant, light gray, very fine grained, ripple bedded and ripple cross laminated sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1680.08 1680.49 0.41 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; ripple to planar bedded; sharp lower contact.
1680.49 1681.00 0.51 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; abundant, very thin, light gray sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1681.00 1681.39 0.39 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; ripple bedded; sharp lower contact.
1681.39 1682.33 0.94 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; common, light gray, thin sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1682.33 1682.66 0.33 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; ripple bedded; sharp lower contact.
1682.66 1683.88 1.22 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; few, very thin, light gray sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1683.88 1691.70 7.82 Shale, medium gray; very uniform; very rare plant stems; sharp lower contact.
1691.70 1692.40 0.70 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; common, thin, light gray, very fine grained sandstone streaks; sharp lower contact.
1692.40 1705.20 12.80 Shale, medium gray; very uniform; barren of plant fossils; clear lower contact.
1705.20 1705.75 0.55 Shale, dark gray; very friable; soft; clayey; broken by drilling; clear lower contact. (Paleosol A horizon?).
1705.75 1705.98 0.23 Claystone, light to medium gray; very soft, friable; clear lower contact on hardness. (Paleosol B horizon).
1705.98 1707.60 1.62 Claystone, light to medium gray; weakly bedded in top 0.5'; abundant pedogenic slickensides; sharp lower contact on color and texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
1707.60 1710.75 3.15 Mudstone, medium gray; silty; sandy; black streaks - root traces or scattered organic matter; diffuse lower contact on loss of bedding, texture change. (Paleosol B horizon).
1710.75 1712.60 1.85 Shale, light gray; poorly bedded in top; angular, sharp lower contact.  (Paleosol BC, C horizon).
1712.60 1723.19 10.59 Siltstone, ironstone nodules, medium to dark gray; uniform; few, coarse, faint, siderite nodules; sandy; occasional to common very badly degraded plant fragments; mica flakes; fines downward; base gradational and arbitrary.
1723.19 1724.29 1.10 Shale, fossiliferous, medium gray; crushed Lingula or Orbiculoidea at 1724.32'; slightly sandy and silty; fines downward; coalified stem fragments; base gradational and arbitrary.
1724.29 1726.54 2.25 Shale, medium to dark gray; becomes very dark gray to black near base; base sharp.
1726.54 1726.75 0.21 Sandstone and shale interbedded, Sandstone: light gray; clean; very fine grained; some soft sediment deformation.  Shale: black; interbeds 0.03' thick; base sharp.
1726.75 1727.20 0.45 Sandstone, light to light-medium gray; very fine grained; horizontal to inclined planar bedding; base sharp.
1727.20 1728.39 1.19 Shale, slickensides, medium gray with slight olive drab cast; moderately developed slickensides; occasional root trace; base arbitrary on loss of slickensides.
1728.39 1729.20 0.81 Shale, as above without slickensides and root traces; base sharp on color change.
1729.20 1730.50 1.30 Shale, sandy, very dark gray; sandy; occasional, small, carbonized plant fragments; thin sandstone streaks in basal 0.6'; base arbitrary on increased sandstone content.
1730.50 1735.30 4.80 Sandstone and shale interbedded to interlaminated, sandy gray shale and sandstone; base sharp.
1735.30 1735.92 0.62 Sandstone, fine to medium grained; nonbedded; low angle scour at 1735.6'; base sharp.
1735.92 1735.95 0.03 Shale, dark gray.
1735.95 1738.10 2.15 Sandstone, shale streaks, fine to medium grained; common, thin, medium to dark gray shale stringers; soft sediment deformation 1737.8' to 1738.1'; sandstone fairly clean; base arbitrary.
1738.10 1738.55 0.45 Sandstone and shale interbedded, very light gray; medium grained; with about 40% dark gray, sandy shale interbeds.
1738.55 1739.20 0.65 Sandstone, shale streaks, very fine to fine grained; abundant, dark gray shale stringers; carbonaceous material on bedding; base sharp.
1739.20 1739.60 0.40 Sandstone, quartz, white; crystalline; very fine to fine grained, locally fine to medium grained; base sharp.
