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Open-File Report 02–361: Project Personnel
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  • Sarah Shearer, U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region - digital compilation, metadata composition and development, webpage design, DVD organization
  • Pat Hill, U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region - survey specifications, map archives, metadata composition, DVD preparation
  • Robert Kucks, U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region - digital compilation, survey archives, ftp site management
  • David Daniels, U.S. Geological Survey, Eastern Region - digital compilation
  • Carter Roberts, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Region - digital compilation, metadata composition
  • Stephen Snyder, U.S. Geological Survey, Eastern Region - digital compilation
  • Viki Bankey, U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region - project chief, metadata creation and development, webpage editing
  • Holly Hindle, U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region - boundary digitization
  • Carol Finn, U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region - project chief
  • Stewart Racey, National Geophysical Data Center - CD-ROM archives
  • Susan McLean, National Geophysical Data Center - metadata development
  • Ron Buhmann, National Geophysical Data Center - CD-ROM archives
  • Allan Hittleman, National Geophysical Data Center - CD-ROM archives
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This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. Use of brand names is for descriptive purposes and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Last modified 05/30/2003 logo