Ice Core Depth-Age Relation for Vostok large delta imageD and Dome Fuji large delta image18O Records Based on the Devils Hole Paleotemperature Chronology

Open-File Report 02-266

By Jurate Maciunas Landwehr


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This report presents the data for the Vostok - Devils Hole chronology, termed V-DH chronology, for the Antarctic Vostok ice core record. This depth - age relation is based on a join between the Vostok deuterium profile (SNAKE IMAGED) and the stable oxygen isotope ratio (SNAKE IMAGE18O) record of paleotemperature from a calcitic core at Devils Hole, Nevada, using the algorithm developed by Landwehr and Winograd (2001). Both the control points defining the V-DH chronology and the numeric values for the chronology are given. In addition, a plausible chronology for a deformed bottom portion of the Vostok core developed with this algorithm is presented. Landwehr and Winograd (2001) demonstrated the broader utility of their algorithm by applying it to another appropriate Antarctic paleotemperature record, the Antarctic Dome Fuji ice core SNAKE IMAGE18O record. Control points for this chronology are also presented in this report but deemed preliminary because, to date, investigators have published only the visual trace and not the numeric values for the Dome Fuji SNAKE IMAGE18O record. The total uncertainty that can be associated with the assigned ages is also given.





Chronology Development


References Cited

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The tables are also available in text (txt) and excel 4 & 5 for a faster download:


Table 4. in txt and Table 4. in excel For Vostok ice core record at core depth in meters below surface, the values of SNAKE IMAGED (from Petit and others, 1999) and ages, in thousands of years, for the V-DH chronology, as defined by Landwehr and Winograd (2001)


Table txt and Table 5. in excel For the Vostok ice core record at core depth in meters below surface (mbs), the values of SNAKE IMAGED (from Petit and others, 1999) and ages, in thousands of years, based on the Devils Hole core DH-11 record, for control points at 3262 mbs, 3320 mbs, and 3329 mbs, as developed by Landwehr and Winograd (2001)


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Chief, Regional Hydrological Processes Project

U.S. Geological Survey

MS 431 - National Center

Reston, Virginia 20192



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