USGS identifier
USGS8; Geologist core description.
Top (ft) Depth (ft) Thick (ft) Description
0.00 21.00 21.00 Rotary drilled and cased to 21'. Later cased to 99'.
21.00 24.90 3.90 Mudstone, red, dark gray-red with common, distinct, fine-to-coarse, very strongly calcareous glaebules in a noncalcareous matrix; broken at top; coarse subangular fragments; clear lower contact with color change (paleosol B horizon).
24.90 25.53 0.63 Mudstone, mottled, light gray-green with many, distinct, coarse, red-gray mottles; many, coarse, very strongly calcareous glaebules; clear lower contact with loss of red mottles (paleosol B horizon).
25.53 29.55 4.02 Mudstone, calcareous nodules, light gray-green with many, distinct, fine-to-coarse, very strongly calcareous glaebules in a noncalcareous matrix; slightly bedded; iron stains on joint faces; gradual lower contact with increasing silt and 3and (paleosol B and BC horizons).
29.55 36.15 6.60 Siltstone, light gray-green; broken by drilling; abundant iron stains and calcite crystals on near-vertical joints; sandy streaks from 33.30' to 33.80'; few, medium-to-coarse, strongly calcareous glaebules from 31.60'to 34.65'; many strongly calcareous glaebules from 34.65' to base; abrupt lower contact.
36.15 40.23 4.08 Shale, mottled, interbedded gray-red and light gray-green; few, faint, coarse, light gray-green; mottles in the red zones; few, faint, coarse, red mottles in the light gray-green zones; few, faint, very thin, calcareous streaks down to 38.00'; clear lower contact.
40.23 41.30 1.07 Siltstone, light gray-green; clear lower contact.
41.30 44.68 3.38 Shale, red, interbedded red and light gray; poorly bedded; clear lower contact.
44.68 58.10 13.42 Mudstone, red, medium gray-red to 47.00'; red with common, distinct, fine-to-coarse, light gray and olive mottles from 47.00' to base; light gray-green mottles in basal 1.0'; common slickensides throughout; few, faint, medium, calcareous glaebules in basal 2.00'; abrupt lower contact (paleosol B horizon).
58.10 61.00 2.90 Siltstone, sandy, light gray-green; few, faint, coarse, calcareous glaebules in top 0.20'.
61.00 63.00 2.00 CORE LOSS
63.00 70.30 7.30 Mudstone, red, core loss in top of this unit; badly broken by drilling to 64.90'; common, distinct, coarse, light gray-green mottles in broken pieces to 64.90'; common slickensides; mostly solid red with few, faint, fine, light gray streaks below 64.90'; few, faint, fine-to-medium, calcareous glaebules below 64.90'; badly broken at end-of-run with core loss.
70.30 70.95 0.65 CORE LOSS
70.95 74.07 3.12 Mudstone, red, same as unit above core loss below 64.90'; clear lower contact on color change (paleosol B horizon).
74.07 75.45 1.38 Mudstone, mottled, equal areas of many, distinct, coarse, red, medium gray-green, and olive mottles; gradual lower contact to shale below (paleosol BC horizon).
75.45 77.95 2.50 Shale, light gray-green; clayey, with sandy zone from 76.65' to 77.35'; few, faint, coarse, calcareous glaebules in basal 0.60'; common, coarse, red mottles in basal 0.60'; gradual lower contact with color change.
77.95 83.12 5.17 Shale, red, poorly bedded; few, faint, medium, calcareous glaebules; clear lower contact with color change.
83.12 85.10 1.98 Shale, sandstone streaks, light gray-green, with fine grained, light gray, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact with loss of sandstone streaks.
85.10 87.00 1.90 Shale, calcareous nodules, few, distinct, fine-to-coarse,     strongly calcareous glaebules; abrupt lower contact on color change.
87.00 91.10 4.10 Shale, red, few, faint, fine, calcareous glaebules in top 0.50'; clear lower contact with loss of bedding.
91.10 94.60 3.50 Shale, light gray-green with common, distinct, coarse, red mottles; poorly bedded; few, distinct, coarse, red, calcareous nodules; abrupt lower contact on color change.
94.60 105.66 11.06 Mudstone, red with common, distinct, thin, light gray streaks (root traces?) and mottles, many from 98 to 100'; many slickensides; lighter red in basal 1.50'; diffuse lower contact with color change (paleosol B horizon).
105.66 115.93 10.27 Siltstone, sandstone interbedded, medium gray-green; light gray-green sandstone streaks, very fine grained, occasional thin shale zones; abrupt lower contact.
115.93 117.21 1.28 Sandstone, very fine grained; light-to-medium gray-green; ripple bedding; abrupt, angular lower contact on bedding change.
117.21 118.56 1.35 Sandstone, as above with cross bedding at 15 degrees increasing to base; occasional dark mineral streaks throughout; abrupt lower contact on grain size and color change.
118.56 123.03 4.47 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray-green; cross beds at 15 degrees; fine grained; slightly dirty; clear lower contact on color change.
123.03 126.05 3.02 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light-to-medium gray-green; fine grained; occasional, very thin shale streaks; occasional, dark mineral streaks less than 0.01' thick; abrupt lower contact on color and grain size change.
126.05 127.55 1.50 Sandstone, silty, grades to a very fine grained sandstone at base; medium gray-green; low angle bedding; clear lower contact on bedding and grain size change.
127.55 131.37 3.82 Sandstone, cross-bedded, ripple cross laminated; light gray-green; fine- to medium-grained at base; thin shale streak from 129.30 to 129.50'; occasional mica; clear lower contact on color and grain size change.
131.37 142.90 11.53 Sandstone, cross-bedded, fine grained in top (fining upward); occasional dark minerals; some ripple cross lamination; changes in cross bed direction throughout; 0.01' thick shale parting at 140.27'; slumped from 140.27 to 141.00'; cross bedded to 142.20'; medium-to-coarse grained to base; medium gray-green streaks in base.
142.90 148.35 5.45 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, sandstone fine grained, medium gray-green; siltstone medium-to-dark gray-green; very low angle to planar bedding; occasional dark streaks; increasing siltstone to base; abrupt lower contact.
148.35 151.70 3.35 Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained; light gray-green; occasional pebbles up to 0.03' across in top of unit; pebble lag from 151.48 to 151.70'; clear lower contact.
151.70 157.55 5.85 Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained; occasional mica; light gray-green to medium gray-green in base; occasional dark mineral streaks; planar to low angle cross bedding; abrupt lower contact.
157.55 157.82 0.27 Claystone, slightly kaolinitic; hard; light- to medium-gray; abrupt lower contact; (Paleosol AB horizon?)
157.82 162.05 4.23 Claystone, medium gray; common slickensides; soft; core surface pitted from drilling; diffuse lower contact on mottles; (Paleosol B horizon).
162.05 168.47 6.42 Mudstone, mottled, medium gray with many, faint, coarse, gray-red mottles; few, faint, fine to coarse, calcareous glaebules; common slickensides; clear lower contact on increasing glaebules (Paleosol B horizon).
168.47 171.57 3.10 Mudstone, calcareous glaebules, medium gray with many, distinct, fine to coarse, calcareous glaebules; clayey; common, faint, coarse, gray-red mottles; common slickensides; clear lower contact on color change (Paleosol Bk horizon).
171.57 173.82 2.25 Mudstone, red, like unit above except for color; gray-red with many, distinct, fine-to-coarse, calcareous glaebules; few, faint, coarse, light gray mottles; clear lower contact on loss of glaebules.  (Paleosol Bk horizon).
173.82 176.27 2.45 Mudstone, red, few, faint, fine-to-coarse, calcareous glaebules; clayey; few, distinct, coarse, light gray mottles; clear lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
176.27 176.60 0.33 Claystone, light gray with few, faint, coarse, red mottles and 2 distinct, black to dark gray streaks in top and basal 0.15'; clear lower contact at base of black streak (Paleosol A horizon).
176.60 177.19 0.59 Mudstone, predominately olive; some medium gray and red zones; 0.03' thick strongly calcareous band at base; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
177.19 180.00 2.81 Mudstone, red, common, distinct, fine to coarse, olive mottles; badly broken at end of run; probable loss (Paleosol B horizon).
180.00 181.00 1.00 CORE LOSS at base of run to 181.00'.
181.00 181.25 0.25 CORE LOSS at top of run.
181.25 182.20 0.95 Mudstone, red, many, distinct, coarse, olive and light gray-green mottles; becoming bedded in base; abrupt lower contact on color change but diffuse lower contact on bedding (Paleosol BC horizon).
182.20 187.32 5.12 Shale, red, interbedded gray-red and light gray-green; abrupt lower contact on loss of bedding (paleosol C horizon).
187.32 189.83 2.51 Mudstone, red, common, distinct, medium to coarse, light gray-green and olive mottles; few, distinct, very fine, vertical, calcareous streaks (root traces?) more abundant and thicker in base; gradual lower contact with increasing sand and silt in base.
189.83 213.00 23.17 Shale and sandstone interbedded, shale medium gray-green, silty; sandstone zones are fine-grained, ripple cross-laminated, light-to-medium gray-green, lighter zones with strongly calcareous streaks and cement; few, distinct, fine-to-coarse, strongly calcareous glaebules throughout; strongly calcareous vertical streaks from 195.00 to 196.50'; many, distinct coarse, strongly calcareous glaebules from 200.35' to 200.55'; few, faint, fine, strongly calcareous glaebules from 200.55' to base; less sandstone.
213.00 214.68 1.68 Shale, light gray-green with few,  faint to distinct, coarse, calcareous glaebules; poorly bedded; abrupt lower contact.
214.68 215.87 1.19 Claystone, medium gray with many, distinct, thin-to-thick, dark gray-black bands or layers; also some light-to-medium gray-green and olive bands; slightly kaolinitic; clear lower contact on base of dark streaks and mineralogy change (Paleosol A horizon).
215.87 216.47 0.60 Claystone, light to medium gray-green; slightly bedded; abrupt lower contact on bedding change (Paleosol BC horizon).
216.47 218.83 2.36 Shale, red with many, distinct, fine to coarse, light gray-green mottles; abrupt lower contact on color change (Paleosol C horizon).
218.83 222.80 3.97 Shale, light gray-green; diffuse lower contact on change to red color.
222.80 226.72 3.92 Shale, red, poorly bedded; olive, medium gray, and medium gray-green bands; diffuse lower contact with loss of bedding and color change.
226.72 228.60 1.88 Mudstone, slickensides, many slickensides; coarse olive iron glaebules from 226.90 to 227.25'; medium olive-gray color overall; abrupt, angular lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
228.60 232.17 3.57 Mudstone, calcareous glaebules, medium gray-green; clayey; calcareous with common,  distinct, fine-to-coarse,   strongly calcareous glaebules; common slickensides; gradual lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
232.17 235.00 2.83 Mudstone, calcareous glaebules, light to medium gray-green with common to many, distinct, fine-to-coarse, strongly calcareous glaebules; many slickensides; abrupt lower contact on amount of glaebules.
235.00 235.72 0.72 Limestone, nodular, many, prominent, coarse, very strongly calcareous limestone nodules in a medium gray-green matrix.
235.72 244.38 8.66 Shale, calcareous glaebules, many, distinct, coarse, red mottles in top 0.70';  common, distinct, coarse,   strongly calcareous glaebules throughout with zone of many glaebules from 237.0 to 237.75'; mostly medium gray-green with another zone of red mottles from 241.0 to 242.20'; becoming poorly bedded to base; clear lower contact on color change and loss of bedding.
244.38 247.56 3.18 Mudstone, mottled, medium gray-green with common, faint, gray-red mottles; few, distinct, coarse, calcareous glaebules and streaks; common slickensides; gradual lower contact with bedding development. (Paleosol B horizon).
247.56 253.00 5.44 Shale, calcareous glaebules,  medium gray-green; poorly bedded; common, faint, coarse, calcareous glaebules; few slickensides in top; gradual lower contact with loss of glaebules.
253.00 256.60 3.60 Shale, medium gray-green; very occasional fossil plant stems; diffuse lower contact with increase in sand.
256.60 258.55 1.95 Sandstone, silty, fine grained; medium gray-green; planar bedding; clear lower contact with grain size change.
258.55 270.26 11.71 Sandstone, fine grained; medium gray-green; low angle (15 degrees) planar cross bedding; occasional dark streak; few, distinct, calcareous nodules in bottom 0.50'; gradual lower contact on increasing calcareous material.
270.26 273.05 2.79 Sandstone, calcareous inclusions, light green; fine grained to medium grained in base; faint, planar bedding becoming less distinct to base; many, coarse, calcareous pebbles and angular clasts in bottom 2.0'; angular abrupt lower contact.
273.05 274.65 1.60 Mudstone, slickensides, medium gray; clayey; many slickensides; common, distinct, coarse, olive mottles starting at 273.80'; large, calcareous glaebules from 274.0 to 274.20'; gradual lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
274.65 275.35 0.70 Mudstone, mottled, medium gray-green with many, distinct, coarse, gray-red and olive mottles; few, distinct, fine, calcareous glaebules; many slickensides; some loss in this unit (Paleosol B horizon).
275.35 275.50 0.15 CORE LOSS from the unit above?
275.50 279.00 3.50 Mudstone, red, dark gray-red with many, distinct, fine-to-coarse, olive mottles and streaks and a few, light gray-green mottles; common, faint, fine-to-coarse, calcareous glaebules; few slickensides; diffuse lower contact on 103S of olive mottles and fewer calcareous glaebules (Paleosol B horizon).
