Biosolids, Soils, Ground-Water, and Streambed-Sediment Data for a Biosolids-Application Area near Deer Trail, Colorado, 1999

By M.R. Stevens, Tracy J.B. Yager, D.B. Smith, and J.G. Crock


U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-51


Prepared in cooperation with the
Metro Wastewater Reclamation District and the
North Kiowa Bijou Groundwater Management District


This report is available in pdf format below.


In January 1999, the U.S. Geological Survey began an expanded monitoring program near Deer Trail, Colorado, in cooperation with the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District and the North Kiowa Bijou Groundwater Management District. Monitoring components were biosolids, soils, crops, ground water, and streambed sediments. The monitoring program addresses concerns from the public about chemical effects from applications of biosolids to farmland in the Deer Trail, Colorado, area. Constituents of primary concern to the public are arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, zinc, plutonium, and gross alpha and beta activity and are included for all monitoring components. This report presents chemical data from the first year of the monitoring program, January–December 1999, for biosolids, soils, alluvial and bedrock ground water, and streambed sediments. The groundwater section of this report also includes climate data, lithologic descriptions, well-completion diagrams, water levels, summary statistics for the water-quality data, and results of statistical testing of selected data for trends and for exceedance of Colorado regulatory standards. Data in this report provide a geochemical baseline for each monitoring component prior to the planned water transfer in 2000 from the Lowry Landfill Superfund site to Metro Wastewater Reclamation District treatment facilities.





Purpose and Scope



Objectives of Monitoring Biosolids

Approach for Monitoring Biosolids

Sampling Methods for Biosolids

Analytical Methods for Biosolids

Quality Assurance for Biosolids

Biosolids Data

Discussion of Biosolids Data


Objectives of Monitoring Soils

Approach for Monitoring Soils

Site Selection for Monitoring Soils

Sampling Methods for Soils

Analytical Methods for Soils

Quality Assurance for Soils

Soils Data

Discussion of Soils Data

Alluvial and Bedrock Ground Water

Objectives of Monitoring Ground Water

Approach for Monitoring Ground Water

Site Selection for Monitoring Ground Water

Sampling Methods for Ground Water

Analytical Methods for Ground Water

Quality Assurance for Ground Water

Ground-Water Data

Meteorology Data

Hydrogeology Data

Hydrology Data

Water-Quality Data

Discussion of Ground-Water Data

Summary Statistics for Ground-Water-Quality Data

Regulatory Standards


Streambed Sediment

Objectives of Monitoring Streambed Sediment

Approach for Monitoring Streambed Sediment

Site Selection for Monitoring Streambed Sediment

Sampling Methods for Streambed Sediment

Analytical Methods for Streambed Sediment

Quality Assurance for Streambed Sediment

Streambed-Sediment Data

Discussion of Streambed-Sediment Data


Data Section

For additional information write to:


District Chief

U.S. Geological Survey

Box 25046, Mail Stop 415

Denver Federal Center

Denver, CO 80225–0046


Copies of this report can be purchased from:


U.S. Geological Survey

Information Services

Box 25286

Denver Federal Center

Denver, CO 80225–0046


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