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Debris Flows along the Interstate 70 Corridor, Floyd Hill to the Arapahoe Basin Ski Area, Central Colorado - A Field Trip Guidebook

By Jeffrey A. Coe, Jonathan W. Godt, and Alan J. Henceroth

Debris Flow on Interstate 70 Corridor

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-398

Version 1.0
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OFR-02-398 PDF file (3.2 MB)
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OFR-02-398 PDF file (6.1 MB)

This report presents a field guide to debris flows along the Interstate 70 corridor in the Front Range of Colorado. The setting of the field-trip area is described, followed by a detailed road log that includes descriptions for each of 10 field-trip stops. Most of the stops are at fans adjacent to Interstate 70. Stop descriptions focus on the origins of fan deposits, radiocarbon dating and debris-flow recurrence intervals, debris-flow initiation process, drainage-basin morphology, and debris-flow hazards. logo