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Map and Database of Quaternary Faults and Lineaments in Brazil

By Allaoua Saadi, Michael N. Machette, Kathleen M. Haller, Richard L. Dart, Lee-Ann Bradley, and Angela Maria P.D. de Souza

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-230

Version 1.0

This map and database summarizes evidence for faults and lineaments with Quaternary (<1.6 Ma) movement in Brazil. Brazil is a relatively quiet county in terms of seismicity and faulting, being underlain mainly by stable continental crust of the South American plate; as such it forms the core of the South American continent. However, remote sensing data, regional geologic mapping and other literature contain abundant evidence for Quaternary reactivation of old continental fault, shear zones, and lineaments. The map and report (database) include geologic and geographic information for these faults and lineaments, including estimates of fault ages, slip rates, recurrence intervals, and references. This publication, which is the eight in a series for Central and South America countries, is a product of the International Lithosphere Program's Task Group II-2 "World Map of Major Active Faults." The other reports are available as USGS Open-File Reports 98-481 (Costa Rica), 98-779 (Panama), 00-018(Venezuela), 00-180 (Argentina), 00-283(Bolivia/Chile), 00-284 (Colombia), and 00-437 (Managua, Nicaragua area).

OFR-02-230 Text PDF File (468 KB)
OFR-02-230 Map PDF File (9.28 MB)
(These versions of the report are accessible as defined in Section 508.) logo