279.00 283.45 4.45 Mudstone, red. Dark gray-red; few, distinct, coarse, light gray-green mottles; few slickensides; core loss, plugged off in this unit (Paleosol B horizon).
283.45 284.40 0.95 CORE LOSS in unit above.
284.40 289.75 5.35 Mudstone, mottled, mostly gray-red with light gray-green zones and common, distinct, fine to coarse, mottles to 285.30' and from 288.50' to base; few weak slickensides; clear lower contact (Paleosol B and BC horizons).
289.75 290.04 0.29 Shale, stained olive; poorly bedded; clear lower contact with sandiness (Paleosol C-horizon).
290.04 291.00 0.96 Sandstone, medium gray-green; bedding destroyed; many, distinct, fine-to-coarse, olive mottles and streaks to 290.75'; common, prominent, vertical, calcareous streaks; clear lower contact on bedding development (Paleosol C horizon).
291.00 292.98 1.98 Sandstone, fine grained; light gray-green; planar bedding; some calcareous cement; occasional green shale streak; abrupt, flat lower contact.
292.98 294.78 1.80 Shale, green; one very strongly calcareous nodule near the top; poorly developed slickensides near top; abrupt lower contact at sandstone streak.
294.78 301.00 6.22 Shale and sandstone interbedded, shale medium gray-green; sandstone light gray-green; fine grained, some bi-directional ripple cross laminations from 299.0 to 299.35'; beds 0.5 to 1.0' thick; few, distinct, coarse, calcareous nodules.
301.00 302.33 1.33 Shale, red with light gray-green zones and bands.
302.33 302.55 0.22 CORE LOSS
302.55 306.37 3.82 Shale, red, zone of many, faint, fine to medium, calcareous nodules from 303.90 to 303.95'; few olive streaks and bands; abrupt lower contact.
306.37 307.00 0.63 Sandstone, very fine grained; light gray-green; ripple bedded; shale wisps on ripples; calcareous cement; abrupt lower contact.
307.00 312.35 5.35 Shale, interbedded red and light gray-green; abrupt lower contact on color change.
312.35 315.90 3.55 Shale, red, clayey; few slickensides; dark gray streaks at 314.10'and 314.50'; soft zone at 315.45'; abrupt lower contact.
315.90 321.36 5.46 Sandstone, fine grained; silty in top; light gray-green; ripple bedded; calcareous cemented zone from 319.90 to 320.40'; occasional, strongly calcareous nodules throughout; diffuse lower contact with decreasing grain size and amount of silt.
321.36 322.58 1.22 Shale, light gray-green; silty in the top; abrupt lower contact on color change.
322.58 328.33 5.75 Shale, red with a few, distinct, coarse, light gray-green mottles; few, thin olive bands; one slickenside near the top; soft, clayey zone from 328.05 to 328.13'; interlaminated dark gray-to-black and light gray-green streaks in basal 0.10'; abrupt lower contact.
328.33 328.39 0.06 Limestone, light gray with dark gray streaks and thin bands; abrupt lower contact.
328.39 329.80 1.41 Shale, red with a light gray-green band 0.02' thick at top; few, thin (0.02'), olive bands; abrupt lower contact on color change.
329.80 329.93 0.13 Shale, medium gray-green with thin limestone band (0.02' thick) in middle; few dark gray to black streaks; abrupt, angular lower contact.
329.93 330.75 0.82 Limestone, light gray; hard; very strongly calcareous; calcite on fracture faces; no fossils; abrupt lower contact.
330.75 331.10 0.35 Mudstone, calcareous, strongly calcareous; light gray-green; transition into limestone bed above (Paleosol B horizon).
331.10 335.00 3.90 Mudstone, mottled, equally mottled, distinct, fine to coarse, gray-red, olive, and light to medium gray-green; strongly calcareous; clayey matrix; many, distinct to prominent, fine to coarse, very strongly calcareous glaebules; common slickensides; diffuse lower contact on loss of calcium carbonate and color change (Paleosol B horizon).
335.00 338.90 3.90 Mudstone, mottled, mostly dark red with many, distinct, fine to coarse, olive mottles and streaks; few, prominent, thin, strongly calcareous streaks; soft clayey zones from 337.00 to 337.60',338.60 to 338.88'; darker gray-red matrix from 337.00' to base; abrupt lower contact at very light gray flint clay fragments (Paleosol B horizon).
Possible position of the Bakerstown coal bed
338.90 339.61 0.71 Flint clay, light gray; fine to coarse, round to angular, fragments in a red mudstone matrix; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol A or B horizon?).
339.61 339.97 0.36 Mudstone, red.
339.97 340.06 0.09 Claystone, light gray with very thin, dark gray to black streaks; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol A horizon).
340.06 344.47 4.41 Mudstone, red with few, faint, fine to coarse, light gray and olive mottles and streaks; common slickensides; abrupt lower contact with color and grain size change (Paleosol B horizon).
344.47 348.47 4.00 Sandstone, fine grained; light gray to light gray-green; very fine grained at the base (coarsening upward); massive from top to 346.37'. ripple cross-laminated to base; occasional very thin mica-rich streaks; occasional strongly calcareous cemented zones from 346.70 to 347.78'; abrupt lower contact.
348.47 349.23 0.76 Shale, calcareous glaebules, medium gray-green with many, faint, coarse, strongly calcareous glaebules; clear lower contact with loss of bedding.
349.23 355.06 5.83 Mudstone, red with many distinct to prominent fine to coarse very strongly calcareous glaebule3; common to many faint fine to coarse medium gray-green mottles and streaks; few slickensides; few faint fine to coarse olive mottles in basal 0.30'; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
355.06 355.23 0.17 Mudstone, medium to dark gray with dark gray to black streaks; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol A horizon).
355.23 358.25 3.02 Mudstone, mottled, predominately red matrix with many, faint to distinct, fine to coarse, olive, light gray, and medium gray-green mottles; many slickensides; abrupt lower contact with color change (Paleosol B horizon).
358.25 358.33 0.08 Claystone, light gray-green; abrupt, angular lower contact with limestone below.
358.33 358.62 0.29 Limestone, nodular, two hard micritic nodules with mudstone in between; abrupt lower contact.
358.62 360.13 1.51 Siltstone, light gray-green with many, distinct, fine to coarse, calcareous glaebules and streaks; clear lower contact with increasing grain size.
360.13 367.94 7.81 Shale and sandstone interbedded, medium gray-green shale with few, thin (<0.5'), fine grained, medium gray sandstone beds; very few, distinct, very fine, calcareous streaks; diffuse lower contact with increasing sand.
367.94 370.86 2.92 Sandstone, fine grained; light gray-green; faint, planar, ripple laminations to low angle, ripple, cross laminations; occasional, thin, mineral bands; abrupt lower contact.
370.86 373.17 2.31 Sandstone, fine grained to medium grained at base (fining up); planar to low angle cross beds; occasional, dark mineral streaks; locally mica-rich; abrupt lower contact.
373.17 373.94 0.77 Sandstone, very fine grained to medium grained at base (fining up); massive to low angle cross bedding, angle increasing to base; occasional, small, elongate, shale cla3ts <0.01' thick; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
373.94 374.96 1.02 Sandstone, medium grained to fine grained in the base (coarsening up); abundant, light to dark gray-green, shale clast3; abundant, thin (<0.01'), shaley partings; abrupt lower contact.
374.96 375.40 0.44 Sandstone, light gray-green; fine grained with medium grained streaks; occasional, medium gray-green, elongate, shale clasts; abrupt, angular erosive lower contact.
375.40 375.80 0.40 Claystone, light gray-green with few, distinct, red mottles; slickensides; broken; core loss in this unit (Paleosol B horizon).
375.80 376.14 0.34 CORE LOSS in unit above.
376.14 381.83 5.69 Mudstone, mottled, mostly medium gray-green with common, distinct, red mottles and olive mottles below 379.0'; clayey, many slickensides; basal 0.45' strongly calcareous; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
381.83 382.28 0.45 Shale, medium gray-green; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol C horizon).
382.28 382.70 0.42 Mudstone, calcareous, medium gray-green; strongly calcareous; sand-sized, strongly calcareous grains; abrupt lower contact at presence/absence of calcareous material (Paleosol B horizon).
382.70 383.21 0.51 Claystone, light gray-green to gray-brown; kaolinitic; soft, clayey zone from 383.12 to 383.2l'; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
383.21 383.29 0.08 Flint clay, light gray-brown bands with dark gray streaks; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
383.29 387.93 4.64 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray-green shale with zones of very fine grained, light gray, rippled, sandstone streaks; one planar laminated zone; light gray, very fine grained, sandstone bed from 387.38' to base; diffuse lower contact with loss of sand.
387.93 391.97 4.04 Shale, calcareous inclusions, medium gray-green; few sandstone streaks in top 0.30'; zones of light gray, sand-sized, strongly calcareous grains from 389.2S to 389.401, 389.78 to 390.00', and 391.85 to 391.97'; abrupt lower contact at basal calcareous zone.
391.97 395.75 3.78 Shale, medium gray-green; abrupt lower contact.
395.75 396.00 0.25 Claystone, dark gray with dark gray to black bands; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol A horizon).
396.00 398.00 2.00 Mudstone, dark gray-green with many, distinct, fine to coarse, olive mottles and vertical streaks; common slickenside3; clayey; abrupt lower contact with color and texture change (Paleosol B horizon).
398.00 400.60 2.60 Mudstone, slickensides, light gray-green; many slickensides; clayey; few, distinct, fine to coarse, strongly calcareous glaebules; few, faint, fine, olive mottles; probable loss in this unit (Paleosol B horizon).
400.60 401.00 0.40 CORE LOSS from unit above.
401.00 402.23 1.23 Mudstone, medium gray-green with many, distinct, coarse, olive mottles; few, distinct, coarse, strongly calcareous glaebules; abrupt lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
402.23 405.00 2.77 Mudstone, red with few, distinct, medium gray-green streaks; very clayey; soft; few 3lickensides; gradual lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
405.00 407.93 2.93 Mudstone, medium gray; very soft; clayey; few slickensides; diffuse lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
407.93 413.00 5.07 Mudstone, mottled, medium gray with common, faint, fine to coarse, gray-red mottles; becoming increasingly red below 410.00'; few, distinct, fine to coarse, olive mottles in basal 0.80'; very soft; clayey; many slickensides; few, faint, coarse, calcareous glaebules below 412.40'; clear lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
413.00 414.30 1.30 Claystone, medium gray; very clayey; common, distinct, fine to coarse, olive mottles; slightly bedded; gradual lower contact on color and bedding change (Paleosol B horizon).
414.30 418.60 4.30 Mudstone, red, clayey; dark gray-red matrix with many, faint, fine to medium, medium gray-red mottles; few, faint, medium to coarse,, medium gray mottles; few, distinct, very fine, dark gray soil fragments or grains below 417.50'; (deepest well-developed red bed); (Paleosol B horizon).
418.60 419.20 0.60 CORE LOSS, cut 8.20' in this run; 1033 could be from many places in the run of 411.00' to 419.20', put at end of run for convenience.
419.20 421.30 2.10 Mudstone, medium gray with faint, fine to medium, red mottles and fragments; few, faint, fine to coarse, olive mottles from 420.60' to base; common slickensides; clear lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
421.30 423.55 2.25 Mudstone, medium gray with some dark gray streaks - root traces?; few slicken3ides; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
423.55 423.90 0.35 Claystone, dark gray; organic appearance; slickensides; abrupt lower contact on color change (Paleosol A? horizon).
423.90 424.08 0.18 Claystone, medium gray; abrupt lower contact on color change (Paleosol B horizon).
Position of the Brush Creek coal bed, Elv.= 1099.92'
424.08 424.08 0.00 Coal, Not Present.
424.08 424.58 0.50 Shale, carbonaceous, dark gray-black; poorly bedded in top;  increasingly bedded with increasing organic matter content to base; plant stems; abrupt lower content (Paleosol A or O horizon). Brush Creek coal horizon
424.58 424.75 0.17 Shale, medium gray; plant trash; abrupt lower contact  (Paleosol C horizon).
424.75 429.70 4.95 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, light gray; increasing sand content to base; <0.10' thick, medium gray-green shale bands in basal 0.70'; abrupt lower contact.
429.70 433.50 3.80 Shale, medium gray-green; red streak at 430.20' with  faint red streaks from 431.55 to 432.00' (deepest occurrence of red); abrupt lower contact.
433.50 433.95 0.45 Siltstone, medium gray-green; few, faint, sand grains; abrupt  lower contact.
433.95 434.32 0.37 Shale, medium gray-green; abrupt lower contact.
434.32 435.63 1.31 Siltstone, light gray-green; planar bedded; abrupt lower contact.
435.63 439.17 3.54 Shale, silty, medium gray-green, abrupt lower contact.
439.17 439.41 0.24 Siltstone, calcareous, light gray; weakly calcareous; very hard; abrupt lower contact.
439.41 440.71 1.30 Shale, medium gray-green; slightly sandy in base; clear lower contact.
440.71 441.02 0.31 Sandstone, silty, medium gray-green; occasional mica; massive; abrupt lower contact.
