#ifndef GPRSLICE_H #define GPRSLICE_H /* GPRSLICE.H version */ /* Jeff Lucius U.S. Geological Survey * February 24, 1997; July 23, 1999; July 30, 1999; August 6, 1999; * September 2, 1999; September 30, 1999; October 14, 1999; December 22, 1999; * July 27, 2000; September 29, 2000; March 26, 2001; October 3, 2001; */ /********************** Include required header files ***********************/ /* non-ANSI-compatible headers */ #include /* getch */ #include /* chdir, getcwd, mkdir */ #include /* access */ #include /* _memavl */ #include /* system */ #include /* _dos_getdate, _dos_gettime, struct dosdate_t, struct dostime_t */ /* ANSI-compatible headers */ #include /* sqrt,pow */ #include /* printf,FILE,NULL,_IOFBF,fopen,fclose,fgets,puts, fread,fwrite,setvbuf,fseek,SEEK_SET,SEEK_END,EOF, ftell,size_t,sprintf,ferror,clearerr */ #include /* abs,atof,atoi,NULL,malloc,free,size_t,exit, _MAX_DRIVE,_MAX_DIR,_MAX_FNAME,_MAX_EXT, _splitpath (non-ANSI),realloc */ #include /* strcpy,strlen,strstr,memset,strncpy,memcpy,strcat, strlwr (non-ANSI),strupr (non-ANSI),strcmp,size_t */ /* Lucius application headers */ #include "assertjl.h" /* JL custom version of assert */ #include "gpr_io.h" /* JL GPR data I/O library */ #include "jl_defs.h" /* JL constants and macros */ #include "jl_util1.h" /* JL utility functions library */ #include "pcx_io.h" /* JL PCX graphics I/O library */ /*************************** Manifest constants *****************************/ #define GPRSLICE_VER "" #define DATETIME "October 3, 2001" #ifndef NUM_XFRM_METHODS #define NUM_XFRM_METHODS (5) #define XFRM_NONE (0) #define XFRM_ABSO (1) #define XFRM_SQRE (2) #define XFRM_INST (3) #define XFRM_POWR (4) #endif #ifndef NUM_SLICE_DIRECTIONS #define NUM_SLICE_DIRECTIONS (3) #define X_AXIS (0) #define Y_AXIS (1) #define Z_AXIS (2) #endif /******************************* New data types *****************************/ /* Make sure the following structures are packed on byte boundaries! */ #if defined(_INTELC32_) #pragma align (VolCellStruct=1) #elif defined(__BORLANDC__) #pragma option -a- #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack(push,old_packing) #pragma pack(1) #elif defined(__ZTC__) #pragma ZTC align 1 #elif defined(__WATCOMC__) #pragma pack (1) #endif /* This structure holds the bin information */ struct VolCellStruct { float sum_wgts; /* sum of weights used on the items */ float sum; /* sum of the items */ } ; /* 10 bytes if tightly packed; probably 12 otherwise */ /* Restore 2- or 4-byte alignment */ #if defined(__BORLANDC__) #pragma option -a #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack(pop,old_packing) #elif defined(__ZTC__) #pragma ZTC align #elif defined(__WATCOMC__) #pragma pack (4) #endif /* This structure passes all necessary information between functions. */ struct SliceParamInfoStruct { long structID; /* SLIC (0x534C4943) */ /* Input filenames */ int num_input_files; /* number of input files */ char cmd_filename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* filename of command file */ char **dat_infilename; /* pointer to array of filenames */ char inf_infilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* filename of an S&S HD info file */ char mrk_infilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* filename of an MRK file */ char xyz_infilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* filename of an XYZ file */ /* Output filenames */ char out_directory[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* directory for output files */ char inf_outfilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* output information text file */ char pcx_outfilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* template for series of output PCX graphics slice files - 6 char long */ char bin_outfilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* template for series of output binary slice files - 6 char long */ char txt_outfilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* template for series of output text slice files - 6 char long */ char t3d_outfilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* output binary T3D file - 8 char long */ char sld_outfilename[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* output binary SlicerDicer file - 8 char long */ int overwrite_protect; /* flag to permit overwriting existing disk files */ /* Miscellaneous */ char cwd[MAX_PATHLEN]; /* startup directory */ /* Input data descriptors */ int storage_format; /* constant value indicating data storage format; see manifest constants in gpr_io.h */ int input_datatype; /* type of input data elements and input grid if == 1, 1-byte chars; == -1, unsigned chars == 2, 2-byte ints or shorts; == -2, unsigned shorts == 3, 4-byte ints or longs; == -3, unsigned longs == 4, 4-byte floats == -5, unsigned shorts but only first 12-bits used == -6, unsigned longs but only first 24-bits used == 8, 8-byte doubles */ int file_header_bytes; /* number of bytes in file header */ int trace_header_bytes; /* number of bytes in each trace header */ long first_proc_samp; /* start processing a trace at this sample, indexed from 0; this allows for reserved samples and trace headers; this value is controlled by the data type: 2 for DZT files 128 for DT1 files, 240 for SGY files, and "trace_header_bytes" for user-defined files. Not used in here, kept for compatibility. */ long