WVGES POINT ID: 255-080 USGS POINT ID: USGS6 QUADRANGLE: PINE GROVE (7.5') COUNTY: WETZEL STATE: WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia Coordinates E "1,680,025.00" West Virginia Coordinates N "368,150.00" UTM E: "531,464.50" UTM N: "4,372,701.26" LONGITUDE W "80° 38' 02""" LATITUDE N "39° 30' 19""" ELEVATION FT: 833.00 Barometer TOTAL DEPTH FT: 1838.50 START DATE: 11/4/97 END DATE: 11/20/97 NOTE: "Record of WVGES core hole located in Lewis Wetzel Wildlife Management Area on east side of Buffalo Run about 100 ft. east of Buffalo Run Rd. and 75 ft south of Huss Pen Run, about 2.4 miles south of the railroad crossing in Jacksonburg, Grant District" NOTE: "Drilling contractor: L.J. Hughes and Sons. Driller: George Ritchie, Jim Ritchie, helper. Drilling dates: 11/4/97 to 11/20/97. " NOTE: "Geophysical logging: Marshall Miller and Associates, Inc (11/20/97) and Schlumberger Oilfield Services (12/15/97)." NOTE: "Core logged by: Nick Fedorko, 0.0' to 1712.60' and Mitch Blake, 1712.60' to 1838.50' (TD), aided by Frank T. Dulong, U.S. Geological Survey, 11/11 to 11/14/97 and 11/20/97. "