441.02 448.55 7.53 Sandstone, cross-bedded, light gray; planar cross-laminated; dark mineral streaks on laminations; fine grained; locally abundant mica on lamination planes; low angle abrupt lower contact.
448.55 449.46 0.91 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; planar ripple laminated; abrupt lower contact.
449.46 453.28 3.82 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; planar laminated in top; planar ripple-laminated from 453.00' to base; increasing mica streaks to base; abrupt, erosional lower contact.
453.28 457.23 3.95 Shale, medium gray-green; silty streaks in top 0.40'; abrupt lower contact.
457.23 459.15 1.92 Mudstone, calcareous, medium gray; noncalcareous from top to 457.53'; calcareous from 457.53' to strongly calcareous in base; few slickensides; clear, angular lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
459.15 460.11 0.96 Limestone, light gray; hard; micritic; many, distinct, fine, light gray-green clasts (?); no fossils seen; abrupt lower contact.
460.11 460.48 0.37 Flint clay, light to medium gray-brown with black streaks; bedded; nondescript, uniform to 460.25'; brecciated, angular to subrounded fragments with black matrix to base; abrupt lower contact.
460.48 468.98 8.50 Sandstone and shale interbedded, Sandstone: very fine grained; light gray; mostly ripple laminated; shale: medium gray-green; silty in top of unit; very strongly calcareous fracture-fills and nodules to 463.8'; one large nodule 466.2 to 466.35'; abrupt lower contact.
468.98 472.06 3.08 Sandstone, light gray to light gray-green; very fine grained; low angle cross laminations; occasional ripple cross laminations; possible slump and soft sediment deformation at 470.50'; mica-rich partings; increasing mica to base; abrupt lower contact.
472.06 477.11 5.05 Shale, light gray-green; silty streaks in top 1.20'; very few, distinct, very thin, calcareous streaks; few slickensides; clear lower contact.
477.11 477.54 0.43 Shale, dark gray.
477.54 478.39 0.85 Flint clay, brecciated, predominately medium gray with light gray, medium gray and dark gray clasts and dark gray streaks; abrupt lower contact.
478.39 479.03 0.64 Claystone, medium gray; very soft; many, faint, fine to coarse, harder clasts in very soft matrix.
479.03 479.32 0.29 CORE LOSS
479.32 485.74 6.42 Mudstone, silty, medium gray; silt starts around 481.0'; becoming more silty and sandy to base; root traces; clear lower contact on first sandstone (Paleosol B horizon).
485.74 489.32 3.58 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; ripple cross laminated; abrupt lower contact.
489.32 490.03 0.71 Siltstone, sandy, medium gray; light gray sandstone streaks; abrupt lower contact.
490.03 491.34 1.31 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; ripple cross laminated; abrupt lower contact at shale bed.
491.34 494.38 3.04 Sandstone and shale interbedded, sandstone: light gray; very fine grained; trough cross stratification; some ripple laminations; distinct contacts; shale: medium to dark gray; occasional sandy streaks; possible soft sediment deformation at 493.48'; abrupt lower contact.
494.38 498.61 4.23 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine to medium grained; fining upwards; well cemented with calcareous cement; locally abundant mica; planar Cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
498.61 499.13 0.52 Sandstone, calcareous, light gray; very fine to fine grained; massive; micaceous; abrupt lower contact.
499.13 504.22 5.09 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; dark mica streaks; planar cross laminations; very weakly calcareous cement; clear lower contact at shale clasts.
504.22 504.67 0.45 Sandstone, shale clasts, light gray; fine grained; many, medium gray, fine to coarse, shale clasts throughout; abrupt lower contact.
504.67 507.30 2.63 Shale and sandstone interbedded, medium gray with two light gray, fine grained, ripple cross laminated sandstone beds; gradual lower contact on loss of sandstone.
Position of the Upper Freeport coal bed, Elv.= 1016.70'
507.30 507.30 0.00 Coal, Not Present.
507.30 514.67 7.37 Claystone, medium gray with dark gray, and medium gray-green bands, darker to base; few slickensides; slightly bedded at top; rooted; light gray-green, noncalcareous glaebules from 512.20' to base; clear lower contact with color and texture change (Paleosol B horizon).
514.67 517.21 2.54 Claystone, sandy, silty; light gray; rooted; diffuse lower contact on base of roots and increased bedding (Paleosol B horizon).
517.21 529.12 11.91 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray with few, light gray, very fine grained, rippled to planar, sandstone streaks; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol C horizon).
529.12 529.83 0.71 Sandstone, fine grained; light gray; low angle, planar cross laminations; coarsening up; abrupt lower contact.
529.83 551.00 21.17 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; well cemented; low angle, planar bedding; mica-rich bedding planes; shale rip-up clasts up to 0.20' from 550.00 to 551.00'.
551.00 551.50 0.50 Sandstone, very fine grained; medium gray; planar laminated; abrupt, angular lower contact.
551.50 554.08 2.58 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; very few, very thin, shale clasts; micaceous; massive; abrupt angular lower contact.
554.08 555.50 1.42 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle planar cross laminations; locally abundant mica streaks at base; abrupt, angular lower contact.
555.50 560.60 5.10 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; scattered mica-rich streaks; occasional, very small, organic matter streaks; low angle, planar cross laminations to massive.
560.60 562.29 1.69 Siltstone, sandy, medium gray; sandstone: light gray; inclined, planar laminations about 30 degrees, probably slumped, chevrons on inclined beds; abrupt lower contact.
562.29 567.73 5.44 Sandstone, light gray; massive; occasional, medium gray, shale pebbles up to 0.1S' across; abrupt lower contact on bedding and grain size change.
567.73 570.46 2.73 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; fine grained; low angle, cross laminations; coal and mica streaks; coal streaks most abundant from 570 to 570.33'; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
570.46 570.71 0.25 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; massive; abrupt lower contact.
570.71 572.00 1.29 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; planar laminations; occasional medium grained zone <0.10' thick; abrupt lower contact.
572.00 572.16 0.16 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; distorted bedding with coal clasts and streaks and shale clasts; abrupt lower contact.
572.16 598.42 26.26 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained to 578.10', medium grained to 588.10', interbedded fine and medium grained to 591.00'. medium grained to base; occasional, low angle, planar cross laminations with mica-rich streaks to 593.00'; abrupt lower contact.
598.42 601.00 2.58 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; prominent, vertical, calcite-filled fractures from top to 599.75'; locally micaceous; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
601.00 608.29 7.29 Sandstone, medium grained; light gray; green minerals yield a green tint; massive at top to low angle, cross laminations to base; fine grained bed from 606.92 to 607.00'; calcareous nodules at base; very thin shale rip-ups and mica streaks; very few, very small, organic streaks from 601.20 to 603.10'; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
608.29 608.68 0.39 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; occasional, very thin (<0.01'), medium gray streaks; locally abundant mica; low angle, planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
608.68 610.65 1.97 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine to medium grained; cross laminated at about 15 degrees, better developed to base; locally abundant mica on bedding planes.
610.65 611.00 0.35 CORE LOSS
611.00 616.52 5.52 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; locally abundant mica; abrupt lower contact on grain size and bedding change.
616.52 621.01 4.49 Sandstone, medium grained; light gray; massive; abrupt lower contact.
621.01 623.19 2.18 Claystone, dark gray; many slickenside3; rooted; pyrite on slickensides; one large, very weakly calcareous, pyritic nodule from 622.0 to 622.22'; pyritized plant trash; abrupt, wavy lower contact.
Position of the Upper Kittanning coal bed, Elv.= 900.81'
623.19 623.19 0.00 Coal, Not Present.
623.19 623.38 0.19 Shale, carbonaceous, dark gray to black; very thin coal streaks; abundant pyrite blebs and lenses; abrupt lower contact (not sampled). Upper Kittanning coal horizon
623.38 625.83 2.45 Claystone, medium gray; root traces; many slickensides; light gray, faint to distinct, coarse, very weakly calcareous nodules with thin calcareous streaks from 614.00' to base; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
625.83 626.81 0.98 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; bedding disrupted by rooting; abrupt, very angular, compactional lower contact (Paleosol BC or C horizon).
626.81 634.79 7.98 Sandstone, shale streaks, very fine grained; light gray; rippled and ripple trough cross laminations ; medium gray shale streaks; abrupt lower contact.
634.79 636.00 1.21 Shale, medium gray; some plant pinnules (Neuropteris sp?), stems, plant trash; occasional pyrite on bedding planes; abrupt lower contact.
636.00 636.24 0.24 Shale, coal streaks, dark gray to black; abundant organic streaks;  abrupt lower contact.
636.24 637.22 0.98 Flint clay, brecciated, medium gray with many, distinct, fine to coarse, light gray-brown clasts, especially abundant from 636.801 to base; few slickensides; abrupt lower contact.
637.22 643.62 6.40 Mudstone, silty; sandy; medium gray; highly rooted; massive; sandstone streaks; abrupt lower contact at basal sandstone streak, diffuse lower contact on loss of roots (Paleosol B horizon).
643.62 647.00 3.38 Shale, dark gray; very weakly calcareous nodules at 645.70'; slump? with silt fill at 646'; abrupt lower contact at first sandstone streak.
647.00 656.60 9.60 Shale, sandstone streaks, shale: medium gray; occasional slickensides; some coalified plant material; very fine grained, light gray, ripple bedded sandstone streaks in zones up to 0.50' thick; micro-faulting in zone from 652.15 to 654.57'; abrupt lower contact at last sandstone streak.
656.60 659.25 2.65 Shale, dark gray; abrupt lower contact (sampled basal 0.15' with coal).
 Middle Kittanning coal bed, 660.29 - 660.91 (0.62'), Elv.= 863.71'
659.25 660.29 1.04 Coal, clarain, mostly bright clarain; abundant pyrite streaks up to 0.01' thick (sampled).
660.29 660.32 0.03 Shale, dark gray; thin parting; wavy lower contact (sampled).
660.32 660.57 0.25 Coal, clarain, bright clarain (sampled).
660.57 660.61 0.04 Shale, light to medium gray (sampled).
660.61 660.69 0.08 Coal, clarain; occasional thin fusain (sampled).
660.69 660.71 0.02 Shale, light to medium gray parting (sampled).
660.71 660.78 0.07 Coal, clarain; pyrite streaks (sampled).
660.78 660.81 0.03 Shale, light to medium gray parting (sampled).
660.81 660.85 0.04 Coal, clarain (sampled).
660.85 660.86 0.01 Shale, light to medium gray parting (sampled).
660.86 660.91 0.05 Coal, clarain (sampled).
660.91 661.70 0.79 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; highly rooted; large, shale clast in base; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
661.70 679.65 17.95 Sandstone, light to medium gray; fine to medium grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; occasional coal streaks; concentrated coal and mica streaks from 679.11' to base; occasional shale streaks; locally mica-rich; abrupt lower contact.
679.65 691.79 12.14 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; abundant coal streaks from 682.90 to 685.90'; low angle, planar cross laminations; occasional shale rip-up; locally abundant mica on bedding planes; becoming coarser to base; abrupt lower contact on color and grain size change.
691.79 693.20 1.41 Sandstone, light to medium gray; medium grained with occasional, coarse pebbles at base; fining upward to fine grained at the top; low angle, planar cross laminations; medium gray shale rip-ups in basal 0.20'; abrupt wavy lower contact.
693.20 697.30 4.10 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; massive; clear lower contact on bedding change.
697.30 714.71 17.41 Sandstone, light to medium gray; dark gray mica streaks; fine grained; occasional, rippled, shale streaks at top; locally abundant mica; bi-directional, planar cross laminations; few crenellation on bedding from 699.60 to 700.601; light gray to white, fine grained streaks in zones from 705.20 to 705.85 and 709.05 to 709.30'; very fine shale rip-ups from 710.65 to 711.15'; very thin, dark, coal and shale streaks from 711.14 to 712.00'; few, coarse, quartz pebbles from 714.20' to base; which is abrupt.
No. 6 Block/Lower Kittanning? coal bed, 714.71 -715.00 (0.39'), Elv.= 809.29'
714.71 715.10 0.39 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; scattered pyrite; rafted?; abrupt, angular lower contact (sampled w/out top or bottom rock included).
715.10 717.42 2.32 Sandstone, fine to medium grained with coarse pebbles; medium gray; coal spars at 715.47', 0.06' thick at 716.55', at 716.98', and 717.10'; faint, ripple cross laminations; abundant shale and quartz pebbles (channel lag) from 716.50 to 717.30'; abrupt, angular, erosional lower contact (not sampled).
717.42 718.95 1.53 Shale, rooted, medium gray; silty; root traces; poorly bedded; clear lower contact.
718.95 719.49 0.54 Flint clay, shaley; medium gray with thin, dark gray streaks; weakly bedded; clear lower contact at color change.
719.49 719.70 0.21 Shale, dark gray; kaolinitic, abrupt lower contact.
719.70 719.78 0.08 Shale, medium gray; kaolinitic; abrupt lower contact.
719.78 720.62 0.84 Sandstone, quartzose, light gray; very fine grained; quartzose; planar cross laminations; clear lower contact.
720.62 721.10 0.48 Flint clay, medium gray-brown with dark gray streaks; conchoidal fracture; hard; some near-vertical black streaks (roots?).
721.10 722.02 0.92 Shale, black to dark gray; poorly bedded; clear lower contact.
722.02 723.25 1.23 Claystone, medium gray; silty in top 0.28'; rooted; slickensides; abrupt lower contact.
