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Updated Techniques for Estimating Monthly Streamflow-Duration Characteristics at Ungaged and Partial-Record Sites in Central Nevada

By Glen W. Hess

Report availability: Portable Document Format (PDF).

Table of Contents

Purpose and Scope
Previous Investigations
Description of Study Area
Streamflow Data Used
Methods for Estimating Monthly Streamflow-Duration Characteristics at Ungaged and
Partial-Record Sites
Reliability and Limitations of Estimating Methods
References Cited


  1. Map showing location of streamflow site and station number in central Nevada
  2. Graph showing probability of streamflow-duration data from the index station, Mosquito Creek near Belmont


  1. Mean monthly streamflow of drainage basins in central Nevada
  2. Mean monthly streamflow determined at concurrent partial-record sites in central Nevada, water years 1997-2000
  3. Monthly streamflow duration characteristics of streams at continuous-record sites in central Nevada
  4. Selected physical and climatic characteristics of selected drainage basins in central Nevada
  5. Equations derived from basin-characteristics method for estimating monthly streamflow-duration characteristics for all months at ungaged sites in central Nevada
  6. Equations derived from basin-characteristics method for estimating monthly streamflow-duration characteristics for individual months at ungaged sites in central Nevada
  7. Equations derived from concurrent-measurement method for estimating monthly streamflow for all months at partial-record sites in central Nevada using streamflow at nearby gaging stations

Return to OFR 02-168 or the Abstract.

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