; GPR_PROC.CM_ batch = "FALSE" num_input_files = 0 input_filelist[] output_filelist[] channel = 1 ; NOTE that options are performed in the order they are listed by you. One ; suggested sequence is given below. glob_bckgrnd_rem = "FALSE" glob_forgrnd_rem = "FALSE" num_gain_off = 0 gain_off[] amp_adjust = "INVALID_VALUE" low_freq_cutoff = -1.0 ; NOTE: both low and high cutoffs must be given if high_freq_cutoff = -1.0 ; either or both are requested preprocFFT = "TRUE" samp_slide = 0 wind_bckgrnd_rem = 0 wind_forgrnd_rem = 0 stack = 0 amp_scale = 1.0 hsmooth = 0 vsmooth = 0 spatial_median = 0 temporal_median = 0 inst_amp = "FALSE" inst_pow = "FALSE" num_gain_on = 0 gain_on[] trace_equalize = -1