USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 03-441

North coast vibracore sample composition
Sample %forams %coral %mollusk %halimeda %bryozoan %echino %Cor.Algae %Shell frags %other
27v1-top 9.00 59.50 0.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 22.00 6.50 0.00
27v1-top* 26.11 25.12 4.93 1.48 0.99 1.97 17.24 20.69 1.48
27v1-top** 14.00 40.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 33.00 8.00 0.00
27v1-438cm* 16.67 16.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.67
27v1-bottom 15.61 51.71 1.95 9.76 0.00 4.39 4.88 9.27 2.44
27v1-bottom* 24.50 27.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 4.00 9.00 19.50 0.00
27v1-bottom** 13.64 56.36 1.82 3.64 0.00 1.82 8.18 5.45 9.09
28v1-top 12.50 45.50 3.00 15.50 0.00 7.50 2.00 14.00 0.00
28v1-top* 15.85 21.95 2.44 19.51 6.10 20.73 0.00 12.20 1.22
28v1-top** 16.22 21.62 2.70 21.62 0.00 10.81 0.00 17.12 9.91
28v1-bottom 11.82 52.71 3.94 1.48 0.00 0.99 20.69 6.90 1.48
28v1-bottom* 14.93 30.35 6.47 4.48 0.50 12.94 6.97 22.89 0.50
28v1-bottom** 15.84 44.55 0.99 2.97 0.00 3.96 20.79 9.90 0.99
29v1-top 10.79 32.37 4.56 17.43 1.66 3.73 4.56 7.88 17.01
29v1-top* 6.78 21.19 4.24 40.68 5.08 10.17 3.39 6.78 1.69
29v1-top** 18.33 30.83 0.83 19.17 0.00 4.17 1.67 8.33 16.67
29v1-bottom 5.88 49.02 2.94 2.45 0.49 1.47 26.96 8.82 1.96
29v1-bottom* 7.11 27.96 18.01 3.79 2.37 9.00 12.32 14.22 5.21
29v1-bottom** 4.85 55.34 0.97 0.00 0.00 2.91 24.27 8.74 2.91
30v1-top 16.02 30.58 3.40 26.21 0.00 4.85 3.40 12.62 2.91
30v1-top** 14.71 28.43 0.98 45.10 0.00 1.96 0.00 6.86 1.96
30v1-276cm 10.00 39.00 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.50 37.00 2.50 0.00
30v1-276cm* 15.50 28.50 2.00 5.50 0.50 2.00 40.50 5.50 0.00
30v1-276cm** 10.00 32.00 1.00 8.00 0.00 3.00 46.00 0.00 0.00
30v1-290cm 9.91 44.81 2.83 19.34 0.00 0.47 9.43 7.55 5.66
30v1-290cm* 24.88 19.90 3.48 4.98 1.49 2.49 27.36 14.93 0.50
30v1-290cm** 8.93 26.79 3.57 16.96 0.00 3.57 19.64 9.82 10.71
30v1-bottom 37.56 24.39 1.46 3.90 0.98 1.95 22.44 4.88 2.44
30v1-bottom* 55.50 8.50 1.50 16.00 1.00 2.00 13.50 2.00 0.00
30v1-bottom** 35.00 17.00 3.00 15.00 0.00 1.00 24.00 5.00 0.00
31v1-top 10.50 60.00 3.00 8.00 0.00 3.50 10.50 4.50 0.00
31v1-top* 9.41 27.72 6.93 2.48 0.99 2.97 41.58 6.93 0.99
31v1-top** 14.00 26.00 3.00 6.00 0.00 7.00 36.00 8.00 0.00
31v1-95cm 6.37 62.25 2.45 5.88 0.00 1.96 13.73 5.39 1.96
31v1-95cm* 11.94 24.88 7.96 4.48 1.99 3.98 18.41 25.87 0.50
31v1-95cm** 7.48 39.25 2.80 11.21 0.93 3.74 18.69 9.35 6.54
