USGS Open-File Report 02-362
If diversion and or return-flow data are read in (input) from an external file, then the module musroute_prms_divretrn.f is required as part of the PRMS model. If application rates are read in (input), then two modified modules (intcp_prms_apply.f and srunoff_smidx_prms_glacr.apply.f) are required in the model. intcp_prms.apply.f would be used in place of intcp_prms.f, srunoff_smidx_prms_glacr.apply.f would be used in place of srunoff_smidx_prms.f, and musroute_prms_divretrn.f would be added as a new module component.
New dimensions of napply (number of application rates input), ndiv (number of diversions), and nretrn (number of returns) need to be added. Add MAXAPPLY for napply, MAXDIV for ndiv, and MAXRETRN for nretrn in /modules/setdims/setdims.f and /modules/include/
Inputs diversion, return flow, and irrigation application rates
This module inputs daily values of diversions, return flows and application rates for a user-defined number for each rate item. A node is identified for each diversion and return in musroute_prms_divretrn.f and the HRU to which applications rates are applied are input in intcp_prms_apply.f.
Observed daily irrigation application rate, in inches. There can be as many application rates as needed (number is defined by napply).
Observed daily diversion quantity, in cubic feet per second. There can be as many diversions as needed (number is defined by ndiv).
Observed daily return-flow quantity, in cubic feet per second. There can be as many return flows as needed (number is defined by nretrn).
Based on the dimensions ndiv, nretrn, and napply, external data files are opened in the model initialization process and daily data are read during the model simulation process. For example, if ndiv is > 0, then a file ending in ".div" is opened and a header line is read in the initialization process. For each day, ndiv values are read in. This process is repeated for return-flow (return) and irrigation application rate (apply) data. The return-flow data file would end in ".ret", and the irrigation application rate data file would end in ".app". With this naming convention and using MMS system functions, path names can stay generic, as does the location of data files in the user's system.
The data files follow the format of: year, month, day, diversion quantities: 1-to-ndiv
year, month, day, return quantities: 1-to-nretrn
year, month, day, apply rates: 1-to-napply.
It is a free format; each item only needs to be separated by a space.
If the amount of diversion is greater than the water available at the diversion node, the diversion is reduced to the water available, the flow from the diversion node is set to zero, a line of text is written to a file in the output directory with the file name the same as the specified dimension index name for the ndiv dimension, and a warning line of text is printed to the screen.
For any of the three data series, data needs to be entered only for the actual period for which there is data. For example in a 20-year simulation, if diversions were present for only 2 summer periods, then data lines only need to be in the input file for those years. In addition, for any particular time period, the data does not have to be temporally serial, such that any number of days can be skipped.
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253-428-3600, ext. 2609
Last modified: Friday, 11-Jan-2013 03:19:42 EST