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USGS Open-File Report 02-012

Physical Data and Biological Data for Algae, Aquatic Invertebrates, and Fish from Selected Reaches on the Carson and Truckee Rivers, Nevada and California, 1993-97

Table 1. Physical characteristics of the richest-targeted habitat during algae and aquatic invertebrate sample collection at sites on the Carson and Truckee Rivers, 1993-1996.

[Some site numbers use a letter (a, b, or c) to designate a specific reach (Lawrence and Pennington, 1998)]

[Abbreviations and symbols: BO, boulder; CO, cobble; GV, gravel; SA, sand; Snag, submerged woody debris; N, number of measurements; °C, degrees Celsius; ft, feet; ft/s, feet per second, ft3/s, cubic feet per second; --, not measured; <, less than]

(fig. 1)

Dates of sample collection Mean velocity (ft/s) Mean depth
Substrate Water temperature
Range of mean
daily discharges
Carson River Basin
1a Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 1993 1.89 0.61 CO/SA 25-50 17.0a 128-142a
1b Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 1993 1.78 .64 CO/SA 25-50 17.0a 128-138a
1b July 26, 1994 2.22 .46 CO/GV <25 21.5a 681a
1b Sept. 15, 1995 2.78 .88 CO/GV <25 15.5a 183a
1b Oct. 11, 1996 2.34 .34 CO/GV <25 -- 79a
1c Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 1993 2.68 .40 CO/SA 25-50 17.0a 128-138a
2 July 25, 1994 1.62 .27 CO/GV 25-50 -- 1.2
2 Sept. 15, 1995 2.18 .38 CO/GV <25 -- 15
3 July 21, 1994 2.47 .58 CO/GV 25-50 -- 38b
3 Sept. 13, 1995 2.19 .84 CO/GV <25 -- 75b
4 July 22, 1994 1.54 .94 BO/CO 25-50 -- --
4 Sept. 13, 1995 1.91 .95 CO/BO 25-50 -- --
5 July 20, 1994 1.62 .30 CO/GV 25-50 -- 0.85
5 Sept. 19, 1995 2.46 .70 CO/SA <25 -- 11
6 July 19, 1994 1.67 .48 BO/GV 25-50 -- 21
6 Sept. 12, 1995 1.18 .48 CO/GV 25-50 -- 62
7 Sept. 7-8, 1993 1.24 1.04 BO/SA 50-75 -- 5.4-5.7
7 July 15, 1994 1.88 .45 BO/SA 25-50 -- 2.2
7 Sept. 12, 1995 2.08 .92 CO/GV 25-50 -- 47
8 July 14, 1994 -- -- -- -- -- 0.53
8 Sept. 19, 1995 2.91 .41 CO/GV <25 -- 65
9a Sept. 13, 1993 .10 .91c Snag/SA -- -- 1.4
9b Sept. 13, 1993 .85 .52d Snag/SA -- -- 1.4
9b July 12, 1994 1.0 .68d Snag/SA -- -- 3.6
9b Sept. 28, 1995 1.1 .92e Snag/SA -- -- 68
9b Oct. 10, 1996 1.27 .89f Snag/SA -- 18.0 25
9c Sept. 20, 1993 .62 1.0g Snag/SA -- -- 0.70
Truckee River Basin
11 Sept. 8, 1993 .66 1.13h Snag/GV -- -- 9.6
12a Sept. 9, 1993 1.80 .79 BO/CO 25-50 17.0 397
12a June 30, 1994 2.3 1.0 BO/CO 25-50 14.0 133
12a Oct. 2, 1995 1.4 .83 BO/CO 25-50 13.0 458
12a Oct. 8, 1996 1.41 1.54 CO/BO 25-50 14.0 395
12b Sept. 9, 1993 1.30 .89 BO/CO 50-75 17.0 397
12c Sept. 9-10, 1993 2.03 1.00 BO/CO 25-50 17.0 397-400
13 July 1, 1994 2.25 .66 CO/GV 25-50 19.0i 47i
13 Sept. 21,1995 2.15 1.0 BO/CO <25 -- 344i
14 July 5, 1994 2.1 .41 CO/GV 25-50 21.0j 31j
14 Sept. 21-22, 1995 1.9 .77 CO/GV 25-50 -- 247-256j
15 Sept. 3, 1993 1.50 1.16 CO/BO 50-75 19.0 114
15 June 29, 1994 2.5 .52 CO/SA 25-50 22.5 7.4
15 Sept. 22 and 25, 1995 3.0 .47 CO/GV <25 15.0 229 & 245
16 July 6, 1994 2.76 .49 CO/SA <25 22.5k 56k
16 Sept. 26, 1995 2.33 .75 CO/SA 25-50 -- 363k
17a Sept. 21, 1993 1.80 .57 CO/GV 50-75 21.0 270
17b Sept. 7, 1993 -- -- -- -- -- 230
17b Sept. 21, 1993 2.06 .68 CO/GV 25-50 21.0 270
17c Sept. 7, 1993 1.29 .55 CO/GV 50-75 16.0 230
17c Sept. 21, 1993 -- -- -- -- -- 270
17c July 7, 1994 .42 1.0 CO/GV 25-50 -- 64
17c Oct. 3, 1995 1.03 1.0 GV/SA <25 14.5 401
17c Oct. 8, 1996 2.14 .63 CO/GV 50-75 17.0 357
18 Oct. 13, 1995 2.31 1.0 CO/GV 25-50 12.0 248
19 July 8, 1993 -- -- -- -- -- 266l
19 Sept. 16, 1993 1.68 .62 CO/GV 25-50 17.0l 88l
19 July 8, 1994 2.5 .2 GV/CO <25 -- 37l
19 Sept. 16, 1994 -- -- -- -- -- 12l
19 Oct. 6, 1995 2.62 .87 GV/CO <25 13.0l 243l
20 Oct. 12, 1995 2.72 .85 CO/GV 25-50 -- 278l

a Data collected at USGS station number 10309000, East Fork Carson River near Gardnerville, Nev.
b Data collected at USGS station number 1031000, West Fork Carson River at Woodfords, Calif.
c Depth to snag = 0.32 ft.
d Depth to snag = 0.09 ft.
e Depth to snag = 0.37 ft.
f Depth to snag = 0.22 ft.
g Depth to snag = 0.21 ft.
h Depth to snag = 0.52 ft.
i Data collected at USGS station number 10347460, Truckee River near Mogul, Nev.
j Data collected at USGS station number 10348000, Truckee River at Reno, Nev.
k Data collected at USGS station number 10350000, Truckee River at Vista, Nev.
l Data collected at USGS station number 10351700, Truckee River near Nixon, Nev.

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