723.25 743.66 20.41 Sandstone, fine grained; light gray; low angle, planar and ripple cross laminations; slight rooting in top 1.15'; occasional mica-rich zones; silty from 725.57 to 725.64'; locally hard quartz-rich streaks from 731.50 to 733.00'; planar laminations from 739.50 to 741.50'; low angle, planar cross laminations from 741.SO to 742.85'; massive from 742.85 to 743.00'; slumped(?) from 743.00' to base; abrupt, angular lower contact.
743.66 744.38 0.72 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; white (clean?) fine grained sandstone streaks; planar laminations; abrupt lower contact.
744.38 745.00 0.62 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; occasional, white sandstone streaks; slightly coarser to base; abrupt lower contact.
745.00 747.12 2.12 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; fine grained; abundant coal streaks; white, quartz-rich, sandstone streaks, increasing in abundance and thickness to base; clear lower contact.
747.12 749.41 2.29 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle, ripple and planar cross laminations at top, grading to massive at base; clear lower contact.
749.41 754.84 5.43 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; medium grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; locally abundant mica; few coal streaks below 754.35'; zone of clean sandstone streaks from 754.16' to base; clear lower contact.
754.84 759.00 4.16 Sandstone. light gray; predominately medium grained with coarse, and fine grained zones; abundant coal streaks up to 0.02' thick; abundant, clean sandstone streaks, clear lower contact.
759.00 763.25 4.25 Sandstone, fine to medium grained; light to medium gray; occasional coal streaks throughout; planar laminations; massive from 761.60 to 762.50'; fine grained, ripple cross laminated, with occasional, very small coal streaks and dark heavy mineral streaks from 762.50 to 762.77'; medium grained to 762.97', fine grained to base; coarsening up; occasional coaly streaks to base; abrupt lower contact.
763.25 763.75 0.50 Sandstone, light to medium gray; low angle, planar cross laminations; medium grained; abrupt lower contact.
763.75 770.22 6.47 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained to medium grained in base (fining-up); faint, planar cross laminations; locally abundant mica streaks; abrupt lower contact at grain size change.
770.22 776.24 6.02 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, light gray; fine grained, grading to medium grained at base (fining-up); occasional, small, coaly spars; locally abundant mica; low angle, planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
776.24 779.23 2.99 Sandstone, medium gray; sandstone: light gray, very fine grained, ripple cross laminated streaks; abrupt lower contact.
779.23 780.40 1.17 Sandstone, shale clasts, light gray; fine grained; abundant, very fine, shale clasts; low angle, planar cross laminations; clear lower contact.
780.40 783.27 2.87 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; clasts medium gray, silty; lag of shale pebbles up to 0.20' diameter from 782.70' to base; abrupt lower contact.
783.27 790.77 7.50 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; locally abundant mica on bedding; occasional, very thin, coaly streaks; abrupt lower contact on bedding change.
790.77 797.32 6.55 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; massive; clear lower contact.
797.32 797.60 0.28 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; locally abundant mica; occasional, very small, coal clasts; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
797.60 797.97 0.37 Sandstone, coal clasts, light gray grading to white at the base; fine grained; occasional shale clasts; abrupt lower contact.
797.97 805.17 7.20 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact at coal streaks.
805.17 805.46 0.29 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray, fine grained; coal streaks; low angle, planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
805.46 829.63 24.17 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; coal streaks from 808.31 to 808.601, 815.23 to 816.531, 821.45 to 821.51' and at 823.76; abundant coal streaks from 825.00 to 829.63'; locally abundant mica on some bedding planes; abrupt lower contact.
829.63 835.65 6.02 Sandstone, light gray; fining up from medium to fine grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; occasional, dark, heavy mineral streaks; abrupt lower contact.
835.65 837.57 1.92 Sandstone, light gray; fine to medium grained at base, fining up to fine grained; occasional, very thin, coal streaks at top; low angle, planar cross laminations; occasional shale rip-ups to base <0.01' thick; abrupt high angle lower contact.
837.57 839.40 1.83 Shale, dark gray; light gray-brown flint clay bands from 838.05 to 838.2l'; occasional slickensides; sandstone streaks from 838.30; to base; abrupt lower contact at sandstone.
839.40 845.12 5.72 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; fine grained; massive; few coal clasts up to 0.02' thick; locally abundant mica; occasional shale rip-ups; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
845.12 849.43 4.31 Sandstone, light gray; fining up from medium to fine grained at top; low angle, planar cross laminations; abundant mica streaks at top, slightly crenulated; abrupt, angular lower contact.
849.43 852.65 3.22 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
852.65 852.96 0.31 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; abundant mica streaks; clear lower contact.
852.96 853.92 0.96 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained, massive; dark mineral patch from 853.S8 to 853.80'; abrupt, angular lower contact (sampled basal 0.05' with coal).
Little No. 5 Block coal bed, 853.92 - 854.32 (0.40'), Elv.= 670.08'
853.92 854.18 0.26 Coal, clarain, dull clarain (sampled).
854.18 854.23 0.05 Shale, silty, dark gray; silty (sampled).
854.23 854.32 0.09 Coal, impure (sampled).
854.32 856.71 2.39 Claystone, rooted, medium gray-brown; abundant root traces; occasionalslickenside3; coal streak at 854.411; clear lower contact with development of bedding (Paleosol B horizon, not sampled with coal).
856.71 859.29 2.58 Shale, medium gray; plant fragments; roots; abrupt lower contact.
859.29 861.66 2.37 Siltstone, light gray; clear lower contact at sandstone streaks.
861.66 863.89 2.23 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; mostly fine grained with some medium grained zones; unit part of fining-up sequence; medium gray shale streaks and thin beds up to 0.25' thick; sandstone is mostly rippled laminated; abrupt lower contact at last shale streak.
863.89 874.22 10.33 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained with few medium grained zones, fining-up overall; mostly planar cross laminated, low to high angle; clear lower contact at grain size change.
874.22 877.25 3.03 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained at base, to fine grained in top 0.50'; mostly planar laminations with few, planar cross laminations; clear lower contact.
877.25 878.34 1.09 Sandstone, bioturbated, light gray; fine grained; slightly contorted bedding with few medium gray, shale clasts and drapes; clear lower contact.
878.34 882.67 4.33 Sandstone, light gray; fine to medium grained; planar, to low angle, planar cross laminations, some bi-directional; planar cross laminations from 881.2S'to base; abrupt lower contact (sampled basal 0.10' with coal).
 Stockton A coal bed, 882.67 - 888.89 (6.22', parting= 3.99'), Elv.= 641.33'
882.67 882.99 0.32 Coal, impure?; mostly medium bright clarain with few bright clarain streaks (sampled).
882.99 883.77 0.78 Shale, carbonaceous, dark gray with very thin coal streaks (sampled).
883.77 884.45 0.68 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; pyrite streaks and blebs; broken somewhat by drilling (sampled).
884.45 884.56 0.11 Shale, carbonaceous, dark gray; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
884.56 884.62 0.06 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
884.62 884.71 0.09 Shale, carbonaceous, dark gray; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
884.71 884.77 0.06 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
884.77 886.73 1.96 Shale, rooted, medium gray; rooted; with very fine grained, light gray, rooted, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact at loss of sandstone streaks (sampled top 0.08' with coal).
886.73 887.63 0.90 Shale, medium gray (not sampled).
887.63 887.78 0.15 Shale, black (sampled with coal below).
887.78 888.89 1.11 Coal, clarain, mostly bright clarain; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
888.89 890.00 1.11 Shale, dark gray; poorly bedded; root traces; gradual lower contact with increasing sand content (sampled top 0.08' with coal).
890.00 894.47 4.47 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; fine grained; rooted; distorted bedding to 891.83'; mostly ripple laminated; medium gray shale streaks throughout; abrupt lower contact.
894.47 898.21 3.74 Shale, ironstone nodules, medium gray; occasional, thin (<0.02'), ironstone bands and lenticular nodules; noncalcareous; few, very thin, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact.
898.21 903.26 5.05 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray, with light to medium gray, fine to very fine grained, sandstone streaks, mostly planar and planar cross laminated with some ripple cross laminated; burrows? at 900.42 and 902.15'; abrupt lower contact.
903.26 906.07 2.81 Shale, coal streaks, medium gray; abundant coal streaks, especially from top to 904.00'; also light gray very fine grained, sandstone streaks, mostly planar cross laminated; abrupt lower contact.
906.07 913.38 7.31 Shale, medium gray; occasional, thin, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; possible planar burrows; sandstone streaks mainly planar laminated, ripple laminated from 912.00 to 912.20'; few, faint, coarse, ironstone streaks and lenses throughout; gradual lower contact at appearance of sandstone streaks.
913.38 915.58 2.20 Shale, medium gray with light gray zone from 914.20 to 915.00'; few, faint, coarse, ironstone streaks and irregular nodules throughout; abrupt lower contact (sampled basal 0.08' with coal).
Stockton coal bed, 915.58 - 922.09 (6.51', parting= 1.17'), Elv.=608.42'
915.58 916.96 1.38 Coal, impure, hard; impure? (sampled).
916.96 918.00 1.04 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; vitrain streaks; occasional pyrite (sampled)
918.00 919.17 1.17 Claystone, rooted, medium to dark gray; slickensides; gradual lower contact with development of bedding (sampled top 0.10' with coal).
919.17 921.00 1.83 Shale, medium to dark gray; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
921.00 922.09 1.09 Coal, clarain, dull and bright clarain; thick vitrain bands; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
922.09 924.05 1.96 Shale, medium gray; poorly bedded; abrupt lower contact at sandstone streaks (sampled top 0.10' with coal).
924.05 926.74 2.69 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; light gray, very fine grained, planar cross laminated, and planar laminated sandstone streaks; some rippled streaks from 926.00 to 926.30'; distorted bedding from 925.75 to 926.00'; coal streaks at 925.13'; clear lower contact.
926.74 930.10 3.36 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; rippled laminated from top to 928.05 'with minor dark mineral or mica streaks; rest mainly planar cross laminated to ripple cross laminated; coal streaks and clasts from 929.45 to 929.93'; fine shale clasts from 929.93' to base; abrupt, high angle lower contact.
930.10 930.75 0.65 Sandstone, slumped, high angle slump; planar to ripple cross laminated; light gray; fine grained with dark shale or mica streaks; abrupt angular lower contact.
930.75 931.50 0.75 Shale, medium gray; slumped sandstone streaks from 931' to base; 0.05' diameter shale and ironstone? pebbles in base; abrupt, high angle lower contact.
931.50 932.59 1.09 Sandstone, shale, streaks, light gray, fine grained, ripple cross laminated; medium gray shale streaks; abrupt, high angle lower contact.
932.59 933.85 1.26 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fining upward from fine to medium grained; mostly ripple to planar cross laminated; few, very thin, coal streaks from 933.15 to 933.50'; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
933.85 935.82 1.97 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fining up from medium to fine grained; slight change in angle and direction of planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
935.82 936.65 0.83 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; fine grained; mostly ripple laminated with very thin coal streaks and medium gray shale streaks; clear lower contact at basal coal streak.
936.65 937.90 1.25 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; fine grained; ripple laminated; medium gray shale bands and streaks; abrupt lower contact.
937.90 939.19 1.29 Shale, silty, medium gray with faint, light gray, very fine streaks; clear lower contact.
939.19 943.08 3.89 Shale, medium gray to dark gray in base; very uniform; abrupt lower contact.
943.08 943.79 0.71 Shale, coal streaks, dark gray; occasional coal streaks; clear lower contact (sampled basal 0.10' with coal).
943.79 944.77 0.98 Shale and coal interlaminated, medium to dark gray shale with thin coal bands up to 0.04' thick (sampled).
Coalburg coal bed, upper split, 944.77 - 948.62 (3.85'), Elv.= 579.23'
944.77 948.62 3.85 Coal, clarain, mostly bright clarain with some dull bands; few pyrite streaks from top to 946.10'; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
948.62 953.66 5.04 Shale, medium gray; few, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks from 949.77' to base; clear lower contact on basal sandstone streak (sampled top 0.05' with coal above).
953.66 956.56 2.90 Shale, medium to dark gray; very finely fissile; abrupt lower contact (sampled basal 0.09' with coal below).
Coalburg coal bed, lower split, 956.56 - 960.76 (4.20', parting= 1.07'), Elv.= 567.44'
956.56 956.73 0.17 Coal, clarain, bright clarain (sampled).
956.73 957.80 1.07 Shale, black, few, very thin coal streaks in top 0.12'; clear lower contact (sampled).
957.80 958.38 0.58 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
958.38 959.77 1.39 Coal, impure?; heavy to heft; core more intact than other sections; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
959.77 960.76 0.99 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
960.76 965.18 4.42 Claystone, rooted, medium gray with dark gray to black root traces; gradual lower contact with loss of roots and increasing development of bedding (sampled top 0.10' with above coal).
965.18 966.32 1.14 Shale, medium gray; clear lower contact on silt content.
966.32 970.80 4.48 Shale, silty, medium gray; very fine grained, medium gray, sandstone streaks, rippled from 967.77 to 968.77'; abrupt, angular lower contact.
970.80 971.35 0.55 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; ripple cross laminated; few, dark gray, shale streaks; clear lower contact.
971.35 972.38 1.03 Shale, sandy, medium gray; micaceous; sandy; abrupt lower contact.