data_samps; /* total number of samples in each trace; this value is determined from the data/info file */ long num_traces; /* total number of traces in the input file */ long first_trace; /* first trace from with XYZ value */ long last_trace; /* last trace from with XYZ value */ double total_time; /* number of nanoseconds per trace */ double ns_per_samp; /* number of nanoseconds per sample (two-way travel) */ int num_ticks; /* number of marked traces */ long *tick_tracenum; /* pointer to 1D array of marked trace numbers; [num_ticks] */ double **tick_xyz; /* pointer to 2D array of marker coordinates; [num_ticks][3] */ double *trace_Xval; /* pointer to 1D array of trace X-values */ double *trace_Yval; /* pointer to 1D array of trace Y-values */ double *trace_Zval; /* pointer to 1D array of trace Z-values */ /* transforming descriptors */ int xfrm_method; /* method of transforming amplitudes 0 = use original 1 = use absolute value 2 = use square 3 = use cube 4 = use instantaneous amplitude (from Hilbert) */ int envelope; /* flag to use envelope around amplitudes */ int background; /* removes background trace */ int expand; /* expands dynamic range of data */ double multiply; /* value to multiply volume amplitudes by */ double Z_min; double Z_max; /* coordinates of volume stations */ double X_start; /* X-plane starting coordinate */ double X_stop; /* X-plane ending coordinate (may be less than _start) */ double X_step; /* X-plane uniform increment between columns */ double Y_start; /* Y-plane starting coordinate */ double Y_stop; /* Y-plane ending coordinate (may be less than _start) */ double Y_step; /* Y-plane uniform increment between rows */ double Z_start; /* Z-plane starting coordinate */ double Z_stop; /* Z-plane ending coordinate (may be less than _start) */ double Z_step; /* Z-plane uniform increment between layers */ /* coordinates of volume corners */ double X_first; /* X coordinate left side of volume*/ double X_last; /* X coordinate right side of volume */ double X_columns; /* number of sections in X direction */ double Y_first; /* Y scoordinate left side of volume */ double Y_last; /* Y coordinate right side of volume */ double Y_rows; /* number of sections in Y direction */ double Z_first; /* Z coordinate bottom side of volume */ double Z_last; /* Z coordinate top side of volume */ double Z_layers; /* number of sections in Z direction */ double start_time; /* ns offset to first samp (neg. if time 0 > samp 0) */ /* search box size */ double box_Xsize; /* X-direction width of search bin - column */ double box_Ysize; /* Y-direction width of search bin - row */ double box_Zsize; /* Z-direction width of search bin - layer */ /* Input grid information (data will be converted to unsigned 16-bit ints) */ int created; unsigned short **grid; /* pointer to 2D grid storage area [num_cols][num_rows] */ int grid_num_cols; /* number of traces to transform (not necessarily same as in file); number of columns in grid */ int grid_num_rows; /* number of samples in each trace plus the trace header divided into "samples"; number of rows in grid */ /* Output volume information; NOTE volumes are written to as a binary volume [x][y][z] where the first index (x) varies the most rapidly (for Slicer 3D) */ unsigned short ***Volume; /* pointer to 3D array of volume values */ double mean_value; /* middle value for volume datatype (32768) */ int vol_num_cols; /* number of columns in volume (X direction) */ int vol_num_rows; /* number of rows in volume (Y direction) */ int vol_num_layers; /* number of layers in volume (Z direction) */ struct VolCellStruct ***VolCell; /* pointer to 3D array of cell info */ int slice_direction; /* plane is perpendicular to this axis */ int num_empty_cells; } ; /********************** Global variables from GPRSLICE.C *********************/ extern int Debug, Batch, ANSI_THERE; extern FILE *log_file; extern const char *GPRSLICE_CMDS[]; extern const char *GetParametersMsg[]; extern const char *GenerateSlicesMsg[]; extern const char *GetGprDataAsGridU16Msg[]; extern const char *SaveGprSliceDataMsg[]; extern const char *SaveGprSliceInfoMsg[]; extern const char *SplineXyzDataMsg[]; /*************************** Function prototypes ****************************/ /* functions specific to this program */ int GetParameters(int argc,char *argv[],struct SliceParamInfoStruct *ParamInfoPtr); void PrintUsageMsg(void); void InitParameters(struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); int GetCmdFileArgs(struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); void DisplayParameters(struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); void DeallocInfoStruct(struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); int Envelope(int n,double *a,double *b); void RemAvgTrace16u(int num_cols,int num_rows,unsigned short **grid); int GenerateSlices(struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); int GetGprDataAsGridU16(int command,int file_num,struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); void jl_spectrum(unsigned char *pal); void jl_spectrum2(unsigned char *pal); void jl_spectrum3(unsigned char *pal); int SaveGprSliceData(struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); int SaveGprSliceInfo(struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); int SplineXyzData(struct SliceParamInfoStruct *InfoPtr); #endif /* #ifndef GPRSLICE_H */