USGS identifier
USGS7; Geologist core description.
Top (ft) Depth (ft) Thick (ft) Description
0.00 24.70 24.70 Claystone, slickensides, yellow-gray, occasional dark streaks, occasional plant material, locally mottled.
24.70 25.70 1.00 Claystone, slickensides, yellow-gray, occasional dark streaks, mottled red.
25.70 30.00 4.30 Claystone, slickensides, yellow-gray, mottled red, broken at base. Approximately 0.7' core loss.
30.00 34.00 4.00 CORE LOSS
34.00 36.33 2.33 Siltstone, green to light gray, occasional iron streak, very fractured, mica, base sharp on grain size and color.
36.33 36.76 0.43 Siltstone, gray to light green, low angle ripples, mica, occasional iron stain, base sharp on grain size.
36.76 37.85 1.09 Claystone, rotted, gray, occasional fissile zones, fractured, broken to base, iron stained on fractures.
37.85 38.00 0.15 Siltstone, gray to green gray, base sharp.
38.00 38.15 0.15 Siltstone, rooted, gray to green gray, slightly clayey, base sharp.
38.15 39.04 0.89 Siltstone, rooted, gray green.
39.04 40.00 0.96 Claystone, rooted, gray, broken to top, base sharp on core loss. 
40.00 48.00 8.00 CORE LOSS
48.00 48.30 0.30 Siltstone, clayey, gray to light green, slickensides, base sharp.
48.30 48.51 0.21 Siltstone, rooted, light gray to green, mica, base sharp on color.
48.51 48.78 0.27 Siltstone, sandy, brown, iron stained, poorly preserved remnant bedding or diagenetic feature, rooted at top, iron increases to base, base sharp on color, occasional calcite fizz to base.
48.78 49.48 0.70 Sandstone, gray, very fine grained, iron stained, very low angle bedding, mica locally abundant, calcite fizz to top, occasional ripples, base gradational on color and grain size.
49.48 49.77 0.29 Siltstone, brown gray, low angle bedding, occasional very abundant mica, occasional iron stains on bedding, base sharp on color.
49.77 52.34 2.57 Sandstone, gray to green gray, fine grained, low angle bedding, brownish to base, base gradational on color.
52.34 52.63 0.29 Sandstone, brown gray, fine grained, low and bedding to top, rooted to base, base sharp on color/lithology.
52.63 53.56 0.93 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, iron stained red brown, calcareous 52.80' - 53.08', rooted, broken at top, color grades to gray at base, non bedded, mica, base gradational.
53.56 54.69 1.13 Sandstone, gray green, fine grained, soft sediment deformation features at top to 54.16', low angle bedding to 54.60, non bedded with occasional wavy bedded to base, base sharp on lithology.
54.69 56.42 1.73 Siltstone, clayey, gray green, grades to silty claystone at base,  occasional vertical fracture with iron stains, planar bedded, base sharp on lithology.
56.42 57.15 0.73 Shale, green, fissile, occasional very small slickensides, base on color.
57.15 58.86 1.71 Shale, rooted, red brown, fissile, slickensides, mottled, base sharp on color.
58.86 60.00 1.14 Shale, rooted, yellow green, broken, base sharp.
60.00 61.62 1.62 Claystone, rooted, red gradational change to brown yellow at base, well preserved root at base, mottled, paleosol, base gradational on color and grain size.
61.62 64.06 2.44 Claystone, gray green, silty, slickensides at top, very fractures at top, silty to middle, clayey to base, rooted, base gradational on lithology.
64.06 64.92 0.86 Claystone, gray, fissile, shaley, base gradational.
64.92 66.46 1.54 Claystone, gray, well preserved bedding.
66.46 67.66 1.20 Claystone, gray, silty, base gradational on lithology.
67.66 74.56 6.90 Shale, gray, very fissile, clayey, silty 71.60' - 71.80', increasing clay to base, plant fossil at 71.90', base sharp on lithology.
74.56 76.76 2.20 Siltstone, gray, non bedded, massive, base gradational.
76.76 76.98 0.22 Siltstone, gray, grades to claystone at base, massive bedded, base sharp on lithology.
76.98 77.32 0.34 Claystone, gray, well bedded, base sharp.
77.32 78.00 0.68 Claystone, gray, silty, occasional mica, base sharp on lithology.
78.00 78.85 0.85 Shale, gray, claystone slightly silty to base, well bedded (fissile) base sharp on lithology.
78.85 80.00 1.15 Siltstone, gray, occasional very thin clay layers, base sharp on lithology.
80.00 88.06 8.06 Claystone, gray grading to green at middle to red at base, silty zone 80.60' - 81.30', occasional slickensides, mottled to base, base sharp on lithology.
88.06 95.81 7.75 Claystone, silty, abundant calcite nodules throughout, occasional red streak, occasional slickensides, mottle 88.50', poorly bedded in places with nodules, base sharp on color.
95.81 100.00 4.19 Claystone, gray, mottled red, especially to base, small slickensides, base sharp on color.
