Water-Quality Monitoring of Sweetwater and Loveland Reservoirs, San Diego County, California--Phase One Results, 1998-1999

By Michael S. Majewski, Jagdeep S. Sidhu, and Gregory O. Mendez



Open-File Report 02-186


Prepared in cooperation with the

Sweetwater Authority

Sacramento, California 2002

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In 1998, the U.S. Geological Survey began a study to assess the overall health of the watershed feeding the Sweetwater Reservoir in southern San Diego County, California. The study focussed on monitoring for organic chemical contamination and the effects of construction and operation of State Route 125 on water quality. Three environmental compartments (air, water, and bed sediments) are being sampled regularly for chemical contaminants, including volatile organic compounds, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, and major and trace elements. The study is divided into two phases. Phase I sampling is designed to establish baseline conditions for target compounds in terms of detection frequency and concentration in air, water, and bed sediments. Phase II sampling will continue at the established monitoring sites during and after construction of State Route 125 to assess chemical impact on water quality in the reservoir resulting from land-use changes and development in the watershed. This report describes the study design, the sampling and analytical methods, and presents the data results for the first year of the study, September 1998 to September 1999.




Study Design

Site Selection and Sampling Strategy

Water Sampling

Air Sampling

Bed Sediment Sampling

Sediment Core Sampling

Surficial Bed Sediment Sampling

Analytical Methods




Quality Control



References Cited

Water Resources of California

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