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Open-File Report 03-326

Petroleum Systems of the Alaskan North Slope—A Numerical Journey from Source to Trap

By C. Lampe, K.E. Peters, L.B. Magoon, K.J. Bird, and P.G. Lillis

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The complex petroleum province of the Alaskan North Slope contains six petroleum systems (Magoon and others, this session). Source rocks for four of these systems include the Hue-gamma ray zone (Hue-GRZ), pebble shale unit, Kingak Shale, and Shublik Formation. Geochemical data for these source rocks are investigated in greater detail and provide the basis for numerical petroleum migration models.

First posted September 12, 2003

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Suggested citation:

Lampe, C., Peters, K. E., Magoon, L. B., Bird, K. J., Lillis, P. G., 2003, Petroleum Systems of the Alaskan North Slope—A Numerical Journey from Source to Trap: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-326,

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