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USGS Open-File Report 02-012

Physical Data and Biological Data for Algae, Aquatic Invertebrates, and Fish from Selected Reaches on the Carson and Truckee Rivers, Nevada and California, 1993-97

Table 22. Ash-free dry weight, dry weight, and chlorophyll concentrations in algal samples collected at sites on the Carson and Truckee Rivers, Nevada and California, 1993-96.

[Abbreviations and symbols: g/m2, grams per square meter; mg/m2, milligrams per square meter; --, no data; <, less than]

Site number (fig.1) Site name Date Ash-free dry weight
Dry weight
Chlorophyll (mg/m2)
a b
1 East Fork Carson River near Dresslerville, Nev., Reach A Sept. 2, 1993 77 83 10 0.2
Reach B Sept. 1, 1993 48 51 3.3 < 0.1
Reach C Aug. 30, 1993 313 355 92 1.7
Reach B July 26, 1994 300 320 13 5.9
Reach B Sept. 15, 1995 31 33 2.7 0.2
Reach B Oct. 11, 1996 122 130 1.1 0.7
2 East Fork Carson River near Minden, Nev July 25, 1994 480 510 42 9.6
Sept. 15, 1995 69.5 83 61 4.5
3 West Fork Carson River above Woodfords, Calif. July 21, 1994 56 59 2.7 0.2
Sept. 13, 1995 27 28 0.6 <0.1
4 West Fork Carson River at Paynesville, Calif. July 22, 1994 140 140 9.1 1.2
Sept. 13, 1995 35 36 2 <0.1
5 West Fork Carson River at Muller Lane near Minden, Nev. July 20, 1994 370 410 31 13
Sept. 19, 1995 330 370 130 13
6 Carson River near Carson City, Nev. July 19, 1994 220 230 12 2.6
Sept. 14, 1995 243 258 27 1.5
7 Carson River at Deer Run Road near Carson City, Nev. Sept. 8, 1993 130 140 43 2.5
July 15, 1994 280 300 35 --
8 Carson River at Dayton State Park near Dayton, Nev. July 14, 1994 630 690 42 12
Sept. 19, 1995 162 172 12 1.4
9 Carson River at Fort Churchill State Park, Nev., Reach A Sept. 13, 1993 94 110 8 0.4
Reach B Sept. 13, 1993 30 34 6.7 0.3
Reach C Sept. 20, 1993 63 73 9.4 0.3
Reach B Sept. 28, 1995 108 127 7.5 1.0
Reach B Oct. 10, 1996 106 115 2.2 0.70
Carson River at Fort Churchill State Park, Nev., Reach B Sept. 12, 96 102 8.1 1.0
11 Upper Truckee River at South Lake Tahoe, Calif. Sept. 8, 1993 51 57 -- --
12 Truckee River at Farad, Calif., Reach A Sept. 10, 1993 59 63 6.0 0.30
Reach B Sept. 9, 1993 53 55 3.2 <0.10
Reach C Sept. 10, 1993 46 50 11 0.20
Reach A June 30, 1994 68 71 2.1 0.10
Reach A Oct. 2, 1995 208 219 6.6 <0.10
Reach A Oct. 8, 1996 229 237 2.2 0.40
13 Truckee River at Circle C Ranch near Lawton, Nev. July 1, 1994 290 300 2.2 0.40
Sep 21, 1995 114 119 11.0 <0.10
14 Truckee River at Idlewild Park near Reno, Nev. July 5, 1994 390 410 8.7 4.7
Sept. 22, 1995 47 49 6.0 0.50
15 Truckee River near Sparks, Nev. Sept. 3, 1993 150 160 20 0.50
June 29, 1994 73 78 3.8 1.5
Sept. 25, 1995 58 63 8.5 <0.10

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