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Open-File Report 03-27

Principal Facts for 408 Gravity Stations in the Vicinity of the Talkeetna Mountains, South-Central Alaska

By Robert L. Morin and Jonathan M.G. Glen

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Gravity data were collected between 1999 and 2002 along transects in the Talkeetna Mountains of south-central Alaska as part of a geological and geophysical study of the framework geology of the region. The study area lies between 61° 30’ and 63° 45’ N. latitude and 145° and 151° W. longitude. This data set includes 408 gravity stations. These data, combined with the pre-existing 3,286 stations, brings the total data in this area to 3,694 gravity stations. Principal facts for the 408 new gravity stations and the 15 gravity base stations used for control are listed in this report.

During the summer of 1999, a gravity survey was conducted in the western Talkeetna Mountains. Measurements at 55 gravity stations were made. One gravity base station was used for control for this survey. This base station, STEP, is located at the Stephan Lake Lodge on Stephan Lake. The observed gravity of this station was calculated based on an indirect tie to base station ANCL in Anchorage. The temporary base used to tie between STEP and ANCL was REGL in Anchorage.

During the summer of 2000, a gravity survey was conducted in the western Talkeetna Mountains. Measurements at 56 gravity stations were made. One gravity base station was used for control for this survey. This base station, GRHS, is located at the Gracious House Lodge on the Denali Highway. The observed gravity of this station was calculated based on multiple ties to base stations D87, and D57 along the Denali Highway.

During the summer of 2001, a gravity survey was conducted in the western Talkeetna Mountains. Measurements at 90 gravity stations were made. One gravity base station was used for control for this survey. This base station, HLML, is located at the High Lake Lodge. The observed gravity of this station was calculated based on multiple ties to base stations ANCU in Anchorage, PALH in Palmer, WASA in Wasilla, and TLKM in Talkeetna.

Also during the summer of 2001, a gravity survey was conducted in the vicinity of Tangle Lakes. Measurements at 86 gravity stations were made. The Tangle Lakes area is located about 25 km west of Paxson and north of the Denali Highway. One gravity base station was used for control for this survey. This base station, TLIN, is located at the Tangle Lakes Inn. The observed gravity of this station was calculated based on multiple ties to base stations ANCU in Anchorage, PALH in Palmer, BD27 in Gulkana, B-07 on the Richardson Highway, and base stations D42, and D57 along the Denali Highway. During the summer of 2002, measurements at an additional 107 gravity stations were made in the vicinity of Tangle Lakes. Base station TLIN at the Tangle Lakes Inn was again used for control. Additional ties to base stations ANCU and B-07 were made.

First posted March 12, 2003

For additional information, contact:
Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road, MS 901
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3591

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Suggested citation:

Morin, Robert L., Glen, Jonathan M. G., 2003, Principal Facts for 408 Gravity Stations in the Vicinity of the Talkeetna Mountains, South-Central Alaska: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-27, 21 pp.,

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