USGS Open-File Report 02-012
Physical Data and Biological Data for Algae, Aquatic Invertebrates, and Fish from Selected Reaches on the Carson and Truckee Rivers, Nevada and California, 1993-97
Table 30. Fish identified in samples collected at sites on the Carson and Truckee Rivers, 1993-97
[Symbols: X, present in a particular river; --, not present]
Scientific name (Genus species) |
Common name | Carson River | Truckee River | Native |
Ameiurus melas | black bullhead | X | -- | No |
Catostomus platyrhynchus | mountain sucker | X | X | Yes |
Catostomus tahoensis | Tahoe sucker | X | X | Yes |
Cottus beldingi | Paiute sculpin | -- | X | Yes |
Cyprinus carpio | common carp | X | X | No |
Gambusia sp. | mosquitofish | X | X | No |
Lepomis cyanellus | green sunfish | X | X | No |
Micropterus dolomieu | smallmouth bass | X | -- | No |
Micropterus salmoides | largemouth bass | X | -- | No |
Morone chrysops | white bass | X | -- | No |
Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi | Lahontan cutthroat trout | -- | X | Yes |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | rainbow trout | -- | X | No |
Orthodon microlepidotus | Sacramento blackfish | X | -- | No |
Perca flavescens | yellow perch | X | -- | No |
Pimephales promelas | Fathead minnow | X | X | No |
Rhinichthys osculus | speckled dace | X | X | Yes |
Richardsonius egregius | Lahontan redside | X | X | Yes |
Salmo trutta | brown trout | X | X | No |