100.00 101.09 1.09 Claystone, rooted, red, mottled gray, occasional slickensides,  base sharp on color.
101.09 102.23 1.14 Claystone, dark gray, slickensides, broken in places,  paleosol, base sharp on color.
102.23 105.74 3.51 Claystone, gray, silty, rooted, occasional slickensides, base gradational.
105.74 109.37 3.63 Siltstone, clayey, grades to a siltstone at base, planar bedded with occasional small ripples to base, base gradational on lithology.
109.37 110.93 1.56 Sandstone, gray to light gray, fine grained, massive,    planar bedded 110.20' - 110.40', base sharp, slightly inclined.
110.93 114.30 3.37 Sandstone, light gray to gray, medium grained, massive, occasional mica.
114.30 115.03 0.73 Sandstone, light gray to gray, medium grained, angular bedding at 20 - 30 degrees.
115.03 115.53 0.50 Sandstone, light gray to gray, medium grained, flat bedded.
115.53 117.06 1.53 Sandstone, gray to light gray, medium grained, angular bedded at 20 degrees.
117.06 120.41 3.35 Sandstone, light gray to gray, medium grained, massive, occasional mica.
120.41 121.07 0.66 Sandstone, light gray to gray, medium grained, low angle bedding.
121.07 130.20 9.13 Sandstone, light gray to gray, massive to low angle bedding, occasional silty streaks to base in bottom 0.20', locally micaceous.
130.20 132.00 1.80 Shale and claystone interbedded, gray, occasional silty and slickensides, base sharp.
132.00 132.54 0.54 Claystone, gray, massive, sideritic zone, base sharp.
132.54 134.24 1.70 Claystone, slickensides, gray, shaley, base sharp.
134.24 134.48 0.24 Siltstone, medium gray, top and bottom slightly angular and sharp, massive.
134.48 139.08 4.60 Claystone, slickensides, gray grading to dark gray, slightly silty, carbonaceous shale 139.03' - 139.15', base sharp on coal.
Allegheny Formation 139.10-469.20 (330.10'), Elv.= 1094.65'.
Upper Freeport coal bed 139.08-141.02 (1.94'), Elv.= 1094.65'.
139.08 139.17 0.09 Coal, impure, abundant carbonaceous shale lenses and layers, slickensided, containing thin coal stringers and pyritized fusains, angular, erosional top and bottom.
139.17 139.31 0.14 Coal, clarain, dull, disrupted by large pyritized fusain lenses      up to 0.02' thick.
139.31 139.37 0.06 Coal, fusain, soft, partially pyritized, also filled with clays, 0.03' x 0.10' fusain fragments.
139.37 139.52 0.15 Bone, containing abundant fusain lenses up to 0.03' thick, mineralized with clays and abundant pyrite, common 1mm vitrain bands in upper half, angular sharp lower contact (large fusain lens?).
139.52 139.69 0.17 Coal, clarain, dull, very abundant and thick fusain lenses up to 0.02' thick mineralized with clays and pyrite, abundance of fusains disrupts bedding.
139.69 140.02 0.33 Coal, clarain, dull, common pyrite layers and pyritized fusain lenses.
140.02 140.18 0.16 Coal, clarain, dull, hard.
140.18 140.22 0.04 Bone, common 1mm carbonaceous shales and 1 - 2 mm clarain bands, gradational top.
140.22 140.26 0.04 Bone, 1mm x <1mm lenses and angular fragments of tan kaolinite, gradational top and bottom.
140.26 140.29 0.03 Coal, clarain, dull, gradational top and bottom.
140.29 140.34 0.05 Bone, 1mm x <1mm lenses and angular fragments of tan kaolinite, gradational top and bottom.
140.34 140.43 0.09 Bone, common very thin vitrain stringers and common 1mm pyritized fusain lenses.
140.43 140.59 0.16 Coal, clarain, dull
140.59 140.62 0.03 Bone, 1mm x <1mm lenses and angular fragments of tan kaolinite, gradational top and bottom.
140.62 140.64 0.02 Bone, gradational top.
140.64 140.70 0.06 Shale, slickensides, medium gray, grades into parting below, irregular top.
140.70 140.78 0.08 Shale, black, very carbonaceous, interbedded with 0.01 -  0.02' bone lenses.
140.78 140.83 0.05 Coal, impure, interbedded 1 - 3mm dull clarain, bone coal and dark gray shale bands.
140.83 140.94 0.11 Coal, clarain, dull, sharp base, gradational top.
140.94 140.97 0.03 Shale, slickensides, medium gray, barren.
140.97 141.02 0.05 Coal, clarain, dull, sharp bottom and top.
141.02 141.68 0.66 Claystone, slickensides, dark gray, occasional root, base broken.
141.68 143.82 2.14 Claystone, rooted, gray, broken, slickensides, base on competency of lower unit.
143.82 146.00 2.18 Claystone, rooted, gray, silty to base, slickensides, base sharp on lithology.
