Data-Quality Measures of Stakeholder-Implemented
Watershed-Monitoring Programs
by Adrienne I. Greve
Available from the U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Information Services,
Box 25286, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, USGS Open-File
Report 02141, 19 p., 5 figs.
This document also is available in pdf format:
OFR 02141.pdf (909K)
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Acrobat Reader)
Community-based watershed groups, many of which collect environmental
data, have steadily increased in number over the last decade. The data
generated by these programs are often underutilized due to uncertainty
in the quality of data produced. The incorporation of data-quality measures
into stakeholder monitoring programs lends statistical validity to data.
Data-quality measures are divided into three steps: quality assurance,
quality control, and quality assessment. The quality-assurance step attempts
to control sources of error that cannot be directly quantified. This step
is part of the design phase of a monitoring program and includes clearly
defined, quantifiable objectives, sampling sites that meet the objectives,
standardized protocols for sample collection, and standardized laboratory
methods. Quality control (QC) is the collection of samples to assess the
magnitude of error in a data set due to sampling, processing, transport,
and analysis. In order to design a QC sampling program, a series of issues
needs to be considered: (1) potential sources of error, (2) the type of
QC samples, (3) inference space, (4) the number of QC samples, and (5)
the distribution of the QC samples. Quality assessment is the process
of evaluating quality-assurance measures and analyzing the QC data in
order to interpret the environmental data. Quality assessment has two
parts: one that is conducted on an ongoing basis as the monitoring program
is running, and one that is conducted during the analysis of environmental
The discussion of the data-quality measures is followed by an example
of their application to a monitoring program in the Big Thompson River
watershed of northern Colorado.
Table of Contents
Purpose and Scope
Quality Assurance
Possible Quality-Assurance Approaches for Stakeholder
Quality Control
Quality-Control Sample Design
Determining the Potential Sources of Error
Type of Quality-Control Samples Needed
Determining the Inference Space for Quality-Control Samples
Number of Quality-Control Samples Needed
Distribution of Quality-Control Samples within an Inference
Quality Assessment
Ongoing Quality-Assessment Measures
Using Quality-Assessment Measures during Environmental
Data Analysis
Estimating Variability by Using Field-Replicate Quality-Control
Interpreting Environmental Data by Using Field-Replicate
Quality-Control Samples
Estimating Bias by Using Field-Blank Quality-Control
Interpreting Environmental Data by Using an Estimate
of Bias
Estimating Matrix Interaction and Sample Degradation
with Field-Spike Data
Interpreting Environmental Data by Using Spike-Recovery
A Data-Quality Program in the Big Thompson River Watershed
Quality Assurance for the Big Thompson Watershed Forum
Quality Control for the Big Thompson Watershed Forum
Types of Basic Quality-Control Samples to be Collected
Types of Topical Quality-Control Samples to be Collected
Inference Space
The Number of Quality-Control Samples to be Collected
Distribution of Quality-Control Samples
Summary and Conclusions
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