USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 03-441

1997 Kailua vibracore sample abrasion
Sample Name
% Reduction
3vt 18.19
3vt 9.01
4vt 2.36
7vt 9.29
8vt 15.58
8vb 18.53
9vt 20.06
9vb 56.07
10vt 20.78
11vt 11.33
11vb 20.97
12vt 9.35
12vb 6.41
13vt 9.44
13vb 9.92
14vt 4.72
14vb 5.79
15vt 12.26
15vb 9.49
17vt 22.57
17vb 14.14
2000 Kailua vibracore sample abrasion
Sample Name
% Reduction
1v1t 5.56
1v1b-25 1.49
1v1b-236 0.96
1v1b 4.64
2v1t 7.40
2v1b 2.54
3v1t 2.74
3v1-365cm 2.52
3v1b 1.45
5v1t 3.06
5v1b 2.03
6v1t 6.09
6v1-50cm 7.48
6v1b 5.75
7v1t 9.00
7v1-440cm 14.03
7v1-450cm 7.09
7v1b 8.68
8v1t 3.01
8v1-60cm 5.74
8v1b 4.70
9v1t 15.41
9v1b 19.02
10v1t 27.20
10v1b 29.94
11v1t 26.79
12v1t 22.85
12v1b 32.09
13v1t 22.77
13v1b 12.49


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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 13-Mar-2014 12:11:22 EDT