Open-File Report 02-348
Selected Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, 1998-2000
By Michael J. Johnson, Charles J. Mayers, and Brian J. Andraski
Version 1.3 (version history)
Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Site Description
- Micrometeorological Instrumentation
- Soil-Moisture Instrumentation
- Selected Micrometeorological Data
- Precipitation
- Air Temperature
- Solar Radiation
- Net Radiation
- Relative Humidity
- Ambient Vapor Pressure
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Barometric Pressure
- Soil Temperature and Soil-Heat Flux
- Selected Soil-Moisture Data
- Water-Content Profiles
- Summary
- Reference Cited
- Basic Data
- Appendices: Summary of data collected at Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev.:
Appendices A, B, and C are zip files containing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets of the data tables for that appendix. Individual data tables are available as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. For difficulty downloading or using these files, please email the Nevada District Public Information Assistant or call (775) 887-7649.
- A. Daily mean, maximum, and minimum and hourly micrometeorological data, 1998-2000 (zip file)
- Data Table A1: Excel spreadsheet (525K)
lists daily mean, maximum, and minimum micrometeorological data and daily total precipitation
- Data Table A2: Excel spreadsheet (4,468K)
Data Table A3: Excel spreadsheet (4,343K)
Data Table A4: Excel spreadsheet (4,171K)
list hourly mean micrometeorological data and hourly precipitation for each year (1998-2000)
- B. 5-minute precipitation data, 1998-2000 (zip file)
- C. Soil-water content by experimental site and access tube (zip file)
- Data Table C1: Excel spreadsheet (73K)
contains four worksheets listing soil-water content by date and depth at four experimental sites
- Data Table C2: Excel spreadsheet (145K)
contains nine worksheets listing soil-water content by date and depth for each neutron-probe access tube
- 1-3. Maps showing:
- 1. Location of (A) Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev., and (B) instrument shaft and
simulated waste trenches adjacent to waste-disposal facility
- 2. Fenced area of instrument shaft showing location of weather station, neutron-probe access tubes, and
precipitation gages at Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev.
- 3. Fenced area of simulated waste trenches showing location of neutron-probe access tubes and precipitation
gage at Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev.
- 4-15. Graphs showing micrometeorological data at Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev., 1998-2000,
computed from 10-second sampling intervals:
- 4. Monthly total precipitation computed from accumulated daily totals
- 5. Daily maximum, minimum, and mean air temperature
- 6. Daily maximum and mean solar radiation
- 7. Daily maximum and mean net radiation from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. computed from hourly mean values
- 8. Daily mean relative humidity
- 9. Daily mean ambient vapor pressure
- 10. Daily mean wind speed
- 11. Distribution of hourly mean wind speed
- 12. Daily mean wind-vector direction
- 13. Daily mean barometric pressure
- 14. Daily mean soil temperature
- 15. Daily mean soil-heat flux
- 16-18. Graphs showing:
- 16. Water-content variations to a depth of 30 meters for selected dates for the vegetated, native-soil
profile at Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev., 1998-2000
- 17. Water-content variations with depth in upper 5.5 meters of soil for selected dates at four experimental
sites at Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev.: (A) vegetated, native-soil profile, (B) devegetated,
native-soil profile, (C) non-vegetated, east trench, and (D) non-vegetated, west trench
- 18. Cumulative changes in water content with time for selected depths at four experimental sites at Amargosa
Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev.: (A) 0.15-meter depth, (B) 0.25-meter depth, (C) 0.5-meter depth,
(D) 0.75-meter depth, (E) 1.0-meter depth, (F) 1.25-meter depth, and (G) 3.0-meter depth
- 1. Daily total precipitation at Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev., 1998-2000
- 2. Monthly maximum, minimum, and mean air temperatures measured at Amargosa Desert Research Site
near Beatty, Nev., 1998-2000
- 3. Summary of selected micrometeorological data collected at Amargosa Desert Research Site near
Beatty, Nev., 1998-2000
- 4. Summary of soil-temperature, soil-heat-flux, and net-radiation measurements collected at Amargosa
Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev., 1998-2000
- 5. Summary of barometric pressure data collected at Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nev., 1998-2000
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Send questions or comments about this report to the author, Michael J. Johnson, (775) 887-7646.
For more information about USGS activities in Nevada, visit the USGS
Nevada Water Science Center home page.