USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 03-265

Grand Canyon Riverbed Sediment Changes, Experimental Release of September 2000 - A Sample Data Set

Figure 6. Colorado riverbed conditions near mile 2 below the confluence of the Paria River before the September 2000 experimental release from Glen Canyon Dam. Bedrock, boulders, pebbles or cobbles, sand, and shoreline (r300bp1a) interpreted from sidescan sonar image (r300bp1a2.tif). Bedforms or sandwaves (r300bp1asw) are indicated in hachured overlay. Inset: Enlargement of a part of the R3-00-GC sidescan image with the boundaries of the interpreted polygons. Width of inset 125 m.

map of riverbed sediment before experimental flood

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