146.00 146.58 0.58 Siltstone, gray, massive, base sharp on lithology.
146.58 150.13 3.55 Shale and claystone interbedded, gray, occasional slightly silty and small slickensides, base gradational
150.13 150.44 0.31 Siltstone, medium gray, extra dense (siderite?), massive, base sharp on lithology.
150.44 150.70 0.26 Shale, dark gray, clayey, occasional small slickensides, base sharp and angular on lithology.
150.70 152.00 1.30 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, gray, fine grained, low angle bedding, occasional ripples, occasional clayey zone, siderite rich zone 150.79' - 150.89'.
152.00 156.49 4.49 Claystone, medium gray, shaley, occasional poorly developed slickensides, siderite rich zone 155.75' - 156.00'.
156.49 158.25 1.76 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray, increasing clay to center, slightly silty at top, base sharp on lithology.
158.25 161.22 2.97 Claystone, rooted, medium to dark gray, slickensides, paleosol, base angular and sharp.
161.22 164.56 3.34 Claystone, slickensides, gray, slightly silty, siderite zone 161.50' - 162.00', mottled, base gradational on lithology.
164.56 165.05 0.49 Siltstone, clayey, gray, base gradational on color.
165.05 166.59 1.54 Sandstone, fine grained, silty, massive at top grading to low angle cross beds at base, base sharp on color and lithology.
166.59 166.81 0.22 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, medium gray, low angled cross bedding, base sharp on lithology.
166.81 166.86 0.05 Ironstone, siderite parting, base sharp.
166.86 166.93 0.07 Shale, clayey, base sharp on lithology.
166.93 169.05 2.12 Siltstone, clayey, increasingly silty to base, very low angle ripples, base on lithology.
169.05 172.75 3.70 Claystone, rooted, medium gray, slickensided, base on color.
172.75 173.25 0.50 Shale, carbonaceous, black, coaly, base on color.
173.25 175.28 2.03 Claystone, rooted, medium gray, slickensides, base on lithology.
175.28 176.29 1.01 Siltstone, sandy, slightly clayey at base, low angle ripples.
176.29 179.20 2.91 Claystone, medium gray to dark gray, slightly silty at top, slickensided to base, coal at base removed.
Number 6 Block coal bed, 179.20-180.00 (0.80'), Elv.= 1054.53'.
179.20 180.00 0.80 Coal, removed by Penn Coal Corporation.
180.00 182.00 2.00 Claystone, slickensides, gray, slightly silty, base on lithology.
182.00 184.07 2.07 Flint clay, brecciated, base on lithology.
184.07 185.22 1.15 Claystone, medium gray, silty, occasional slickensides, base on lithology.
185.22 186.00 0.78 Claystone, medium gray, occasional silty, base on lithology.
186.00 186.48 0.48 Siltstone, medium gray, low angle bedding, occasional cross beds, base on lithology.
186.48 187.46 0.98 Shale, medium gray, clayey to base, base gradational on lithology.
187.46 189.49 2.03 Siltstone, gray, occasional siderite zone, massive, horizontal planar bedding, base gradational on lithology.
189.49 196.00 6.51 Shale, rooted, medium gray, occasionally silty streaks, occasional siderite zone throughout and slickensides, base on lithology.
196.00 199.05 3.05 Shale, medium gray, clayey, increasing clay to top, occasional slickensides at top, very occasional plant fragments, base on lithology.
199.05 200.82 1.77 Claystone, medium dark gray, occasional plant fragments, occasional slickensides, occasional pyrite.
200.82 204.28 3.46 Shale, medium gray, clayey, occasional siderite nodules to top, slickensides, base on color.
204.28 204.45 0.17 Claystone, slickensides, black, base gradational on color.
204.45 205.27 0.82 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray, paleosol, base on color.
205.27 205.75 0.48 Claystone, medium dark gray, base gradational on color.
205.75 210.00 4.25 Claystone, rooted, medium gray, occasional black streaks, slickensides, very slightly silty to base, base gradational on lithology.
210.00 211.63 1.63 Shale, silty, medium gray, grading to shaley siltstone at base, occasional plant fragments, base gradational on lithology.
211.63 211.94 0.31 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, low angle bedding, grades to shale below.
211.94 213.68 1.74 Shale, medium gray, slightly silty, occasional pyrite, plant fragments, plant fossils at 212.45', pyrite on woody fossil fragments, base on lithology.
213.68 214.22 0.54 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, wavy bedded, occasional ripples, base gradational on lithology and color.
214.22 216.40 2.18 Shale, black, siderite nodules in upper 2/3, occasional coaly zones, plant fragments, roots, occasional poorly developed slickensides, possible seed near coal 216.30', coaly base, occasional pyrite, base on coal.
216.40 216.60 0.20 Shale, coal horizon, dark gray, with minor 1mm vitrain stringers and 2mm fusains dispersed throughout, poorly bedded, slickensided.
