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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-040
Figure 13

Wireline log cross section through Alpine oil field

Figure 13.  Wireline log cross section through Alpine oil field.  Stratigraphic interval shown includes much of sequence set K2 and all of sequence set K3, which is thin in this area owing to erosion beneath the Lower Cretaceous Unconformity (LCU).  Successions labeled Alpine, Nuiqsut, and Nechelik (all informal terms) are interpreted as individual depositional sequences bounded by marine flooding surfaces within sequence set K2.  Within the Alpine sequence, coarsening-upward succession colored gray is interpreted as lowstand systems tract (LST) and blocky sandstone (yellow) capped by mudstone (light blue) is interpreted as transgressive systems tract (TST).  The primary reservoir in Alpine field is the yellow, blocky shoreface sandstone at base of TST.

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