972.38 973.23 0.85 Sandstone, light gray; fine to very fine grained; ripple laminations; abrupt lower contact with grain size and bedding change.
973.23 978.40 5.17 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; high angle (about 15 degrees), planar cross laminations with some zones showing laminations bounded by dark streaks about 0.02 to 0.031' thick; medium gray shale bands and clasts from 976.24 to 976.27'; abrupt lower contact with bedding change.
978.40 980.27 1.87 Sandstone, light gray; fine to very fine grained; planar ripple laminations; abrupt lower contact.
980.27 980.48 0.21 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; light gray, very fine grained, ripple laminations; abrupt lower contact.
980.48 989.95 9.47 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; mostly planar cross laminations but with some change in direction; abrupt lower contact at coal streak.
989.95 992.98 3.03 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; fine grained; mostly planar cross laminations; few zones of thin coal streaks with mica; some very fine grained zones; abrupt lower contact at basal coal streak.
992.98 995.73 2.75 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact at grain size change.
995.73 1006.82 11.09 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; medium grained; few, medium gray, shale streaks and clasts from top to 997.90'; abrupt lower contact at coal streaks.
1006.82 1011.50 4.68 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; medium grained; planar ripple to ripple cross laminated; thin coal streaks and small clasts throughout, especially abundant from 1009.90 to 1010.40'; few, medium gray, fine, shale clasts in basal 0.15'; abrupt lower contact.
1011.50 1016.43 4.93 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; mostly planar laminated with some planar cross laminations; coal streaks from 1014.00 to 1014.60' and from 1016.05 to 1016.30'; abrupt, angular lower contact on coal (not sampled).
Winifrede coal bed, 1016.43 - 1016.64 (0.21'), Elv.=507.57'
1016.43 1016.64 0.21 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
1016.64 1017.19 0.55 Claystone, rooted, dark gray to black; clear lower contact at sandstone (sampled top 0.07' with coal above).
1017.19 1019.12 1.93 Shale, rooted, dark gray; light gray, very fine grained, rooted, sandstone streaks; few, distinct, coarse, ironstone nodules and bands from 1018AS to 1018.70'; abrupt lower contact at sandstone streak.
1019.12 1019.75 0.63 Shale, sandy, dark gray; abrupt lower contact.
1019.75 1022.00 2.25 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; abrupt lower contact at shale bands.
1022.00 1024.62 2.62 Sandstone, shale, streaks, light to medium gray; fine grained; locally abundant mica; planar laminations; medium to dark gray shale streaks and bands up to 0.02' thick; high angle fracture at 1023'; abrupt lower contact.
1024.62 1027.72 3.10 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium to dark gray; sandstone streaks are light gray, very fine grained, becoming finer and less distinct to base; clear lower contact.
1027.72 1033.21 5.49 Shale, ironstone nodules, medium to dark gray; very uniform; few, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules and bands; clear lower contact at sandstone streak.
1033.21 1037.20 3.99 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; very occasional, very thin, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
 Winifrede Shale, 1037.20 - 1045.81 (8.61'), Elv.=486.80'
1037.20 1045.05 7.85 Shale, fossiliferous, dark gray; few, faint, bands of ironstone <0.021 thick; few marine fossils in basal 1.0 to 2.0'; abrupt lower contact.
1045.05 1045.81 0.76 Shale, fossiliferous, medium gray with abundant marine fossils including  brachiopods, pelecypods; fossils are strongly calcareous; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
Clinton Rider coal bed 1045.81 - 1046.40 (0.59'), Elv.= 478.19'
1045.81 1046.40 0.59 Coal, clarain (sampled).
1046.40 1048.52 2.12 Claystone, rooted, medium gray; clear lower contact at basal roots (not sampled).
1048.52 1054.87 6.35 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; occasional, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks and laminations; occasional ironstone bands up to 0.02' thick.
1054.87 1057.72 2.85 Sandstone, medium gray; very fine grained; rippled and bi-directional planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
1057.72 1061.08 3.36 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; light gray, fine grained, sandstone streaks; about 50/50 shale and sandstone streaks; clear lower contact.
1061.08 1063.91 2.83 Shale, ironstone, bands, medium gray; few, faint, coarse, ironstone bands up to 0.02' thick; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
Clinton coal bed, 1063.91- 1064.24 (0.33'), Elv.= 460.09'
1063.91 1064.24 0.33 Coal, clarain; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
1064.24 1067.02 2.78 Shale, medium gray; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
1067.02 1067.19 0.17 Coal, clarain (not sampled)
1067.19 1067.49 0.30 Shale, carbonaceous, black (not sampled).
1067.49 1069.04 1.55 Claystone, rooted, medium gray with abundant, dark gray to black,  root traces; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
1069.04 1069.33 0.29 Coal and shale interlaminated. (not sampled).
1069.33 1071.29 1.96 Shale, rooted, dark gray; poorly bedded at top; few, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules in basal 0.20'; abrupt lower contact at sandstone streaks (not sampled).
1071.29 1075.60 4.31 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; ripple laminated; rooted; dark gray shale streaks increasing to base; few, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules and bands; abrupt lower contact.
1075.60 1077.20 1.60 Shale, ironstone nodules, dark gray; many, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules and bands; clear lower contact.
1077.20 1085.83 8.63 Shale, dark gray; few, thin, sandstone streaks starting at 1078.70'; few, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules below 1079.00'; compaction around nodules evident; less ironstone nodules in base; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
Fireclay coal bed, 1085.83 - 1092.66 (6.83', parting= 2.27'), Elv.= 438.17'
1085.83 1087.36 1.53 Coal, clarain, slightly broken (sampled).
1087.36 1087.64 0.28 Claystone, rooted (sampled).
1087.64 1089.41 1.77 Coal, clarain; slightly broken; occasional, thin (<0.01' thick), pyrite streaks at 1087.69' and 1090.20', (sampled).
1089.41 1089.58 0.17 Claystone, rooted, black; abundant slickensides; broken; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
1089.58 1091.47 1.89 Shale, dark gray; very occasional, very thin, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact with coal (sampled basal 0.05' with coal below).
1091.47 1091.91 0.44 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; occasional pyrite streaks; broken by drilling (sampled).
1091.91 1092.01 0.10 Shale, black, (sampled).
1092.01 1092.66 0.65 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; broken by drilling (sampled).
1092.66 1093.47 0.81 Claystone, rooted, dark to medium gray; badly broken by drilling; clear lower contact at color change (sampled top 0.14' with coal above).
1093.47 1095.69 2.22 Claystone, rooted, light gray; clayey; crumbly in top 0.2l'; abundant pyrite from 1094.90 to 109S.20'; diffuse lower contact with increasing bedding development (not sampled).
1095.69 1096.61 0.92 Shale, carbonaceous, black, pyrite streaks, clear lower contact (not sampled).
1096.61 1097.81 1.20 Shale, carbonaceous, black with occasional, very thin, coal streaks; common, faint, fine, medium gray, streaks and small clasts of clayey material; abrupt lower contact at coal (sampled basal 0.06' with coal below).
Unnamed coal bed, 1097.81-1098.51 (0.70'), Elv.= 426.19'
1097.81 1098.51 0.70 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; somewhat broken by drilling;  possibly impure; clear lower contact (sampled).
1098.51 1101.87 3.36 Mudstone, rooted, medium to dark gray with abundant, light gray, very fine grained, bioturbated (rooted?), sandstone streaks; clear lower contact at bedding change (sampled top 0.10' with coal above).
1101.87 1106.20 4.33 Shale, bioturbated, dark gray; abundant, light gray, very fine grained, bioturbated, sandstone streaks; possible burrowing; abrupt lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1106.20 1109.16 2.96 Shale, medium gray; badly broken by drilling; vertical fractures?; abrupt lower contact at sandstone streaks.
1109.16 1109.75 0.59 Shale, burrowed, dark gray; abundant, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; highly burrowed; abrupt lower contact.
1109.75 1111.74 1.99 Shale, dark gray; few, faint, coarse ironstone nodules; abrupt lower contact.
1111.74 1112.48 0.74 Shale, burrowed, dark gray; highly burrowed; abundant, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; ironstone nodules in top 0.15'; abrupt lower contact.
1112.48 1113.50 1.02 Shale, dark gray; abrupt lower contact on coal (sampled basal 0.14' with coal below).
Cedar Groove coal bed, 1113.50 - 1114.25 (0.75'), Elv.= 410.50'
1113.50 1114.25 0.75 Coal, clarain with pyrite lenses in top 0.10'; dull band from 1113.91 to 1114.03'; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
1114.25 1115.60 1.35 Shale, rooted, silty; medium gray; abrupt lower contact (sampled top 0.10' with coal above).
1115.60 1117.17 1.57 Shale, light gray; becoming sandy to base; abrupt lower contact.
1117.17 1121.22 4.05 Shale, burrowed, dark gray; abundant, light gray, very fine grained sandstone streaks, all burrowed; abrupt lower contact at basal burrowing.
1121.22 1131.51 10.29 Shale, medium gray; very occasional, very thin, light gray, very fine grained sandstone streaks, mostly absent below 1127.00'; abrupt lower contact at color change.
1131.51 1136.24 4.73 Shale, ironstone nodules, light gray; some clasts of overlying unit in top 0.15'; common, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules and bands; coal streak at 1135.04'; abundant plant pinnules; gradual lower contact; sandy in contact zone.
1136.24 1136.41 0.17 Sandstone, bioturbated, light gray; bioturbated; very fine grained; massive; abrupt lower contact.
1136.41 1136.65 0.24 Sandstone, quartzose, very fine grained; medium gray sand with thin streaks and distorted bands of very fine grained, light gray, quartz sand; abrupt high angle lower contact.
1136.65 1137.68 1.03 Sandstone, bioturbated, light gray; very fine grained; massive; irregular lower contact with mixing of sand and shale.
1137.68 1138.00 0.32 Shale, bioturbated, medium gray; break between sandstone; clear lower contact.
1138.00 1139.16 1.16 Sandstone, bioturbated, light gray; very fine grained; massive; churned;  clear lower contact.
1139.16 1144.65 5.49 Shale, bioturbated, medium gray shale streaks with light gray, very  fine grained, mostly ripple laminated, sandstone streaks; probably rooted throughout; clear lower contact at ironstone band and decreasing sandstone streaks.
1144.65 1149.35 4.70 Shale, medium gray; few, thin, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks increasing upwards; few, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules and bands; clear lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1149.35 1163.04 13.69 Shale, ironstone nodules, medium gray; very uniform; few, faint, coarse, nodules and bands of ironstone, very weakly calcareous when scratched; less ironstone to base; abrupt lower contact.
Dingus Shale, 1163.04 - 1164.33 (1.29'), Elv.= 360.96'
1163.04 1164.33 1.29 Shale, fossiliferous, light to medium gray; calcareous marine fossils including brachiopods; also bioturbated; sandy; abrupt lower contact on coal (sampled basal 0.21' with coal below).
Williamson coal bed, 1164.33 - 1164.75 (0.42'), Elv.= 359.67'
1164.33 1164.75 0.42 Coal, clarain; impure in base; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
1164.75 1164.95 0.20 Shale, black; pyrite lenses; clear lower contact (sampled with coal above).
1164.95 1166.07 1.12 Shale, medium gray with coal streak at 1165.59'; gradual lower contact with increasing sand (sampled top 0.08' with coal above).
1166.07 1173.00 6.93 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; very thin, light gray, very fine grained, planar, ripple laminated sandstone streaks; clear lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1173.00 1179.25 6.25 Shale, medium gray; few, very thin, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact.
1179.25 1186.92 7.67 Shale, burrowed, medium gray; abundant, light gray, very fine grained, rippled, sandstone streaks; sand-filled planar round burrows up to 0.01' diameter; clear lower contact with increasing sand.
Campbell Creek marine zone, 1186.92 - 1205.57 (18.65'), Elv.= 337.08'
1186.92 1189.87 2.95 Sandstone, burrowed, light gray; fine grained; mostly rippled but distorted; horizontal and vertical burrows; some ironstone nodules showing compaction around them; abrupt lower contact.
1189.87 1195.00 5.13 Shale, medium gray; few, very thin, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; burrows from 1194.00' to base; clear lower contact.
1195.00 1196.90 1.90 Shale, burrowed, medium gray; light gray, fine grained, rippled, sandstone streaks; many sand-filled burrows; bedding Still somewhat intact; clear lower contact with increasing sand.
1196.90 1205.57 8.67 Sandstone, burrowed, light gray; very fine grained; rippled laminations; medium gray shale streaks; bedding mostly intact with abundant sand-filled burrows and general bioturbation; abrupt lower contact.
1205.57 1206.60 1.03 Sandstone, light gray; hard; dense; fine to medium grained with strongly calcareous cement; massive in top 0.30' with distorted cross laminations to base; also sand-sized coal fragments; very thin mica and coal streaks; clear lower contact at appearance of calcareous cement.
1206.60 1211.30 4.70 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; ripple to ripple cross laminated; abundant mica streaks and coaly streaks; few, medium gray, shale clasts; abrupt lower contact.
1211.30 1212.98 1.68 Shale, medium gray; few, very thin, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; abrupt lower contact.
1212.98 1214.20 1.22 Sandstone, shale streaks, light to medium gray; fine to very fine grained; planar cross laminations; occasional, medium gray, shale bands and streaks up to 0.02' thick; clear lower contact with increasing sand.