216.60 217.55 0.95 Claystone, rooted, medium gray, underclay, very well developed slickensides, slightly silty to base, base gradational on lithology.
217.55 218.00 0.45 Claystone, rooted, medium gray, silty, occasional slickensides, massive, base on lithology.
218.00 218.66 0.66 Siltstone, gray to medium gray, bioturbated (soft sediment deformation?), scattered iron nodules 0.04', base angular on bedding.
218.66 219.28 0.62 Siltstone, dark and light banded, ripples, low angled bedding, iron rich concretions of 0.02', base gradational on color.
219.28 220.27 0.99 Siltstone, sandy, low angle bedding, ripples, thinly bedded, base gradational.
220.27 221.26 0.99 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, low angle ripples, dark silty streaks, possible burrows.
221.26 223.98 2.72 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, very low angled bedding, grades to massive.
223.98 224.95 0.97 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, massive.
224.95 226.32 1.37 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, low angle to planar bedded, occasional dark streaks.
226.32 227.34 1.02 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, massive.
227.34 231.02 3.68 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine to fine/medium grained, massive with occasional low angled silty streaks increasing to base, occasional mica rich partings, base on lithology.
231.02 231.10 0.08 Siltstone, sandy, mixed with clay, abundant clayey? ironstone? concretions with long axis parallel to bedding, occasional mica and rooted, base gradational.
231.10 231.39 0.29 Sandstone, gray to medium gray, low angled bedding, dark streaks, occasional abundant mica, base on lithology.
231.39 231.55 0.16 Sandstone, storm lag, sandstone with underlying claystone ripups, abundant iron or clay nodules, base wavy.
231.55 232.08 0.53 Shale, dark gray, occasional slickensides, base gradational on color.
232.08 233.44 1.36 Claystone, very dark gray, sulfur "fuzz" on bedding plane, coaly, fossil -fragments abundant, increasing slickensides to base, base sharp on color.
233.44 236.96 3.52 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray, slightly silty, occasional siderite nodules, occasional coaly plant fragments, rooted, occasional iron nodules scattered throughout.
236.96 237.23 0.27 Shale, black, slightly coaly, base sharp on color and lithology.
237.23 239.73 2.50 Shale,  medium dark gray, occasional plant fossils, occasional iron streaks, plant fossils, base sharp on color.
239.73 240.55 0.82 Shale, black, abundant plant fragments, occasional coaly zones, plant fossils, base on coal.
Upper Number 5 Block coal bed 240.55-241.70' (1.15'), Elv.= 993.18'.
240.55 240.66 0.11 Shale, black, very carbonaceous, few coal fragments, abundant pyritized stem imprints and 1 - 4mm angular light gray shale clasts.
240.66 240.74 0.08 Shale, black, very carbonaceous, large stem imprints and minor pyrite lenses.
240.74 240.83 0.09 Bone, common very thin vitrain bands, sharp top, gradational bottom.
240.83 241.03 0.20 Coal, clarain, dull, minor pyrite lenses, few bone coal layers.
241.03 241.08 0.05 Coal, clarain, dull, abundant soft fusain lenses.
241.08 241.11 0.03 Bone, common very finely disseminated pyrite crystals.
241.11 241.13 0.02 Coal, fusain, very soft.
241.13 241.20 0.07 Coal, clarain, dull, hard, very thinly banded.
241.20 241.22 0.02 Coal, fusain, partly pyritized.
241.22 241.32 0.10 Coal, clarain, dull, hard, very thinly banded, very abundant pyritized fusains.
241.32 241.35 0.03 Bone, very thin vitrain stringers, top and bottom gradational.
241.35 241.43 0.08 Coal, clarain, dull, hard, conchoidal fracture, common very thin  pyritized fusains.
241.43 241.44 0.01 Coal, fusain, pyritized.
241.44 241.47 0.03 Coal, clarain, dull, with abundant pyritized fusains.
241.47 241.57 0.10 Coal, clarain, dull, hard, conchoidal fracture, gradational top and bottom.
241.57 241.59 0.02 Shale, black, seat rock, bony, large Stigmaria at top with abundant bands of pyrite on Stigmaria.
241.59 241.70 0.11 Shale, dark gray, seat rock, contains common 1 mm vitrain fragments and common 1 - 3mm angular medium gray shale clasts, few large stem imprints containing pyrite on bedding.
241.70 242.68 0.98 Shale, very dark gray, occasional pyritized plant fragments, pyrite abundant throughout, coaly streaks, slickensides to base, base gradational "mixed with lower unit".
242.68 245.19 2.51 Siltstone, rooted, medium gray, occasional coaly fragments, base on  lithology and color.
245.19 248.60 3.41 Sandstone, silty, light to light medium gray, grades to fine grained sandstone at base, bioturbated/mixed at top, grades to low angle bedding at base, occasional dark streaks, occasional very thin coaly fragments, mica rich partings, occasional poorly preserved plant fragments, base gradational.
