Open-File Report 03-120
Acknowledgement of the U.S. Army Engineer Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBCTX) would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
SunOS, 5.8, sun4u UNIX
ArcInfo version 8.0.2
Shaded relief map view of Trout Island Shoals and High Island Reef
Each record consists of three fields: longitude, latitude, and depth in meters. Example of records:
-85.722256740 45.759781770 163.05000 -85.722256870 45.759849278 163.06000 -85.722266001 45.759939388 163.22000 -85.722255177 45.759957268 163.13000 -85.722269808 45.760020437 163.21000
These data not intended for navigational purposes.
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