1214.20 1214.48 0.28 Shale, dark gray; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
No. 2 Gas rider? coal bed, 1214.48 - 1214.80 (0.32'), Elv.= 309.52'
1214.48 1214.55 0.07 Coal, impure (not sampled).
1214.55 1214.72 0.17 Pyrite nodule with coal streaks; clayey, abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
1214.72 1214.80 0.08 Coal, impure (not sampled).
1214.80 1216.55 1.75 Claystone, rooted, light gray-brown; abundant root traces; gradual lower contact on color and bedding change (not sampled).
1216.55 1219.00 2.45 Shale, medium gray; rooted in top; light gray, very fine grained, rippled, sandstone streaks from 1217.45 to 1218.35'; abrupt lower contact with coal (sampled basal 0.02' with coal below).
No. 2 Gas coal bed, 1219.00 - 1223.46 (4.46', parting= 2.79'), Elv.= 305.00'
1219.00 1219.21 0.21 Coal, (sampled).
1219.21 1219.38 0.17 Coal, dull band (sampled).
1219.38 1220.21 0.83 Coal, clarain, bright clarain (sampled).
1220.21 1222.03 1.82 Claystone, rooted, black in top 0.03', rest medium gray; slickensides; clear lower contact with increasing bedding development (sampled top 0.18' with coal above).
1222.03 1223.00 0.97 Shale, medium gray; poorly bedded in top; abrupt lower contact (sampled basal 0.06' with coal below).
1223.00 1223.46 0.46 Coal, (sampled).
1223.46 1223.67 0.21 Shale, dark gray, black in top by coal; abrupt lower contact (sampled top 0.17' with coal above).
1223.67 1226.37 2.70 Sandstone and shale interbedded, Sandstone; light gray; fine grained; top 0.40, massive, rest planar ripple laminated; medium gray shale zones/beds up to 0.10' thick; clear lower contact (not sampled).
1226.37 1228.81 2.44 Shale, medium gray (not sampled).
1228.81 1229.06 0.25 Coal, (not sampled).
1229.06 1231.73 2.67 Claystone, rooted, light gray; becoming sandy at 1230.00'; clear  lower contact at bedding change (not sampled).
1231.73 1235.52 3.79 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; ripple laminated; medium gray shale streaks; vertical fractures; abrupt lower contact.
1235.52 1235.93 0.41 Shale, medium gray; vertical fractures; abrupt lower contact.
1235.93 1243.85 7.92 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; mostly ripple laminated; medium gray shale streaks and thin beds up to 0.02' thick; few root traces and burrows(?); abrupt lower contact.
1243.85 1247.90 4.05 Shale, medium gray; broken slickensided pieces from 1246.10 to 1247.15'.
Marine zone ? 1247.90 - 1254.78 (6.88')
1247.90 1251.53 3.63 Sandstone, bioturbated, light gray; fine grained; bedding greatly distorted, probably from rooting; medium gray shale streaks throughout; few, distinct, medium to coarse, ironstone nodules throughout; possible burrows also; gradual lower contact.
1251.53 1253.28 1.75 Shale, bioturbated, medium gray; sandy, vertical fractures; gradual lower contact.
1253.28 1254.78 1.50 Sandstone, bioturbated, light to medium gray; fine grained; abundant,  medium gray, shale streaks; highly bioturbated, probably burrows; increasing shale to base; clear lower contact.
1254.78 1256.38 1.60 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; light gray, very fine grained, rippled, sandstone streaks increasing in amount to top; clear lower contact.
1256.38 1263.17 6.79 Shale, medium gray to dark gray-black in basal 1.0'; vertical fractures and broken from 1261.00 to base; abrupt lower contact.
1263.17 1263.31 0.14 Sandstone, light to medium gray; very fine grained; slightly ripple laminated (not sampled).
Powellton coal bed, 1263.31 - 1263.45 (0.14'), Elv.= 260.69'
1263.31 1263.45 0.14 Coal, (not sampled).
1263.45 1265.56 2.11 Claystone, rooted, light gray in top 0.20' grading to medium gray; few, faint, medium to coarse, ironstone nodules from 1265.00' to base; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
1265.56 1268.12 2.56 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; fine grained; ripple laminated; medium gray shale streaks up to 0.02' thick and one 0.15' bed; abrupt lower contact.
1268.12 1268.65 0.53 Shale, medium gray; clear lower contact.
1268.65 1269.00 0.35 Claystone, rooted, light to medium. gray; clear lower contact.
1269.00 1270.10 1.10 Shale, medium gray; clear lower contact.
1270.10 1270.47 0.37 Sandstone, medium gray; massive; very fine grained; abrupt, angular lower contact.
1270.47 1274.10 3.63 Shale,  medium gray; abrupt lower contact.
1274.10 1274.93 0.83 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; ripple cross laminated; clear lower contact.
1274.93 1278.90 3.97 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; few, light gray, very fine grained, ripple cross laminated, sandstone streaks, especially abundant from 1275.90 to 1276.30'; abrupt lower contact.
1278.90 1280.27 1.37 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; ripple cross laminated; zone of planar cross laminations from 1279.40 to 1280.00'; abrupt lower contact.
1280.27 1282.60 2.33 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; light gray, very fine grained, ripple cross laminated sandstone streaks; vertical fracture from 1290.80' to base; clear lower contact with increase in sand below.
1282.60 1285.10 2.50 Sandstone and shale interbedded, light gray; fine grained; ripple cross laminations with interlaminated shale beds up to 0.03' thick and shale streaks; abrupt lower contact at lowermost shale band.
1285.10 1286.65 1.55 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; very fine grained; ripple cross laminated; shale clasts in basal 0.50'; clear lower contact.
1286.65 1288.35 1.70 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; ripple laminated; coaly, mica streaks in top 0.2S'; abrupt lower contact at calcareous cement.
1288.35 1289.63 1.28 Sandstone, calcareous, light gray-brown; fine grained; massive; calcareous cement with calcite on vertical fractures; abrupt lower contact.
1289.63 1293.96 4.33 Sandstone cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; ripple laminated; clear lower contact.
1293.96 1294.84 0.88 Sandstone, slumped, light gray; fine grained; very high angle cross bedding and some distorted bedding; medium gray shale clasts in base; abrupt lower contact.
1294.84 1300.36 5.52 Shale, ironstone nodules, medium gray; few, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules; few, thin, sandstone streaks; plant pinnules.
1300.36 1300.63 0.27 CORE LOSS
1300.63 1300.84 0.21 Shale, medium gray; broken in drilling (sampled basal 0.10' with coal below).
Eagle coal bed, 1300.84 - 1301.43 (0.59'), Elv= 223.16'
1300.84 1301.43 0.59 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; broken by drilling; possible loss (sampled).
1301.43 1302.32 0.89 Claystone, rooted, medium gray; abrupt lower contact (sample top 0.10' with coal above).
1302.32 1308.85 6.53 Sandstone, rooted, light gray; fine grained; planar laminations and ripple laminations; bedding distorted by rooting, decreasing to base; gradual lower contact with decreased distortion to bedding.
1308.85 1313.46 4.61 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine to medium grained; planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
1313.46 1318.65 5.19 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; few, light gray, very fine grained, very thin, sandstone streaks, increasing upward; clear lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1318.65 1325.94 7.29 Shale, medium gray; sandy; hard, especially to base; clear lower contact at sandstone streaks.
1325.94 1326.55 0.61 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray shale; light gray, fine grained; ripple and ripple cross laminated, sandstone streaks; part of fining upward sequence; abrupt lower contact.
1326.55 1329.52 2.97 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; medium grained; abrupt lower contact at grain size change.
1329.52 1333.07 3.55 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; fine grained; mostly ripple cross laminated; few, very thin, micaceous, coal streaks; abrupt, high angle, lower contact.
1333.07 1333.47 0.40 Shale, coal streaks, dark gray; clayey; poorly bedded; few, thin, coal streaks, especially at base; abrupt, irregular, lower contact.
1333.47 1333.62 0.15 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; a thin lens; abrupt lower contact.
1333.62 1334.78 1.16 Shale, dark gray; poorly bedded; slickensided; slumped; irregular lenses of light gray, medium grained sandstone; abrupt lower contact.
1334.78 1336.58 1.80 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; silty; light gray, fine grained, sandstone streaks; high angle, planar, cross laminations to 1335.33', low angle to base; abrupt lower contact.
1336.58 1338.00 1.42 Shale, slumped, medium gray; silty; sandy; very high angle (45 degrees), light gray, fine grained, sandstone streaks, especially distorted in basal half; abrupt, angular, lower contact.
1338.00 1344.36 6.36 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; massive; fining upward; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
1344.36 1345.10 0.74 Sandstone, light gray; medium to coar3e grained; bi-directional, planar, cross laminations to massive; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
1345.10 1345.70 0.60 Sandstone, light gray; fine to medium grained; planar laminations to planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
1345.70 1352.92 7.22 Sandstone, light gray; medium to coarse grained; interbedded, planar cross laminations and massive; medium gray shale and ironstone clasts from 1352.15 to 1352.52'; abrupt, angular, lower contact.
1352.92 1359.97 7.05 Shale, medium gray; slickensided; few, faint, medium to coarse, ironstone nodules; clear lower contact at sandstone streaks.
1359.97 1364.00 4.03 Sandstone, slumped, overall, homogenized medium gray; light gray, fine grained, planar cross laminations; medium gray shale streaks; all distorted, slumped with common micro-faulting; increasing shale to base; abrupt lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1364.00 1364.95 0.95 Shale, medium to dark gray; abundant slickensides; very broken into small fragments, especially at base; abrupt lower contact.
Position of the Middle War Eagle coal bed, Elv.= 159.05'
1364.95 1364.95 0.00 Coal, not present.
1364.95 1365.70 0.75 Claystone, rooted, light gray-brown; abundant root traces; clear lower contact at sandstone streak.
1365.70 1366.83 1.13 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; planar ripple laminations with streaks of claystone (above unit) in top; shale streaks in basal 0.30'; clear lower contact.
1366.83 1368.68 1.85 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; few, very thin, very fine grained, light gray, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact.
1368.68 1378.49 9.81 Sandstone and shale interbedded, light gray; very fine grained; ripple laminations; medium gray shale streaks and laminations - "tiger striped"; some zones of soft sediment deformation; clear lower contact with upward increasing sand and decreasing shale.
1378.49 1381.30 2.81 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium to dark gray; few, light gray, fine grained, rippled sandstone streaks; abrupt lower contact.
1381.30 1385.36 4.06 Sandstone, burrowed, light gray; fine grained; ripple laminations; interlaminated medium gray shale; some round, mostly planar burrows, especially from 1383.80' to base; abrupt lower contact.
1385.36 1414.95 29.59 Shale, medium gray; very uniform; occasional, light gray, very fine grained, very thin, discontinuous sandstone streaks; few, faint, ironstone bands up to 0.07' thick; silty to base; some burrows evident in sandstone streaks below 1402.00'; badly broken around vertical fractures from 1412.80' to base; abrupt lower contact.
1414.95 1419.23 4.28 Sandstone, burrowed, light gray; very fine grained; rippled laminations; medium gray shale laminations and streaks; common sand-filled burrows, especially below 1416.00'; increased bioturbation below 1416.00'; abrupt lower contact.
1419.23 1422.13 2.90 Shale, medium gray; occasional, light gray, very fine grained, very thin, discontinuous, rippled, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact at burrows.
1422.13 1427.51 5.38 Shale, burrowed, medium gray; few, light gray, very fine grained, sand-filled burrows and discontinuous streaks; large ironstone nodules from 1427.32 to 1427.45'; abrupt lower contact with sandstone band at base.
1427.51 1432.60 5.09 Shale, medium gray; very uniform; plant stems; becoming silty, sandy to base; clear lower contact at sandstone streaks.
1432.60 1433.78 1.18 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; sandy; faint, medium gray, very fine grained, rippled, sandstone streaks; abrupt lower contact.
1433.78 1437.38 3.60 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; mostly ripple laminated; few, medium to dark gray, shale bands up to 0.02' thick, from top to 143S.67'; common mica streaks; clear lower contact at bedding and mineralogy change.
1437.38 1439.22 1.84 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; mica streaks; mostly ripple cross laminated; increasing quartz content to base; abrupt lower contact at basal 0.03' thick shale band.
1439.22 1439.34 0.12 Sandstone, quartzose, light gray to white; fine to medium grained; still some accessory minerals; abrupt lower contact.
1439.34 1443.53 4.19 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; ripple to ripple cross laminations; mica streaks; moderately clean with minor accessory minerals; cleaner with stylolites from 1442.50' to base; abrupt lower contact.
1443.53 1444.31 0.78 Sandstone, light to medium gray; fine to very fine grained; medium to dark gray shale streaks; abrupt lower contact at basal shale streak.
1444.31 1451.43 7.12 Sandstone, quartzose, light gray; fine grained; mostly massive to rippled; common stylolites; thin coaly streaks from 1451.00' to base; abrupt lower contact.
1451.43 1451.90 0.47 Sandstone, shale clasts, light gray; fine grained; quartzose; medium gray shale clasts and streaks; one large, angular, shale clast from 1451.60 to 1451.70'; clear lower contact at basal shale streak.
1451.90 1455.94 4.04 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; fairly quartzose; minor accessory minerals; cleaner to base; few, thin, coal streaks throughout; abrupt, irregular lower contact.