248.60 250.00 1.40 Sandstone, fine grained, abundant dark claystone rip ups, occasional slickensides in clays, occasional mica rich zones, base on lithology, possible core loss (pieces do not fit together).
250.00 253.92 3.92 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, massive to 251.88', low angled bedding from 251.88 to base, with silty streaks, occasional mica rich parting, base gradational.
253.92 254.33 0.41 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, abundant rounded shale pebbles to 254.11', occasionally imbricated, storm deposit, base gradational.
254.33 254.82 0.49 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, low angle bedding, dark silty streaks, base sharp on lithology.
254.82 256.25 1.43 Claystone, slickensides, dark gray, silty to base, occasional iron stained clay pebbles at bottom 0.05', base sharp on lithology.
256.25 256.88 0.63 Sandstone, gray, fine to medium grained, massive.
256.88 257.90 1.02 Sandstone, gray, fine to medium grained, occasional low angle beds with abundant clay rip up clasts < 0.01'.
257.90 258.57 0.67 Sandstone, light medium gray, fine to medium grained, low angled bedding.
258.57 260.15 1.58 Sandstone, gray, fine to medium grained, low angled bedding, occasional soft sediment deformation.
260.15 261.31 1.16 Sandstone, gray, fine to medium grained, low angled bedding.
261.31 261.51 0.20 Sandstone, medium gray, fine to medium grained, abundant siltstones mixed with sand, occasional clay streaks.
261.51 262.92 1.41 Sandstone, gray, fine to medium grained, massive at top, mixed with streaks and pebbles at base, base sharp on lithology.
262.92 263.19 0.27 Sandstone, medium gray, abundant clay streaks, base sharp and angular.
263.19 264.04 0.85 Sandstone, hard, light gray, scattered 0.02' pebbles, occasional low angle bedding, base gradational.
264.04 281.25 17.21 Sandstone, hard, light gray, fine to medium grained, massive, occasional faint, base sharp on lithology.
281.25 281.55 0.30 Sandstone, hard, very well cemented, dense (iron or siderite cement?) fossil fragments.
281.55 285.77 4.22 Siltstone, dark gray, slickensides, clayey, plant stems, base sharp on lithology.
285.77 287.42 1.65 Claystone, medium gray, silty, occasional carbonaceous plant fragments, base gradational.
287.42 289.79 2.37 Claystone, dark gray, slightly silty, very small carbonaceous  plant fragments, occasional slickensides, increasingly silty to base, base gradational.
289.79 290.27 0.48 Siltstone, medium gray, base wavy.
290.27 301.75 11.48 Sandstone, hard, light gray, fine grained, occasional stylolites, massive except for 293.30' - 294.80' where the sample is low angle-bedded, mica rich partings, mica concurrent with stylolites.
301.75 303.75 2.00 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, abundant coal spars, occasional clay streaks <0.011, locally abundant mica, base gradational.
303.75 317.79 14.04 Sandstone, coal clasts, gray, fine to medium grained, massive, base gradational on grain size.
317.79 319.00 1.21 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, occasional silty streaks and coaly plant material, bedding at 15 degrees, base sharp on grain size and color.
319.00 320.40 1.40 Sandstone, light gray to white, fine grained, grading at base, occasional silty streaks to base, base sharp.
320.40 320.61 0.21 Sandstone, white, greenish, coarse grained, extremely micaceous, lithic, hard, contains common interstitial pyrite blebs.
320.61 320.71 0.10 Sandstone, hard, pink, fine grained, very micaceous, well cemented, containing extremely abundant interstitial pyrite blebs.
Number 5 Block coal bed 320.71-327.16' (6.45'), Elv.= 913.33'.
320.71 320.83 0.12 Bone, black, shaley with minor disseminated vitrain fragments, few pyritized fusains, with 0.01' black shale at top very rich in pyrite and gradational base and sharp erosional top contact with sandstone.
320.83 321.60 0.77 Coal, clarain, dull and bright (50:50) with abundant 0.01' - 0.03' soft fusain layers.
321.60 321.90 0.30 Bone, black, shaley with minor disseminated vitrain fragments.
321.90 323.15 1.25 Coal, clarain, dull, abundant thin fusains, contains occasional 0.02' vitrain bands and 0.02' bone coal layers.
323.15 323.40 0.25 Bone, containing very thin carbonaceous shales and small pyrite lenses, common, 0.01' - 0.03' vitrain bands at angles to bedding and contains 0.11' black shale, very carbonaceous with common small plant fragments, slickensided, shale lenticular in core with top and bottom at angles to bedding.
323.40 323.99 0.59 Coal, clarain, dull, abundant thin fusains, contains 0.17' bone coal with slickensides and small pyrite disks on bedding.
323.99 324.42 0.43 Shale, fire clay, dark gray, soft, carbonaceous, poorly bedded, slickensided, with abundant small stem fragments and rare 1mm megaspores.
324.42 324.84 0.42 Coal, clarain, dull, with abundant soft thin fusains, slickensided.