1739.60 1739.80 0.20 Sandstone and shale interbedded, very fine to fine grained; interlaminated dark gray shale.
1739.80 1740.40 0.60 Sandstone, shale clasts, very fine to fine grained; fairly clean; abundant, small (0.02' to 0.05') shale clasts and coal stringers; base sharp.
1740.40 1740.95 0.55 Sandstone, quartz, in tabular beds up to 0.05' thick, interlaminated with zones of interlaminated sandstone and shale; base sharp.
1740.95 1741.30 0.35 Shale, sandy, medium gray; sandy; silty; base sharp at about 30 degrees; scour bottom.
1741.30 1743.50 2.20 Sandstone and shale interbedded, very fine to fine grained; thicker bands quartzose; interbedded to interlaminated with dark gray, sandy shale; occasional, small siderite zones; bedding planar to inclined to about 10 degrees; base sharp.
1743.50 1746.40 2.90 Shale, medium gray; plant fossils, Neuralethopteris sp. at 1743.3', 1745.0', and 1746.04' (sampled); occasional, approximately 30 degree slickensided fractures; Cordaites leaves; Sphenophyllum stem; base gradational and arbitrary on sand influx. (Sampled 1744.2'-1744.3'; 1744.95-1745.10'; 1745.2'-1745.34').
1746.40 1748.08 1.68 Siltstone, medium gray; top and bottom gradational; locally sandy; approximately 30 degree slickensided fractures (joints).
1748.08 1748.42 0.34 Siltstone, sandy, Or very fine grained sandstone; medium gray; graywacke; base gradational.
1748.42 1749.57 1.15 Shale, sandy, medium gray; sandy; locally may be very fine grained, muddy sandstone; base gradational.
1749.57 1751.03 1.46 Siltstone, sandy, medium gray; very sandy locally; locally soft sediment deformation; base gradational.
1751.03 1751.30 0.27 Sandstone, medium gray; very fine grained; graywacke; base gradational.
1751.30 1754.04 2.74 Siltstone, sandy, medium gray; locally very fine grained sandstone; occasional, thin sandstone streaks; base arbitrary.
1754.04 1759.30 5.26 Siltstone, sandy, locally coarsens to very fine grained sandstone; sandstone streaks; approximately 30 degree slickensided fractures.
1759.30 1759.45 0.15 Sandstone, very light gray; fine to medium grained; fairly clean.
1759.45 1760.80 1.35 Siltstone, medium gray; common sandstone streaks; base gradational.
1760.80 1761.05 0.25 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; ripple bedded; base gradational.
1761.05 1761.28 0.23 Siltstone, medium gray; top and bottom gradational.
1761.28 1762.04 0.76 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; planar bedded; base arbitrary on loss of sand.
1762.04 1767.05 5.01 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, medium gray; sandy, with common, very fine grained, sandstone interlaminations; base  arbitrary.
1767.05 1767.20 0.15 Sandstone, light gray; ripple bedded with dark siltstone streaks.
1767.20 1767.72 0.52 Siltstone, medium gray; discontinuous sandstone stringers; base arbitrary on loss of sandstone stringers.
1767.72 1782.85 15.13 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, medium gray; abundant, very fine grained, sandstone laminations; inclined bedding in basal 1-2'; base about 15 degrees.
Pennsylvanian - Mississippian contact.
1782.85 1784.75 1.90 Shale, slickensides, green-gray; bedded; approximately 30 degree slickensided fractures; base arbitrary on addition of irregular ironstone masses.
1784.75 1786.35 1.60 Shale, ironstone nodules, as above with irregular masses of brownish mineral (ankerite?); base arbitrary on loss of ankerite(?).
1786.35 1791.40 5.05 Shale, green-gray; common slickensided fractures; base arbitrary on color.
1791.40 1792.00 0.60 Shale, red, pale red-green; color fades up- and downward.
1792.00 1793.40 1.40 Shale, sandstone streaks, green-gray; occasional sand streaks; slightly calcareous; occasional, small, roundish, calcareous nodules (0.01'- 0.03'); base grades.