1455.94 1485.64 29.70 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; fine grained; ripple laminated; common, medium gray, shale laminations up to 0.02' thick and rippled shale streaks; abundant, small shale clasts in top 0.25' and from 1490.05 to 1459.25', from 1476.90 to 1477.31', from 1477.82 to 1477.90', from 1480.32 to 1480.44', from 1480.72 to 1480.88', from 1482.16 to 1482.501, from 1483.33 to 1483.37', and in basal 0.07'; abrupt lower contact.
1485.64 1486.40 0.76 Sandstone, light gray; medium grained; few, fine, ironstone pebbles; slightly clean; abrupt lower contact on grain size change.
1486.40 1486.80 0.40 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; slightly inclined, planar laminations; abrupt lower contact.
1486.80 1488.05 1.25 Sandstone, conglomerate, light gray; medium grained; abundant, ironstone pebbles and clasts; some fine grained, medium gray, sandstone pebbles and clasts; one coal streak; one zone with gas emissions; clear lower contact.
1488.05 1489.17 1.12 Sandstone, shale clasts, light gray; fine grained; abundant, medium gray, shale clasts; clear lower contact.
1489.17 1490.45 1.28 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; massive; zones of fine, ironstone pebbles and clasts from 1489.40 to 1489.60', and from 1490.23' to base; clear lower contact.
1490.45 1491.14 0.69 Sandstone, conglomerate, light gray; medium grained; abundant, ironstone pebbles, shale clasts and pebbles; few, fine grained, sandstone clasts; abrupt lower contact.
1491.14 1491.58 0.44 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; planar cross laminations; abrupt, angular lower contact.
1491.58 1492.37 0.79 Sandstone, shale clasts, light gray; medium grained; medium gray, shale clasts; few ironstone clasts; abrupt lower contact.
1492.37 1494.00 1.63 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; large shale pebble from 1493.30 to 1493.58', discontinuous across core; few shale and ironstone clasts and pebbles in basal 0.20'; abrupt lower contact.
1494.00 1495.11 1.11 Sandstone, cross bedded, light gray; fine grained; planar cross laminations; abrupt lower contact.
1495.11 1495.50 0.39 Sandstone, conglomerate, light gray; medium grained; abundant shale pebbles and clasts; abrupt lower contact.
1495.50 1497.90 2.40 Shale, dark gray; abrupt lower contact.
1497.90 1501.53 3.63 Shale, sandy, medium gray; few, very thin, light gray, very fine grained, rippled, slightly inclined, sandstone streaks; clear lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1501.53 1506.65 5.12 Shale, ironstone nodules, medium gray; few, faint, bands of ironstone up to 0.18' thick; few plant stems; abrupt, angular lower contact.
1506.65 1508.33 1.68 Sandstone, medium gray; very fine grained; rooted in top; abrupt lower contact.
1508.33 1508.74 0.41 Sandstone, quartzose, light gray to white; hard; fine grained; abrupt lower contact.
1508.74 1509.90 1.16 Sandstone, light to medium gray; very fine grained; streaks of clean sandstone; soft sediment deformation(?) from 1509.12 to 1509.55'; abrupt, angular lower contact.
1509.90 1512.33 2.43 Sandstone, quartzose, light gray to white; fine grained; ripple and ripple cross laminations; mostly quartz grains with minor dark mineral grains and mica; hard; slump planes, micro-faulting in basal 0.40'; abrupt, angular lower contact.
1512.33 1513.17 0.84 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; rippled sandstone streaks, some quartzose; medium gray and light gray-brown shale streaks; clear lower contact.
1513.17 1518.48 5.31 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; ripple laminations with interlaminated, medium gray shale; some sandstone laminations are very discontinuous; possible planar burrows from 1516.00' to base; clear lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1518.48 1521.63 3.15 Shale, dark gray; very uniform; no plants seen; abrupt lower contact at sandstone streak.
1521.63 1522.83 1.20 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; few, light to medium gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; bioturbated - rooted?, burrowed?; abrupt lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1522.83 1525.81 2.98 Shale, ironstone nodules, medium gray; common ironstone bands up to thick, few nodules; abrupt lower contact.
1525.81 1526.06 0.25 Sandstone, bioturbated, medium gray; very fine grained; rooted?; abrupt lower contact.
1526.06 1527.00 0.94 Shale, medium to dark gray; few, faint, thin (<0.02'), ironstone bands; clear lower contact.
Marine zone?, 1527.00 - 1529.37 (2.37'), Elv.= -3.00'
1527.00 1529.37 2.37 Shale, fossiliferous, medium gray; few, faint, ironstone bands; small pelecypods and possible gastropods, possibly extending into shale above and below; clear lower contact to last fossil observed.
1529.37 1534.85 5.48 Shale, medium gray with light gray streaks; ironstone bands; no fossils seen; very thin, very fine grained, sandstone streaks from 1532.80 to 1534.00'; clear lower contact.
1534.85 1537.06 2.21 Shale, silty, light to medium gray; zones of 1-2 mm sized siderite pellets; sandy streak zone from 1536.60 to 1536.70'; abrupt lower contact.
1537.06 1541.17 4.11 Sandstone, rooted, light gray; very fine grained; silty; rooted to about 1540.00', less so below; some white, cleaner streaks; diffuse lower contact with loss of rooting and increasing amount of shale.
1541.17 1544.25 3.08 Shale, sandy, light to medium gray; sandy and silty; diffuse lower contact at discernible sandstone streak.
1544.25 1557.25 13.00 Shale, sandstone streaks, light to medium. gray; sandy; light gray to white, very fine grained, rippled and ripple cross laminated, sandstone streaks, some slightly clean; very high angle, possibly slumped laminations from 1550.00 to 1550.85'; rooted from 1551.00' to base; highly rooted from ISS6.00'to base; clear lower contact.
1557.25 1558.00 0.75 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; rippled, bioturbated; medium gray, shale bands and streaks; clear lower contact.
1558.00 1562.73 4.73 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; sandy; light gray to white, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; white zones are clean quartz; soft sediment deformation or bioturbation below 1559.00'; abundant coal streaks and clasts from 1561.63 to 1562.52'; increasing sand to base; abrupt lower contact.
1562.73 1564.16 1.43 Sandstone, shale streaks, thin, light gray, very fine grained, ripple laminated sandstone with interlaminated, dark gray shale; bioturbated, probably rooted; sandstone streaks not as evident in basal 0.30'; abrupt lower contact (sampled basal 0.10' with coal below).
Sewell coal bed, 1564.16 - 1565.60 (1.44'), Elv.= -40.16'
1564.16 1565.60 1.44 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; gas bubbles from cleat and bedding; broken along cleat (sampled).
1565.60 1569.82 4.22 Sandstone, rooted, light gray; very fine grained; fining-up; laminations destroyed from top to about 1568.00'; ripple laminations evident from 1568.00' to base, but still rooted; abrupt lower contact (sampled top 0.06 with coal above).
1569.82 1576.62 6.80 Shale, medium to dark gray; very few, very thin, light gray, very fine grained, sandstone streaks; few, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules in top to 1571.02'; clear lower contact at sandstone streaks.
1576.62 1578.83 2.21 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium to dark gray; light gray, very fine grained, slightly ripple laminated, sandstone streaks; some burrowing(?) evident in sandstone streaks; abrupt lower contact.
1578.83 1581.00 2.17 Sandstone, silty, light to medium gray; massive; burrowed in top 0.10'; rooted.
1581.00 1583.08 2.08 Shale, silty, medium gray; few sandstone streaks; roots, plant pinnules; clear lower contact.
1583.08 1588.83 5.75 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; light gray, very fine grained, high angle, rippled, sandstone streaks, slumped to 1585.20'; mostly low angle, ripple cross laminations from 1585.20' to base; abrupt lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1588.83 1590.86 2.03 Shale, ironstone nodules, medium gray; few, faint, coarse, ironstone nodules and bands; abrupt lower contact.
1590.86 1592.92 2.06 Sandstone, silty, medium gray; very fine grained; mostly ripple laminated; clear lower contact.
1592.92 1594.34 1.42 Shale, medium gray; abrupt lower contact (sampled basal 0.10' with coal below).
Unnamed coal bed, 1594.34 - 1596.46 (2.12', parting= 1.35'), Elv.= -70.34'
1594.34 1594.89 0.55 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; badly broken when removed from core barrel with water; stratigraphy uncertain; abrupt lower contact (sampled).
1594.89 1594.93 0.04 Shale, black (sampled).
1594.93 1595.00 0.07 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; partially lost; bottom broken, uncertain (sampled).
1595.00 1595.97 0.97 Shale, medium to dark gray; badly broken at top by drilling, contact with coal uncertain; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
1595.97 1596.31 0.34 Shale, coal streaks, black; coaly (not sampled).
1596.31 1596.46 0.15 Coal, clarain, bright clarain; some vitrain; probably impure in the top; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
1596.46 1597.30 0.84 Shale, dark gray, few thin coal streaks, clear lower contact (not sampled).
1597.30 1601.17 3.87 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium gray; sandy, silty; few ironstone nodules; light gray, very thin, very fine grained, bioturbated, sandstone streaks, becoming ripple cross laminated below 1600.00'; coal streak at 1598.25'; clear lower contact at basal sandstone streak.
1601.17 1607.18 6.01 Shale, coal streaks, medium to dark gray; moderately abundant coal streaks and spars up to 0.02' thick; clear lower contact with upward decrease in coal streaks.
1607.18 1625.37 18.19 Shale, coal streaks, dark gray; abundant coal streaks and clasts, more than above, especially abundant from 1610.00 to 1611.40'; large pyrite nodule at 1608.60'; plant material throughout; unit badly broken by drilling; vertical fracturing and broken from 1617.80 to 1619.30'; very few coal streaks below 1619.50'; abrupt lower contact.
1625.37 1630.00 4.63 Siltstone, rooted, light to medium gray; sandy; massive; fine grained to base; clear lower contact.
1630.00 1630.13 0.13 Shale, light to medium gray; dark gray to black streaks and bands; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol A horizon).
1630.13 1633.18 3.05 Claystone, rooted, light gray to brown; slightly bedded in top 0.20', rest massive; slickensided; diffuse lower contact with increasing sand and bedding (Paleosol B horizon).
1633.18 1635.20 2.02 Shale, silty, light to medium gray; sandy, silty; poorly bedded; zones of mm-sized siderite(?) pellets; abrupt lower contact.
1635.20 1637.54 2.34 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; ripple and ripple cross laminations; shale bed from 1637.2S to 1637.45'; abrupt lower contact.
1637.54 1638.74 1.20 Shale, medium gray at top to dark gray at base; bands of very fine, ironstone(?) pellets to 1637.93'; abrupt lower contact.
1638.74 1642.60 3.86 Claystone, rooted, medium gray-brown; abundant root traces; broken; abundant, small slickensides; plant trash; clear lower contact with increasing bedding.
1642.60 1645.42 2.82 Shale, medium to dark gray; increasing fissility to base; occasional, small, poorly developed slickensides; occasional plant fragments; 3ideritic zone from 1643.23 to 1643.47'and 1544.2S to 1644.50'; occasional, dark clay streak; clear lower contact.
1645.42 1646.75 1.33 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium to dark gray; light gray, very fine grained, rippled, sandstone streaks; possible, occasional bioturbation; sand decreases to base; occasional lycopod stems on bedding planes; clear lower contact.
1646.75 1647.37 0.62 Shale, medium to dark gray; abundant plant trash and fragments, not easily identifiable; abrupt lower contact.
1647.37 1651.17 3.80 Claystone, rooted, dark gray; abundant, well developed, slickensides; very broken from drilling from 1648.50 to 1649.90'; abrupt lower contact.
1651.17 1666.30 15.13 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, light to medium gray; planar laminated sandstone streaks; very occasional, poorly preserved, plant fragments; well preserved calamite stems on bedding planes to base; angled to vertical fractures at 1662.70 and 166S.50'; less sandy to base.
1666.30 1675.13 8.83 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, medium gray; sandstone, light to medium gray, very fine grained, beds < 0.5' thick; occasional zones of soft sediment deformation; increasing sand to base; abrupt lower contact.
1675.13 1676.40 1.27 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar cross laminations; occasional shale rip-ups < 0.07' thick; abrupt, angular, lower contact, about 45 degrees.
1676.40 1677.50 1.10 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; mixed with dark gray siltstone, possibly slumped; shale rip-ups; low angle, ripple cross laminations and planar cross laminations to base; abrupt, angular lower contact.
1677.50 1679.79 2.29 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; abundant, small trough beds; abrupt lower contact.
1679.79 1680.14 0.35 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, medium to dark gray; more a zone of mixing than distinct lithologies; sandstone occurs as <0.07' round blebs within the 3ilt3tone matrix; possibly soft sediment deformation; abrupt lower contact.
1680.14 1680.90 0.76 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; trough cross laminations changing to low angle, planar, cross laminations to base; organic-rich, thin (<0.01' thick) streaks; locally abundant mica.
1680.90 1683.36 2.46 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; bi-directional, planar cross laminations; occasional, very thin, shale wisps; abrupt lower contact on color change.
1683.36 1683.61 0.25 Sandstone, medium to dark gray; low angle, planar cross laminations; dark minerals on laminations; abrupt lower contact on color change.
