Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Acknowledgments
- Description of Study Area
- Methods
Results and Discussion
- References Cited
- Map showing study area and sample-collection sites, Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, and
Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, October 2000-August 2001
- Graph showing mean daily streamflow in Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, and dates of sample collection
for human-health pharmaceutical compounds, October 2000-August 2001
- Bar plot showing summary of human-health pharmaceutical compounds detected in water samples collected
from Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, and Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, October 2000-August 2001
- Plots showing physical properties measured at sample-collection sites for analyses of human-health
pharmaceutical compounds, Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, and Las Vegas Wash, Nevada,
October 2000-August 2001
- Human-health pharmaceutical compounds targeted by chemical analyses of water samples collected
from Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, and Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, October 2000-August 2001
- Information for sites used to collect water samples for analyses of human-health pharmaceutical
compounds, Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, and Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, October 2000-August 2001
- Summary of human-health pharmaceutical compound concentrations detected in water samples collected
from Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, and Las Vegas Wash below Lake Las Vegas, Nevada,
October 2000-August 2001
- Human-health pharmaceutical compound concentrations in water samples collected from Lake Mead,
Nevada and Arizona, and Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, October 2000-August 2001
- Physical properties measured concurrently with water samples collected for analyses of human-health
pharmaceutical compounds, Las Vegas Wash below Lake Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2000-August 2001
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