324.84 325.97 1.13 Shale, light gray green, sandy, micaceous, common light gray sandstone lenses with disrupted bedding, coal fragments as large and small stems at angles to bedding, one large Stigmaria. Also 0.27' ganister, extremely hard, well cemented with matte fracture surfaces, black, non bedded with cm size plant fragments at randomly orientation,  in contact with 0.01' coal, probably at top of parting.
325.97 327.16 1.19 Coal, clarain, dull with very abundant 0.01' soft fusains.
327.16 327.50 0.34 Shale, medium gray green, sandy, micaceous, carbonaceous with large and small stem fragments at angles to bedding, poorly bedded.
327.50 331.20 3.70 Siltstone, medium gray, poorly developed slickensides, massive, occasional roots, base sharp on color.
331.20 333.92 2.72 Siltstone, sandy, gray, siltstone dark gray, low and bedding, occasional ripples, base sharp on lithology.
333.92 337.81 3.89 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, silty streaks, occasional ripples, occasional mica, base gradational.
337.81 341.26 3.45 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, gray, well developed ripples, occasional burrows, base gradational on lithology.
341.26 344.00 2.74 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, silty streaks, low angle bedding at 15 degrees, occasional ripples increasing to base, base sharp on lithology.
344.00 344.33 0.33 Siltstone, sandy, gray, low angle bedding, base gradational.
344.33 344.83 0.50 Sandstone, gray, siltstone streaks, increasing silt to top, base sharp on color.
344.83 347.00 2.17 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, gray, rippled, base sharp on color and bedding.
347.00 355.48 8.48 Sandstone, siltstone streaks abundant and increasing to base, base arbitrary.
355.48 358.98 3.50 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, gray, ripples, base gradational on color and amount of silt.
358.98 361.91 2.93 Siltstone, gray, sandstone streaks, very occasional plant fragments, base sharp on lithology.
361.91 364.84 2.93 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, abundant coal spars, occasional small clay pebbles, locally micaceous, pebbles increasing to base, base sharp on grain size.
364.84 365.38 0.54 Sandstone, coal clasts, light gray, medium grained, porous, massive, base arbitrary.
365.38 367.50 2.12 Sandstone, light gray, medium grained, massive, base arbitrary.
367.50 368.63 1.13 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, abundant coal spars and streaks, base sharp on lithology.
368.63 370.14 1.51 Siltstone, medium gray, occasional sandy streaks, low angle bedding, occasional plant fragments, base sharp on lithology.
370.14 370.48 0.34 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, finer to base, bedding poorly preserved, base sharp on lithology.
370.48 370.63 0.15 Siltstone, sandstone streaks, low angle to planar bedding, base sharp on lithology.
370.63 372.17 1.54 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, high angle bedding, base sharp on lithology.
372.17 373.12 0.95 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, siltstone streaks, low angle bedding at 10 degrees.
373.12 373.75 0.63 Sandstone, light gray, abundant dark silty streaks, more silty to base, base sharp on lithology.
373.75 375.81 2.06 Siltstone, dark gray, slickensides low angle to planar bedded, occasional coaly spars and plant fragments, occasionally clayey, base sharp on lithology.
Little Number 5 Block coal bed 375.81-376.40' (0.59'), Elv.= 857.92'
375.81 376.40 0.59 Coal, clarain, dull with common fusains, extremely fragmented in core, further description not possible.
376.40 382.06 5.66 Claystone, slickensides, dark gray to black, rooted, increasing clay to base, base gradational on lithology.
382.06 384.60 2.54 Siltstone, sandy, dark gray, rippled, occasional plant fragments.
384.60 385.90 1.30 Shale, medium gray, plant fragments, well preserved plant  fossils, coaly zones to base.
385.90 386.00 0.10 Shale, black, carbonaceous, fossil fragments.
386.00 388.22 2.22 Coal, removed by Penn Coal Corporation.
388.22 390.00 1.78 Claystone, rooted, medium to dark gray, slickensides, base sharp on lithology.
390.00 407.52 17.52 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, occasional silty streaks, low angle bedding, locally abundant mica partings, base gradational on lithology.
407.52 408.90 1.38 Sandstone, light gray, abundant clay pebbles at top, silty, abundant coaly rip ups 0.05 by 0.10' throughout, ripples, base sharp and angular.
408.90 408.99 0.09 Sandstone, fine grained, very abundant imbricated clay pebbles, base sharp.
408.99 409.69 0.70 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, low angle bedding, abundant thin organic streaks, locally micaceous, clay rip ups to base < 0.051, base sharp on lithology.
409.69 410.15 0.46 Siltstone, medium gray, low angle bedding, base sharp on coal.
Stockton A coal bed 410.15-411.07' (0.92'), Elv.= 823.58'.
410.15 410.30 0.15 Coal, clarain, dull, hard with abundant fusains at top 0.06'.
410.30 410.38 0.08 Coal, clarain, bright, sharp base, gradational top.