1683.61 1684.17 0.56 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar, cross laminations; abundant, very thin, shale wisps on bedding to top; abrupt lower contact.
1684.17 1701.05 16.88 Sandstone, hard, light gray; fine grained; massive to 1684.98'; low angle, planar, cross laminations to 1686.10'; occasional, dark, shale wisps on laminations from 1686.10 to 1686.30'; shale streaks from 1686.56 to 1686.58'; planar, cross laminations at 20 degrees with occasional shale wisps to 1688.40'; planar laminations from 1688.40 to 1688.73'; planar, cross laminations to base; mica-rich partings less than 0.01' thick from 1691.30 to 1690.45'; rounded and flat shale pebbles averaging 0.051 X <0.01'.
1701.05 1704.50 3.45 Sandstone, hard, light gray; fine grained; planar, to low angle, planar, cross laminations; locally abundant mica; abrupt lower contact on color change.
1704.50 1704.83 0.33 Sandstone, hard, very light gray; fine grained; abundant mica partings less than 0.01' thick; clear lower contact.
1704.83 1711.40 6.57 Sandstone, hard, light gray; fine grained; massive to top; abundant mica streaks below 1706.20'; planar laminations to base; occasional, angular to subrounded pebbles about 0.08' diameter from 1709.70 to 1710.15'; abrupt lower contact.
1711.40 1712.75 1.35 Sandstone, hard, fine grained; abundant mica and dark streaks; low angle (about 15 degrees); clear, angular lower contact.
1712.75 1713.10 0.35 Sandstone, hard, light gray; fine grained; massive; very hard; clear lower contact.
1713.10 1719.95 6.85 Sandstone, coal streaks, hard; fine grained; light gray; coal streaks are thin at top, up to 0.01' thick at base; also occasional, 0.02' thick, medium grained, sandstone streaks to base; appears that sand becomes even harder to base; clear lower contact.
1719.95 1720.75 0.80 Sandstone, hard, fine grained; gray; massive (not sampled).
Unnamed coal bed, 1720.75 - 1722.95 (2.20', parting= 10.69'), Elv.= -196.75'
1720.75 1720.86 0.11 Coal, clarain, broken; methane emissions evident (not sampled).
1720.86 1721.75 0.89 Sandstone, fine grained; light gray; soft sediment deformation; occasional, dark mineral streaks; coaly streak <0.01' thick at 1721.62'; abundant shale pebbles at base; clear lower contact (not sampled).
1721.75 1722.55 0.80 Shale, sandstone streaks, medium to dark gray; sandstone: fine grained; light gray; ripple laminated; slickensides; planar laminations to base; abrupt lower contact (not sampled).
1722.55 1722.95 0.40 Coal, clarain, methane emissions evident (not sampled).
1722.95 1723.10 0.15 Claystone, rooted, black; roots; slickensides (not sampled).
1723.10 1724.25 1.15 Shale, dark gray; slightly silty; occasional slickensides to top; increasingly silty to base.
1724.25 1729.90 5.65 Siltstone, sandy, dark gray; sandy; massive to top; mixed with sand to base.
1729.90 1732.50 2.60 Sandstone, medium to dark gray; fine grained; occasional, thin, plant material wisps; low angle, planar, cross laminations; some very small, coaly fragments; coarser to base; occasional, shale pebbles below 1732.00'; abrupt lower contact.
1732.50 1736.00 3.50 Shale, very dark gray; coaly streaks; slickensides; poorly preserved plant fossils; slightly silty to base; clear lower contact.
1736.00 1737.80 1.80 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, Siltstone: dark gray; sandstone: light gray; fine grained; low angle, planar, cross laminations; some mixing, possibly soft sediment deformation, very thin, coaly wisps; increasing sand to base; abrupt lower contact.
1737.80 1738.25 0.45 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; soft sediment deformation; occasional shale pebbles; abrupt lower contact on oil show.
1738.25 1740.01 1.76 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; massive to mixed; abundant oil and gas coming from pores; abrupt lower contact.
1740.01 1750.39 10.38 Siltstone, medium gray; occasional, sandy streaks to base; locally abundant siderite-rich blebs less than 0.10' diameter below 1744.00'; occasional, poorly developed slickensides; increasingly sandy to base; rooted in places; observed zones of mixing and micro-faulting in sandy streaks (slumping?); occasional, well-preserved calamite stem; abrupt lower contact on color change.
1750.39 1751.57 1.18 Siltstone, light gray; occasional, sandy streak; occasional slickensides; possible slump below 1751.00'; abrupt lower contact.
1751.57 1753.98 2.41 Shale, black; very slickensided; interesting plant fossil at 1753.64'; poorly preserved plant fragments.
1753.98 1755.08 1.10 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded: Siltstone: medium gray;  sandstone: light gray; low angle, planar, cross laminations; very small ripples; occasional plant fragments; clear lower contact.
1755.08 1756.40 1.32 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; soft sediment deformation; occasional shaley streak; abrupt lower color.
1756.40 1757.13 0.73 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; slumped.
1757.13 1763.08 5.95 Sandstone, coal streaks, light gray; fine grained; hard; abundant, dark mineral streaks; occasional, thin shale streaks; gas showing at 1759.00'; sand darkens to base; occasional shale clast; some poorly preserved plant material; abrupt lower contact.
1763.08 1763.86 0.78 Siltstone, medium to dark gray; some clay zones; well developed slickensides locally; clear lower contact.
1763.86 1764.70 0.84 Sandstone, light gray with white streaks; fine grained; occasional shale clast3 mixed with silt; coal streak at 1763.98'; abrupt lower contact.
1764.70 1768.40 3.70 Siltstone, medium gray; occasional clayey streak; locally slightly sandy; occasional slickensides; abrupt lower contact.
1768.40 1775.74 7.34 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded, light gray; very fine grained; siltstone is dark gray; low angle, planar, cross laminations to flat, planar laminations; beds less than 0.40' thick; increasing siltstone to base and beds becoming thinner, about 0.10' thick; clear lower contact.
1775.74 1780.82 5.08 Sandstone and siltstone interbedded: Sandstone: light gray; very fine grained Siltstone: dark gray. Possibly rippled; definitely rhythmically bedded; beds are 0.10' or less thick, relatively flat; occasional clayey streak up to 0.02' thick to base; abrupt lower contact.
1780.82 1784.72 3.90 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; rippled and micro-faulted; horizontal fractures; slightly silty, increasing to base; abrupt lower contact.
1784.72 1785.00 0.28 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; rippled; dark streaks; occasional plant stems; abrupt lower contact.
1785.00 1792.18 7.18 Siltstone, sandy, medium to dark gray; sand occurs in very fine grained wisps and laminations; flat, planar bedding; occasional ripples in sandy zones; abundant, well preserved calamites(?); abrupt lower contact.
1792.18 1795.00 2.82 Sandstone, light gray; fine grained; abundant trough ripples and low angle, rippled, cross laminations; occasional silty streaks; clear lower contact.
1795.00 1796.15 1.15 Siltstone, sandy, dark gray; fine grained; light gray, fine grained sand; rippled; vertical fracture at 1795.50'; abrupt lower contact.
1796.15 1797.53 1.38 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; abundant, dark mineral streaks; rippled; sand becomes cleaner to base; shale rip-ups at base; abrupt, wavy lower contact.
1797.53 1806.21 8.68 Sandstone, light gray; very fine grained; abundant dark streaks; ripples; becomes cleaner sand to base; fewer dark streaks to base; possible burrows; vertical fracture at 1804.10'; abrupt, angular lower contact.
1806.21 1808.65 2.44 Siltstone and sandstone interbedded: Siltstone: dark gray. Sandstone: light gray to gray; fine grained. Beds about 0.40' thick; some small ripples; mostly flat, planar laminations; abrupt lower contact.
1808.65 1815.05 6.40 Sandstone, light gray to gray; fine grained; occasional dark mineral streaks; low angle, planar, cross laminations to flat, planar laminations; occasional shale rip-ups and pebbles to base, elongate, less than 0.10' by 0.03'; abrupt, erosional lower contact.
1815.05 1815.86 0.81 Claystone, rooted, medium gray; clayey; slickensided; clear lower contact.
1815.86 1816.50 0.64 Claystone, rooted, medium to dark gray; slickensides; slightly silty; clear lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary, Elv.= -292.50'
1816.50 1818.60 2.10 Sandstone, very fine grained; gray to gray-green; massive to mixed bedding types; clear lower contact.
1818.60 1820.66 2.06 Mudstone, light to medium gray-green; very poorly bedded at top; silty in top to 1819.00'; slickensided; badly broken; clear lower contact at color change (Paleosol B horizon).
1820.66 1822.35 1.69 Claystone red; few, distinct, fine to coarse, light gray-green mottles; common 5lickenside3; abrupt lower contact at color change (Paleosol B, BC horizons).
1822.35 1822.63 0.28 Shale, medium gray-green; slickensides; abrupt lower contact.
1822.63 1823.00 0.37 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray-green; very fine grained; rippled laminations and streaks; medium gray-green shale streaks; clear lower contact with increasing shale.
1823.00 1823.52 0.52 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray-green; many slickensides; badly broken in top half; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
1823.52 1824.00 0.48 Sandstone and shale interbedded, light gray-green; very fine grained; massive; some soft sediment deformation evident; interbeds of medium gray-green shale; abrupt lower contact.
1824.00 1824.17 0.17 Shale, medium gray-green; clear lower contact at color and bedding change.
1824.17 1828.15 3.98 Claystone, red with common, light to medium. gray-green, distinct, fine to coarse mottles; zone of medium gray-green from 1826.65 to 1826.80'; zone of light gray to white, calcareous to strongly calcareous streaks and fracture fills from 1827.50 to 1827.70'; clear lower contact at color change (Paleosol B horizon).
1828.15 1828.70 0.55 Shale, medium gray-green; poorly bedded; few slickensides; few, distinct, light gray, calcareous nodules; large nodule from 1828.53 to 1828.65'; abrupt lower contact.
1828.70 1833.00 4.30 Sandstone, slumped, light to medium. gray-green; very fine grained; planar rippled to ripple cross laminated; high angle slump planes and some soft sediment deformation; common, distinct, light gray, medium to coarse, calcareous nodules; medium gray-green shale streaks and bands from 1831.55' to base; clear lower contact.
1833.00 1834.52 1.52 Shale, medium gray-green; sandy in top; few slickensides; abrupt lower contact at color change.
1834.52 1836.10 1.58 Mudstone, red, gray-red; few, light gray-green, prominent, coarse mottles; common slickensides; few, distinct, fine, calcareous nodules; clear, angular, lower contact at calcareous/non-calcareous break (Paleosol B horizon).
1836.10 1838.17 2.07 Shale, calcareous, red; light gray-green streaks and laminations; calcareous throughout; few, distinct, medium to coarse, calcareous nodules; few slickensides; abrupt lower contact at color change.
1838.17 1838.87 0.70 Shale, light gray-green; weakly calcareous; few, distinct, medium to coarse, light gray, calcareous nodules; abrupt lower contact at color change.
1838.87 1842.30 3.43 Shale, red, solid red; poorly bedded; few to common slickensides; badly broken from 1841.45' to base.
1842.30 1842.50 0.20 Mudstone, silty, medium gray-green; some light gray-green clasts; abrupt, angular, lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
1842.50 1843.10 0.60 Claystone, slickensides, medium gray-green; black streaks and patches; many slickensides; sandy lenses and streaks throughout; nodular appearance; abrupt, angular, lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
1843.10 1844.97 1.87 Claystone, mottled, medium gray-green; many, distinct, coarse, red mottles and streaks; many slickensides; very broken; abrupt lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
1844.97 1846.63 1.66 Shale, red, with streaks and bands of light gray-green; abrupt lower contact at color change.
1846.63 1847.37 0.74 Shale, medium gray; very uniform; abrupt lower contact.
1847.37 1849.51 2.14 Sandstone, light to medium gray; very fine grained; ripple laminated; medium gray shale break from 1848.25 to 1848.39'; shaley in bottom 0.07'; abrupt lower contact.
1849.51 1850.23 0.72 Shale, medium gray-green; calcareous; small, calcite-filled ostracodes(?); possible pieces of bivalves; pyrite grains; clear lower contact at color change and decreasing fossils.
1850.23 1853.00 2.77 Claystone, red, solid red; few, faint, fine to coarse, medium gray-green mottles in basal 0.50'; common slickensides; calcareous throughout; few, very thin, calcareous streaks from 1852.16' to base; clear lower contact at basal red color (Paleosol B horizon).
1853.00 1856.20 3.20 Claystone, calcareous, medium gray-green; calcareous; few, thin, light gray to white calcareous streaks; common slickensides; diffuse lower contact with nodules (Paleosol B horizon).
1856.20 1857.45 1.25 Claystone, calcareous, medium gray-green; faint, light to medium. gray, fine, smooth, calcareous nodules; very weakly calcareous from 1857.17' to base; clear lower contact (Paleosol B horizon).
1857.45 1858.81 1.36 Shale, silty, medium gray-green; sandy in basal half; abrupt lower contact.
1858.81 1859.96 1.15 Sandstone, shale streaks, light gray; very fine grained; ripple laminated; medium gray shale streaks and beds; abrupt lower contact.
1859.96 1861.00 1.04 Sandstone, quartzose, light gray; ripple laminations; dark gray streaks; very fine grained; smooth; hard; to TD 1861'.
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