31v1-bottom 7.00 47.00 4.50 6.00 1.00 4.00 22.00 8.50 0.00
31v1-bottom* 13.43 17.91 10.95 9.95 2.99 8.46 17.91 17.91 0.50
31v1-bottom** 11.76 37.25 0.98 11.76 0.00 6.86 19.61 9.80 1.96
32v1-top 12.00 35.11 4.89 0.00 3.56 4.00 10.22 19.11 11.11
32v1-top* 17.11 27.63 1.32 15.79 2.63 19.74 1.32 2.63 11.84
32v1-top** 10.43 21.74 3.48 35.65 0.00 6.96 1.74 6.96 13.04
32v1-bottom 7.39 62.07 0.99 8.37 0.00 0.49 16.75 2.46 1.48
32v1-bottom* 41.51 5.66 3.77 8.49 4.72 9.43 4.72 20.75 0.94
32v1-bottom** 8.91 51.49 1.98 12.87 0.00 2.97 12.87 7.92 0.99
33v1-top 12.32 59.24 3.79 12.80 0.00 1.42 1.90 3.32 5.21
33v1-top* 20.22 13.48 6.74 6.74 0.00 34.83 6.74 11.24 0.00
33v1-top** 22.32 21.43 7.14 24.11 0.00 7.14 2.68 4.46 10.71
33v1-bottom 10.23 60.00 3.26 8.84 0.00 5.12 3.72 1.86 6.98
33v1-bottom* 20.25 16.46 2.53 6.33 0.00 13.92 6.33 30.38 3.80
33v1-bottom** 8.91 43.56 0.00 12.87 0.00 1.98 23.76 7.92 0.99
34v1-top 18.93 45.63 4.85 7.28 0.00 1.94 6.80 11.65 2.91
34v1-top* 28.04 8.41 1.87 2.80 0.00 14.02 3.74 39.25 1.87
34v1-top** 17.00 46.00 1.00 14.00 0.00 3.00 12.00 7.00 0.00
34v1-bottom 11.22 48.29 6.34 4.39 0.00 3.41 17.56 6.34 2.44
34v1-bottom* 28.30 5.66 3.30 0.94 0.47 11.32 2.83 41.51 5.66
34v1-bottom** 11.76 28.43 2.94 5.88 0.98 5.88 29.41 12.75 1.96
35v1-top 8.87 61.58 4.93 4.43 0.00 0.99 9.85 7.88 1.48
35v1-top* 30.00 10.77 6.92 2.31 0.77 10.77 9.23 28.46 0.77
35v1-top** 16.35 50.96 1.92 9.62 0.00 3.85 9.62 3.85 3.85
35v1-bottom 14.50 54.50 1.00 1.50 0.00 0.50 24.50 3.50 0.00
35v1-bottom* 45.12 10.37 4.27 1.83 0.00 4.88 11.59 21.34 0.61
35v1-bottom** 16.83 23.76 1.98 13.86 0.00 4.95 31.68 5.94 0.99
36v1-top 10.40 64.36 2.97 3.47 0.50 2.48 9.41 5.45 0.99
36v1-top* 19.50 13.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 7.00 26.00 13.50 0.00
36v1-top** 17.00 47.00 3.00 9.00 1.00 5.00 13.00 5.00 0.00
36v1-bottom 13.00 56.00 3.00 4.50 0.00 1.50 17.50 4.50 0.00
36v1-bottom* 16.50 23.50 8.00 5.50 0.50 11.50 17.00 17.50 0.00
36v1-bottom** 8.91 39.60 2.97 5.94 0.00 5.94 28.71 6.93 0.99
37v1-top 21.50 40.65 5.61 8.88 1.40 1.40 8.88 5.14 6.54
37v1-top* 29.50 12.00 3.00 17.50 17.50 13.50 5.00 2.00 0.00
37v1-top** 25.00 28.57 5.36 16.07 0.00 4.46 5.36 4.46 10.71
37v1-bottom 7.39 40.39 3.94 2.96 0.00 2.46 33.00 8.37 1.48
37v1-bottom* 40.00 13.50 5.00 4.00 0.50 5.50 9.00 22.50 0.00
37v1-bottom** 14.56 33.98 2.91 2.91 0.00 4.85 32.04 5.83 2.91
*Recount, second subsample
**Recount, third subsample


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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 13-Mar-2014 12:18:05 EDT