410.38 410.63 0.25 Coal, dull, durain, very hard, medium density with 0.03' bands of dull clarain and canneloid bone near base.
410.63 410.70 0.07 Bone, canneloid, medium density, sharp base, gradational  top.
410.70 410.75 0.05 Bone, medium density, with minor thin vitrain bands and thin fusains at top and bottom.
410.75 411.07 0.32 Coal, clarain, bright.
411.07 411.35 0.28 Claystone, rooted, medium dark gray, slickensides, base sharp on color.
411.35 414.24 2.89 Claystone, rooted, medium gray, slickensided, plant fragments, slightly coaly to base, base sharp on lithology and color.
414.24 414.68 0.44 Shale, carbonaceous, black, clayey to base, base sharp on lithology.
414.68 418.17 3.49 Siltstone, medium gray, ripple beds, clay to top, base gradational.
418.17 419.75 1.58 Siltstone, dark gray, low angle bedding, clayey to base, occasional plant material, base arbitrary.
419.75 421.54 1.79 Shale, medium gray, clayey, plant material, occasional poorly developed slickensides, increasing clay to base, base gradational on lithology.
421.54 427.00 5.46 Siltstone, gray, low angle bedding, sandstone streaks to base, slightly clayey, base sharp on lithology.
427.00 427.44 0.44 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, abundant <<0.01' siderite nodules, low angle bedding, base arbitrary.
427.44 429.44 2.00 Sandstone, fine to medium gray, low angle bedding, scattered clay streaks, very small siderite nodules, increasing siderite to base, clean, base sharp on lithology.
429.44 429.78 0.34 Siltstone, medium gray, low angle bedding, occasional siderite blebs, base sharp on lithology.
429.78 430.00 0.22 Sandstone, fine grained, base sharp on lithology.
430.00 430.38 0.38 Siltstone, gray, base sharp on lithology.
430.38 433.50 3.12 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, massive.
433.50 437.30 3.80 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine to medium grained, low angle bedding at 15 degrees.
437.30 441.10 3.80 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine to medium grained, massive.
441.10 449.30 8.20 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine to medium grained, faint low angle bedding.
449.30 454.59 5.29 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine to medium grained, abundant siderite blebs.
454.59 458.47 3.88 Sandstone, light gray to gray, fine to medium grained, occasional siderite zones to base.
Stockton coal bed rider 458.47-458.80' (0.33'), Elv.= 775.26'.
458.47 458.51 0.04 Bone, containing very abundant 0.01 x 0.02'  pyrite lenses and bands.
458.51 458.62 0.11 Bone, common very thin carbonaceous shales.
458.62 458.70 0.08 Coal, clarain, dull with several 1 - 2mm vitrain bands.
458.70 458.80 0.10 Bone, with common black shales containing stem and Stigmaria imprints, with abundant pyrite lenses and bands in upper 0.03'.
458.80 458.90 0.10 Shale, dark gray, silty, common stem and Stigmaria imprints.
458.90 469.19 10.29 Shale, light gray green, massive.
Kanawha Formation 469.19-570.00 (100.81'), Elv.= 764.53'.
469.19 469.33 0.14 Bone, abundant thin black shales and single 2mm vitrain band.
469.33 474.33 5.00 Shale, dark gray, massive.
Stockton coal bed 474.33-476.40' (2.07'), Elv.= 759.90'.
474.33 474.35 0.02 Bone, sharp top, abundant pyrite on top of coal.
474.35 474.40 0.05 Coal, clarain, bright, numerous 1mm vitrain bands.
474.40 474.45 0.05 Bone, finely laminated, conchoidal fracture, low density.
474.45 474.58 0.13 Coal, clarain, dull, attrital, low density.
474.58 474.63 0.05 Bone, thinly laminated with very thin carbonaceous shales with stem imprints.
474.63 474.70 0.07 Coal, clarain, bright.
474.70 474.76 0.06 Bone, occasional 1mm vitrain bands, thinly laminated with carbonaceous shales and stem imprints, angular, erosional? base on shale below.
474.76 475.22 0.46 Shale, dark gray, occasional stem imprints and leaf fragments, slickensides, contains 1 x 3cm oval lenses of light gray shale in upper part.
475.22 475.28 0.06 Bone, slickensided, irregular thickness.
475.28 475.30 0.02 Coal, clarain, dull, abundant pyrite on top surface.
475.30 475.37 0.07 Bone, common thin vitrains, slickensided base.
475.37 475.40 0.03 Bone, common black shale lenses, slickensided.
475.40 475.44 0.04 Coal, clarain, dull.
475.44 476.23 0.79 Shale, dark gray, poorly bedded, large stem and small leaf trash, slickensided, angular base.
476.23 476.25 0.02 Shale, black, common lenses of medium gray shale and 0.01' thick bone layers, slickensided.
476.25 476.27 0.02 Shale, black, bony with stem imprints.
476.27 476.37 0.10 Coal, clarain, dull with minor fusain lenses, slickensided base, sharp top.
