National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 02-150
Revised Protocols for Sampling Algal, Invertebrate, and Fish Communities as Part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program
By Stephen R. Moulton II, Jonathan G. Kennen, Robert M. Goldstein, and Julie A. Hambrook
Algal, invertebrate, and fish communities are characterized as part of
ecological studies in the U.S. Geological Survey's National
Water-Quality Assessment Program. Information from these ecological
studies, together with chemical and physical data, provide an
integrated assessment of water quality at local, regional, and
national scales. Analysis and interpretation of water-quality data at
these various geographic scales require accurate and consistent
application of sampling protocols and sample-processing
procedures. This report revises and unifies into a single document the
algal, invertebrate, and fish community sampling protocols used in the
National Water-Quality Assessment Program.
Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Overview of the NAWQA Program
- Purpose and scope
- Summary of revisions to original protocols
- Acknowledgments
- Field protocols
- 1. Overview of the sampling approach
- 1.1 Establishing the sampling reach
- 1.2 Types of samples collected
- 1.3 Identifying instream-habitat types for sampling
- 1.4 Factors determining when to sample
- 1.5 Coordination of field activities
- 2. Pre-field activities
- 2.1 Preparing a sampling plan
- 2.2 Collecting permits
- 2.3 Supplies and chemicals
- 2.4 Sample preservatives
- 2.5 Sample identification and tracking
- 2.6 Sampling gear maintenance
- 3. Safety in the field
- 3.1 Personal and environmental safety
- 3.2 Chemical safety
- 3.3 Vehicles, boats, and sampling gear safety
- 4. Algal sampling protocols
- 4.1 Algal sample types collected
- 4.2 Identifying instream habitats for sampling
- 4.3 Quantitative targeted-habitat sampling methods
- 4.4 Qualitative multihabitat sampling methods
- 4.5 Sample processing procedures
- 4.6 Quality-control recommendations
- 4.7 Field data sheets
- 5. Invertebrate sampling protocols
- 5.1 Invertebrate sample types collected
- 5.2 Identifying instream habitats for sampling
- 5.3 Semi-quantitative targeted-habitat methods for sampling wadeable and nonwadeable streams
- 5.4 Qualitative multihabitat methods for sampling wadeable and nonwadeable streams
- 5.5 Sample processing procedures
- 5.6 Field data sheets
- 6. Fish Sampling Protocols
- 6.1 Overview of sampling methods
- 6.2 Sampling methods for wadeable streams
- 6.3 Sampling methods for nonwadeable streams
- 6.4 Alternative sampling methods
- 6.5 Sample processing procedures
- 6.6 Field data sheet
- 7. Post-Field Activities
- 7.1 Logging samples into the Biological Transactional Data Base
- 7.2 Replacing field sample labels
- 7.3 Preparing packing lists and Analytical Services Request Forms
- 7.4 Shipping samples to analytical laboratories
- Summary
- References cited
- Appendix
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For further information about this report, contact the National
Water-Quality Assessment Program office.