1793.40 1795.15 1.75 Sandstone, calcareous, light gray; very fine grained; slightly calcareous; contorted bedding; base sharp.
1795.15 1795.65 0.50 Shale, medium gray; hard; massive; base on color change.
1795.65 1799.55 3.90 Siltstone, calcareous, green-gray; calcareous; thin sandstone stringers; base on color.
1799.55 1799.72 0.17 Shale, red; silty; contact on color.
1799.72 1800.55 0.83 Shale, calcareous, green-gray; calcareous; base on color.
1800.55 1801.60 1.05 Shale, red, green-gray with red overprint; base gradational.
1801.60 1802.63 1.03 Shale, calcareous, slightly sandy; calcareous; base arbitrary.
1802.63 1802.85 0.22 Shale, calcareous nodules, as above; with about 50% nodular calcite masses.
1802.85 1803.85 1.00 Shale, calcareous, green-gray; slightly sandy; calcareous; base arbitrary.
1803.85 1804.05 0.20 Shale, calcareous nodules, green-gray; about 40% roundish calcareous nodules; base arbitrary.
1804.05 1805.60 1.55 Shale, calcareous, green-gray; slightly calcareous; base arbitrary.
1805.60 1805.90 0.30 Shale, mottled green and red.
1805.90 1806.20 0.30 Shale, red with green mottles.
1806.20 1806.60 0.40 Shale, calcareous nodules, green; calcareous streaks.
1806.60 1807.30 0.70 Shale, calcareous nodules, green with red mottles; very small calcareous masses (<<0.01').
1807.30 1808.23 0.93 Shale, red; green mottles and streaks; calcareous.
1808.23 1808.67 0.44 Shale, red; green mottles and streaks; calcareous.
1808.67 1810.53 1.86 Shale, red; green mottles and streaks; calcareous.
1810.53 1810.82 0.29 Shale, red, green, with occasional red streaks; calcareous.
1810.82 1810.89 0.07 Limestone, with thin (0.01'), green shale streaks.
1810.89 1811.45 0.56 Shale, red.
1811.45 1811.60 0.15 Shale, green with thin sandstone streaks.
1811.60 1812.10 0.50 Shale, red, green at top, grading to red in bottom half.
1812.10 1812.95 0.85 Shale, mottled, green gray, with local, very faint, red mottles; hard.
1812.95 1813.60 0.65 Shale, dark gray-green; poorly bedded; rounded white masses that do not fizz; base arbitrary.
1813.60 1815.60 2.00 Shale, dark green-gray; base sharp on color change.
1815.60 1821.28 5.68 Shale, fossiliferous, dark gray-green; well bedded; brachiopod at 1817.48'; small pyrite masses on bedding below 1817.4'; brachiopods and bivalves at 1818.5'; vertical burrows below 1818.6'; occasional shells in bottom 1.0'; base sharp.
1821.28 1821.65 0.37 Shale, fossiliferous, dark gray; sandstone bands; shell hash locally; base sharp.
1821.65 1824.70 3.05 Sandstone, medium gray; graywacke; plant stem fragments to 1821.95'; base sharp.
1824.70 1825.70 1.00 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, Sandstone: light gray, with interlaminated medium gray siltstone; base gradational and arbitrary.
1825.70 1826.90 1.20 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, light gray with medium gray siltstone interlaminations; base arbitrary.
1826.90 1830.40 3.50 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, parallel bands about 0.01' thick with thin, medium gray mud drapes; slightly bioturbated; mica flakes in siltstone bands.
1830.40 1832.05 1.65 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, as above with thicker bands and less siltstone interlaminations; bioturbated; parallel beds; base sharp.
1832.05 1832.50 0.45 Sandstone, quartz, very fine to fine grained; clean; quartzose; medium gray shale stringers; base sharp.
1832.50 1837.55 5.05 Limestone, fossiliferous, medium gray with occasional lighter gray bands; broken shell fragments; base gradational.
1837.55 1838.50 0.95 Limestone, fossiliferous, medium gray; massive; marine fossils to bottom of hole, TD = 1838.5'.
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