476.37 476.40 0.03 Bone, common thin discontinuous black shale lenses, 2mm megaspores on top, slickensided bottom and irregular top.
476.40 478.28 1.88 Claystone, slickensides, dark gray, rooted, becomes sandy to base, plant fragments, grades to light gray.
478.28 497.33 19.05 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, overall massive except for occasional faint low angle bedding, occasional coaly clasts to base, locally micaceous, base sharp on coal streaks.
497.33 498.54 1.21 Sandstone, coal clasts, clayey pebbles approximately 0.031 x 0.15', base gradational.
498.54 499.38 0.84 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, faint low angle bedding, occasional rounded shale pebbles approximately 0.05', base arbitrary.
499.38 501.00 1.62 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, angled wavy bedding, occasional coal clasts, micaceous, shale pebbles, possible stylolites, base arbitrary.
501.00 501.73 0.73 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, shale pebbles, faint low angle bedding, base arbitrary.
501.73 502.93 1.20 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, low angle bedding, locally micaceous, stylolites, hard, occasional clayey, base sharp on lithology.
502.93 503.15 0.22 Siltstone, sandy, gray to medium gray, planar to low angle bedding, thin coaly streaks.
503.15 506.11 2.96 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, massive, occasional small shale pebbles, occasional thin clayey spars and coaly spars, base sharp.
506.11 506.47 0.36 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, thin coaly streaks and clasts, large lobate shale pebbles, low angle to wavy bedding, base sharp and inclined.
506.47 507.60 1.13 Sandstone, light gray, medium grained, massive, occasional thin coaly clasts to base and shale pebbles, base sharp on grain size.
507.60 509.54 1.94 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, low angle bedding, slightly micaceous, coaly -fragments to base, occasional dark silty streaks, base sharp on grain size.
509.54 510.50 0.96 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, low angle bedding, small shale pebbles and coal clasts/streaks, base arbitrary.
510.50 511.91 1.41 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, abundant coaly streaks and clasts, locally micaceous, base sharp on lithology.
511.91 513.79 1.88 Sandstone, light gray, fine to medium grained, low angle bedding, thin silty streaks increasing to base, base arbitrary.
513.79 515.50 1.71 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, massive, occasional low angle bedding at base, base sharp on grain size.
515.50 524.05 8.55 Sandstone, hard, light gray, fine grained, locally micaceous, massive with occasional faint low angle bedding.
524.05 528.16 4.11 Sandstone, hard, light gray, abundant thin clayey and coaly streaks and clasts, occasional shale and coaly pebbles approximately 0.10', locally micaceous, base gradational.
528.16 530.08 1.92 Sandstone, hard, light gray, fine grained, mixed with abundant shale rip ups, coaly fragments storm deposit, increasing shaley to base, 0.50' shale rip ups to base with slickensides, coaly stuff at top, base sharp and angular.
530.08 535.50 5.42 Claystone, medium dark gray, occasional plant fossil, occasional slickensides to base, carbonaceous plant material to base, base sharp on coal.
535.50 535.88 0.38 Sandstone, light gray, very fine grained, micaceous with common large stems with vitrain bands, very finely laminated with wavy bedding.
Coalburg coal bed 535.88-538.85' (2.97'), Elv.= 697.85'.
535.88 536.71 0.83 Coal, clarain, dull with common fusain bands and 0.30' bright clarain.
536.71 536.96 0.25 Bone, abundant very thin medium gray shale bands, very slickensided.
536.96 537.49 0.53 Claystone, medium gray, slickensided, with small plant trash and 0.03' bone parting layer.
537.49 538.85 1.36 Coal, clarain, bright with very abundant soft fusain bands.
538.85 539.20 0.35 Sandstone, medium gray, fine to medium grained, micaceous with common fragments of stems and roots.
539.20 540.90 1.70 Claystone, rooted, medium gray, well developed slickensides, Stigmaria, plant fragments, slightly silty to base, base gradational on lithology.
540.90 544.87 3.97 Siltstone, medium gray, clayey, occasional plant fragments, poorly bedded, increasing silty to base, base gradational on lithology.
544.87 547.24 2.37 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, dark gray, fine grained, increasing silty to base, low angle bedding to top, occasional clayey rip ups to base, base sharp on lithology.
547.24 549.18 1.94 Sandstone, gray, fine grained, occasional silty streaks increasing to base, scattered coaly spars, low angle to wavy bedding, shale rip up zone at 548.17', base sharp on grain size.
549.18 550.50 1.32 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, faint low angle bedding, base sharp on lithology.
550.50 550.75 0.25 Siltstone, gray, low angle and rippled, coal spar at base, base sharp on lithology.
550.75 570.00 19.25 Sandstone, light gray, fine grained, massive 550.751 - 553.151', faint low angle bedding to massive, increasing locally abundant mica to base, very small coal clasts, clay streaks, silty streaks, increasing coal streaks and silty 569.70' to base.
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